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Ishola 1

Abdulmumin Ishola

J. Orthner


13 February 2024

How Far I would go for someone in need.

I would go, quite literally, to the end of the world to help someone in need. In late

December 2017, I was 9 years old and suffering from a blood-related disease. It was so bad;

that I couldn’t even walk well. It affected all parts of my life ranging from my social life to

my academics. I was extremely miserable and didn’t see the fun in life anymore. My parents

received information from our family doctor that the only way to cure me of this dreadful

illness was for a blood transfusion to be done, the only problem with that was that my blood

type was the rarest to find donors. I was hopeless and sad. One evening my parents called me

and informed me that I was receiving a blood donation from my Uncle. I was quite shocked

as I hadn’t spoken to him in years and I and him were not that close. My parents told me that

he used his own money to book a flight ticket from New Zealand to Australia which were far

from each other, and he wasn’t getting paid for it. “Why would someone pay money to

donate blood to a stranger.” I thought to myself. The day of the blood transfusion came, and I

spoke to my Uncle in real life for the first time. “Everything will be alright,” he said to me,

and a sense of calmness washed over me. Immediately after the blood transfusion, I went to

his hospital dorm to see him, and I asked him why he did this to which he responded with a

popular quote from Jade West “Sometimes in life you have to let people take care of you.

Sometimes you have to accept that people want to help, want to be there for you. Not.” I was

so inspired that I promised myself I would do the same to anyone in need.

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