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CENG 440: Construction Materials Lab

Laboratory Manual
Specific gravity of cement

I. Introduction

The specific gravity of cement is used in the design and control of concrete
mixture. Its value is needed in the calculation of the proportions of cement
and other materials that make up the concrete mix such as sand (fine
aggregate), gravel (coarse aggregate), water and admixtures. Specific
gravity is also an index for the quality of cement.

Different types of cement have different specific gravities. According to the

Portland Cement Association, the value of the specific gravity of Portland
cement is 3.15. Other types of cement like Portland-pozzolan and
Portland-blast-furnace slag have specific gravities near 2.90. Thus, in any
project or study where concrete is a material, it is important to first
establish or determine experimentally the value of the specific gravity of
the cement that will be used as binder for the concrete mixture.

II. Objective

To determine the specific gravity of cement using ASTM C188.

III. Materials and Equipment

Le Chatelier’s flask (Figure 1.1)
Balance with 0.1g accuracy

Figure 1.1 Le Chatelier Flask

IV. Procedure

1. Weigh a clean and dry Le Chatelier Flask with its stopper. Record the
weight as W1.

2. Place a sample of cement up to half of the flask (about 50 g) then

determine the weight including the stopper. Record the weight as W2.

3. Add kerosene to cement in the flask til about half-full.

4. Agitate the flask to remove the air bubbles.

5. Add more kerosene until the level reaches the graduated mark.

6. Wipe-dry the outside of the flask then weigh. Record the weight as W3.

7. Empty the flask then clean with kerosene.

8. Refill the flask with kerosene until the graduated mark. Wipe-dry the
outside of flask then weigh. Record the weight as W4.

9. Make 3 trials. Record all data using Table 1.1.

V. Calculations

Compute the SG of cement using Eq. 1.1

W2 − W1
SG = Eq. 1.1
ሺW2 − W1ሻ − ሺW3 − W4ሻSG୩ୣ୰୭ୱୣ୬ୣ

W1 = weight of empty flask
W2 = weight of flask + cement
W3 = weight of flask + cement +kerosene
W4 = Weight of flask + kerosene
SGkerosene = 0.79
Table 1.1. Data sheet for computation of SG of cement

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Weight of empty flask

Weight of flask + cement


Weight of flask + cement +

kerosene (W3)

Weight of flask + kerosene


SG of kerosene

SG of cement

Average SG of cement
Specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregates

I. Introduction

The specific gravity (SG) of a solid is the ratio of the mass in air to the
mass of the water having the same volume as the solid. The SG of coarse
aggregates can be used as a index whether an aggregate is suitable for
use in a concrete mix. Low SG usually indicate porous and absorptive
aggregates while high SG often indicate strong and non-absorptive

The moisture conditions of aggregates are represented in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1. Moisture conditions of aggregate (Mehta 2001)

- In oven dry condition, all free moisture, whether external surface

moisture or internal moisture, are already driven off by heat. There is
no water inside the pores.

- In air dry condition, there is no surface moisture, but some internal

moisture remains.

- In Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) condition, the aggregates’ moisture

state is that during mixing, they neither absorb any of the mixing water
nor contribute any to the mixing water. Aggregates in SSD condition
may possess bound water. This is water that is held by a physical-
chemical bond at the aggregate surface and cannot be easily be
removed from the aggregate.

- In damp or wet condition, the aggregate contains moisture in excess of

SSD condition. When damp aggregate is used as the aggregate in the
concrete mix, the excess water, called free water, will become part of
the mixing water, consequently affecting the water – cement ratio of the
In this laboratory exercise, the specific gravity and percent of absorbed
water by the coarse aggregates in SSD condition will be determined
experimentally. The percent absorption values can, later on, will be used in
the adjustment of material proportions for the concrete mix design.

II. Objective

To determine the specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregates

based on ASTM C-127.

