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Are you American?

1.1 Africa America Asia Australia Brazil Canada Chile Europe India Korea WHERE IN
1.2 My country is an island in the Atlantic not to the (, People in my country speak, English
and Irish. I'm from Ireland t w ' t h r f r f y 1 Put these words in the correct column.

1.3 Continent 1.4 Country

1.6 Africa America Asia Australia 1.7 Australia Brazil Canada Chile
1.8 Europe 1.9 India Korea
1.10 1.11

01.1 Add n, an or ian to make the adjective. Listen, check and repeat the countries and
adjectives with the correct stress.










3 Separate the numbers 1-10 and complete the puzzle with vowels.

Read a-f and write the country or nationality.

My country is an is Canada in the Atlantic north to the UK(, People in my country

speak, English and Irish. I'm from___island__

I'm from Milan, in the north _Italia _________

I come from an enormous country in Europe of and Asia. The capital of my country
is d Moscow. I'm __Russian_________________

My native language is Mandarin. I'm Chinese.

I'm My new digital camera is a Canon. ______brazil.

It's from U The famous Machu Picchu mins are in my country.


. 1.2 Listen and complete dialogs 1-6.

2 Are you British?

3 No, l'm not. I'm not “from Dublin.

Is Hugh Jackman American

B No, he Australian

A re you Chinese?

B No, I I'm not, a I'm Korean

4 Is Freida Pinto Portuguese 2

5 B No, she's Indian She is from Mumbai.
6 5 A Are they American.

7 B No, They British.

8 6 A Is Javier Barden México

9 B No, he, is Spain.

Introduce yourself to the class.

-Hello! My / name 'ESMERALDA I'M
-Nice to Meet You.
Check the correct sentences. Correct the mistakes in the wrong ones.
a Maradona is an. interesting person. ✓
b Shanghai is a fantastic city. ✓
c Steven Seagal is an horrible actor. ✓
d You are a excellent actor.
e She is an OK writer. ✓
f It is a special city. ✓
g The USA is an rich country.

Order the words in a-e to make sentences.

7 01.5 Listen and complete dialogs.
a terrible / I / a / Batman / is / think / movie / . I think Batman a terrible movie.

b is / player / Luis Suárez / excellent / an / / Luis Suárez is an excellent player

c I / is / Sáo Paulo / a / city /great / think / . I think Sao Paulo is a great city.

d a / actor / cool / Robert Pattinson / is / . Robert Patterson is a cool actor.

e country / think / India / interesting / I / is / an / I think India is an interesting country.
01.3 Listen and write eight famous TV channels.
F. VH1

Cross out the word with the different vowel sound in a-g.
A. a plane - a train - are
B. a shoe - go - two
C. a sock - a clock - a name
D. ten - a tree - three
E. a pen - eight - twelve
F. nine - wine - six
G. Gone - go -- a rose.

6 01.4 Match these pairs to the correct vowel

sound group a-g in 5.

Listen to check.

o she - me
o hi - five
o a top - a watch

a nose

o blue - you
o a name - Spain
o ten - yes
01.5 Listen and complete dialogs 1-4.
Hi, these shorts and these sandals, please. The shorts are euros and the sandals
euros. The total is euros. New York. That's dollars. Wow! Er... OK. Here's
Thanks. Here's your ticket and dollars. How much are the donuts? cents each.
Wow! Can I have , please? That's dollars. There you go. Enjoy! Valentine's Day
is going to be perfect, huh?! Yep' red roses and bottles of wine. And the roses
cost dollars each. A That's dollars! That's ridiculous! 8 01.6 Listen to check the
final number. 1


Address: 25KENNEDY,SAN

: Telephone: Area code (4156758938 )


1.8 Ask questions using what. Follow the model.

Model: Name. You: What's your name?

Model: Full! name. You: What's your full name?

3 Re-write as a text / SMS dialog.

Use text language for the underlined words.

4 Order the letters to spell five common objects. Then find the secret object.

Then find the secret object.

Laptop key
Wind sach.
Put these words in the correct plural box.

actress bag city country earring glass nationality phone sandwich student.

