JH Tests Sky High WB Test U3a 6

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3 Test Name: ……………………………… Grade: ……….

Reading (45 points)

A Read the article.

§ Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall1 in the world. It is one hundred meters high and
more than a kilometer wide. Victoria Falls is in Central Africa on the Zambezi River.
In the past, people living in the area were scared of this amazing waterfall and didn’t go
5 near it. They called it Mosi-oa-Tunya, which means “the smoke2 that thunders”, because they
thought that the cloud of mist3 above the waterfall was smoke. People also believed that the
very loud sound they heard was thunder. In fact, it was the water falling into the Zambezi
River below. You can actually see and hear Victoria Falls from more than 20 kilometers
10 How did Victoria Falls get its name? In 1841, David Livingstone, a British doctor, went
to Africa to help the people there. In 1855, he was standing on an island in the middle of the
Zambezi River when he saw the waterfall for the first time. Livingstone decided to call it
Victoria Falls, because Victoria was the name of the Queen of England at that time. Today,
the island he stood on is called Livingstone Island.
Victoria Falls is one of the seven natural wonders4 of the world. Thousands of tourists
come to see it every year. They see the same beautiful part of nature that David Livingstone
saw almost 180 years ago.
waterfall ‫מפל מים‬ / ‫شالل‬ 3
mist ‫ אובך‬,‫ערפל‬ / ‫ضباب‬
smoke ‫עשן‬ / ‫دخان‬ 4
natural wonders ‫פלאי טבע‬ / ‫عجائب الطبيعة‬

B Answer the questions about the article.

1 Circle the TWO correct answers. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

In paragraph 1 we learn … .
a. how many people visit the waterfall
b. where the waterfall is
c. why the waterfall is called Victoria Falls
d. how high the waterfall is
e. what you can do at the waterfall

Unit 3 TEST

2 Write T (true) or F (false). (paragraph 2) (4 x 2 = 8 points)

…… 1. The people in the area didn’t go near the waterfall.

…… 2. They were scared of what they saw and heard.
…… 3. The sound they heard was thunder.
…… 4. You can hear the waterfall only when you are close to it.

3 When did David Livingstone come to Africa? (paragraph 3) (5 points)


4 Where was David Livingstone standing when he saw the waterfall (6 points)
for the first time? (paragraph 3)


5 Why did David Livingstone call the waterfall Victoria Falls? (paragraph 3) (6 points)


6 Circle the TWO correct answers. (paragraph 3) (2 x 3 = 6 points)

Livingstone Island … .
a. is the place where David Livingstone first saw the waterfall
b. is another name for the Zambezi River
c. got its name in 1841
d. is in the middle of the Zambezi River
e. is where David Livingstone was born

7 Circle the TWO correct answers. (2 x 4 = 8 points)

How is the waterfall different today from in the past?

a. It has a different name.
b. It is a beautiful part of nature.
c. It makes a loud sound.
d. Many tourists come to visit.
e. Everyone is afraid of it.

Unit 3 TEST

Vocabulary (20 points)

A Circle the correct answer. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. A strong wind … from the north.

a. is covering b. is blowing c. is sneezing
2. A storm is coming! The people on the mountain are … .
a. in particular b. in fact c. in danger
3. People eat a lot of … in Japan.
a. rice b. nature c. clothes
4. A … is one hundred years.
a. circle b. party c. century
5. After the snowstorm, they … for people on the mountain.
a. searched b. picked c. scared
6. The animals were lucky to be … after the fire.
a. wide b. alive c. complete
7. The … around Haifa has a lot of hills.
a. laundry b. culture c. area
8. After the rain, there was a beautiful … in the sky.
a. village b. rainbow c. ladder
9. I ... hot weather to cold weather.
a. weigh b. look like c. prefer
10. Could you please … the dog before you go to school?
a. feed b. relax c. damage

B Complete the sentences with the correct words below. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

shoulder firefighter cloudy ancient softly

fountain thirsty cave blanket hero

1. Tom became a .............................. to his friend after he found her lost dog.
2. We like to sit near the .............................. in the center of town.
3. Danny fell out of the tree and broke his .............................. .
4. This .............................. wall is 2,000 years old.
5. The mother spoke .............................. to her baby.
6. I’m very .............................. . Could I have something to drink, please?
7. They walked into a dark and scary .............................. .
8. It’s cold! I am going to put an extra .............................. on my bed.
9. Eran wants to be a .............................. when he grows up.
10. It was cold and .............................. , so we didn’t go to the swimming pool.
Unit 3 TEST

Grammar (20 points)

A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (5 x 1 = 5 points)
in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
1. There .............................. (is) a storm at sea yesterday.
2. I .............................. (meet) my friends at the park on Friday.
3. Mr. Green .............................. (carry) the heavy bags home from the store.
4. We .............................. (search) all over the house for our cat.
5. The firefighters .............................. (rescue) the old man from the building.

B Complete the passage with the Past Simple form of the verbs below. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
There are two extra words.

rain prefer begin is damage break lose

The Monsoon

The monsoon season 1. .............................. early last year and

it 2. .............................. hard for many days. Then there
.............................. a flood. It 4. .............................. many houses.
Some people in our village 5. .............................. their homes.

C Choose the correct answer. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. Must / Could you please tell me how to get to Robinson Street?

2. Ann is sick. She can’t / must meet you at the mall today.
3. Dan could / can’t drive a car until he is 16 years old.
4. I mustn’t / can see the mountains from the window.
5. The children must / couldn’t wear hats in the sun.

D Complete the sentences. Use the correct form and tense of have to, (5 x 1 = 5 points)
positive or negative.
1. Maya .............................. take care of her brother because her mother isn’t home.
2. The teacher always says, “All students .............................. take part in our sport
lesson. It’s for everyone.”
3. Anne .............................. go to bed early tonight because there is no school
4. Ben’s father said, “I won’t be able to drive you to school. I’m sorry, but you
.............................. walk tomorrow.”
5. “You .............................. work late today. You can go home now.”

Unit 3 TEST

Writing (15 points)

A Circle a word in each sentence. Then give your opinion (2 x 3 = 6 points)

and a reason for your opinion.
1. In my opinion, summer / winter is the best season because ..................
................................................................................................................ .
2. In my opinion, dogs / cats are the best pets because ............................
................................................................................................................ .

B In your opinion, what are the three best ways to spend time with friends? (9 points)
Write five or more sentences (40 or more words). Use expressions such
as in my opinion, I think, I feel that.



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