III. Materials and Equipment

Coarse aggregates (crushed rocks or gravel)

Balance with 0.5g accuracy and at least 5kg capacity
Wire mesh basket
Apparatus for suspending the bucket in water from the center of the
balance (Figure 2.2)
Absorbent cloth




Figure 2.2 Apparatus for suspending the bucket in water from the center of the
IV. Procedures

A. Determination of SG of coarse aggregates

1. Sieve the coarse aggregates using 10mm sieves.

2. Soak 5 kg of retained aggregates in water for a period of 24 hours.

3. After the 24 hour soaking period, remove the aggregates from the water
then roll them in large absorbent cloth until all visible water film is
removed. The sample should appear damp without surface sheen. This is
the saturated-surface-dry (SSD) condition of the aggregates.

4. Weigh the SSD coarse aggregates then record as W1.

5. Place the SSD coarse aggregates in the wire mesh basket then determine
its weight in water. Record the weight as W2.

6. Calculate the SG of the aggregates using Eq. 2.1.

SG = Eq. 2.1
W1 − W2

W1 = weight of SSD coarse aggregates in air
W2 = weight of SSD coarse aggregates in water

7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 to obtain the SG of two more sample aggregates.

Complete Table 2.1.

B. Determination of water absorption of coarse aggregates

1. Remove the coarse aggregates from the wire mesh basket

2. Put the sample in an oven then dry for a period of 24 hours at 100oC.

3. Determine the weight of the dried sample. Record the weight as W3.

4. Calculate the percent absorption using Eq. 2.2.

W1 − W3
% absorption = x100 Eq. 2.2
W3 = weight of oven dried coarse aggregates

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to obtain the % absorption of the other two sample

aggregates then complete Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Data for SG of coarse aggregates

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Weight of SSD
coarse aggregates
in air (W1)

Weight of SSD
coarse aggregates
in water (W2)

SG of SSD coarse

Average SG of 3

Table 2.2. Data for % absorption of coarse aggregates

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Weight of SSD
coarse aggregates
in air (W1)

Weight of dried
aggregates (W3)

% absorption of
coarse aggregate

Average %
absorption of 3
Specific gravity and absorption of fine aggregates

I. Introduction

The determination of specific gravity and absorption of fine aggregates is

similar to that of coarse aggregates. However, in fine aggregates, water is
contained not only in its pores but also in the spaces between the
particles. Thus the procedure in the preparation of fine aggregates in
saturated surface dry (SSD) condition will be different from that in coarse

In this laboratory exercise, the cone test procedure will be used to prepare
the fine aggregates in SSD condition. The specific gravity and absorption
of SSD fine aggregates can therefore be determined experimentally.

II. Objective

To determine the specific gravity and absorption of fine aggregates based

on ASTM C-128.

III. Materials and Equipment

Fine aggregates (river sand)

Balance with 0.5g accuracy and at least 5kg capacity
Pycnometer or volumetric flask with 500cc capacity
Metal sand cone mold with tamper (Figure 3.1)

Figure 3.1 Sand-cone mold with tamper

IV. Procedures

A. Determination of SG of fine aggregates

1. Decant excess water with care to avoid loss of contents. Spread the
sample on a flat surface. This effectively exposes the aggregates’ surface
area to the air. Stir the sample frequently to attain uniform drying until the
fine aggregates attain a free-flowing condition.

2. Place a portion of the partially dried fine aggregate into the metal sand
cone mold. The mold should be firmly held in place on a smooth surface
with its large end at the bottom.

3. Lightly tamp the surface of the fine aggregates 25 times. Lift the mold
vertically. If surface moisture is still present, the fine aggregate will retain
the molded shape. If this happens, continue drying the fine aggregates
with constant stirring.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the tamped fine aggregates slumps slightly
upon removal of the mold. At this point, the fine aggregate has reached
the SSD condition.

5. Put 500g of the SSD fine aggregates in the pycnometer and fill
approximately 90% of its volume with water. Agitate the pycnometer to
remove the air bubbles then bring the water level in the pycnometer to its
calibrated capacity.

6. Weigh the pycnometer with the sample and water. Record the weight as

7. Remove the fine aggregates from the pycnometer and set aside. Clean the
pycnometer using a wash bottle then let it dry.

