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Assignment I:

1. Choose ONE article (approx. 350 words) (mention the source) (total 20-25 items)
2. Find the following in your articles:
a. Main ideas/topic/topic sentence/controlling ideas (2 or 3 items)
b. Reference (5 items)
c. Vocabulary (6 items):
- the meaning from context
- the meaning of prefixes and suffixes
- the synonyms/antonyms of words
d. Identify Parts of Speech (2-3 items)
e. Identify the verb tense and its time marker. (3-4 items)
f. Find noun phrases/noun clauses/passive voice in the text. (3-4 items)
3. The assignment is DUE in Week 6.

Assignment II:

1. Choose one article that contains a certain type of text organization (cause-effect, classification,
process, etc.) (approx. 350 words) (Mention the source of the text) (total 20-25 items)
2. Transfer the information in the text into a diagram (5-10 items)
3. Find the followings:
a. Different types of sub-clauses (1-5 items)
b. Conjunctions that show transitional markers (2-3 items)
c. Pronouns or relative pronouns and show what they refer to (2-3 items)
d. Identify the parts of speech of some words in the text (5 items)

4. The assignment is DUE in Week 13.

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