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Mother of Good Counsel Seminary

Senior High School Department

Unisite subdivision, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines

An Introduction to the Philosophy of the to human person

Francisco, Renz Ashley S. Rev. Fr. Jasper Laurence C. Sanita
People wear mask, to hide their self, or to hide the truth and in the cave of Plato's
allegory, it symbolizes the confined and limited understanding of individuals who are bound
by societal norms, dogmas, and conventional wisdom. In today's context, this cave can be
seen as Mask created by social media, where individuals are often exposed to information
that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs. Not all in the social media are true, some are fake
and the truth is not expose to the public.

The journey out of the cave, guided by the philosopher who attains knowledge of the
higher truth, mirrors the quest for enlightenment and critical thinking in the modern world.
It suggests the importance of questioning established narratives, seeking diverse
perspectives, and engaging in independent inquiry to break free from the confines of
misinformation and biased viewpoints. The sun outside the cave symbolizes the ultimate
truth and knowledge. In our contemporary setting, it can be likened to the pursuit of
objective information and a comprehensive understanding of complex issues. The blinding
effect of the sun upon exiting the cave corresponds to the discomfort that often
accompanies confronting inconvenient truths and challenging one's preconceived notions.

Moreover, the allegory highlights the responsibility of those who have attained
enlightenment to return to the cave and enlighten others by removing the mask and to
discover the truth. In today's society, this echoes the call for education and information
dissemination, emphasizing the role of educators, journalists, and thought leaders in guiding
others toward a more enlightened understanding of the world.

In conclusion, Plato's Allegory of the Cave serves as a timeless reflection on the

human condition, resonating with the challenges of navigating the information age. It
prompts us to question the narratives presented to us, seek the truth beyond distorted
shadows, and actively contribute to the enlightenment of ourselves and society. The
allegory serves as a reminder that, despite the technological advancements of our era, the
fundamental struggle for intellectual liberation remains a constant and vital aspect of the
human experience.

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