8. Fill the pycnometer with water up to its calibrated capacity then weigh.
Record the weight as W2.

9. Calculate the specific gravity using Eq. 3.1.

ܵ‫= ܩ‬ Eq. 3.1
ܹ2 + 500 − ܹ1

W1= weight of pycnometer with sample and water to the calibration mark
W2= weight of pycnometer filled with water to its calibrated mark

10. Repeat steps 5 to 9 to obtain the SG of two more samples of SSD fine
aggregates then complete Table 3.1.
B. Determination of water absorption of fine aggregates

1. Put the sample that was set aside into a pan.

2. Put the pan with sample in an oven then dry for a period of 24 hours at

3. Determine the weight of the dried sample. Record the weight as W3.

4. Calculate the percent absorption using Eq. 3.2.

500 − W3
% absorption = x100 Eq. 3.2

W3 = weight of oven dried coarse aggregates

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to obtain the water absorption of two more sample of

fine aggregates then complete Table 3.2.

Table 3.1. Data for SG of coarse aggregates

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Weight of
pycnometer with
sample and water

Weight of
pycnometer filled
with water (W2)

SG of SSD fine
aggregate sample

Average SG of 3
samples of SSD
fine aggregate
Table 3.2. Data for % absorption of coarse aggregates

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Weight of dried
aggregates (W3)

% absorption of
fine aggregate

Average %
absorption of 3
samples of fine
Fineness modulus of fine aggregates

I. Introduction

Fineness modulus (FM) is the sum of the cumulative percentage retained

on a standard sieve series. The FM is calculated for the fine aggregate
rather than for coarse aggregate. Typical values of FM range from 2.3 to
3.0, the higher value indicating a coarse grading. The usefulness of FM
lies in detecting slight variations in the aggregate from the same source,
which could affect the workability of concrete.

II. Objective

To determine the fineness modulus of coarse aggregate using ASTM


III. Materials and Equipment

Standard set of sieves (Figure 4.1)

Mechanical shaker (Figure 4.2)
Sieve cleaning tools (brush, etc)

Figure 4.1 Standard Set of sieves

Figure 4.2 Mechanical Sieve shaker

IV. Procedure

1. The sieves and the retainer should be clean and weighed.

2. Arrange the sieves in descending order.

3. Place about 200g of fine aggregates into the sieves..

4. Mechanically shake the sieves for 3 minutes.

5. Determine the weight of each size of aggregate by weighing to the nearest


6. Clean the screen with a soft brush.

7. Calculate the percentages on the basis of the total weight of the sample
then complete Table 4.1.

8. Compute the fineness modulus (FM) of the fine aggregate by adding the
cumulative percentages of the sample retained, in descending order, from
the No. 4 sieve through the No. 100 sieve. Divide the sum of the
percentages to get FM.

Table 4.1 Sieve analysis of fine aggregates

Sieve Diameter Wt. % Cumulative %
No. (mm) retained retained retained
4 4.75
10 2
20 0.84
40 0.425
60 0.25
100 0.15
Surface moisture in fine aggregates

I. Introduction

The test for surface moisture of fine aggregates is used as a field test to
determine the amount of surface moisture in fine aggregates by
displacement in water. In the field, particularly in a batching plant, this test
provides a convenient procedure on the determination of moisture content
of fine aggregate if the value of specific gravity is known but there is no
facility for drying (oven).

The moisture content that can be determined from this test can be used in
the adjustment of the weights of the fine and coarse aggregates and also
the water content to be used in the mix design of concrete. The accuracy
of the moisture content found from this test will heavily depend on the
accuracy of specific gravity of the fine aggregate in saturated-surface-dry
(SSD) condition.

II. Objective

To determine the amount of surface moisture in fine aggregate by

displacement in water using ASTM C70.

