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Design, Modeling and Simulation of an Electric Vehicle System

Article · March 1999

DOI: 10.4271/1999-01-1149

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2 authors:

I. Husain Mohammad S. Islam

North Carolina State University 60 PUBLICATIONS 1,845 CITATIONS

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PAPER SERIES 1999-01-1149

Design, Modeling and Simulation of an

Electric Vehicle System
Iqbal Husain and Mohammad S. Islam
The University of Akron

Reprinted From: Advances in Electric Vehicle Technology


International Congress and Exposition

Detroit, Michigan
March 1-4, 1999

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Design, Modeling and Simulation of an Electric Vehicle System

Iqbal Husain and Mohammad S. Islam
The University of Akron

Copyright © 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

ABSTRACT introduction of gasoline powered vehicles. In 1900, 4200

automobiles were sold out of which 40% were steam
The switched reluctance motor is a strong candidate for powered, 38% were electric powered and 22% were gas-
electric/hybrid vehicle applications primarily because of oline powered. However, the invention of starter motor,
its high power density, good efficiency and high-speed improvements in mass production technology of gas-
capability. The motor drive for an EV is desired to have a powered vehicles and inconvenience in battery charging
wide speed range capability to eliminate the gears. A 4:1 led to the disappearance of electric vehicles in the early
speed range of the motor in the constant power region 1900's. However, environmental issues and reducing the
results in good performance of the system. dependence on oil led to the resurgence of interest in
EV's in the 1960's. The demand for investing in R&D for
The paper will report the design of an electric vehicle sys- EV's is ever increasing in 1990's with the major automo-
tem using a switched reluctance motor drive. A system bile manufacturers embarking in plans for introducing
level simulation tool for electric vehicles using the Matlab- their own electric or hybrid/electric vehicles.
Simulink platform will also be presented. The paper will
discuss the analytical and simulation models for each of This paper presents a modeling and simulation tool
the key system components of an EV, which are the based on Matlab/Simulink for electric vehicles with
motor, controller, battery and the drivetrain. emphasis on the propulsion unit. The efficiency of the
motor and controller unit of an electric vehicle can make
INTRODUCTION a significant contribution in enhancing the overall effi-
ciency of electric vehicles over ICE vehicles. A switched
Environmental and economical issues are the major driv- reluctance machine (SRM) has been selected as the pro-
ing force in developing electric vehicles for urban trans- pulsion unit in this project, because of its high power den-
portation. The exhaust emissions of the conventional sity and excellent motor-load torque-speed matching
internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles is the major characteristics. The advantages of SRMs over other
source of urban pollution that causes the greenhouse machines will be further discussed in the motor design
effect leading to global warming [1]. The pollution prob- section. The details of motor, controller and electric vehi-
lem is only going to worsen with the increasing number of cle modeling will be presented in the modeling and simu-
automobiles being introduced on the road every year. lation sections. The developed simulation program will
Statistics show that the number of automobiles in our serve as an evaluation tool for SRM based EV designs.
planet will increase from half a billion to more than a bil- Different designs can be analyzed fairly quickly using the
lion from 1992 to year 2000. There is also an economic methods presented in this paper.
factor that is inherent in the poor energy conversion effi- The objective of this paper is to present the fundamentals
ciency of the combustion engines. Although, when effi- of electric vehicles so that one can easily understand the
ciency is evaluated on the basis of conversion from crude design criterion, procedure and principles of operation.
oil to tractive effort at the wheels, the numbers for electric This will serve the education aspects on electric vehicle,
vehicles are not significantly higher, it does make a differ- which is very important in arousing the interest among
ence. Moreover, efficient power generation at localized people for developing and using electric vehicles.
plants together with very high motor and controller effi-
ciency and advancements in battery or power source EV SYSTEM AND LOAD
technology within the vehicle, the electric vehicles show
immense promise in further overall efficiency improve-
A. COMPONENTS OF AN EV – The major components
ment. Electric vehicle is the only alternative for a clean,
of an electric vehicle system are motor, controller, power
efficient, and environmentally friendly urban transporta-
source, charger and drivetrain. The block diagram of an
tion system.
electric vehicle system is shown in Fig. 1. Lead/acid bat-
The electric vehicles paved their way into the world as teries are typically used as the power source for electric
early as in the middle of the 19th century, even before the vehicles, although other promising battery technologies

