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Noel G. Valenzuela
Sta. Clara Integrated National High School, SDO Sto Tomas City, Philippines
Corresponding Author email:

Received: ___________________ Revised: ________________ Accepted: ___________________

Volume I (2024), Issue 1, ISSN: ________

This paper aims to examine the role of enhancement activities in the context of a growing number of
students' language incompetence. The student's proficiency in the language has declined over time. Most students
struggle with speaking, grammatical skills, and spelling. As a result, teachers are facing major challenges in helping
students learn the skills they are expected to master. This study utilized the quantitative method. Quantitative
research as a field of inquiry, crosscuts disciplines, fields, and subject matters. It explores the problem of how
students' challenges in the use of the English language will be remedied through proper intervention and practices.
The first informant grouped from indicator 1 “are poor in English vocabulary” a total of 44 teachers (100%)
presenting a “Strongly Agree” verbal interpretation. This highest percentage was found in the indicator that shows
poor English vocabulary among students observed by teachers. The study also found benefits for students of a
variety of enhancement activities in English subjects. Indicator 3 “increased confidence” a total of 41 teachers
(93.18%) presenting a “Strongly Agree” verbal interpretation. It was observable that the majority of the informants
had increased confidence. English-language advancements of the students are exhibited in the integration of the
interventions. There was a total of 39 group of teachers observed that the identified students “develop the
construction of sentences” which is indicator 5 with the highest percentage of 88.63% (Moderately Agree) along with
indicator number 7 “improve the delivery of thoughts”. Conclusions were crafted based on the findings: 1) Common
performance of students in English subjects and other related English subjects in senior high school is poor, 2)The
practices are beneficial for students using these varieties of enhancement activities in English subjects, 3) There were
English-language advancements the students showed during a lesson.

Keywords: context, effectiveness, enhancements, incompetence, proficiency

You can travel everywhere in this world and find people who can comprehend or use the English language.
It has a bigger impact on the individuals in society. For those for whom English is not their first language, the English
language is also an essential subject. Students must master the English language and speak it well to succeed in
school. It is important to use a common language when speaking and thinking with people from distant locations and
different linguistic groups. To survive in foreign nations, students who wish to travel abroad for academic study must
be able to read, write, and speak the English language.
Nonetheless, English has become an ongoing cause of frustration for teachers and their students. The
student's proficiency in the language has declined over time. Most students struggle with speaking, grammatical
skills, and spelling. As a result, teachers are facing major challenges in helping students learn the skills they are
expected to master. When the teacher begins to teach, most of the students find it difficult to participate in the
lesson. Either they lack vocabulary knowledge, or they are unable to understand the lesson due to the language
Several reasons have been linked to the student's ability to make use of the English language effectively,
such as their weak understanding of the use and application of grammar, spelling, and other related factors in the
use of the English Language. It is supported by the claim of Adi (2023) that students faced several problems when it
comes to speaking the English language, 1. Fear of making mistakes, 2. Lack of confidence and 3. limited vocabulary
are the major problems students face in speaking the English language.
The students' lack of understanding of the English language disturbs many language teachers. Because they
are unfamiliar with the concepts that must be acquired, students are hesitant to express themselves in English. In
conducting the lesson, teachers encounter challenges. The lesson being delivered by the teacher thus becomes
challenging for the students to fully understand. Furthermore, they are unable to completely express ideas related to
the topics in writing exercises, the words they use are spelled incorrectly and the sentences they write are not well-
organized. These are the typical situations that language teachers deal with throughout.

Strengthening English Language Proficiency Through Enhancement Activities in Context of Growing Number
of Students' Language Incompetence is a study that aids in the progress and improvement of the students' usage of
the English language. These enrichment activities are recommended to close the students' learning gaps. These are
used as an intervention by English language teachers to help these students improve their speaking, spelling, and
grammatical aptitude.
The study is being conducted as a result and as part of the prevention and intervention techniques for
classroom management. One of the best teaching strategies that English language teachers can use in their everyday
lessons an enhancement technique.
The results of the study will give additional latitude for implementation in the upcoming academic year. It is
regarded as one of the good practices. The school's School Inventory Plan (SIP) may include this. The best method
for adjusting the schedule will be to discuss the results and provide execution guidance at the INSET.