III. Materials and Equipment

Fine aggregates (river sand)

Graduated volumetric flask

IV. Procedure

1. Prepare at least 200g sample of fine aggregates.

2. Fill the flask to the mark with water and determine the weight in grams.
Record this weight as W1.

3. Remove 50% of the water from the flask then put the sample aggregates
as illustrated in Figure 5.1
Figure 5.1 Illustration of putting sample fine aggregates in a flask (Bowles, 1986)

4. Agitate the flask to remove the air bubbles.

5. Fill the remaining portion of the flask with water until the calibrated mark.

6. Weigh the flask with the sample and water. Record the weight as W2.

7. Calculate the amount of water displaced by the sample as:

ܹ௚ = ܹ1 + ܹ௦௔௠௣௟௘ − ܹ2 Eq. 5.1

Wg= weight of water displaced by the sample
W1 = weight of flask filled to the mark with water
W2 = weight of flask + sample + water

8. Calculate the percentage of surface moisture in terms of the SSD

aggregate as follows:

Vୱ − Vୢ
% ‫= ݁ݎݑݐݏ݅݋݉ ݂݁ܿܽݎݑݏ‬ ‫ݔ‬100 Eq. 5.2
Wୱୟ୫୮୪ୣ − W୥


Vs= volume of the sample.

Vd= weight of the sample divided by the specific gravity of the fine
aggregate in SSD condition.
Note: Since 1g of water = 1mL, the volume of the sample Vs is numerically
equal to Wg.

9. Prepare 2 more fine aggregate samples then repeat steps 1 to 8.

Complete Table 5.1 then calculate the average % surface moisture of the
3 samples.

Table 2.1. Data for SG of coarse aggregates

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Weight of flask
filled to the mark
with water (W1)

Weight of flask +
sample + water

Weight of water
displaced by the
sample (Wg)

Volume of the
sample (Vs)

Weight of the
sample divided by
the specific gravity
of the fine
aggregate in SSD
condition (Vd)

% surface moisture

Average % surface
Mix Design of Concrete

I. Introduction

Designing a concrete mix involves the determination of the weight

proportions or amounts of ingredients to be used in the batches of
concrete for a particular purpose. It is important to know the correct
proportions of concrete ingredients while considering the availability and
cost of materials, properties of the fresh concrete in terms of placing and
finishing, and properties of the hardened concrete in terms of strength and

II. Objective

To design a concrete mix using the absolute volume method (ACI 211)

III. Materials and Equipment

Fine Aggregate
Coarse Aggregate
Concrete Mixer

IV. Procedure

1. Determine the properties of the aggregates:

a. fineness modulus of fine aggregates from sieve analysis
b. specific gravity of fine and coarse aggregates
c. dry rodded unit weight of coarse aggregates
d. Percent absorption of fine and coarse aggregates

2. Choose a slump (Table 6.1)

3. Choose the maximum aggregate size (MAS). The MAS should be less
than the following items:

- 1/5 of the narrowest dimension between the size of the form.

- 1/3 the depth of the slab
- 3/4 the clear spacing between reinforcing bars
Other fractors affecting the choice of aggregates are economy, availability of
the aggregate material and grading requirement

4. Estimate the water and air content using Table 6.2. Water content
depends on the workability requirement,

5. Select the water-cement ratio (W/C) using Table 6.3 or Table 6.4. The
W/C requirement to produce a given compressive strength can be
determined by carrying out tests or by using previously established
relations (for mixes made with similar ingredients). Selection of W/C
should also satisfy the durability requirement. In cases where pozzolans
are to be used, the W/(cement + pozzolan) should be considered instead
of W/C.

6. Compute the cement content (C).

7. Estimate the content of coarse aggregates (G) using Table 6.5. The dry
bulk volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete depends on
the fineness modulus of the fine aggregate and on the MAS.

8. Estimate the content of fine aggregates (S). The volume of S can be

determined by subtracting the volumes of the other ingredients from the
unit volume. The amount of S can then be converted to weight using the
unit weight of S.

9. Adjust the values of W, G and S using the % absorption of the aggregates.

The moisture content of the aggregate before batching will affect the
amount of mixing water since in the calculations, it is assumed that the
aggregates are in saturated-surface dry (SSD) condition.