are emerging in the horizon. A model for lead/acid batter- B. ROAD LOAD AND TRACTIVE FORCE – The road
ies has been developed and added in the simulation pro- load consists of the gravitational force, rolling resistance
gram. A microprocessor-based controller is used for of the tires and the aerodynamic drag force.
vehicle and motor control. Control complications are to
be minimized as much as possible to avoid disastrous FRL = FgxT + Froll + FAD (1)
failures at this early stage of EV development. Insulated
gate bipolar transistors with ratings as high as 600A and where xT is the tangential direction along the roadway.
1200V are the power devices of choice for the power The tractive force FTR provided by the main propulsion
electronic converter. unit of the vehicle must overcome the road load FRL to
propel the vehicle forward at a desired velocity. The
User inputs forces acting on the vehicle are shown in Fig. 3.
Froad FTR
Accel. Brake Batteries Battery
pedal pedal (Source) Charger yT xT
Accel Froll Roadway
Electronic Power Motor E
Controller Electronics Regen
Classical Hardware Devices Topology Design Types FgyT
Controls Micro- SCR DC/DC Finite DC mg
Modern controller GTO DC/AC Elements Induction
Controls Micro- BJT PWM CAD PM
processor MOSFET Resonant Materials Brushless Figure 3. Forces acting on a vehicle.
Logic Digital IGBT Soft- Packaging SRM
Neural Signal MCT switched Mechani- Synch.
Network Processor cal Reluctanc Instantaneous
h l
center of rotation
Figure 1. Major electrical components of an electric
vehicle system.

Motor Transmission Differential

Wheel Figure 4. Rolling resistance force of wheels.

Figure 2. Drivetrain of an electric vehicle. The gravitational force depends on the slope of the road-
way. The force is positive when climbing a grade and is
The majority of electric vehicles developed so far are negative when descending a downgrade slope.
based on dc machines, induction machines or permanent
magnet machines. The disadvantages of dc machines FgxT = mg sin β (2)
turned EV developers to look into various types of ac
machines. The maintenance-free low-cost induction where m is the total mass of the vehicle, g is the gravita-
machines became an attractive alternative to many tional acceleration constant and β is the grade angle with
developers. However, high-speed operation of induction respect to the horizon.
machines is only possible with a penalty in size and The rolling resistance is produced by the flattening of the
weight. The power density of permanent magnet tire at the contact surface of the roadway. The road reac-
machines together with the high cost of permanent mag- tion force Froad now balances the vertical component at
nets make these machines less attractive for EV applica- the instantaneous center of rotation on the wheel. The
tions. The high power density and potentially low rolling resistance force is the component force of the ver-
production cost of SRMs make it ideally suitable for EV tical load mg, which is tangential to the roadway as
applications. However, the controller and motor must be shown in Fig. 4. The tractive force FTR must overcome
designed appropriately to eliminate or minimize the dis- tangential force Froll along with the gravitational force and
advantages of SRMs, which include torque-ripple and the aerodynamic drag force. The rolling resistance can
acoustic noise. be minimized by keeping the tires as much inflated as
possible. The ratio of the retarding force and the vertical
load on the wheel is known as the coefficient of rolling
resistance C0. The rolling resistance force is given by

sgn[v ]mg (C + C v xT 2 ) if v ≠ 0 A higher motor speed relative to the vehicle speed means
 xT 0 1 xT
a higher gear ratio, larger size and higher cost. Higher
Froll = ( FgxT + FTR ) if v xT = 0 and FgxT + FTR ≤ C 0 mg (3)

motor speed is also desired in order to increase the
sgn[ FgxT + FTR ](C 0 mg ) if v xT = 0 and FgxT + FTR > C 0 mg power density of the motor. Therefore, a compromise is
necessary between the maximum motor speed and the
Typically 0.004<C0<.02 (unitless) and C1<<C0 (sec2/m2). gear ratio to optimize the cost. Planetary gears are typi-
C0mg is the maximum rolling resistance at standstill. cally used for electric vehicles with the gear ratio rarely
The aerodynamic drag force is the viscous resistance of exceeding 10.
the air working against the motion of the vehicle. The
force is given by MOTOR DESIGN

