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PURCOM  Consistency- Maintain a uniform message

across various communications.

Communication - It is the mutual exchange of
 Courtesy- Be polite and respectful in your
information, ideas, and understanding by any effective
 Concreteness- Use specific facts and details to
Verbal Communication - It includes face-to-face enhance understanding.
conversations, speech, telephonic conversation, video,  Completeness- Provide all necessary
radio, television, voice over internet. information for a comprehensive
Non-Verbal - Is the sending or receiving of wordless
 Consideration- Take into account the needs
messages. Such as gestures, body language, posture,
and perspectives of your audience.
tone of voice or facial expressions.
 Correctness- Ensure accuracy in your message
Elements of Communication to build trust and credibility.
 Feedback- Encourage and be receptive to
1. Sender - She/He may be called the source,
feedback for effective communication.
encoder, speaker, or communicator
 Listening- Actively listen to understand others
2. Message - It may consist of ideas, opinion,
and respond appropriately.
information, feeling or attitude of the sender.
3. Chanel - A pathway or medium through which Communication Ethics
the message travels to reach its destination.
Ethics - deals with values relating to human conduct,
4. Receiver - A person or medium through which
with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain
the message travels to reach its destinations.
actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives
5. Feedback - The receiver's response that
and ends of such actions
provides information to the sender
6. Noise - A form of distortion, barrier, or obstacle Fundamental of ethical communication
that occurs in an of the oral communication
process.  Responsible thinking
7. Adjustment - Done if the message is distorted  Decision making
or is not clearly understood by the receiver.  Development of relationships and communities
8. Context - It is the situation from which the 1. Contexts
communication is done. 2. Cultures
3. Channels
Impacts of Globalization on Communication 4. Media
1. Virtual Interaction Unethical communication – threatens the quality of all
2. Cultural awareness in speech communication and consequently the individuals and
3. Cultural awareness in Body language the society.
4. Time Differences
Types of unethical communication
Impacts of Globalization on Global Communication
1. Coercive
1. Availability of information 2. Destructive
2. Business Conduct 3. Deceptive
3. Social awareness 4. Intrusive
4. The problem 5. Secretive
6. Manipulative-exploitative
Communication Principles
Principles of Ethical Communication
 Clarity - Ensure your message is clear and easy
to understand.  Advocate
 Conciseness- Express your ideas in a brief and  Truthfulness, Accuracy, Honesty
to-the-point manner.  Endorse freedom of expression
 Strive to understand 2. Physical Disabilities
 Promote Access to communication 3. Psychological Barriers
 Promote communication climates of caring and  Lack of attention
mutual understanding  Poor retention of communication
 Condemn Communication  Lack of trust
 Closed mind
CODE OF ETHICS - are moral guidelines that are used to
4. Interpersonal Barriers
help assist people in making decisions, to tell the
 Gender issues
difference between 'right' and 'wrong' and to utilize this
 Completion on environment
understanding to make ethical choices
 Culture
3 Level of code of ethics
Ethics in Communication
1. Code of ethics (social issues)
 respect privacy and confidentiality
2. Code of conduct (influence to behavior of
 Actively listen
 Strive to understand
3. Code of practice (professional responsibility)
 Avoid negative tone
Types of communication  Do not interrupt
 Speak from your own experience
 Verbal
 Speak from the truth
 Non-Verbal
 Accept responsibility
 Intrapersonal
 Interpersonal Forms of Non-Verbal communication
 Extended
1. Kinesis – body movement, facial expression
 Intercultural
2. Chronemics – value in space and structure
 Organization
of time
 Written
3. Proxemics – interpersonal intimate contact
General Purpose of effective communication when socialization happens
4. Paralinguistic – tone of your voice and
 Purpose
 Audience 5. Haptics – communication in touch
 Topic 6. Oculesics – communication through eyes.
 Adjust your speech/writing to the context of the
 Work with your feedback

Principles of effective oral communication

 Be clear with your purpose

 Be complete with the message
 Be concise
 Be natural
 Be specific and timely

Barriers of communication

1. Physical Barriers
 Noise
 Temperature
 Medium Disturbance
 Work place

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