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J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.

120 (2013) 29–36

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Journal of Wind Engineering

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Numerical analysis of flow field around NREL Phase II

wind turbine by a hybrid CFD/BEM method
V. Esfahanian a, A. Salavati Pour a,n, I. Harsini b, A. Haghani c, R. Pasandeh a, A. Shahbazi a,
G. Ahmadi d
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 14395-1335, Tehran, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Renewable Energy Organization of Iran, Tehran, Iran
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, Postdam, NY, USA

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, a mixed CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and BEM (Blade Element Momentum
Received 20 September 2012 Method) analysis is implemented for simulating the flow field around a wind turbine rotor to predict the
Received in revised form aerodynamic performance such as the Power Curve diagram and the forces and moments imposed on
26 April 2013
the rotor blades that are essential in structure and/or aeroelastic design. The present approach requires
Accepted 16 June 2013
Available online 22 July 2013
considerable less computational time and memory than three-dimensional simulation of a wind turbine
rotor by merely CFD methods, while retains the desirable accuracy. This work consists of two parts:
Keywords: 1—calculating 2D aerodynamic coefficients of several spanwise sections of the blades by CFD methods,
Wind turbine using Fluent commercial software. 2—Simulating 3D-flow field through the wind turbine rotor using the
BEM technique. To validate the current approach, the Combined Experiment Phase II Horizontal Axis
Wind Turbine known as NREL Phase II Rotor is used. The comparison indicates that the combination of
CFD and BEM methods is much faster than merely CFD approaches while accurate enough to be used for
engineering purposes.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction methods such as Blade Element Momentum method (BEM) for

simulating a rotor that are much faster than CFD methods. But on
At present, many countries are increasingly investing in green the other hand, some accuracy is lost due to inviscid approxima-
energy, while wind is one of the most important sources of the tion used in these methods.
free and clean energies. The kinetic energy of the wind can be Due to large time requirement and computational cost of simu-
absorbed and turned into electrical energy by use of the wind lating a 3D wind turbine by merely CFD methods, a mixed BEM/CFD
turbines. There are many types of wind turbines but they can be method is investigated for simulating the flow field around HAWTs.
categorized into two general kinds: Horizontal and Vertical Axis This approach uses CFD for constructing the table of aerodynamic
Wind Turbines (HAWT and VAWT). However because of the lower coefficients at different angles of attack and Reynolds numbers. Then
efficiency and structural problems, the VAWTs are rarely used for by use of the tabulated coefficients, the three-dimensional flow field
power generation. is modeled via BEM method. Thereafter, the imposed torque and
For designing a wind turbine, it is of high importance to forces on turbine blades can be calculated.
accurately predict the imposed aerodynamic forces and moments To validate the implemented method, the NREL Phase II Rotor is
on the structure. These forces are used in aeroelastic simulation chosen for this analysis. This rotor has become a benchmark in
and structural design and also in predicting the power curve of the wind industry for validation of different engineering methods. The
wind turbine. experimental data came from measurements taken on field
One of the most common ways for predicting these forces is installed wind turbine. The joint effort undertaken by several
simulating the whole flow field around the turbine by Computa- European Union research labs and the United States National
tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Such a CFD simulation is very costly Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has documented and made
and requires rather a long time. Also there are some engineering available experimental field data for several wind turbines
(Shepers et al., 1997). Numerical analysts have access to this data,
known as IEA Annex XIV by either extracting it from written report
Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 912 8106847. or by downloading the electronic version of the report from the
E-mail address: (A. Salavati Pour). internet (Duque et al., 2000).

0167-6105/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
30 V. Esfahanian et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 120 (2013) 29–36