FAD = sgn[v xT ]{0.5 pCD AF (v xT + v0 ) 2 } (4) The electric motor of the vehicle must overcome the road
load, which is established by the vehicle mass, roadway
where p is the air density in kgm/m3 , CD is the aerody- gradient, rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag coeffi-
namic drag coefficient (dimensionless and typically cients and vehicle velocity and acceleration. The motor is
0.2<CD<0.4), AF is the equivalent frontal area of the vehi- desired to have a high starting torque for initial accelera-
cle and v0 is the head-wind velocity. tion, high power density and high efficiency to extend the
The tractive force in an electric vehicle is supplied by the battery range and a wide operating speed range to facili-
electric motor in overcoming the road load. The equation tate single gear transmission. The torque-speed profile of
of motion is given by an electric motor has three regions; constant torque, con-
stant power and natural characteristics regions. The con-
dv xT stant torque region extends up to the rated or base speed
km m = FTR − FRL (5)
dt of the motor when the rated power condition of the motor
is reached. The constant power region is the field-weak-
where km is the rotational inertia coefficient to compen-
ening region that helps extend the operating speed of the
sate for the apparent increase in the vehicle's mass due motor beyond its rated speed. The motor fails to maintain
to the onboard rotating mass. Typical value of km is the rated power beyond this region and the speed drops
dv XT according to the natural characteristics of the motor. It
between 1.08 and 1.1 (dimensionless). is the accel-
dt has also been shown in [2] that the motor power and size
eration of the vehicle. is minimized for an electric vehicle application when the
constant power region of the motor is extended. Ideally,
C. MOTOR RATING AND TRANSMISSION – The desired eliminating the constant torque region would provide the
power rating of the electric motor can be calculated from minimum power rating of the motor, but this is not physi-
the above equations based on the system constraints of cally realizable. Therefore, the design objective would be
initial acceleration, vehicle rated velocity and vehicle to minimize the constant torque region and extending the
maximum velocity. Further discussions on the calculation constant power region. A good efficiency in the field-
of the motor power rating can be obtained from [1]. weakening region is of extreme importance in electric
The desired torque at the wheels of the vehicle can be
obtained from the power relation The motor rated power reduces drastically if the constant
power range is extended from 1:1 to 1:4. The power con-
Power = TTR ⋅ ω wh = FTR ⋅ v xT (6) tinues to decrease beyond 1:4 range, but not significantly,
and the increase in transmission gear size and cost
where TTR is the tractive torque in N-m and ωwh is the would outweigh the reduction in motor size. 1:4 constant
angular velocity of the wheel in rads/sec. FTR is in N and power range is a good choice for a typical passenger
vxT is in m/sec. The angular velocity and the vehicle vehicle with a maximum motor speed of 10,000 r/min and
speed is related by maximum vehicle speed of 44.7 m/s (100mph), although
the optimum ratio would depend on the system variables
v xT = ω wh ⋅ rwh (7) and constants.
where rwh is the radius of the wheel in meters. The type of motors that enable field weakening would be
ideally suitable for traction applications. DC motor torque-
A big advantage of an electrically driven propulsion sys-
speed characteristics and their field weakening capability
tem is the elimination of multiple gears to match the vehi-
matches the electric vehicle load characteristics very
cle speed and the engine speed. The wide speed range
well. However, the size penalty and the brush and com-
operation of electric motors enabled by power electronics
mutator problems render the dc machines unsuitable for
control makes it possible to use a single gear ratio trans-
such applications. The current trend is to use induction
mission for instantaneous matching of the available motor
machines or brushless PM machines as the propulsion
torque Tmotor with the desired tractive torque TTR. The
unit of EVs. The rapidly decaying linear region of the
gear ratio and the size depend on the maximum motor
torque speed profile of induction machines beyond the
speed, the maximum vehicle speed and the wheel radius.
breakdown torque limits the constant power region to 1.5

to 2.5 times the rated speed for conventional designs. In Torque vs. Po siti on a t C ons tant Currents
order to reach four times the rated speed in the field 500

weakening region at rated power, the overall machine

power rating must be increased roughly by a factor of 2 400

[3]. Brushless permanent magnet machines have excel-

lent efficiencies and high power density, but the perma- 300

Torque in N-m
nent field in these machines significantly reduces the
field weakening capability. Operation with field- 200

