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Carlos, Lyzhen H.

BSED English – Class B

Purposive Communication
Assignment No. 1
Verbal Communication examples
1. Delivering a valedictorian speech in a graduation ceremony.
2. A priest having a homily or a sermon on Sunday mass.
3. A political candidate speaking about his platforms to the general public.
4. Both parents explaining to their children on what to do with their household chores.
5. The coach of a basketball team instructing the players on how to make a point from their
6. The dance instructor is shouting the counts of step for the dancers at the back.
7. The SSC President talking with his members about the next program that they will be
8. Two siblings are having an argument of who will clean the dishes.
9. A best man having his speech in an intimate wedding.
10. Having a late night phone call with your childhood friend.

Non-Verbal Communication examples

1. Covering the mouth – it might be a reaction of being surprised. It might also be to hide their
emotional feelings or to avoid displaying their smile or smirk.
2. Waving your hand – trying to say “hi" or “goodbye.”
3. Rolling your eyes – when a person is annoyed to someone.
4. Arms crossed over the chest – when a person about disagreeing with what someone is saying
or doing.
5. Fingers rubbing the temple – it shows that an individual is having a headache or being
6. Tapping of fingers – means that a person is being irritated or impatient of waiting.
7. Placing fingertips together – it usually do by the bosses that shows authority.
8. Hand on head – means that a person is bored.
9. Touching of nose – it means that an individual is lying or being untruthful on what they are
10. Hand on cheek – it shows that a person is thinking or worrying about something.
11. Doing the number three finger sign – it means “OK" or telling someone that they agree on
what they have said.
12. Clapping of hands – it means of being proud or amaze on what they have watched.
13. Thumbs up – it shows approval onto something.
14. Putting hands together – shows that someone is praying.
15. Cross-fingers – hoping for something to happen.
16. Hand facing forward – to make something to stop.
17. Raising one eyebrow – to show that you are questioning of what other person did or said.
18. Standing up straight – showing confidence and good posture.
19. Looking down – it shows that someone is lacking of confidence or being weak.
20. Twisting of hair – it means that a girl or a woman is trying to be attractive or get your

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