The presented article consists of two parts: In the first part, the results (Tangler, 2002), especially in post-stall region. Such a
domain construction, grid generation and numerical approach for discrepancy motivated us to derive the aerodynamic coefficients
calculating two-dimensional aerodynamic coefficients are described. of the airfoil by CFD simulation.
Then the aerodynamic coefficients are calculated via CFD methods
using Fluent commercial software, and the 2D results are compared
with experimental wind tunnel data. The second part includes the 3.1. Grid generation
3D simulation (based on the tabulated two-dimensional aerody-
namic coefficients obtained in the first part) of a benchmark wind The construction of the computational domain and grid gen-
turbine using a modified BEM technique. Finally the 3D results are eration are performed by the use of Gambit commercial software.
discussed and the numerically acquired power curve of the turbine is It is far obvious that uncertainty in geometrical accuracy may
compared with the experimental data provided by wind tunnel test lead to inconsistent CFD results. According to Gatski's study
of the full scale turbine in NASA Ames research center. (Gatski, 1996), the details of the airfoil shape are important factors
in evaluating whether a given turbulence model can predict a key
aerodynamic characteristic of the airfoil or not. Also it was noticed
2. Experimental test case by Guilmineau et al. (1997) that interpolation errors may result in
pressure oscillation on the leeside of the airfoil. Therefore, the
The experimental data used for comparison, is obtained from the airfoil shape is constructed by fitting a NURB function throughout
NREL Combined Experiments Phase II (Butterfield et al., 1992a, b). the 67 points given in Ref. Somers (1997).
This turbine is a fixed pitch, 3 bladed Horizontal Axis Wind By choosing a density based solver and its appropriate far-field
Turbine (HAWT) that has a rated electrical power of 19.8 kW. The boundary condition, enables us to use smaller computational
downwind rotor has a diameter of 10.06 m, hub height of 17.03 m, domain without losing numerical accuracy.
cut-in wind speed of 6 m/s, zero tilt angle and rotates at constant As it is illustrated in Fig. 2, outer boundary of the computa-
rotational speed of 71.63 rpm. Blades are untwisted with constant tional domain is in the form of a cut conical shape in order to
chord length of 0.4572 m and uses S809 airfoil as the cross section construct a C-type mesh for better simulating the wake region
along the spanwise direction with some modifications towards the after the separation of the flow over the airfoil. The outer
root to blend with the hub spar. Blade set angle (pitch angle) was boundary is 5 airfoil chord lengths (5c) far from the airfoil leading
12 deg according to settings of NREL Phase II Rotor experiments. edge. The base of the conic is 10c long which is expanded equally
The present test case is a highly instrumented benchmark. Each at each side of the trailing edge of the airfoil.
blade has flush mounted pressure taps in several radial locations; After a careful study resulting into the final grid with 195 cells
also the total pressure is recorded by pressure probes at four radial along the perimeter of the airfoil, and 75 cells normal to the airfoil
stations. The rotor bending loads, torque and angle of attack are surface including 20 layers of cells close to the wall, in a boundary
also measured in several spanwise stations. layer type of mesh with a growth factor equal to 1.1 (the boundary
For non-yawed rotor and steady (time averaged) conditions, layer mesh is visible in Fig. 3). The normal spacing at the wall is
NREL provides the power curve of the turbine as shown in Fig. 1. stretched to give y+≤3 (the first grid node spacing from the wall is
0.4 mm and the total boundary layer mesh depth is 22.9 mm), a
range that is appropriate for turbulence modeling with Enhanced
3. Calculating 2D aerodynamic coefficients Wall Treatment (EWT).
Two-dimensional computational mesh is a structured multi-
Several wind tunnel tests were carried out for S809 airfoil at blocks C-type grid (Figs. 2 and 3), that contained totally 23,625
the Delft University of Technology (DUT), Colorado State University cells. Attempts are made to have minimum aspect ratio changes in
(CSU) and Ohio State University (OSU). However, there are some grid spacing in the boundary layer region. Of course due to low
level of discrepancy and difference between the three wind tunnel

Fig. 1. NREL Phase II Rotor power curve (Shepers et al., 1997). Fig. 2. Computational grid (“c” represents the airfoil chord length).
V. Esfahanian et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 120 (2013) 29–36 31

Fig. 4. Transition location at the lower side of the airfoil determined by DUT
experiments (Somers, 1997).

