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The Ypres Battle is an important event in Canadian history.

This battle
also created a reputation for Canadians. They were recognized as tough
and reliant troops. I used watercolour to create a realistic example of
what the battle may have looked like. I painted soldiers, weapons, and
trenches to illustrate the many Canadians that have suffered and died
during the battle. As the role of the Prime Minister, I used my art to portray
my sympathy and pride for the families and men that have fought. I also
used the quote, “There are those as well who have passed away and
those yet to be born. So this great responsibility comes to us as heirs of
the past and trustees of the future," meaning that I acknowledge their
loss and that I will be responsible and continue the freedom that they have
paved for us as Canadians. As the audience, I expect them to sympathize
with the portrait I created and be able to feel recognized for the suffering
of their loved ones as well as the reputation that the young men had
created for Canadians. I hope that the art piece will help ensure that the
voting public will have a emotional connection and vote for me.

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