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Black Lives Matter is a phrase and most particularly, a hashtag that draws attention to the racism,
prejudice, and unfairness that black people face. Good things are taking place. Individuals from all
around the world are talking freely about racism in their neighborhoods, workplaces, and daily lives,
some for the very first time. By combining social media organization with traditional civil disobedience
tactics like marches, sit-ins, and run-ins with the law, it started out as a daring approach to expose
injustice and increase public awareness. The purposefully unorganized, ad hoc group was inspired by a
three-word motto, and it soon developed into a well-known, approachable movement that politicians
ignored at their risk.


Women from various areas of life have made numerous allegations of nonconsensual sexual encounters
in recent years. Numerous males from a similarly varied cross-section have been accused of
inappropriate behavior and sexual assault. Regrettably, it's been reported that if a woman accuses a
powerful man of abusing her sexually, other women who were close to that man would make up
allegations to get a piece of the action. Then, society has a propensity to charge the defendant before
having all the information. Contrarily, it makes sense that sexual predators rarely confine their unlawful
sexual behavior to a single incident, therefore allegations made by multiple women support the validity
of the initial claim. Survivors of sexual abuse can see that they are not alone thanks to the Me Too
movement. Also, by highlighting how pervasive sexual harassment and assault truly are, it contributes to
raising awareness of sexual violence.


#YesAllWomen tried to illustrate the ubiquity of sexism in women's lives. Women's simple act of sharing
their opinions and experiences caused worldwide dialogue, but it also provoked criticism. Hateful
ideologies harm people of all genders. Any other argument is deliberate ignorance. Some males want to
believe that they can keep calling women "sluts" and making rape jokes without having an impact on
society as a whole, which may be part of the reason for their stubborn skepticism. Yet they can't because
sexism undermines our society as a whole and hinders our efforts to achieve true justice for women,
from everyday harassment to inequality that is established in law.

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