Fig. 3. Close-up view of the grid around airfoil and its trailing edge.

gradient flow properties in the inviscid region, high aspect ratio

changes can be used without losing numerical accuracy.
Many numerical analyses have been conducted on S809 airfoil
with different numerical approach and different turbulence mod-
eling (Wolfe and Ochs, 1997; Zhang et al., 2001; Bertagnolio et al.,
2001). The most important point that can be found in these
analyses is the failure or partial failure of the simulations that
neglected the phenomenon of transition, in prediction of aero-
dynamic coefficients (specially the drag coefficient). Therefore, the
most essential point in 2D-aerodynamic simulation of each sec-
tions of the blade is the determination of the location of transition
for each side of blade section.
At different Reynolds numbers, the chordwise location of
transition has been determined as a function of angle of attack
by the experiments performed in Delft University of Technology
(Somers, 1997)
As it is illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5, the transition on lower side
of the airfoil happens in about 52% of the chord length from the
leading edge in a wide range of angles of attack. Similarly on the
upper surface, for AOA (Angle Of Attack)≤5 deg, the natural
transition occurs in 56% of the chord length from the leading
edge. But as the AOA increases and the separated region on the Fig. 5. Transition location at the upper side of the airfoil determined by DUT
experiments (Somers, 1997).
upper side expands, the transition occurs with separation and
moves towards the leading edge of the airfoil, where it asympto-
tically approaches to averagely 4% of the chord length after the Method (FVM) in CFD calculations. A density based, time depen-
leading edge. dent (unsteady) solver with implicit formulation in both time and
In order to model the laminar zone before the transition and space, Green-Gauss cell based gradient approximation and Roe-
the turbulent zones after that, the computational domain is FDS type of flux calculation is chosen.
decomposed into three regions by three normal lines to the airfoil The SST k–ω turbulence of Menter is used in turbulent zones
surface according to the locations where transition occurs in each due to good prediction in separated flow simulation. The model
side of the blade section. These lines are set as interior lines in uses the standard k–ω model near the wall, but switches to a k–ε
Gambit. The three separated zones are illustrated in Fig. 6. In the model away from the wall (Menter, 1994).
upper side of the airfoil, it is assumed that the laminar/turbulent Second-order upwind discretization is chosen for momen-
zone is laminar when AOA≤7 deg, then it becomes turbulent in tum equations and turbulence equations including specific
higher angles of attack. dissipation rate and turbulent kinetic energy equations are
discretized using first-order upwind scheme. For time integra-
3.2. Two-dimensional numerical approach tion, the first order implicit formulation is used. The time step
intervals are set according to maximum free stream velocity and
Two-dimensional numerical simulations are performed by use are chosen small enough (0.005 s) in order to prevent any loss of
of Fluent (v 6.3) commercial software that uses Finite Volume the unsteady physics of the flow field. The simulation at each
32 V. Esfahanian et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 120 (2013) 29–36

Fig. 6. Decomposed zones for different laminar–turbulent treatments. Fig. 7. Numerical drag curves for S809 airfoil.

case is performed for a time period of 10 s (equal to 2000 time

Number of iterations at each time step (inner loops) is set to
500 and the convergence criteria at each time step is defined for
all the residuals to a predefined tolerance value of 1  10−5 and
acquiring a constant trend in drag coefficient with time. The latter
condition is imposed because the drag is the last aerodynamic
coefficient that converges and its convergence guarantees the
convergence of other parameters.
Due to expansion of the wake region and increase in vortex
shedding as the angle of attack increases, time dependency and
unsteadiness of the numerical solution also tend to increase. This
phenomenon causes the aerodynamic coefficients to oscillate in
time. Therefore, when the solution converges and the trend of
oscillations in aerodynamic coefficients become constant, the time
average of the oscillating quantities is determined using the last
5 cycles, in order to obtain the lift and drag coefficients for given
Reynolds number and angle of attack. It must be noted that the
amplitude of these oscillations after the convergence is less than
2% of the absolute value of their corresponding aerodynamic
Fig. 8. Numerical lift curves for S809 airfoil.

