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Traffickers primarily target women because

they are the ones mostly affected by poverty,

discrimination, and oppression. Some
examples of this being access to educational
opportunities and fair employment

According to the United Nations Office on

Drug and Crime, "For every 10 victims
detected globally, five are adult women and
two are girls."

Girls who have a history of sexual abuse are

at a giher risk of being trafficked


As found by the Office of the Attorney

General for the Distric of Columbia, the
average age of young people involved in sex Those who can easily be emotionally
trafficking is 12 years old manipulated are often targed for trafficking

Younger people are typically vulnerable, and Traffickers mostly use psychological
youth may be victims of involuntary child labor manipulation tactics versus violent tactics
Psychology Today gives a good example of
this, they said "...if a health care provider
Some signs of trafficking may be: Running notices signs of recent physical abuse on a
away from home, not attending school, person, they are obligated to call the
unpaid labor (or paid very little), owing a large authorities."
debt, signs of physical abuse, new tattoos, Emotional Manipulation
unable to leave freely, witholding of Social Factors
documents, and more Some tactics traffickers use are
dehumanization, distrust, avoiding physical
abuse, gibing thehir victims false fears over
In 2019, Together Freedom reported, "Today
worst-case scenarios, and keeping thier
there are at least 20,000 slaves under the age
victims close
of 18 in the United States."
Traffickers may also "trauma bond" with their
12-14 years old is the average age of a child victims, where the victims feel that their
sex trafficking victim, with 60-70% of child trafficker is a source of safety and makes it
trafficking victims coming from the child hard for the victim to leave the situation. This
welfare system is also known as Stockholm Syndrome

Human trafficking includes many different

aspects, including sex, forced labor, debt
bondage, child labor, and more. Unfortunently
vulnerable people are the most targeted for
trafficking, and those include immigrants,
those in poverty, and people who lack
Violations of Human Rights
education. Traffickers also target youth,
mostly women, and use emotional
manipulation to trap their targets. Trafficking
is an issue ona national level, and we need to
better educate people on what trafficking is
and looks like.

Those lacking education, especially children,

are vulnerable targets for human trafficking.
Lack of access too a good and quality
education increases the risk of the individual
being a victim of trafficking

Lots of people, especially children, may not

know the signs of human trafficking. It is
important to educate people on the signs of
Those living in or experiencing poverty are human trafficking so they can lower their
often targeted and taken advantage of chances of becoming a victim and can help
prevent others from being victims
Poverty plays a major role in Human
Trafficking, as most victims struggle Poverty Economic Factors Lack of Education Lack of education can result in an individual
financially and are vulnerable struggling to attain a stable job, which could
lead to the individual becoming desperate
According to, "The majority of
human trafficking victims, 75%, are women School is one of the places children spend
and girls. In the United States, 40% of sex most of thier time, and often are a safe and
trafficking vistims are Black women and girls." stable environment for children who may not
have that at home. Sadly if a school lacks
funding they are unable to maintain
extracurriculars, and this leads to a decrease
in student engagement


As said by Marsha Blackburn, "The State

Department believes that anywhere between
14,500 and 17,500 people are victims of
human trafficking with the U.S. every year, 72
percent of whom are immigrants."

Traffickers take advantage of those wanting a

better life and escaping hardship by offering
them illegal entry into other countries and
then deceiving victims by putting them in
exploitative situations

As shown in Brides and Brothels: The

Rohingya Trade, trafficking is a major issue in
refugee camps. The documentary focuses on
refugees escaping Myanmar, and how they
are targeted for human trafficking

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