10. Write the mix design data in Table 6.6 then weigh the quantities needed
for the mix.

11. Dampen the concrete mixer.

12. Add all the coarse aggregate and the fine aggregate,

13. Start the mixer and mix for one minute then stop the mixer.

14. Add the cement and mix for one minute. Stop then add the mixing water.

15. Mix all ingredients for 3 minutes. Stop and make a 3 minute stop. Resume
mixing then stop after 2 minutes. The rest and restart period will avoid a
false set. False set is the phenomenon wherein concrete tends to stiffen
minutes after pouring, then loosening up later. Deposit the concrete in a
clean and damp container.
Table 6.1. Recommended values of slump for various type of construction as given by ACI 211.1-81

Range of Slump
Type of Construction
mm in
Reinforced foundation walls and footings 20-80 1-3
Plain footings, caissons and substructure walls 20-80 1-3
Beams and Reinforced walls 20-100 1-4
Building columns 20-100 1-4
Pavements and Slabs 20-80 1-3
Mass Concrete 20-80 1-2

Table 6.2. Approximate requirements for mixing water and air content for different
workabilities and nominal maximum sizes of aggregates according to ACI 211.1-81

Water content, kg/m3 (lb/yd3) of concrete for indicated max. aggregate size
Workability of concrete
10mm 12.5mm 20mm 25mm 40mm 50mm 70mm 150mm
Non-air entrained concrete
30-50mm 205(350) 200(335) 185(315) 180(300) 160(275) 155(260) 145(220) 125(190)
80-100mm 225(385) 215(365) 200(340) 195(325) 175(300) 170(285) 160(245) 140(210)
150-180mm 240(410) 230(385) 210(360) 205(340) 185(315) 180(300) 170(270) -
Approx. entrapped air
content 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2

Air-entrained concrete
30-50mm 180(305) 175(295) 165(280) 160(270) 145(250) 140(240) 135(205) 120(180)
80-100mm 200(340) 190(325 180(305) 175(295) 155(265) 155(265) 150(225) 135(200)
150-180mm 215(365) 205(345 190(325) 185(310) 165(280) 165(280) 160(260) -
Recommended ave. total air content, %
Mild exposure 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
Moderate exposure 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0
Extreme exposure 7.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0
Table 6.3. Relationship between W/C ratio and average Compressive Strength of
Concrete according to ACI 211.1-81

Compressive Effective W/C Ratio (by mass)
Strength at 28 days
Mpa Psi Non-air-entrained Air entrained
45 - 0.38 -
- 6000 0.41 -
40 - 0.43 -
35 5000 0.48 0.4
30 - 0.55 0.46
- 4000 0.57 0.48
25 - 0.62 0.53
- 3000 0.68 0.59
20 - 0.70 0.61
15 - 0.80 0.71
- 2000 0.82 0.74

Table 6.4. Requirements of ACI 318-83 for concrete exposed to sulphate attack

Water- Normal
soluble weight
(SO4 ) in Sulphate (SO4) aggregate Lightweight
water in water Type of Cement content aggregate
Min. compressive
Max free W/C
% by mass ppm strength in Mpa
Negligible 0.0-0.1 0-150 - -
Modified(TypeII), Portland-
Moderate pozzolan (Type IP(MS)),
0.1-0.2 150-1500 0.5 26(3750)
(seawater) Portland blast-furnace (Type
Severe 0.2-2.0 1500-10000 Sulphate-resisting Portland 0.45 29(4250)
Sulphate resisting Portland
over 2.0 over 10000 (Type V) plus pozzolan (fly ash 0.45 29(4250)
or other suitable mat'l)
Table 6.5. Dry bulk volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete as
given by ACI 211.1-81

Dry bulk volume of rodded coarse aggregate per unit

Max. size of aggregate
volume of concrete for fineness modulus of sand of:
mm in 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
10 3/8 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 1/2 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
20 3/4 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.6
25 1 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
40 1 1/2 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
50 2 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
70 3 0.82 0.8 0.78 0.76
150 6 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
Table 6.6. Data for computation of material proportions for concrete mix design

Material Properties
Bulk Specific Gravity of cement
Bulk Specific Gravity of fine aggregates
Bulk Specific Gravity of coarse aggregate
Fineness Modulus of fine aggregate
Dry rodded Unit weight of coarse aggregate

Initial Values
Mix Item Unit Calculation Mix proportion
Water per cu. m of concrete
Estimated Air
Water-cement ratio
Cement per cu. m concrete
Volume of coarse aggregates per cu. m
Coarse aggregate per cu. m concrete

