Eternal Knights

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Eternal Knights

The world is full of mysteries-wonders that sweep you up as you become lost in them. None more

so than the everpresent quest for the Magdalene...Mary Magdalene to be precise. Most people think
little of church affairs but there are those who quest for the holy grail . . . the Magdalene constantly. It
has enthralled knights of all ages to seek her out but why? Perhaps it's the mystique that surrounds her,
the promise of eternity that boils in the minds of those who chase her.

The Magdalene has several societies that protect the whereabouts of her remains. The secret
societies that have Magdalene factions within them are the Skull and Bones (necromancers),
Rosicrucians (spies), the Knights Templar (holy warriors), and finally the protectors of the grail’s location,
the Bonesmen. All you have to do to be in one of these secret societies is enter into a Temple of Bones
which is a structure, usually a house of worship, that has or use to house the Magdalene. In order to
kneel to the Magdalene you have to find her, people have tried throughout the ages but she can only be
found by those pure of heart. Once you find her you have a choice to make.

Kneeling on one knee to the Magdalene makes you a Knights Templar; if you kneel on two you
become a priest(ess) and if you lay prostrate you become a high priest(ess). If you become a priest(ess)
or high priest(ess) you will be taken in by one of the four secret societies. There are some things you
need to know about the Magdalene. First and foremost she was never a prostitute; the Catholic Church
ran a smear campaign against her starting when pope Gregory the Great proclaimed that the Magdalene
was a prostitute but this could not be further from the truth. She was a royal who carried the bloodline
of Christ in her womb. The Knights Templar went to the Holy land, found the remains of the Magdalene,
and proof of the bloodline of Christ while digging under the Temple of Solomon and brought it back to

So what’s all this about? Well, it boils down to this; humans can become angels . . . that’s the big
secret that everyone wants to keep hidden. If you achieve this glorified state you would be full of
wonder, power, knowledge and of course, love for that’s what makes people angels. It is said to kneel to
or prostrate yourself in front of the Magdalene makes one an angel instantly. This is why she’s so sought
after, though it can be achieved through Love.

You are capable of so much more based on your understanding of love. It is said that God is
Love, therefore, Love must be God. in order to be Glorified, to become an angel, one must have an
understanding of Love . . . the more you understand love the more powerful you become. Other religions
use other words to describe this state of being, for example, the Buddhists call it enlightenment but
seeing as how most people are more familiar with the Abrahamic faiths we will proceed with how it’s
ranked as such:

-When you learn that Love is important, you become a mage thus unlocking the first two dots in
Illuminations or Angelic powers. You will be able to tell you are a mage when you see reality ripple.

-When you learn why Love is important, you become an angel and unlock the next two dots in
illuminations. You will know you are an angel when you feel feathers under your skin on your back and
your irises change from one natural color to another.

-When you experience True Love for yourself, you become an archangel thus unlocking the last
four dots in your illumination rating. You will know you are an arc angel when the iris of your eye has a
golden burst in it.

It needs to be noted that you only see the ripple in reality once if you fall, the feathers under the
skin go away and your irises change back plus the golden color in your iris does not last. In order to make
the transition to an angel permanent, you must lay with your True Love. If you lay with another, you will
become a fallen angel. Fallen angels don’t have the magic that their glorified brothers have, don’t have
the telltale signs of an angel, and are excommunicated from the knight orders.

When the storyteller feels you are ready, you will make an empathy plus Illumination roll (it will
just be an empathy roll for the first level of magi). All illuminations go up one dot at a time; they become
unlocked but you still have to spend experience, current rating times ten, to level up. The first dot in
illuminations will cost ten experience. To be an angel, its an empathy plus illumination roll and you must
get four successes. To be an archangel, you must get six successes on an empathy plus illumination roll.
Your illumination rating is your magicka, the higher you become in illumination the more magicka you
have at your disposal. You can use any type of magicka you want, but beware there are those who
believe certain, or all, magicka is evil.