Research Questions
This study's major purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of the variety of enhancement activities in the
English language proficiency of the students in Sta. Clara Integrated National High School.
However, for its actualization, the following questions were proposed:
1. What is the common performance of students in English subjects and other related English subjects in
senior high school?

2. What are the benefits for students of a variety of enhancement activities in English subjects?
3. What English-language advancements the students have shown during a lesson?


Research Design: This study utilized the quantitative method. Quantitative research as a field of inquiry, crosscuts
disciplines, fields, and subject matters (Denzin and Lincoln, 2015). It explores the problem of how students'
challenges in the use of the English language will be remedied through proper intervention and practices.

Research Sample: The study employed purposive sampling because it relies on the researcher’s judgment when
identifying and selecting the individuals, cases, or events that can provide the best information to achieve the study’s
objectives. The participants were teachers from Sta. Clara Integrated National High School's Junior and Senior High
School departments. Their participation in the study will assist in reducing the identified issue with students in the
classroom. They will be made aware of the plan's inclusion in the students' schedule. Additionally, their academic
performance in class will be considered to see whether there have been any changes.

Research Procedure: The title approved was crafted by a statement of the problem anchored to the title. This was
part of the best practices for students' development of language skills. Statement of the Problems was made for the
crafting of the whole manuscript. A time frame was given for the editing and presentation at the division level.
Endorsement to the English language teachers at Sta. Clara Integrated National School was conducted for the
implementation of the practice.

Ethical Consideration
The reliability of the study was anchored to ethical considerations. (Bandari, 2021) defines ethical
considerations in research as a set of principles that guide your research designs and practices. Scientists and
researchers must always adhere to a certain code of conduct when collecting data from people.
The cited literature acknowledged the original authors for references to give credit for intellectual support
in the development of the study. Also, transparency of the result is possible through honest, credible, and reliable
inclusion of someone else’s work. The informants were considered their protection from possible harm. They have
sought permission concerning the sensitive questions to be answered during the survey. The researcher disclosed all
possible risks of harm to participants before the survey.

Treatment of Data
The study used the descriptive research technique, describing how the proponent students enhanced and
developed their skills in the use of the English language through speaking, grammatical competence, and spelling.
Given the quantitative nature of the study, a survey of teachers in the junior and senior high school departments was
conducted to assess the effectiveness of the strategy.


This aspect presents the analysis of the results and discussions anchored to the research questions utilized
by the study.

Table 1
1. Common performance of students in English subjects and other related English subjects in senior high
I observe that some students…
1. are poor in English vocabulary 44 100 % Strongly Agree 1

2. are confused about spelling. 42 95.45% Strongly Agree 3

3. low of self-confidence in speaking 43 97.72% Strongly Agree 2

4. have difficulty with grammar 44 100 % Strongly Agree 1


5. feel embarrassed 44 100 % Strongly Agree 1

6. have the improper pronunciation 44 100 % Strongly Agree 1

of words

7. have a lack of word usage 43 97.72% Strongly Agree 2

8. have low motivation to use the 44 100 % Strongly Agree 1

English language

Legend :
95 – 100% Strongly Agree
90 – 94 % Agree
85 – 89 % Moderately Agree
80 – 84% Slightly Agree
70 – 79 % Disagree

The first informant grouped from indicator 1 “are poor in English vocabulary” a total of 44 teachers (100%)
presenting a “Strongly Agree” verbal interpretation. This highest percentage was found in the indicator that shows
poor in English vocabulary among students observed by teachers, also other indicators like “have difficulty with
grammar structure”, “feel embarrassed”, “have the improper pronunciation of words”, and “have low motivation to
use the English language” all are also 100% with the verbal interpretation of “Strongly Agree”. The lowest values
corresponded to the indicator “confused about spelling” with the verbal interpretation of “Strongly Agree” (100%).
It was observable that most of the students were poor in English vocabulary, have difficulty with grammar
structure, felt embarrassed, had improper pronunciation of words, and had low motivation to use the English