Finding the volume of fine aggregates

Volume of cement per cu. m concrete
Volume of water per cu. m concrete
Volume of coarse aggregate per cu. m of
Volume of air per cu. m of concrete
Total volume of cement, water, coarse
aggregate and air per cu. m of concrete
Volume of fine aggregate per cu. m of
Final weight of the Ma

Weight of the mix materials in SSD condition

Fine aggregate
Coarse aggregate

Weights of materials with moisture correction

Fine aggregate
Determination of Slump of Portland Cement Concrete

I. Introduction

Workability of concrete is defined in ASTM C125 as the property

determining the effort required to manipulate a freshly mixed quantity of
concrete with minimum loss of homogeneity. The two main components of
workability are consistency and cohesiveness. Consistency describes the
ease of flow of concrete while cohesiveness describes the tendency of
fresh concrete to bleed or segregate.

In this laboratory exercise, the consistency of concrete will be measured

using the slump-cone test. This is the universally used test to measure the
consistency of concrete. The slump test is covered by ASTM C143.

II. Objective

To determine the slump of concrete using ASTM C143.

III. Materials and Equipment

Concrete Mix
Slump Cone Mold, in the shape of a truncated cone with a base 8-in in
diameter, top 4-in in diameter, and a height of 12 in. (Figure 7.1)
Container for weighing materials
Tamping rod (5/8 in diameter, 24 in long)
Mixing pan
Two large trowels

Figure 7.1 Slump cone mold (Spence, 2006)

IV. Procedure

1. Premoisten the cone mold and place it (base down) on a flat,

nonabsorbent, rigid surface.

2. Hold the mold firmly in place by the handles (to be done by two students)
or by standing on the foot pieces (one student).

3. Fill the mold with freshly mixed concrete one-third full by volume and rod
the layer 25 times (Figure 1.2). Distribute rodding evenly over the entire
cross-section of the sample.

Figure 7.2 Filling the slump cone one-third full by volume and rodding (Mehta, 2001)

4. Fill the cone two-third full by volume. Rod this layer 25 times with rod
penetrating into, but not through the first layer. Distribute rodding evenly
over the entire cross-section of the sample.

5. Fill the cone to overflowing. Rod this layer 25 times with rod penetrating
into, but not through the second layer. Distribute rodding evenly over the
entire cross-section of the sample.

6. Remove the excess concrete from the top of the cone, using a forward
sawing movement of the trowel or tamping rod. Excess concrete around
the base of the mold should also be cleared away, taking care not to jar
the cone mold in any way.

7. Immediately after striking off the excess concrete, remove the mold. Lift it
slowly (taking about 10 sec), steadily upward. Place the cone alongside
the formed concrete mass and lay the tamping rod across the cone so that
it extends over the concrete mass. The entire procedure from filling the
cone mold to its removal should be completed within 2½ minutes. Avoid
jarring the base on which mold and form are resting.
8. With the ruler, measure the slump – the distance from top of the cone
mold (from the bottom of the extended tamping rod) to the average height
of the concrete mass (Figure 7.3).

Figure 7.3 Measurement of slump using a ruler or straightedge (Spence,


9. Qualify the type of slump made using Figure 7.4 as a guide. Record the
slump and the type of slump in Table 7.1.

Figure 7.4. Different types of slump as classified by ASTM C 143

Table 7.1 Data for Slump test

Concrete Concrete Concrete
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3
Slump (cm)
Type of slump
Determination of Unit Weight of Fresh Concrete

I. Introduction

The unit weight if fresh concrete is a general indicator of its homogeneity.

That is, the concrete has been mixed in the correct proportion for every

The concrete mix is composed of cement, fine aggregates, coarse

aggregates, admixtures, water and air. These materials have different
specific gravities. Therefore any variation in the values of the unit weight of
fresh concrete will indicate that there is also a variation in the proportioning
of the ingredients found in the mixture.

II. Objective

To determine the unit weight of fresh concrete using ASTM C138.