weakening is possible in PM machines by deviating from

the maximum torque-per-ampere trajectory [4]. A 1:2.5 100

constant power range has been demonstrated with PM

machines, but at the expense of using high-energy mag- 0

nets [5]. This limited constant power range will increase

the size and cost of PM machines for traction applica- -100
-45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -2 0 -15 -1 0 -5 0
tions. Furthermore, the high-cost of rare-earth magnets Ro tor po siti on i n m echanic al degree s

and the temperature sensitivity continue to be issues for

PM machines. Figure 5. Torque-angle-current characteristics of the
designed SRM.
The torque-speed characteristics of SRMs also match
very well with the EV load characteristics. The SRM has A 60kW three-phase SRM with 6 stator poles and 4 rotor
high speed operation capability with a wide constant pole has been designed with the following design con-
power region. The motor has high starting torque and straints:
high torque-inertia ratio. The rotor structure is extremely
simple without any windings, magnets, commutators or • 0 -26.8 m/s(0-60mph) in 10 secs.
brushes. The rotors are usually made of steel laminations • Maximum vehicle speed is 44.7 m/s (100mph).
to minimize the core losses. The power density of the • Maximum motor speed is 10,000 rpm.
machine is also high. The fault-tolerance of the machine • Vehicle mass is 1000kg.
is also extremely good. A 1:4 or 1:5 constant power
region is also achievable with good design and appropri- • Rolling resistance coefficients are C 0=.009;
ate control. C1=1.7E-6.
• Aerodynamic drag coefficient is CD=.2.
A wide choice of pole configurations and phase numbers
are possible with SRMs. Lower number of phases • Vehicle frontal area is AF =2m2 (typical for a passen-
reduces the converter cost, but increases the torque rip- ger car).
ple. A higher pole count will be able to utilize thinner sta- • Level ground and zero head wind velocity is assumed
tor and rotor yokes, reducing the weight of the machine. • Rotational inertia coefficient is km=1.1
But a higher pole machine requires a narrower air gap for • Transmission gear ratio is 10
the same performance, which is a disadvantage. The ori-
gin of acoustic noise in SRMs are the radial forces which • Wheel radius rwh=.28m.
increases inversely with the airgap. However, a higher The 60kW machine has a rated speed of 2000rpm and a
pole machine can operate with smaller rotor pole heights 1:4 constant power region. The design point for the SRM
which is a disadvantage. Higher pole machines operate has been taken to be the rated speed or base speed.
at higher electrical frequencies at the same mechanical This point is the minimum motor speed at which rated
speed, which will increase the frequency dependent power is to be delivered, i.e., it is the beginning of the
losses. With all the above observations, one would con- constant power region. The machine is designed so that
sider three-phase and four-phase configurations for EV the back-EMF is equal to the dc bus at the rated speed.
applications. Three-phase machines have the inherent The dimensions of the motor designed are given below:
problem of torque dips that will invariably cause higher
torque ripples at low speeds compared to four-phase • Number of turns per pole = 30.
machines. Torque ripples cannot be eliminated at higher • Rotor pole width =31 degrees.
speeds for any type of SRMs. However, four-phase • Number of pole windings in series =2.
machines would have a lower power density and higher • Number of pole windings in parallel =1.
converter cost. Five phase machines can also be consid-
ered, but the converter cost would be even higher and the • Peak current limit=400Amps.
power density would be lower. Also, the losses would be • Stack length =4.26 in.
higher. Space restrictions limit the discussion on design • Airgap = .01 in.
details of SRMs. Some guidelines about the design of an • Radius to the airgap at the rotor=3.895in.
SRM can be obtained in [6,7].
• Radius to the outside rotor yoke=2.42 in.

