Complementary Icosahedron Forms

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Complementary Icosahedron Forms

Lesson Plan
Icosahedrons are 20-sided shapes. Using mathematical and color theory
knowledge, students will create an icosahedron that showcases
complementary colors, values, and complex patterns.

Sculpture Markers Color Form Math

Mixed-Media Sculpture

Time Requirements
Lesson Objectives
Students will discover the 20-sided forms called icosahedrons. 10 minutes

Students will revisit their knowledge of complementary color and DEMONSTRATION TIME
value. 1 hour
Students will apply mathematical skills to create the sides of an
6 hours
icosahedron and form it together.
Students will develop their form through a variety of approaches.
Students will use provided resources to guide their reflection and
revision. Supplies and Materials
• 12” x 18” white construction paper
& carbon paper
• Tempera paint
Teaching Strategies
• Paint brushes and palettes
• Facilitate a discussion about icosahedrons, complementary colors,
and value. • Pencils and erasers

• Demonstrate the paper folding and painting process. • Scissors

• Demonstrate how to use the pattern to copy images with carbon • Rulers
paper. • Glue
• Explain complex patterns and how to add complex patterns to • Black markers
icosahedron pieces.
• Show students how to arrange 20 pieces on top using the
Icosahedron Assembling Map resource.
• Guide students as they develop their form through a variety of
• Guide students to use provided resources to guide their reflection
and revision on the process.

1 Develop Criteria
Facilitate a discussion about icosahedrons,
complementary colors, and value. Review
steps to make an icosahedron. Determine
what success at each step looks like by
completing the Artmaking Process Checklist.

2 Paint Paper
Fold two pieces of construction paper into
12 sections. Choose a complementary color
set. Paint the folded paper using the chosen
color set.

3 Cut Pattern
Explain complex patterns and how to add
complex patterns to icosahedron pieces. Cut
out an icosahedron pattern.

4 Trace Pattern
Trace pattern on the back side of both
painted construction paper pieces. Use
carbon transfer paper. Create a triangle in
the middle of each circle using a ruler.
Steps Continued

5 Cut out Circles

Cut out all painted circles. Add complex
patterns with marker if desired. Fold along
the lines of the triangles on the back of the
paper using a ruler. Cut out and use the
triangle from the icosahedron tracer pattern.

6 Place Pieces
Place all folded pieces on a copy of the
Icosahedrons Assembling Map. Follow the
directions on the resource to glue pieces

7 Assemble Pieces and Reflect

Fold edges using letter code from the
resource. Glue like letters together and hold.
Piece the sides together with the color facing
out until all sides are together. Reflect on
successes of work through a written
National Standards
VA:Cr3.1.8a Apply relevant criteria to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for a work of art or design in

VA:Cr2.1.6a Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making
works of art and design.

VA:Cr2.1.7a Demonstrate persistence in developing skills with various materials, methods, and
approaches in creating works of art or design.

VA:Cr1.2.7a Develop criteria to guide making a work of art or design to meet an identified goal.

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