S es ies
actress bag earring sandwich nationality
Phone students city country

1.9 Circle the correct word in dialogs 1-5.

1 A This / That is my new boyfriend.
B Oh, wow! He's cool.
2 A This / That is my family's apartment. It has a great panorama.
B Wow! You are lucky. I can't see anything from my apartment.
3 A This / These are my new earrings. Do you like it / them?
B Ummm. They / It are... interesting.
4 A Excuse me. What are these / those?
B It / They are mangos. Very fresh, very delicious. Two for a dollar.
5 A This rose / These roses are for you. I love you!
B Oh, Fabio! They / These are beautiful! Thank you.

Complete the photo comments with their, our, your, his or her. 00

This is a photo of Tim and me on your, vacation.

Sorry, are these sunglasses?

Lions with babies.. her. Fantastic!
1.4 Are these your glasses?
This is a photo of Tim and me on vacation.
This is Tim with horrible new sunglasses.
2 Correct the mistakes in a-f. 3 Match phrases a-k to the

a The American president lives there. Shakira

b The Argentinian president lives there. Charlie Brown
A pretty Colombian woman. The White House
The White House d World famous blue jeans. Deep Purple
This is Peter and her girlfriend, Sharon. Denmark
b You are pretty. What's her name? An Apple
A famous black and white cartoon dog. DEMARK
f An old, British, heavy metal band.
c Anna loves his pretty new earrings.
d These are ours chairs. D "Where is The love?"
e What are they're names? . LEVIS
f Are these yours keys? Snoopy
A small European country. " The Pink House
h A popular orange cartoon cat. Garfield
I A red, green or yellow fruit.
j He lives with the dog in
A Black-Eyed Peas song

Write short descriptions for your own photos and post them online.
Q1.10 Describe the objects.

Follow the model. Model:

Car.12lue. You: It's a blue. car.

Model: Song. Famous. You:! t'2 a famous song.

a What nationality is Lance? USA

b Where's YOU from?DALLAS

c What's Laurence's date of birth?03/8

d What's the Indian woman's surname?PRIYA

e How old is Priya?23 YEARL OLD

f What's Lance's address?25 RUE DE LUJAN.

1.11 (MAKE IT PERSONAL Listen and answer

the questions.

1. Fine, thanks. 2. Not really.

1. Not so good. 2. Not much.

1. Bye, for now. 2. Hi!

1. I'm well. 2. You're welcome.

1. I'm sorry. 2. Nothing much

1. Oh, sorry.

2. Sure.
Can you remember...

•8 countries and nationalities? SB.p.6


USA- American


Canada- Canadian

China- Chinese

SPAIN- Spanish

Japan- Japanese

UK- British.

• 11 adjectives to give your opinion? SB p.8

I think Messi is a • I think fantastic player!

Megan Fox is a I think she's a great actress.

And Shanghai? I think it's an excellent city!

Yes, yes. Shanghái is a very cool city!

He's a great player.

4 She’s an OK person

2 She's a cool girl.

5 It's a horrible city.

3 He's a rich man.

6 It's an _ interesting country

• the 26 letters of the alphabet? se p.8

A B C D E F G. J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X

Ei, bi,ci, di, ei, ef ,.gi,jei kei el ,em, en. Or, pi quiu, ER, es ti vi doble u
eks uays si

• numbers 1-100? SB .p.9

1(one), 10(teen), 20(twenty), 30 (thirty), 40 (forty), 50 (fifty), 60 (sixty), 70 (seventy), 80 (eig

hty), 90 (ninety)100 (ONE HUNDRED).

)- 5 Wh questions? se p. 10

What, who, where, which,..

• a bag, a pen

Earrings, a phone

Glasses, a sandwich

1 keys. an umbrella

a laptop a wallet

—1 a lipstick
10 everyday objects? SB p. 11

• 7 colors and 10 adjectives? SB p. 13


Excellent ridiculous

fantastic terrible
great horrible

intelligent rose

interesting purple

rich orange

cool red

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