Unit of Competency: Sltcfpi Module of Instruction PCK 116

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PCK 116

Unit of Competency
Develop learning materials.
Module Title
Developing learning material
Module Description
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to develop training materials
including print, mock-up/simulator and model. This includes research and interpret the learning
material requirements, design the learning material and plan the content, develop the learning
material content, review learning material prior to implementation, evaluate the design and
development process of instructional materials.
Learning Outcomes
1. Analyze the learning materials requirements.
2. Design the learning materials.
3. Develop the content of the learning materials.
4. Review/test learning materials.
5. Evaluate the design and development process.
Summary of Learning Outcomes no.1

1. The brief, focus and type of learning materials is clarified with the client.
2. The likely target audience/s, their learning needs and the learning environment for the resource
are researched.
3. Characteristics of the learners/end users of the learning resource are identified.
4. Existing information which may be relevant is gathered, collated and analyzed.
5. Ethical and legal considerations are identified and acted upon
6. A development work plan is written and documented.
7. Broad time frames, possible costs and logistics of the learning materials are considered.
8. A range of design options is generated using a variety of principles and techniques.
9. Design concepts are established, taking into consideration process, material, quantity, cost and
outcome requirement.
10. Time is taken to reflect on the designs, identifying the implications of each.
11. The diversity of learners/end users and their learning styles are researched and embedded into
the design specifications.
12. An outline or prototype for the learning resource is developed and confirmed with the client.
13. Relevant personnel are identified to support the development phase, if needed
14. Content and content specification is developed in accordance with the agreed design.
15. The learning materials content is broken into manageable chunks/segments of learning and
sequenced according to learning principles and techniques.
16. Existing Learning materials are accessed and modified /customized to suit the learning purposes
and audience.
17. New, relevant and engaging learning activities and related learning materials are developed and
documented, based on application of learning principles.
18. Text is clear, concise, grammatically correct and appropriate for the intended audience/s.
19. The resource is formatted using an appropriate style guide.
20. Visuals are relevant, instructive and appropriate for the intended audience/s.
21. Mechanisms For reviewing work in progress are established Modifications are made to the
design and/or content, to address changes in project parameters.
22. Prototype Systems and components are developed in accordance with the agreed design.
23. Mock-up /simulator’s plan and specification is developed and confirmed with the client.
24. Relevant personnel are identified to support the development phase, if needed
25. Manual for prototype, model/simulator is developed.
26. Content of the developed materials is checked against content specifications.
27. Text, format and visual design are checked for clarity and focus.
28. Relevant personnel are identified, and support is sought for the review and validation.
29. An external review is conducted using appropriate methods, and feedback is incorporated.
30. Final draft is reviewed against the brief and other relevant criteria prior to delivery to the client.
31. The design and development process are reviewed against appropriate evaluation criteria
32. Time is taken to reflect and identify areas for improvement Identified improvements are
documented for future projects.

 Brief, focus and type learning materials.

 Likely target audience/s and learning environment.
 Research
 Characteristics of the learners/end users.
 Existing information
 Ethical and legal considerations
 Development work plan
 Design options
 Learning style
 Outline of prototype
 Relevant personnel
 Learning materials
 Mechanism
 Methods, and feedback
 Evaluation criteria

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