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1. Thought Piece: ‘Araby’ recounts an experience of an initiation into love and the romance of life
gone wrong. Where do you find foreshadowing of the conclusion to this story?

2. How does the bazaar “Araby” take on symbolic importance?

3. The narrator places Mangan’s sister upon a pedestal, almost Holy in his observation. What can
we infer about the kind of person she is?

4. Draw up a chart with the following headings, Silence and Sound, Light and Dark, and Sacred
and Profane (sacred meaning religious images and profane meaning material world images) and
find as many instances in the story as you can of imagery related to the headings.


1. Thought Piece: ‘Araby’ recounts an experience of an initiation into love and the romance of life
gone wrong. Where do you find foreshadowing of the conclusion to this story?

2. How does the bazaar “Araby” take on symbolic importance?

3. The narrator places Mangan’s sister upon a pedestal, almost Holy in his observation. What can
we infer about the kind of person she is?

4. Draw up a chart with the following headings, Silence and Sound, Light and Dark, and Sacred
and Profane (sacred meaning religious images and profane meaning material world images) and
find as many instances in the story as you can of imagery related to the headings.

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