• Radius to the inside stator yoke=4.845in. The back-emf of SRM, which is proportional to speed
• Stacking factor=0.9. and ∂λ / ∂θ , increases with speed and soon saturation
limit of the supply voltage is reached. Therefore, to
• Stator phase winding resistance=0.0042 ohms.
achieve the second objective of wide operating speed
• Relative permeability of magnetic material=3300. range for EV applications, another operating point needs
• Saturation flux density=1.9Tesla. to be defined where minimum phase voltage is required.
This operating point occurs when ∂λ / ∂θ is minimum,
The estimated weight of the machine is 118Lbs.
which occurs when flux l is minimum for SRM. Therefore,
it is preferable to define the central commutation point as
SRM CONTROLLER DESIGN θcl where two phases produce equal levels of torque at
equal levels of flux linkage [9] to get the maximum operat-
The driver input to the vehicle controller is the speed ing speed for a given SRM. Of course, the currents will
command, which is translated into a torque command for not be equal and small at θcl resulting in higher losses.
motor controller. The torque command in conjunction with Commutation at θcl is performed in exactly the same way
the motor running speed sets up the control parameters commutation at θci , but the operation is not as efficient
for the electric motor. The control parameters for as before.
switched reluctance machine are the turn-on and turn-off
angles for the phase excitation currents and the refer- θci and θcl represent the two extremes of the operating
ence current. The low-speed torque-ripple in SRMs can range, and the central commutation point θc must be
be minimized by using the torque ripple minimizing con- advanced from the former to the latter as a function of
troller algorithm described in [8]. However, since multiple speed. At low speeds, the torque-ripple minimizing algo-
phase conduction is necessary for torque ripple minimi- rithm with extended overlapping conduction must also be
zation, the algorithm does not minimize the losses or introduced to minimize the torque ripple sacrificing effi-
maximize the torque per ampere. The torque per ampere ciency to some extent. The turn on advance angle for the
can be maximized by commutating each phase around a incoming phase from θc is obtained from the following
central commutating angle θci with minimum possible equation,
overlapping conduction. The controller developed for this
λ ⋅ω
EV application is based on torque-per-ampere maximiza- θ adv = (8)
tion, which is described in the following. Vdc
The balanced commutator approach of Wallace et al. [9] In this project, the most efficient central commutation
defines a central commutation angle θci where two adja- point of θci is used until the base speed of the machine
cent phases produces the same torque for the same exci- where rated power at minimum possible speed is
tation current. At this commutation point one phases obtained. The commutation point θc is advanced linearly
ceases to be the strongest phase, while the in-coming towards θcl until four times the base speed is reached. θcl
phases assumes that responsibility. The phase that has is used as the commutation point beyond this maximum
the highest torque-per-ampere capability is designated speed.
as the strongest phase. The out-going phase must be
commutated as quickly as possible, and the in-coming EV MODELING
phase produces the desired torque minus any spurious
torque produced by the decaying phase or phases. Each The component models of the EV system were integrated
phase remains the strongest for the period of θpitch given in a Matlab-Simulink system simulation program. The
by Simulink program maintains the modular structure of the
composite system, which makes it convenient for expan-
θ pitch = 360 0 / N ph sion and dissemination. The modeling approach and the
simulation results are given in the following.
where Nph is the number phases. Instantaneous commu-
tation at θci would provide the maximum efficiency opera- A. MOTOR MODEL – A switched reluctance motor can
tion with minimum torque ripple and maximum torque- be conveniently described by its flux-angle-current and
per-ampere. However, finite inverter voltage results in torque-angle-current characteristics. Either tables of
finite rise and fall times for the phase currents The cur- these characteristics obtained from static measurements
rent rise and fall times also increases with the motor or finite element analysis or analytical expressions for
speed. The magnetization of the in-coming phase and flux linkage λ = f (i ,θ ) and torque T = f (i, θ ) can be
the commutation of the out-going phase is initiated in used to model the machine. In this project, the analytical
advance of θci so that each of the overlapping phases models developed by Art Radun [7] were used to model
produce half the desired torque with equal currents at θci. the flux-angle-current characteristics and phase current
The method maximizes the efficiency and the torque-per- and torque calculations. These nonlinear models were
ampere. The decaying phase must be brought down to shown to match experimental data very closely.
zero as quickly as possible to minimize the copper

The applied voltage in an SRM is given by the motor. The torque and speed input is used to deter-
mine the central commutation point θc. The commutation
dλ ph scheduler identifies the strongest phase (designated as
V ph = + i ph R ph (9) the kth phase) for torque production between θc and
θc+θpitch using rotor position feedback information. The
The di/dt expression can be derived using the above current in the kth phase is regulated by a hysteresis con-
equation as follows trol to produce the desired torque minus any torque pro-
duced by the non-strongest phases. The current in the (k-
di ph 1  ∂λ  1)th is brought down to zero as quickly as possible to
= V − i R − ω (10)
dt ∂λ  ph ph ph ∂θ  minimize the losses. (k+1)th phase is turned on at θc−
θadv so that each of kth phase and (k+1)th phase pro-
The phase torque in SRM is obtained from the co-energy duce one-half of the desired torque at θc. Note that only
Wm' which can be calculated from the phase flux linkage. one of the phases used hysteresis control at a given
instant, which reduces the computational load on the

The superposition of the individual phase torques gives

the total electromagnetic torque Te.

