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CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET B/MGT2013 KUPTM FINAL EXAMINATION DIPLOMA OF ACCOUNTANCY DIPLOMA IN CORPORATE COMMUNICATION COURSE : FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT COURSE CODE : MGT2013 DURATION : 2HOURS 1. This question paper consists of TWO (2) parts PART A (30 questions) PART B ( 6 questions) 2. Answer ALL questions from PART A and PART B. i. Answer PART A in the True/False Answer Sheet. ii, Answer PART B in the Answer Booklet provided. 3. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i. The Question Paper ii, An Answer Booklet iii A True/False Answer Sheet 4. Do not bring any material into the examination hall. Electronic calculator is allowed. 5. Please write your answer using permanent ink. MYKAD/ PASSPORT NO ID. NO. LECTURER SECTION DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This question paper consists of 5 printed pages including the front page CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL PART A: TRUE OR FALSE Answer ALL questions. 2 10. 41. Real goals are related to the expected intemal financial performance of the organization. The three informational roles include monitor, disseminator and figurehead. Management involves coordinating and overseeing the completion of others’ work activities Arranging and structuring work to accomplish organizational goals is a part of organizing Strategic plan is a plan that specifies the details of how the overall goals are to be achieved. ‘Top managers manage the work of non-managerial employees, The second last steps of decision making process is implementing the alternative. Frederick Winslow Taylor is known as the Father of Scientific Management. Self serving bias is when decision makers have a tendency to create meaning from random events. Non-programmed decisions are unique and nonrecurring decisions that require a custom-made solution. According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors cannot be regarded as motivators, JULY 2022/SET B/MGT2013 True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True/ False True / False CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL, 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 24. 22, 23. Organizational design is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization An autocratic leader has absolute control cover decisions in the workplace. Line authority is the type of authority that reflects superior- subordinate relationships. Reinforcement Theory states that behavior is a function of its consequences. Responsibility refers to the rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to do it, The degree of control employees have over their work called job depth. Charismatic leaders are the ones who are very confident and have an enthusiastic nature. Feedback control is the control that takes place after a work activity is done Coercive power comes from position in hierarchy. Revising the standard is examining the standard to identify whether or not the standard is realistic, fair and achievable. The process of control includes measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance against a standard and taking action to correct deviations or inadequate standards. Low formalization means fewer constraints on how employees do their work. JULY 2022/SET B/MGT2013 True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Directive leader consults with employees and asking for their suggestions before making a decision Balanced scorecard refers to the best practices among competitors or non-competitors that lead to their superior performance. ‘A mechanistic organization is a rigid and tightly controlled structure characterized by high specialization and rigid departmentalization. Esteem needs encompass of confidence, strength, self-belief, personal and social acceptance, and respect from others. Decentralization involves authority and decision-making being retained by the top organizational levels. Ohio State studies states leaders exhibit two types of behaviors; initiating structure and consideration in managing employees to achieve goals. Educate and train employees about the policies are example of feedforward control. JULY 2022/SET B/MGT2013 True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False (Total : 30 marks) CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL JULY 2022/SET B/MGT2013 PART B : STRUCTURED Answer ALL questions. 4. Describe FOUR (4) decisional roles of a manager. (10 marks) 2. Describe TWO (2) conditions of decision making. (10 marks) 3. Explain TWO (2) forms of departmentalization use to group work activities. (10 marks) 4. Explain TWO (2) leadership styles according to University of lowa studies. (10 marks) 5. Discuss FOUR (4) performance control tools used for measuring organizational performance. (10 marks) 6. Discuss FIVE (5) motivator factors according to Herzberg’s two-factor theory. (20 marks) (Total : 70 marks) (TOTAL : 100 MARKS) END OF QUESTION PAPER 5 CONFIDENTIAL ee eta ie cal Fatal a

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