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A. Introduction
1. Short Description
There are some definitions about notice that we know generally. First, notice is
one of the functional texts in the form of instructions for someone to do or not do
something. Notice can be in the form of a phrase (combination of words), clauses
(sentences) or in the form of a picture or sign. Secondly, notice or notifications are
short and simple information that aimed to other people. Notice must be easy to
understand and easy to read so that usually notice or notification always uses
simple words, written in simple font and big letters. Notice can also take the form
of signs.
2. Relevance
By learning this course you will be able to understand the meaning of notice and
help you to comprehend as well as to dig your creativity in creating of notice.
3. Learning Guide
This course will encourage you to learn based on the problem. Where the problem
is a part of the material that you difficult to understand and what material is
experiencing misconceptions. This method is called Problem Based learning.
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional method in which students learn
through facilitated problem solving (Cindy E. Hmelo-SilverSo, Educational
Psychology Review : 2004).
a. Pre-activity : building background knowledge about the Notice. In this step, it is
important to have specific concept of notice by reading the material from an
encyclopedia or a list key words from other resources.
b. Main-activity :
 Post-it note : read and write the problem of misunderstanding and
misconception about notice, that is the difference of social function between
caution and warning
 identify the differences of social function of caution and warning
 find factual information from caution and warning
 determine the meaning of words based on the text caution and warning

c. Post-activity :

 Questioning : asking the difficult understanding and misconception about
the difference of caution and warning
 Discussion : exchanging the ideas among learners. The aim is to freely
explore ideas
 Creating : create a notice of caution and warning in the form of poster
 Presenting the created notice
B. Main Section
1. Learning Outcomes
To analyze the differences of social function of caution and warning in regard to
the context situation
2. Sub-Learning Outcomes
After learning this material, you are expected to be able to :
 Analyze the social function of caution and warning
 Compare the social function of caution and warning
 Create notice of caution and warning
3. Learning Material
According to Siti Yulaikah (Modul Guru Pembelajar, 2016), Notice is one of the
functional texts in the form of instructions for someone to do or not do something.
Notice can be in the form of a phrase (combination of words), clauses (sentences)
or in the form of a picture or sign. It can be said, notice or notifications are short
and simple information that aimed to other people. Notice must be easy to
understand and easy to read so that usually notice or notification always uses
simple words, written in simple font and big letters. Notice can also take the form
of signs.
The Social Function of Notice
a. To give an instruction / to instruct people to …
b. To give direction
c. To ask people to …
d. To advice/to suggest/to recommend people to …
e. To remind people to …
f. To warn/to give warning
g. To ban/to forbid/to prohibit people to …

The Generic Structure of Notice

The generic structure in all short functional text are generally same. There are :

a. Attention gather (optional)

b. Information
c. Closure (optional)

The Language Feature of Notice


a. Imperative Mood : is verb form which makes a command or a request.

Example : - Close the door!
- Watch out!
b. Declarative reference : states the fact or opinion that lets the reader know
something specific. Declarative sentence forming a complete taught that
must contain of subject and predicate (Your Dictionary :
Example : - He runs.
- She sings
c. Not necessarily sequenced in time
d. Spoken/written language features

Oral language Written language

Talk Text
Face to face conversation with Face to text with limited reciprocity
reciprocity between speaker and listener between author and reader
Narrative-like Expository-like
Action-oriented Event-oriented
Idea-oriented Argument-oriented
Story-oriented Explanatory
Here and now Future and past
In given space and time Not space – or time – bound

Kinds of Notice

There are several kinds of notice such as, command, caution, information,
prohibition and warning. But from several kinds of notice there are caution
and warning are being a misconception around us. This course will discuss
scope of problem about the difference between caution and warning so that
there will be no more misconceptions. Let’s see the difference between them :

• to warn someone about a

possible problem or danger

Caution • Indicates a danger that could

cause minor personal injury or
property damage
• indicates a lower danger

• to make someone realize a

possible danger or problem,

Warning • Indicates a danger that cause

severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage
• indicates a major danger


Example of Caution that you usually see around us (according to Mr. Risky suggestion)


Examples of warning that you usually see around us (according to Mr. Risky

As you can see, one sense of warning is the same as caution, but not all senses. In other
words, they are only synonymous in specific uses. You think of a caution as related to
something important but not urgent, whereas you think of a warning as something
related to a more severe and immediate threat or danger. It can be seen that the level of
danger are not the same. Caution has lower danger but warning has higher danger. For
more information, look at the video to help you comprehend the different between
caution and warning clearly.

