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StructuralIntegrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
Procedia Structural Integrity 31 (2021) 140–146

4th International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability, ICSID 2020

4th International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability, ICSID 2020

Numerical simulation of concrete cylinders based on confined glass

Numerical simulation of concrete cylinders based on confined glass
F. Khelouiaa*, T. Ben Chabaneaa, O. Akmoussiaa, O. Belaidiaa, Madjid Almansbaaa
F. Kheloui *, T. Ben Chabane , O. Akmoussi , O. Belaidi , Madjid Almansba
Mouloud MAMMERI University, Faculty of Civil. Eng, 15000 Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria.
Mouloud MAMMERI University, Faculty of Civil. Eng, 15000 Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria.

Recycling and waste recovery are now considered as a solution for the future in order to meet the deficit between production and
consumption andand
waste recoverytheareenvironment.
to protect now considered The as a solution forofthe
incorporation future
glass wastein order
in thetoconcrete
meet thematrix
to sustain and
preserve naturalandresources
to protectand the protect
environment. The incorporation
the environment. Compositeof glass wasteare
materials in the concrete
widely used matrix allows us to of
in the containment sustain and
columns to natural resources
meet the needs of and protect the
improving theirenvironment. Composite materials
mechanical performance. are widely
The different usedand
techniques in the containment
models confinementof concrete
of these
columns tomaterials
composite meet the reported
needs of in improving their literature
the scientific mechanical performance.
have confirmed thatThe the
pressure ofandthemodels confinement
confinement of these
is a function of
the geometricmaterials reported in characteristics
and mechanical the scientific literature have confirmed
of the composites. Our that
lateral pressure of theby
in studying, confinement
numerical is a functionthe
simulation of
the geometricbehaviour
compression and mechanical characteristics
of concrete cylinders basedof the composites.
on glass Our work
waste confined by consists in studying,
a polypropylene fabric.byThe
numerical simulation
fabric used the
is also from
compression behaviour
the waste recovery of concrete
industry. cylinders based
The constituent on glass
materials waste confined
are modelled by ato
according polypropylene fabric.namely:
numerical models The fabric used is Damaged
"Concrete also from
the waste recovery
Plasticity" industry. The
and an orthotropic constituent
elastic model to materials are modelled
predict the response of according to numerical
composites. models
Three types namely: "Concrete
of containment Damaged
were considered:
Plasticity" and an orthotropic
total containment, elastic
circular partial model to predict
confinement the response
and helical of composites.InThree
partial confinement. typesofofcircular
the case containment were considered:
confinement the width
total containment,
polypropylene fabriccircular partial
is variable. Theconfinement and helicalresults
Numerical simulation partialobtained
in termsInofthe case
stress of circular
evolution and confinement
damage variablesthe width
an improvement fabric
in theis strength
Numerical simulation
of the specimens results obtained in terms of stress evolution and damage variables show
an improvement in the strength and ductility of the specimens studied.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
©© 2021
2021 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an
This is an open
open access
access article
article under
under the the CC BY-NC-ND
CC BY-NC-ND licenselicense (
This is an
Peer-review open access
under article
responsibilityunderof the CC
2020 license (
Peer-review under responsibility of ICSID 2020 Organizers.
Peer-review under responsibility of ICSID 2020 Organizers.
Keywords:Concrete, glass waste, confinement, polypropylene fabric, numerical analysis;
Keywords:Concrete, glass waste, confinement, polypropylene fabric, numerical analysis;

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +213662047485.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +213662047485.

2452-3216© 2021 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.

2452-3216© 2021
This is an open Thearticle
access Authors. Published
under the CC by ELSEVIER
This is an open
Peer-review access
under article under
responsibility the CC 2020
of ICSID BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of ICSID 2020 Organizers.

2452-3216 © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of ICSID 2020 Organizers.
F. Kheloui et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 31 (2021) 140–146 141
2 F. Kheloui et al. / StructuralIntegrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

1. Introduction

In front of with the ever-increasing needs of material resources and the requirements of environmental preservation,
it has become necessary and relevant to prospect and study all the possibilities and opportunities for reuse and recovery
of waste and under -industrial products in the field of civil engineering. In general, the waste recycling used as
aggregates for the preparation of concrete structural allows, on the one hand, to save natural resources, reduce material
costs, and greenhouse gas emissions, and on the other hand improves the quality of construction concrete. The
properties of glass aggregates improve the performance of concretes and more particularly the glass powder which is
used to replace conventional cement additions (Bourmatte Nadjoua, 2017;Mamery Serifou, 2013;Rachida Idir, Arezki
Tagnit-Hamou, 2010). Due to the amorphous nature, glass contains relatively appreciable amounts of silica. Glass is
generally considered pozzolanic if it is finely ground. So it could be used to replace Portland cement in concrete.
Several studies were carried out in the 1960 on the use of glass as aggregates in concrete. However, this work has
shown that all concretes swell and crack. The idea has since been partially abandoned. It is only in the last fifteen years
or so that the subject has become topical again. Indeed, for economic and environmental reasons, the use of recycled
glass in cements and concretes has aroused the interest of many researchers (Rachida Idir, 2009).