Te = ∑ T ph (i j , θ j ) (12)
j =1

B. EV LOAD MODEL – The EV load model is given by

the equation of motion of Eq. (5) rewritten in the following

dv xT
(FTR − FRL ) (13)
dt kmm

The roadway input information required to compute the Figure 6. Torque vs. Speed with constant θc.
road load FRL is given through the gradient b which is
obtained from either the roadway distance s traversed or θc=[-5o –6o –7o –8o –9o –10o –11o –12o –15o ] (17)
the horizontal distance xf traversed.
Fig. 6 shows the plots of torque vs. speed with constant
β = β ( s ) or β = β (x f ) (14) T c . The figure clearly show that at higher speeds T c must
be advanced. At lower speeds, maximum torque/ampere
The distance equations are given as follows
(T/A) can be achieved using T c . At higher speeds, the

torque speed range is extended using phase advancing

towards T c . Obviously, T/A maximization will no longer
be possible. There is an upper limit of advance angle at
T c O beyond which phase advancing does not yield a
higher torque output and the efficiency starts to
where f(xf) describes the roadway as a function of the decrease. In the designed SRM, this bounding angle was
horizontal distance traversed.
found to be at θ= ∠150.
C. CONTROLLER MODEL – The controller model con- The current and voltage controller for the SR machine
sists of a PI speed regulator, commutation scheduler, and generates the gate command signals for the power elec-
a current /voltage controller. The vehicle speed is con- tronic converter using the phase current, rotor position,
verted to motor rpm using the gear ratio and wheel radius reference current and a commutation scheduler signals.
as follows.
The phase current is controlled by hysteresis method as
shown in Figure 8. The phase torque and total torque at
Z m = GR ⋅ v xT (16) 572 rpm are shown in Fig. 9. The simulation results are
rwh obtained under steady state conditions when the vehicle
has reached a constant cruising velocity. The controller
where ωm is the motor speed in rads/sec. GR is the gear generates a constant reference current that is used by all
ratio and rwh is the wheel radius. The output of the PI three phases. The phase current, voltage and torque at a
speed controller serves as the torque command input for

higher motor speed of 5412 rpm are shown in Figs. 10 E V S R M w aveform s at 54 12 RP M
and 11. Control is accomplished through phase advanc- 300

ing, since the SRM phase current increase is restrained

at higher speeds by the high back-emf. 200

P ha se curren t an d voltag e
E V A cc elera tion 100

25 0

E V veloci ty in m /s



5 0. 31 0 .3 11 0 .3 12 0 .3 13 0 .3 14 0 . 315 0 .3 16 0 .3 17 0 .3 18 0 . 319 0. 32
Ti m e, t in S ecs

Figure 10. Phase current, voltage, and reference current
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
waveforms of the 60kW EV SRM at 5412 rpm.
Time , t i n S ec s.

D. DIAGNOSTICS BLOCK – The diagnostics block is

Figure 7. Acceleration of the EV with a 60kW SRM.
included to calculate the losses, efficiency and power fac-
tor of the switched reluctance motor. The information is
E V S RM w aveform s at 572 R P M
500 valuable during the design process of a drive for an appli-
cation. The losses in an SRM include the stator copper
losses, core losses and friction and windage losses. The
P ha s e c urren t, volta ge and re feren c e c u rren t

300 electrical input to the motor can be easily computed from

the bus voltage and the rms input current. The rms input
current is also used to calculate the stator copper losses.
100 The core losses can be calculated using the methods
described in [11,12].

The friction and windage losses are calculated from


-200 PFW = K FW ⋅ ω 2 (17)

0. 3 0 .3 05 0. 3 1 0 .3 15 0. 32 0 . 325 0. 3 3 0 .3 35 0. 34 0 . 345 0. 35 where KFW is the friction and windage loss factor. Know-
Tim e, t in S ec s
ing all the losses, the efficiency can be easily calculated.
Figure 8. Phase current, voltage and reference current The power factor for an SRM can be defined as
waveforms of the 60kW EV SRM at 572 rpm.
Tavg ⋅ ω m
PF = (18)
E V S RM w aveform s at 572 R P M
Vdc ⋅ I rms
where Tavg is the average torque over one electrical
400 period. A plot of the power factor obtained during the
P has e to rq ue an d to ta l torque , in N-m

350 acceleration of the EV is shown in Figure 12. The plot

shows that power factor of an SRM improves with speed,
which is a big advantage for the machine. The improve-
ment in power factor can be attributed to the high energy
200 storing capability of the machine at higher speeds after
150 the excitation current has been established against a low
back-EMF during phase advancing.