Task 1.

1. From the video, can you analyze the differences of caution and warning?
2. Tell the risk if ignoring the caution and warning !

Task 2.
Look at the following pictures below.
1. Then classify the notice below including caution or warning.
2. Where do you usually find it.

Task 3.
Create caution and warning based on the situation given.
1. The bus driver is driving the bus in high speed. All passengers are frightened.
2. Your bicycle’s brake suddenly does not work. You are riding on it. There are several
people in front of you.
3. You have just mopped the floor, your mother is passing on the wet floor.
4. Your servant is cleaning an expensive Chinese porcelain ceramic.

Notice is one of the functional texts in the form of instructions for someone to
do or not do something. Notice can be in the form of a phrase (combination of words),
clauses (sentences) or in the form of a picture or sign. It can be said, notice or
notifications are short and simple information that aimed to other people. Notice must
be easy to understand and easy to read so that usually notice or notification always
uses simple words, written in simple font and big letters. Notice can also take the form
of signs. The characteristic of caution are :
• to warn someone about a possible problem or danger
• Indicates a danger that could cause minor personal injury or property damage
• indicates a lower danger.
The characteristic of warning are :
• to make someone realize a possible danger or problem,
• Indicates a danger that cause severe personal injury, death or substantial property
• indicates a major danger

5. Structured Task
Make two notice that consist of caution and warning in poster form.
6. Discussion Forum
After you have learnt the materials about notice and the difference caution and
warning, it’s time to evaluate your comprehension. Share your knowledge and
experience and improve your comprehension towards this topic of materials either
with other learner or instructor. Therefore, you should get involved in this
discussion forum. Let’s start!
1. After learning about the differences of caution and warning, do you find any
differences other than what is in the material that has been delivered?
2. Look at the following signs!

Do these signs include a caution or warning? Give your reason!

C. Closing
1. Summative Test
1. What does the notice mean?
a. We are allowed to enter to Jack’s room
b. We are not allowed to enter to Jack’s room
c. Jack welcomes us to enter his room
d. Jack will be happy if we enter to his room
2. Where do you usually find this sign?
a. At a park
b. At home
c. At school
d. In the supermarket

3. Look at the picture!

Which of the following sentences explains best for ve sign?

a. The shoplifters are welcome
b. The shop is only for the shoplifter
c. If you steal of any articles you should pay for it
d. If you steal any articles, the police will arrest you
4. What does the caution mean?
a. Poisonous
b. Burn easily
c. Very dangerous
d. Light and expensive
5. The word “waste” has the same meaning as …
a. Rubbish
b. Poison
c. Vegetable
d. Wax

Which statement is TRUE based on the notice?

a. We can keep a bottle of milk in the refrigerator

b. The refrigerator is not for food and drink except vegetables
c. We can store the medicine in the refrigerator
d. There are no food and drink in the refrigerator

7. The caution means that …

a. Forklift should keep the aisles clear
b. The area must be cleared from the forklift
c. These aisles are always clear because of the forklift
d. The aisles must be cleared because the forklift is
in operation


The notice means that …. during the exam period.

a. All the women are suggested to go to the toilet

b. Only the women are allowed to use the toilet
c. The women are prohibited to use the toilet
d. The women are banned to go the toilet
9. Where do you usually find the caution?
a. Near the window of the house

b. On the wall in a motel
c. At the door in a small house
d. On the lift in a building

10. If you see this warning. It means that …

a. The road is winding
b. The road is slippery
c. The car may not enter this street
d. There are a lot of vehicles therefore we need
to slow down the speed

2. Key Answer
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. D

3. Daftar Pustaka

Yulaikah, Siti, Modul Guru Pembelajar, Profesional : Short Functional Texts 1,
Thanh, Cao, Nguyen. The Differences between Spoken and Written Grammar in
English, in Comparison with Vietnamese. Gist Education and Learning Research
Journal. ISSN 1692-5777, 2015.
123dok, The Language Feature of Notice,
Cirelli, Cheryl B.A.
examples. English & PsychologyYour dictionary, 2021
Kumalasari, I., Ririn, 2019, The Difference between Notice, Caution and Warning,
Abriella, Keenza, 2016. Kumpulan Contoh Notice, Caution, dan Warning dalam
Bahasa Inggris beserta Gambar dan Artinya :


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