fc0 Elastic compressive stress

fc Compression stress
ft0 Maximum tensile stress
υ Poisson's ratio
ψ Expansion angle
af Biaxial / uniaxial stress
ae Potential flow parameter
E Instantaneous Young's modulus
E1 Longitudinal Young'smodulus
E2 Young's transverse module
G12 Shear modulus
σ Real stress tensor
D el Stiffness matrix after damage
D0el Elastic stiffness matrix

The deterioration of columns requires reinforcement which can be provided by additional containment, to ensure
adequate strength and deformation capacity. The confinement effect provided by the outer casing comes from the
radial pressure forces generated by the curvature of the casing. This is subjected to tensile forces due to the lateral
expansion of the concrete. A column can be completely confined with one or more layers. It can also be partially
confined using bands in the form of a continuous spiral or discrete. The confinement generally increases two
characteristics of concrete: the compressive strength and the strain corresponding to the ultimate compressive stress
(Fardis, M.N. and Khalili, 1982; Thong. Pham and al. 2013). (Ivica Kožar and al. 2019) got interested in modeling
and parameter identification in fiber reinforced concrete with steel fibers. They were applied fiber bundle model that
is intrinsically stochastic to describe the fiber bond in FRC and an inverse model based on order statistics for parameter
determination. Subsequently (Ivica Kožar and al. 2020) presented results of a series of experiments of pulling-out of
a fiber from a concrete block and their comparison with Monte Carlo simulations. The devised inverse procedure
enables successful estimation of both stochastic and deterministic parameters simultaneously.
In this study, a nonlinear finite element modeling (Mickaël Abbas; Help abaqus) based on a local approach is carried
out to simulate the real behavior under compressive of concrete cylinders, based on glass waste, confined by a
polypropylene fabric. The confinement of concrete by composites consists in increasing the service level and in
particular the increase in ductility and resistance to meet existing operating requirements not anticipated in advance,
during the phase of design and calculation (Zain Saeed H and al, 2016). This numerical modeling will allow a better
142 F. Kheloui et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 31 (2021) 140–146
F. Kheloui et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000 3

understanding of behavior. The type of confinement on cylinder performance is measured and analyzed to study the
effectiveness of cylinder confinement. In addition, the numerical results in terms of overall response observed are
underlined and discussed.

2. Numerical simulation

A numerical simulation based on finite elements is carried out in a three-dimensional space on concrete cylinders
with a height of 32cm and a diameter of 16cm, according to standard NFP18-406 (Association française de
normalisation, 2001), confined by external bonding of a polypropylene fabric, using the calculation code (Help
abaqus). The dimensions and all the mechanical properties of the different constituent materials were carefully
introduced, in order to take into account all the study parameters and validate the proposed finite element model. The
polypropylene fabric and the cylinder elements are modeled separately with their mechanical and geometric
properties, the adhesion between these components is assumed to be perfect. The type of containment is as follows:
• Partially confined concrete "Circular": hoops 5 cm wide and 16 cm in diameter with 4 cm spacing BPCC.
• Partially confined concrete "Helical: a strip of 4-turn, 5 cm wide propeller BPCH.
• Totally confined concrete: a shell with a diameter of 16 cm and a height of 32 cm BTC.
Subsequently, the confined specimens are subjected to an axial load of monotonous compressive until failure on one

2.1. Material modeling

The numerical analyzes carried out are of non-linear type, and make it possible to determine the failure mechanisms
and the corresponding charge levels. Consequently, the Concrete damaged plasticity model allowing to taking into
account the dissymmetry of the behavior of concrete in compression and in tension, is used. It thus allows to managing
the problems of plasticity coupled with the damage. It assumes that the two main failure mechanisms are: cracking
and crushing of concrete in compression. The stress-strain relationship is defined by:

σ = (1 − d ) D 0e l : ε − ε pl
)= D el
: ε −ε pl
) (1)
D 0e l : Elastic stiffness matrix.

D el
= (1 − d ) D 0e l : Stiffness matrix after damage.

σ: Real stress tensor.