0.3 0 .3 05 0.3 1 0 .3 15 0.32 0 . 325 0.3 3 0 .3 35 0.34 0 . 345 0.35
Tim e, t in S ec s

Figure 9. Phase torque and total torque waveforms of

the 60kW EV SRM at 572 rpm.

E V S R M w aveform s at 54 12 RP M
350 1

0 .8

P o wer fac t or
0 .6
P has e to rq ue an d to ta l t orque , in N-m

250 0 .4

0 .2
0 1 00 2 00 30 0 40 0 50 0 600 700 800 900
s p eed, in ra d/s ec

A verage t orqu e, in N -m

50 200

0. 31 0 .3 11 0 .3 12 0 .3 13 0 .3 14 0 . 315 0 .3 16 0 .3 17 0 .3 18 0 . 319 0. 32
Tim e, t in S ec s 0 1 00 2 00 30 0 40 0 50 0 600 700 800 900
s p eed, in ra d/s ec
Figure 11. Phase torque and total torque waveforms of
the 60kW EV SRM at 5412 rpm. Figure 12. Upper trace: Power factor vs. speed, Lower
trace: Average torque vs. speed of the EV
EV RANGE PREDICTION – The simulink model also SRM.
has an EV range prediction algorithm based on the frac-
tional depletion model of batteries. The battery model is The controller generates a reference current command
based on the characteristics of the ESB-EV106 battery. according to the driving cycle. The current drawn by the
The FDM model based on Peukert's equation is given SRM is the input to the battery model, which outputs the
by: fraction of energy depleted in one cycle. The EV range is
then predicted based on number of cycles required for
in 100% dod and the number of cycles per mile for the
dod (t ) = [ ∫ dt ] * 100% (19) chosen driving cycle. The results for the designed EV
c under SAE J227a driving schedules B and C using ESB-
EV160 battery are shown in Table II.
where dod = depth of discharge and n & c are the bat-
tery constants that can be extracted from the current vs.
discharge time plots for a given battery. dod (t 0 ) = 0 Table II.
when the battery is fully charged at t = t 0 , For the ESB- SAE J227a Driving Cycle
EV106 batteries, n = 1.35 and c = 645 A − hr . The EV
was tested under SAE J227a driving schedules B and C.
Fraction Depleted over
The urban driving cycles consist of acceleration time, one cycle 1.69 × 10 −3 2.40 × 10 −3
cruise time, coast time, brake time and idle time. SAE
Number of Cycles 591 417
J227a driving cycles B, C and D are shown below in required for 100% dod
Table I. EV range, in miles 147 139

Table I. The command velocity and actual velocity of the EV are

shown in Figure 13.
Test Parameter SAE Schedules
B C D 10
R eferen c e & A c tua l velocity

Max. Speed, V, mph 20 30 45 9

Accel. time, in sec 19 18 28
Cruise time, in sec 19 20 50
Coast time, in sec 4 8 10
V elocity, in m /sec

Brake time, in sec 5 9 9 6

Idle time, in sec 25 25 25 5

Total time, in sec 72 80 122 4

Approx. # of cycles/ 4-5 3 1 3


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Tim e , in sec

Figure 13. Reference and Actual velocity under SAE

J227a schedule B.

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9. R.S. Wallace and D.G. Taylor, "A Balanced Commutator for
vehicle applications.
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IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 617-
626, Oct. 1992.
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2. K.M. Rahman, H.A. Toliyat and M. Ehsani, "Propulsion Sys-
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Industrial Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 19-27, Feb. 1997. tance motor losses," 1988 IEEE-IAS Annual Conf. Proc.,
pp. 79-90, Pittsburgh, PA.
3. M. Osama and T.A. Lipo, "A New Inverter Control Scheme
for Induction Motor Drives Requiring Wide Speed Range," 12. Y. Hayashi and T.J.E. Miller, "A New Approach to Calculat-
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