III. Materials and Equipment

Concrete Mix
Platform scale
Unit weight container (Figure 8.1)
Tamping rod


Figure 8.1. Unit weight containers

IV. Procedure

1. The empty unit-weight container should be weighed and recorded (W1).

2. The inside of the container should be dampened and then filled with three
layers of concrete. Each layer should be added one at a time with the third
layer overfilling the container. Using the damping rod, each layer should be
compacted in 25 strokes. To be able to penetrate the underlying layer only,
the second and the third layers of concrete should be rodded. After rodding
each layer, use the mallet to tap the outside of the container briskly. The
container should be slightly overfilled after the third layer.

3. Smooth the top of the container with a trowel and strike off any excess
concrete. Smooth the top of the concrete again, this time using the cover
plate. The container must be just level full. After that, the cover plate should
be removed and the any excess concrete should be wiped off on the outside
of the container.

4. The filled unit weight container must then be weighed. Record the weight as

5. Use Eq. 8.1 to compute for the unit weight of the concrete

ܹ2 − ܹ1
ߛ௙ = Eq. 8.1

γf = unit weight of concrete (Kg/m3)
W1= weight of container
W2=weight of container + fresh concrete

6. Perform the procedure for different concrete mixes and complete Table 8.1.
Table 8.1. Data on unit of concrete

Concrete Mix 1 Concrete Mix 2 Concrete Mix 3

Weight of container

Weight of container
+ fresh concrete

unit weight of
concrete (γf)
Compressive strength test of concrete

I. Introduction

The most common of all tests on hardened concrete is the compressive

strength test. It is one of the quick and convenient strength test to evaluate
the quality of concrete batches. Furthermore, other properties of concrete
such as elastic modulus, water tightness or impermeability, resistance to
weathering are directly related to compressive strength and can therefore
be deduced from compressive strength data.

In the U.S. the standard specimen for testing the compressive strength of
concrete is a 150mm x 300mm (6” x 12”) cylinder, samples of which are
shown in Figure 9.1. The compressive strength is measured by a uniaxial
compressive test (Figure 9.2) wherein the load is progressively increased
causing the specimen to fail within 2 to 3 minutes.

Samples of

Figure 9.1 Hardened concrete cylinders




Figure 9.2. Concrete cylinder under uniaxial compression test

II. Objective

To determine the compressive strength of concrete using ASTM C39.

III. Materials and Equipment

Cylindrical concrete specimen (6 x 12 inches)

Sulfur mortar or neoprene pad caps
Universal Testing Machine

IV. Procedure

1. Measure the diameter and height of the concrete cylinder. Cylindrical

specimens for acceptance testing should be 6 x 12 inches (150 x 300 mm)

2. Provide sulfur mortar or neoprene pads on both ends of the cylinder. This
provides a uniform load distribution when testing.

3. Check the dimension consistency by performing the following:

a. Measure the diameter in two locations at right angles to each other

at mid-height of the specimen and average to calculate the cross-
sectional area. If the two measured diameters differ by more than
2%, the cylinder should not be tested.

b. The ends of the specimens should not depart from the

perpendicularity with the cylinder axis by more than 0.50 and the
ends should be plane within 0.002 inches (0.05 mm)..

4. Center the concrete cylinder in the universal testing machine and load it to
complete failure. The loading rate on a hydraulic machine should be
maintained in a range of 20 to 50 psi/s (0.15 to 0.35 MPa/s) during the
latter half of the loading phase. The type of break should be recorded
(Select from Figure 9.3). A common break pattern is a conical fracture.

A) Cone B) Cone C) Cone

and Split and Shear

D) Shear E) Columnar

Figure 9.3. Sketches of types of failure

5. Calculate the concrete compressive strength by dividing the maximum

load at failure by the average cross-sectional area. At least two cylinders
are tested at the same age and the average strength is reported as the
test result to the nearest 10 psi (0.1 MPa).

