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Name: Nichol P.


Section: BSEd English 3-A


Detailed Lesson Plan used:

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 Author: Edward S. Mercado, BSEd 3-B student


Mr. Mercado’s lesson plan is a detailed plan intended for Grade 10 students on
the subject, English. The plan is consisted of the basic parts of a detailed lesson plan
which are: Objectives; Subject Matter; Procedures; Evaluation and; Assignment. The
main topic that this lesson plan has are Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns. His main
objectives in the delivery of the lesson are to differentiate the two pronouns and apply it
in different activities.

After carefully reading and analyzing the lesson plan, I would say that it was a
pretty decent lesson plan. First, his objectives are very specific and you really can tell
that the delivery of the lesson will not going to be a dry one specially that he
incorporated the use of intensive and extensive pronouns in activities. Another point that
makes this lesson plan a good one is his motivation. He successfully conducted a game
that would make the students know about the new topic that will be introduced to
them and connect it to their previous. However, the only downside is that I see the
game as time-consuming. Well, it’s an effective game but to think that you have a whole
lesson to cover in an hour is not pretty ideal in the actual delivery of the lesson. Also,
when I analyzed the plan, I have observed that the flow of the plan is smooth- from
before to after the end of the class. It’s well-thought out.

In terms of the development of the 21st Century Skills, Mr. Mercado made it sure
that the learners are not merely passive participants. Rather, he used different effective
strategies that made the plan more interactive and where the learners are active
participants. Some of the 21st Century Skills that are going to be activated in the
duration are Communication, Collaboration, Productivity and Socials Skills. These can
be possible and feasible because Mr. Mercado has nice ways of delivering the lesson
like for example the discussion of new concepts and practicing new skills. Moreover, he
also chose the appropriate technology, and the most important thing is the application
part of the lesson where it’s really collaborative that allow students to work with their

The first downside of the plan is the lack of examples. He may have given one or
two examples but I believe it’s not really enough to some students specially that every
student has different levels so it’s really better to give different examples until all
students will really grapple the gist of the discussion. Also, the evaluation part is kind of
throwing me off. It’s a good assessment but not really enough to measure the students’
learnings individually. The selection used in the evaluation part was a bit short. The
teacher could’ve used an assessment tool that would unlock the critical thinking skills of
the students. Like what I mentioned earlier, the evaluation part was only budgeted to 15
minutes because the motivation and activities took too much or not time-friendly.

In general, I still think that the lesson plan still possesses the qualities of SMART-
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-oriented, and, Time-bounded. For me, there
are good lesson plans but there’s no perfect ones. Lesson plans are called “plans”
because it can differ from the actual conduction of the lesson. However, a lesson plan is
still far-reaching because it a helpful guide. I commend Mr. Mercado’s lesson plan for
thinking not just about how to deliver the lesson successfully but also came up with a
plan to deliver the lesson meaningfully.

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