There are several sections in this game, each with a rating of three to six dots representing
beginner, adept, and advanced. Dots four through six, in parenthesis, can only be unlocked by the
Nephilim blessing. You start the game with seven freebie dots to put wherever you want, no illumination
leveling is allowed at character creation unless the Nephilim or Serpent Seed blessing is taken. The
experience required to advance in the following sections is current rating times six, no sections can go
above one at the beginning of the game. Getting the first dot in a section cost seven experience. these
sections are:

-Body - anything physical

-Mind - anything involving the use of intellect

-Society - anything social

The second section is as follows:

-Instinct - Anything that makes you react without thinking e.g. being caught off guard.

-Logic - Reasoning

-Intuition - Instinctive feelings

-Empathy - Understanding and sharing the feelings of another (Compassion)

There are seven dots of health, some with numbers next to them. The numbers represent how
many dice to remove from your dice pool. As your health goes down, your ability to function gets
impeded until you finally die. You need to get eight health levels, one over the max health pool you have,
to kill someone.

For each dot in this game, you get one six-sided die to roll. If you have three dots in something
you get three six-sided dice. Stacking in this game is crucial; you can add the dice pool of one section into
another. An example would be that if you want to strike an enemy, you could add your body dice pool to
your instinct dice pool to your courage dice pool which makes your odds stronger but whether or not it is
allowed is up to the storyteller. The storyteller has the final say. The only thing you cannot stack is
illuminations; your magic cannot be individually stacked although you can combine successes if a group
of you cast together. Successes in this game are four through six on a six-sided dice and failures are one
through three on a six-sided dice. What happens when you roll all failures is up to the storyteller, though
it should be severe. How many successes you need to accomplish a feat is entirely up to the storyteller as
well. In combat or while doing actions that would involve group or single action, whoever has the highest
instinct goes first but if there are two or more that have the exact number of dots in instinct, a body plus
instinct roll will be required to see the order of action. The highest number of successes goes first. In the
case of a tie, you can either go at the same time or reroll until someone gets a higher number.

Your empathy rating is crucial in this game. The four cardinal virtues are wisdom, courage,
justice, and temperance. Fill all of these virtues up and you get one dot of empathy, then your virtue
dots go back to zero. You get a virtue dot when you display these virtues. Any action taken to do
something immoral will result in you losing empathy (e.g.There is a difference between killing and
murdering; killing won’t affect your empathy for you did so to protect or were in a survival situation).
Once you make an empathy plus illumination roll, your empathy rating goes back to zero. You can roll
your empathy plus illumination at any point in the empathy rating, but remember it goes back to zero
regardless if you succeed or not. Remember, you have to unlock the illuminations to level them up. If you
murder to make a power grab, then you lose empathy and virtues. Illuminations are permanent; once
you rise through the ranks, you’re locked in. You don’t have to be good for you are assured a place in
Heaven but beware for the Gods and the Goddesses are very much alive and real and will put you
through trials and tribulations to make you a better person.

Now we come to the antagonist, the Catholic church. The same church that turned their backs
on the Templars and watched them burn. Between the snitches and inquisition, they tortured and
murdered the Knights Templars, but there were some who escaped and the Knights Templars went from
a powerhouse order to a secret society quickly. The templars took in Cathars among their ranks before
being forced underground. The Cathars believed that everything evil is in the physical and that which is
good is spiritual. They were hunted after a crusade was called on them and freely choose death, walking
into the fire set for them singing. The Catholic church was after what the Knights Templar had in their
care, the Magdalene and Solomons riches, but the church failed and the remaining Cathars disappeared
into the Templars.

The following is a list of most commonly used weapons in the mideval days if you think of a
weapon that is not listed work with you storyteller and add it. Most hand held weapons are a body roll
plus however many dice is allocated for the wepon, weapons dealing with archery or cross bows will be
an intellegence plus weapon dice but you must have body at two to use a bow or cross bow, you can
stack weapon rolls:

-Broad sword-Body+2 dice

-Long Sword-Body+3 dice (Two Handed)

-Dagger-Body+1 dice

-Morning Star-Body+3 dice

-War Hammer-Body + 5 dice (Two Handed) (Must have body at three)

-War Axe-Body +3 dIce

-Spear-Body + 2 dice (Can dismount an enemy)