2. Benefits for students of a variety of enhancement activities in English subjects.

I observe that some students…
1. improved social skills. 38 86.36% Moderately Agree 3

2. improved school grades. 38 86.36% Slightly Agree 3

3. increased confidence. 41 93.18% Strongly Agree 1

4. developed a liking towards the 36 81.81 % Strongly Agree 4


5. English speaking skills improve 36 81.81 % Slightly Agree 4

6. improved spelling skills. 38 81.81 % Moderately Agree 3

7. gained more vocabulary 36 81.81 % Moderately Agree 4


8. paced learning. 40 90.90% Moderately Agree 2

Table 2. Benefits for students of a variety of enhancement activities in English subjects

Legend :
95 – 100% Strongly Agree
90 – 94 % Agree
85 – 89 % Moderately Agree
80 – 84% Slightly Agree
70 – 79 % Disagree

This table shows its Benefits for students of a variety of enhancement activities in English subjects. Indicator
3 “increased confidence” a total of 41 teachers (93.18%) presenting a “Strongly Agree” verbal interpretation. It
shows the highest percentage observed by teachers, followed by “improved social skills” and “improved school
grades” with the verbal interpretation of “ Strongly Agree” (81.81%). The lowest values corresponded to indicators
4-7 with the verbal interpretation of “Moderately Agree” (81.81%).
It was observable that the majority of the informants had increased confidence.

3. English-language advancements the students have shown during a lesson

I observe that some students…
1. rich vocabulary . 38 86.36% Strongly Agree 2

2. improvement of spelling. 37 84.09% Moderately Agree 3

3. speaks with confidence. 37 84.09% Moderately Agree 3

4. express their thoughts. 37 84.09% Moderately Agree 3

5. improve enthusiasm in the use of 39 88.63% Agree 1

English language

6. develop the construction of 38 86.36% Slightly Agree 2


7. improve the delivery of thoughts. 39 88.63% Moderately Agree 1

8. become critical thinkers. 36 81.81% Slightly Agree 4

Table 3: English-language advancements the students have shown during a lesson

Legend :
95 – 100% Strongly Agree
90 – 94 % Agree
85 – 89 % Moderately Agree
80 – 84% Slightly Agree
70 – 79 % Disagree

English-language advancements of the students are exhibited in the integration of the interventions. There
was a total of 39 group of teachers observed that the identified students “develop the construction of sentences”
which is indicator 5 with the highest percentage of 88.63% (Moderately Agree) along with indicator number 7
“improve the delivery of thoughts”. The lowest values corresponded to indicator 8 “become critical thinkers” with the
verbal interpretation of “Moderately Agree” (81.81%).

The following are the conclusions established based on the findings of the study:
1. The common performance of students in English subjects and other related English subjects in senior high
school is poor.
2. The practices are beneficial for students using these varieties of enhancement activities in English subjects
3. There were English-language advancements the students showed during a lesson.

Grounded on the findings of the study, the following are herewith recommended:
1. Teachers in English may incorporate the introduced activities among students.
2. This may be a good reference for other language teachers.
3. This may be a good source of information for some other schools.

First and foremost, thanks to God, the Almighty for His showers of blessings throughout our research work
to finish it completely, for the wisdom and strength that become our greatest key to make things possible.

We would like to give our sincerest gratitude to our dearest school Principal II, Reymundo F. Hermo, for
believing, pushing and motivating us to be part of the compendium.

We are also deeply grateful to our dear parents for their love, caring, and sacrifices during the crafting of
this action research. Your prayers and supports made help us to stand still.

All the glory belongs to God…


 Engvarta. (2019). Advantages of Speaking English | Powerful Learning Methods to Speak English with
Confidence. Master English Fluency. Retrieved from.
 Kayi, H. (2006). Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language. TESOL Journal
Archives. Retrieved from
 Leano, A. (2019). Speaking Difficulties of Philippine Indigenous Learners In English Semantics. Southeast
Asia Early Childhood Journal Vol. 8 (2), 2019 (16-27). Retrieved from

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