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1. Map and Navigation Skills
2. Knowledge of Downtown (assumption that it can played in downtown only)

 This event will be conducted in Downtown itself, we can assume that, so knowledge
of the Neighbourhood is required.

 Reference link –

 This is the video link of how the race usually is played, especially in Neighbourhood.

 How can it be played?

 They will give clues, puzzles, devices, locked boxes, and cards.
 Hints will be provided. (For example, riddles will be given, and we need to find the
 Jumbled words will be shown on a card to identify any answer, just as the name of a
building/ person, etc.
 They can also give us a compass or navigator to find the directions.

 My experience:
 When I played this game with Vancouver Mystery Challenges, they gave us a
mystery- a murder case, to find the murderer of Jimmy Capello, who was stabbed,
poisoned, and strangled, and we were supposed to solve the case by filling up a
police report within 90 minutes of time frame.
 The game was self-guided and played outdoors in Downtown, within a 3 km range of
the city.

We were assigned as DETECTIVE in the team of 5, in that they gave us a bag comprised of:
1. Signboards
2. Placards
3. Magnetic Compass
4. A manifest full of questions (Which we need to answer with the help of clues)
5. Dictionary booklet (For us, it was of chemical reactions name and poison name)
6. Journal with Scientific Definitions
7. Voicemail recordings
8. Real phone number to call
9. Rulers to measure the object (For us, it was the SFU Building’s golden door)
10. Riddles to answer the building name (For us, it was “W” Building)
11. Handwritten Notes and Torn Letters
12. Knife as an Evidence
13. Picture of the Hotel Room where Jimmy was found dead
14. Insurance policy details and cheques
15. Calendar
16. Magnifying lens and keychains

 Places mainly were covered:

 Gastown :
1. The Shops, specifically The Herschell and others in Water Street
2. Steam Clock
3. The Old buildings and the hotel on the east side
4. The Local Pub
5. The Harbour Center
6. SFU Building
7. The Woodwards Building
8. Waterfront Sation (The statue outside the station)
9. Steamworks Brewery

 Reference Link:

 This is the video link of the Vancouver Mystery Game; you will get a gist of the game
and how to play with its clues.

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