What The Eyes Do Not Perceive

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In a very wealthy school, there was a student who was from a very poor family,

he practically had nothing but a uniform to go to school every day, it seems that he had

received a scholarship from the school, and it would be a test to verify that such would

be the pace of low-income students in such a prestigious school.

His classmates immediately seeing him as the new and different student could

not contain the ridicule and discomfort in the classroom, they began to criticize his way

of dressing, the dirt on his face and the shy way he spoke with teachers. We'll call you

the unfortunate one, said one of his companions, and in unison they all laughed. not

only did they make fun of him, but they also excluded him from absolutely everything,

no one dared to hang out with him for any reason.

Being such a demanding school, the teachers only graded their students at the

end of the bimester, so most of the time they spent teaching their classes without exams,

grades or other grades for each student, only a final grade for each student at the end of

the bimester. Without much to deliver, the poor boy completely disappeared from

school from one moment to another, only classmates and schoolmates saw him when

entering and leaving school, but they never saw him again inside the institution,

however he did not wake up many suspicions and quickly took attention away from the

new and poor student.

The other students dedicated themselves to socializing, being connected on their

cell phones and playing sports, despite the elite of the school, academic performance
outside of sports was worrying because of what was considered socially in the city as

the spa of the rich of politicians, bankers, artists and important people from there.

The final exams were finally approaching, so the teachers began to be strict with

their grades, with the topics that would be studied for the finals and especially with the

consequences of failing them. Each teacher would not give or say any note of any

student until the end of the bimester. By then, each student, as was popularly known,

would hire a teacher for each area one or two days before and prepare properly, this was

not very well seen by the institution, but it was something traditional in wealthy

families, always pay for everything.

Soon the exams came, and the students did their best to pass anyway and get at

least the grade necessary to pass the subject, even the poor boy. It was a week dedicated

to the final tasks and the soccer, tennis, and basketball courts, among others, were not

surrounded by students but were empty until the end of the week of final evaluations.

finally, the week ended, and the students returned to the activities of before.

A few days later the teachers happily commented that they had seen very good results in

all areas, this happened in the room where our poor little friend was. Happy, the

students easily saw how silver always solves everything and how the results paid off in

a short time. But before the students celebrated, the teachers gathered in the same room

and at the same time applauded the only outstanding student, our new student... they all

turned to see him and the boy with joy on his face shouted! I think they left me alone

library long time.

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