Projectile From Height

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Projection From Height

level at 100 m/s,releases a block. How far on ground ual tit stike
1. An aeroplane flying 490 m above ground
(B) 1 km (C) 2 km (D) None
(A) 0.1 km

a tower of height 5 m. t touches the ground at a distance of 1n

2 A body is thrown horizontally from the top of
initial velocity of the body is (g 10 ms2)

m from the foot of the tower. The

(A) 2.5 ms1 (B) 5 ms (C) 10 ms (D) 20 ms1

3. Aparticle (A) is dropped from a height and another particle (B) is thrown in horizontal direction with speedo
5 m/sec from the same height. The corect.statementis
(A) Both particles will reach at ground simultaneously
(B) Both particles will reach at ground with same speed
C) Particle (A) will reach at ground first with respect to particle (B)
(D) Particle (B) will reachat ground first with respect to particle (A)

A body is projected horizontally from top of a tower with initial velocity 18m/s. It hits the ground at an ange
of 45°. What is vertical component of its velocity just before hitting theground?

5. A man standing on the roof of a house of height h throws one partide verticaly downwards and anoiner
partide horizontally with same velocity u. find the ratio of their speeds when they reach ground.

6. An aeroplane flying ata constant velocity releases a bomb. As the bomb drops doun from the aeroplane (sue
airresistanceto be negligible):
(A) It will always be vertically below the aeroplane
(B) t will aways be vertically below the aeroplane only if the aeroplane is fying horizontaly

(C) tuill auays be verticaly belowthe aercplane only if the aeroplane is ftying at an angleof 45° tothehon
(D) It will grodually fall behind the aeroplane if the aeroplane is tlying horizontally
e groundfrst?
7. Two bulletsare fired horizontaly with dlifferent velocities from the same height, Which will reach the grout
(A) slower one (B) faster one
(C) both will reach simultaneously (D) it cannot be predicted

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