The use of the principle of effective stress leads to a relation linking the real stress to the effective stress given

σ = (1 − d ) σ
which allows us to link the tensor of effective stress to the tensor of elastic stress by:

σ = D 0e l : ( ε − ε pl
) (2)

The degree of material degradation under external loading is represented by a single scalar variable of damage "d"
affecting the Young's modulus. This model provides a general capacity for concrete modeling in all types of structures;
the behavior and the mechanical parameters of this model are widely detailed in the literature. The composite materials
are modeled according to an orthotropic elastic model in the hypothesis of plane stresses with the Hill-Tsai failure
criterion. The stiffness and fracture parameters of this model are identified by characterization tests.
F. Kheloui et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 31 (2021) 140–146 143
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Table 1. Parameters of concrete

Parameters Denotation
Notation Values
fc(MPa) 33.68 Compression stress
fc0 (MPa) 20.208 Elastic compressive stress
ft0 (MPa) 2.6208 Maximum tensile stress
E (MPa) 36387 Instantaneous Young's modulus
υ 0.267 Poisson's ratio
ψ 32° Expansion angle
af 1.16 Biaxial / uniaxial stress

ae 0.1 Potential flow parameter

Table 2. PP fabric parameter

Parameters Value Denotation
E1(MPa) 80000 Longitudinal Young's modulus
E2(MPa) 15000 Young's transverse module
υ12 0.295 Poisson's ratio
G12(MPa) 400 Shear modulus

2.2. Specimens meshing

Based on finite element method, modeling of geometrical specimens is conducted in full 3D nonlinear finite
element analysis. After identifying parameters and geometrical properties of polypropylene fabric and cylinder
elements mesh sensitivity is performed. Concrete solid is meshed in the sensitive zones to failure, with 20 mm
tetrahedral finite element (3D) models, with the Lagrange formulation (C3D8). An anisotropic formulation has been
adopted for polypropylene fabric, which were modeled with 10 mm 2D quadratic finite elements and four nodes with
8 degrees of freedom. The meshing configurations of specimens are depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Mesh of the cylinder and the fabric.

144 F. Kheloui et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 31 (2021) 140–146
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2.3. Loading and boundary conditions

In the model studied one end of the concrete cylinder which corresponds to a position 0, was embedded. All the
degrees of freedom on this surface were blocked. A monotonic compressive axial load to failure was applied to the
other surface which corresponds to a position 32 cm, see Fig. 2.

Fig.2. Modeling procedure: a) Boundary Conditions, b)Load Mode.

2.4. Variation of hoops width

In order to optimize the use of the composite fabric, in the case of circular partial confinement, we analyzed the
various results predicted by the numerical simulation of the specimens taking into account the variation in the width
of the bands of the proposed composite.

Table 3. Variation of hoops width

spacing = 10mm, thickness = 1mm
L=50mm L=40mm L=30mm L=25mm

3. Results and interpretations

The Fig.3 and Fig.4 illustrated the evolution of the stresses in the different partially, totally confined and unconfined
F. Kheloui et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 31 (2021) 140–146 145
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Fig. 3. Evolution of stress

The unconfined element has stress field concentrations in the central region causing the opening of cracks, which
will subsequently cause the rupture of the element. These constraints are limited by the presence of confinement, in
the case of partial confinement; they are concentrated in unconfined regions. The high stresses in the composite create
additional pressure on the cylinder which increases the stresses of confined concrete.

Fig. 4. Confrontation of the curves (σ–ε)

The unconfined concrete reaches a maximum stress of 32.66MPa with a deformation of 2.2 ‰, beyond this value
there is a degradation of the stress until failure. The total confinement of the concrete develops a resistance of 48.27
MPa by comparing it with the resistance of the unconfined concrete; we will have a contribution in terms of resistance
of 47.79%. On the other hand, the partially confined model with hoops reaches a resistance of 36.20MPa with an
intake of 10.84%. The partially confined concrete with a propeller reaches a resistance of 34.95MPa with a
contribution of 7.011%. Helicoidally confinement generates a small increase in resistance and deformation at rupture
compared to other types of confinement. The Fig.5 presents the stress-strain curves of the unconfined and confined
cylinders with a variation of the width of the bands for a spacing of 10mm and a thickness of 1mm.
The analysis of the results clearly shows the improvement in terms of compressive strength and ductility of the
confined specimens compared to the unconfined specimens and this for the four variations of the width. However, the
cylinder confined with strips of a width of 30mm has a maximum strength of 42.343 MPa with a contribution of
29.65% while the cylinder confined with bands of 25mm width presents a minimum resistance value which is 39.066
MPa with a contribution of 19.61%.
146 F. Kheloui et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 31 (2021) 140–146
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Fig. 5. Confrontation of the curves (σ–ε)

4. Conclusions

The critical analysis of the results allows us to draw the following conclusions:
- Confinement by bonding of polypropylene composite materials makes it possible to considerably improve the
strength and ductility of concrete based on glass waste under compression loading.
- The best configuration between total confinement, circular partial confinement and helical partial confinement
is total confinement that is in terms of strength and ductility.
- An improvement in terms of strengths and ductility is noted by varying the width of strips in the case of circular


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