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Virtualization #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ;
Cell Phones with IMEI Numbers have Kill Switch, So Desktops,
Shortwave Radio, Regular Radio, CB, Ham is the Dead End
Option ... ;
Shortwave works with the Four Corner Ceiling Antenna or Slinkey
... ;
Stuff will hit the fan, Zionists Talmudic Jews Started
("IT") ... ;
Before doing so, Spoof Mac Address to Random, Set 8888DNS ... ;
The Best way to Virual Machines is to run ("ISO") to RAM
DISK ... ;
("Lubuntu LXDE 1804") Ram Disk 4MBStorage was best VM
Option ... ;
I run the OS Live Only then it just worked the best way
possible ... ;
Virtual Machines are there to protect the ("BIOS") from
Damage ... ;
When they say Exploits destroy computers they mean it also,
you use a Virtual Machine to Protect your BIOS from
Damage ... ;
Exploits will replace your BIOS LOGO Screen with FBI LOCK and
then your BIOS no longer posts into the bootloader, this can be
done with basic javascript loaded on an outdated Operating
System ... ;
I remember how crappy Internet Exploder Six was LOL ... ;
I would visit a glitched link on Google and Destroy the
BIOS ... ;
We've heard of Kekma Dot Net Motherless Dot Com Rotten Mugshots
... ;
Efukt, P*** Sites, all Degeneracy and Perversion started by
("Jews") ;
I mean Talmudic Jews not the Common Jew, but Trillion Dollar
Jews ... ;
Basically Bnai Brith of The ADL that pure jew only secret
society ... ;
Below all of that is Freemasonry which does all the "Organized
Stalking" ;
Organized Stalk is known by the slang term "Gang
Stalking" ... ;
Who would've known that visiting on a Deprecated OS destroys
("BIOS") ;
You can try it yourself on a left over computer if you are
bored ... ;
I got kicked out of the computer lab destroying a BIOS from
clicking a wrong link, IESix is the worst Web Browser
Ever ... ;
I remember some prank that someone did to me, I checked the HP
SSD it had a firmware flasher on it, I originally had a San
SSD in that Computer, a Sheriff Replaced the SSD from San Disk
to HP and added the firmware flasher, my BIOS was then broken,
the only thing I could do was get rid of the computer due to a
firmare flash that destroyed my BIOS this was done by a COP who
put an HP SSD in a laptop of mine instead of San Disk, the SSD
had a stickey note on it, this was known as a black back Job
a COP goes into your house and replaces a San Disk SSD with an
this Gang Stalker did this intentionally to destroy the BIOS of
laptop, I was just going to document that, Gang Stalking is ran
The Freemasons in Sheriff's Departments, LOL, not new at all, I
it harder for them to do Black Back Jobs, just lock the SSD,
set a
LUKS or Geli Drive Encryption, Alphanumeric Password on Phone,
way they have no access, If you leave a machine without a BIOS
sometimes they will do additional Black Back Jobs, it gets real
and the Sound Campaigns they did all night damn perps LOL ... ;
Then Do Not Install the ("ISO") Set ("FourMB") Storage
Period ... ;
Virtualbox is the only thing I need or run, it N00B
Friendly ... ;
For my Virtual Machines the pen testing one Parrot Security OS
or Kali Linux, Skywave Linux for Radio, Lubuntu LXDE (1804) is
less secure one, then GhostBSD NomadBSD as those have the other
features, 4096 RAM, shared clipboard, 64 MB Video Memory, Three
Acceleration Turned off due to my BIOS and stuff, that is
all ... ;
If I had a Potato Computer I would Slitaz and Puppy Linux
it ... ;
BSD came with the option of Full GELI Drive Encryption as
needed ... ;
GhostBSD was stuck in 1024-768 and NomadBSD runs on an external
SSD instead, so instead I ran Lubuntu LXDE ("1804") in
Resolution of
TwelveEightyEightHundred Scaled Mode Live Only Four MB
Storage ... ;
Ublock Origin, Privacy Badger, Decentraleyes, Canvas
Blocker ... ;
Then you can run TOR inside and Brave also, this all worked ...
Tor is only meant to be ran Windowed on Live or Virtual Machine
... ;
Tails OS was a better option at the time, now it is compromised
... ;
The outside Main OS is Arch Linux, Spoofed Mac Address,
also Virtual Machines just protect your BIOS it just
works ... ;
The best Virtual Machine will be a Live OS on a VM of
course ... ;
You boot the ISO to RAM Disk and then it works in a VM that way
... ;
So as you can tell Lubuntu LXDE ("1804") was the VM I got
Working along
with Puppy Linux and Slitaz Linux for those just worked as said
... ;
As for Nirvgorilla he has an ego problem, he still believes
Global Warming
is Man Made and that the Mask and Vaccine Prevents COVID
Nineteen ... ;
Live OS Only on the Virtual Machine, Four MB for Storage and
for Video Memory then 4096 for the RAM then boot to RAM DISK
Only ... ;
You load the Virtual Machine on a RAM Disk, not installed to
drive, if
it is installed to drive it will just get compromised if it is
as a Live Operating System on Ram Disk in a Virtual Machine it
will work
out perfectly because the OS is not Installed it is on Ram Disk
Instead. ;
What part of that do you not understand, RAM DISK Live Only ISO
Only not
installed on a Virtual Machine Four MB Storage SixtyFour Video
Four Zero Nine Six RAM Memory, to ram disk, not installed, NOOB
... ;
Inside of a Virtual Machine also, you can see that these trolls
get it ... ;
OpenBSD by default:
disables ssh root logins
partitions the hard drive into multiple mount points
has Xorg (xenocara) running NOT as root (before Linux got
uses privsep, heck ping has privsep on OpenBSD
practically no services run as root by default
has better documentation (which leads to less mistakes in using
has sane defaults (disabling old protocols in httpd(8), old
password schemes etc)
exploit mitigation techniques are on by default (ASLR, WX etc.)
you now have pledge which is like the security frameworks in
Linux but software is actually using it :) - ;
many more..
Virtualbox-iso-tar ("GhostBSD-24.01.1.iso")("lubuntu-18.04.5-
desktop-amd64.iso") ... ;
Lastly Linux and Solaris Have Sudo and Su ... ;
--Scott Alan Barry The Asshole of The Earth who Denies The
Holocaust ... ;
This is The First Footer EOF of all of this useless drivel that
I have wrote ... ;
This is The Second Footer EOF of all of this useless drivel
that I have wrote ... ;
This is The Third Footer EOF of all of this useless drivel that
I have wrote ... ;
This is The Fourth Footer EOF of all of this useless drivel
that I have wrote ... ;
This is The Fifth Footer EOF of all of this useless drivel that
I have wrote ... ;
This is The Sixth Footer EOF of all of this useless drivel that
I have wrote ... ;

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