6. Record the date when the concrete was formed, the test date, maximum
load applied, compressive strength, type of fracture, and any defects in
cylinders or caps then complete Table 9.1.
Table 9.1 Data on compressive strength of concrete cylinders

1 2 3

Age at test
(days) 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28


Area (mm2)

Load at
failure (N)

Split tensile strength test of concrete

I. Introduction

The split tensile strength test of concrete uses cylinders of the same size
as used in the compressive strength test. The cylinders are placed lying
down on two platens of the compression machine. The concrete cylinder is
thus subjected to compression load along two axial lines which are
diametrically opposite. The compressive stress produces a transverse
tensile stress which is uniform along the vertical diameter.

Concrete is not normally designed to resist any tension. However, its

tensile strength is useful when determining the behavior concrete in terms
of cracking.

The split tensile test is an indirect tension test. There is a direct tension
test for concrete but the method is rather more difficult to conduct if not
practically impossible. Thus, the split tension test becomes the preferable
tension test for concrete specimens.

II. Objective

To determine the tensile strength of concrete using ASTM C496..

III. Materials and Equipment

Cylindrical concrete specimen (150 x 300mm)

Universal testing machine
Accessories for split tension test

IV. Procedure

1. Prepare the cylindrical concrete specimens.

2. Determine the average diameter of the specimen. Measure the diameter at

both ends and at the midsection.

3. Place the specimen between the crosshead and the loading table. The
position of the specimen is shown in Figure 10.1.
Adjustable crosshead

150x300mm concrete
cylindrical specimen

Plane of tensile failure

Loading table

Figure 10.1 Loading position for splitting tension strength test of concrete

4. Apply the load gradually by controlling the load control knob, making sure
that any impact or shock is prevented.

5. Record the maximum load attained.

6. Calculate the splitting tensile strength of the concrete cylinder as follows:

2ܲ Eq. 10.1
ߪ௧ =

P = maximum load (N)
d = average diameter (mm)
L = average length (mm)
σt = splitting tensile strength (MPa)

7. Record the results and complete Table 10.1

Table 10.1 Data on split tensile strength of concrete cylinders

1 2 3

Age at test
(days) 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28


Length (mm)

Load (N)

Flexural strength test of concrete

I. Introduction

This test method is used to determine the flexural strength of concrete

specimens prepared and cured in accordance with ASTM Test Methods C
42 or Practices C 31 or C 192. The flexural strength of the concrete
specimen shall be calculated and reported as the modulus of rupture.

The flexural strength determined using this test will vary depending on
several factors such as specimen size, preparation, moisture condition,
curing, or where the beam has been molded or sawed to size. The results
of this test method may be used to determine compliance with
specifications or as a basis for proportioning, mixing and placement
operations. It is used in testing concrete for the construction of slabs and

II. Objective

To determine the flexural strength of concrete using ASTM C293.

III. Materials and Equipment

Beam specimen (40 x 40 x 160mm or 100 x 100 x 400mm)

Universal testing machine
Accessories for bending test

IV. Procedure

1. Place fresh concrete in bottom half of the flexure mold. Rod with rounded
end of 5/8” rod 62 strokes, distributing the strokes uniformly over the
surface and depth of concrete. To ensure minimum voids, also tap the
sides of the mold lightly..

2. Fill the remaining volume of the mold with fresh concrete. Tamp 62
penetrating the bottom layer but not hitting the bottom. Tap the sides of the
molds to prevent formation of voids due to trapped air.

3. Strike off the surface of the concrete and make a smooth finish at the
surface using a trowel.
4. Set aside the molded specimen for 24 hours. After 24 hours, remove the
hardened specimen from the beam mold then place in a curing tank.

5. Setup the Universal testing machine for center point bending test then
position the beam specimen as shown in Figure 11.1.


Adjustable crosshead

Beam specimen

Loading table

Figure 11.1 Illustration of loading position for flexural test of concrete

6. Gradually apply the load by controlling the loading knob.

7. Record the maximum load at failure.

8. Calculate the flexural strength as follows:

9. Calculate the flexural strength of the concrete beam specimen using


ߪ௙ = Eq. 11.1

P = maximum load (N)
d = depth of beam section (mm)
b = width of beam section (mm)
L = Length of beam (mm)
σf = flexural strength (MPa)
Table 11.1 Data on flexural strength of concrete beam specimens

1 2 3

Age at test
(days) 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28

Width of
beam section

Depth of
beam section

Load (N)


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