-Shield-Body +3 Defence dice (3 extra dice when dodging while using shield)

-Short Bow-Intellegence+ 1 dice (Armor piercing)

-Long Bow-Intellegence+ 3 dice (Armor piercing)

-Cross Bow-Intellegence+ 2 dice (Armor piercing)

Armor is rolled with body, as you increse your armor your mobility gets impeaded the storyteller shout
reflect this fact:

-Leather armor-Body+ 2 dice (No penalty)

-Chainmail-Body+4 dice (-2 to stealth)

-Plate armor-Body + 5 dice (-3 to stealth) (Must have body at atleast two)


it is easier to grapple than any other action beacuse you have to be so close to do it...not fist fighting or
kicking, those are done with the average difficulty of three. Grappling is succsessful when you roll a two
or above.

Some knights, especially through the eleventh to the thirteenth century, were troubadours. they
came mainly from southern France to northern Italy. there were also female troubadours known as
trobairitz. What made these people unique was that they wrote poetry and songs in the court of royals,
a troubadour knight would be privy to the who's who of the kingdom and the information therein.

There are many factors that go into making a character and one of those factors in this game is
blessings and curses. Basically, something that will give you an advantage (blessing) or something that
would cause problems (curse). Below are some blessings and curses with numbers by them. In the case
of getting blessings, the number is how many points it cost to take, and with the curses, how many extra
points you get. Remember, you can make your own blessings or curses. Also, curses and blessings should
be taken at character creation, though you can earn blessings and curses. If you earn a curse or blessing,
then you don’t pay for it or get points for it. The following are just examples, use them or not, it’s up to


5pts)-Troubador- Allows you to gather information on court affairs, good for spies.

8pts)-Nephilim- Unlocks three extra dots in the section of your choosing; either body, mind, or
society. You are allowed only one trait to raise above three. It also gives one dot of illumination freely.

3-5pts)-Relic- You have a relic in your possession. It has magickal properties, the specifics of
which should be hammered out with your storyteller. At five points, you have a body part of a saint; at
four points, something that personally belonged to a saint; at three, it’s something that the saint came in
contact with.

3pts)-Healer- Someone who knows natural remedies and medicine. It has long been said that
the Knights Templar could cure any disease naturally.

4pts)-Baron- You are a noble with lands and titles. You may be called to execute courtly affairs
and are in the king’s favor.
10pts)-Serpent Seed- You are a direct descendant of Lilith and Lucifer and as such are a
necromancer, which in the Templars makes you a sergeant. You are a formidable knight with fewer
responsibilities. The sergeants’ cloak is black and red. As a necromancer, you can see spirits. If the spirits
want, you can interact with the dead. This is automatic; no roll is required. One dot of illumination is
freely given with this blessing.

5pts)-Seer- you see the supernatural and can interact with them if they choose to.


10pts)-Diseased- You have a serious illness that affects your performance as a soldier, the
specifics of which should be hammered out with the storyteller. The disease should be severe for the
number of points you get.

4pts)-Man at arms- You are a foot soldier, no rank or titles, you are not a knight. You are not
allowed in court unless you are summoned.

3-8pts)-Heretic- You are involved with something the church would murder you over. The more
points you have the closer you are to being found out by church spies.

7pts)-Cannibal- You eat the flesh of your enemies. If this act is found out you run the risk of
being executed.

4pts)-Bastard- You are an illegitimate child who has no claim to titles or inheritance.

These are all guidelines but by all means, if something doesn’t work tweak it; this is your game.
This game is designed to be played from Arthurian to medieval times, it’s all what everyone agrees on,
and there are numbers of resources to draw from. If you want to run a historically accurate game then
with some light research,online or in a library, you should be able to ferret out the who, what, where,
when, and why. Medieval times forced certain knight orders into secret societies, so playing in one
such group from the past should be quite an adventure. Enjoy.
Eternal Knights
Player Name: Character Name:

Body-000 (000) Instinct-000

Mind-000 (000) Logic-000

Society-000 (000) Intuition-000



Health: 0 0 0-10-20-30-40



Equipment: EXP:

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