3.3. Two-dimensional results and discussions

All the two-dimensional aerodynamic coefficients are non-
Two-dimensional numerical simulations are performed at dimensionalized with respect to 12 ρV 2∞ c, where c is chord length
4 different Reynolds number (Re¼0.25  106, 0.5  106, 1.0  106 of the airfoil, V ∞ is the free stream velocity seen by blade section
and 1.5  106) in a wide range of angles of attack (−51≤AOA≤401) in (V rel ) and ρ is the density of the air. Hence the lift  and drag
steps of one degree. However in a density based solver with far- coefficients become C l ¼ L= 12 ρV 2∞ c ; C d ¼ D= 12 ρV 2∞ c . The pres-
field boundary conditions, the Mach number must be defined sure dragcoefficient  is also defined as mentioned and becomes
at the boundaries instead of Re number, so considering the C dp ¼ Dp = 12 ρV 2∞ c , where Dp is the drag force due to the difference
standard condition for the thermophysical properties of the air in pressure distribution around the airfoil.  The local pressure
(ρ ¼ 1:225 kg=m3 ; μ ¼ 1:7894  10−5 kg=m sec and the sound speed¼ coefficient is also defined as C P ¼ PðxÞ= 12 ρV 2∞ where PðxÞ is the
343 m=sec), the Mach number is determined for each of the mentioned local gauge pressure with reference to P ∞ .
Reynold's numbers (M ∞ ¼ 0:0106; 0:0213; 0:0426 and 0:0639). These As illustrated in Figs. 9–12, the numerically calculated aero-
simulations are used to construct the lift and drag curves for S809 dynamic coefficients stand in good agreement with experimental
airfoil that are illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8. wind tunnel results. Although as shown in Figs. 9 and 10, the OSU
In addition, 4 other numerical simulations are investigated at and DUT experiments are inconsistent especially in AOA≥151. The
Reynolds number of 2  106 and M ∞ ¼ 0:0852, for four angles of numerical lift and drag at Re¼ 1.0  106 closely matches the DUT
attack: −0.011, 1.021, 5.131 and 9.221, in order to validate the experiments (less than 5% error between numerical and experi-
calculated pressure distribution around the airfoil with DUT low- mental results) when AOA o 171, but as the AOA further increases,
speed wind tunnel experiments (Somers, 1997) (Figs. 13–16). the DUT results (especially drag coefficient) lose their accuracy and
V. Esfahanian et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 120 (2013) 29–36 33

Fig. 9. Numerical lift curve in comparison with DUT and OSU (Gregorek et al., 1991) Fig. 11. Numerical lift curve in comparison with CSU wind tunnel tests at
wind tunnel tests at Re¼ 1.0  106. Re¼ 0.5  106.

Fig. 10. Numerical drag curve in comparison with DUT and OSU (Gregorek et al., Fig. 12. Numerical pressure drag curve in comparison with CSU wind tunnel tests
1991) wind tunnel tests at Re¼ 1.0  106. at Re¼0.5  106.

OSU results (lift and pressure drag) become more reasonable 4.1. Classical BEM method
(Figs. 9 and 10). As shown in Figs. 11 and 12, CSU experiments at
Re¼0.5  106 confirm the numerical results (an average error of BEM method couples the one-dimensional momentum analysis
6%). The numerically calculated pressure coefficients also show for an ideal wind turbine with the geometrical and aerodynamic
great accordance (less than 1% error) with DUT experiments both parameters of the blades. The ideal wind turbine is assumed to
in laminar and turbulent regions (Figs. 13–16). have a permeable disk instead of rotor that is frictionless and
implies no rotational velocity component in the wake (Hansen,
2008). These assumptions are then corrected with some modifica-
tions to this theory.
4. Three-dimensional simulation In the BEM method, the blade is divided into some radial
stations, and then all the computations are carried at each section
A numerical code is developed for converting the 2D calculated separately (BEM method is described by detail in Ref. Hansen
and tabulated aerodynamic coefficients into three-dimensional (2008) for further study). In this study, in order to increase the
results, in order to simulate the flow field through the rotor. This number of sections toward the tip and root of the blade where the
code uses the classical Blade Element Momentum (BEM) method most variations occur in flow parameters, each blade is decom-
with several corrections and modifications. posed to 39 radial sections by the following cosine distribution
34 V. Esfahanian et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 120 (2013) 29–36

Fig. 13. Pressure distribution around S809 airfoil at AOA ¼ −0.011, Re¼2  106. Fig. 15. Pressure distribution around S809 airfoil at AOA ¼ 5.131, Re¼ 2  106.

Fig. 14. Pressure distribution around S809 airfoil at AOA ¼ 1.021, Re¼2  106. Fig. 16. Pressure distribution around S809 airfoil at AOA ¼ 9.221, Re¼ 2  106.

(Kuethe and Chow, 1986):

attack as follows:
r i ¼ ð1 þ cos γ i Þ ð1Þ ð1−aÞV 0
2 tan ðϕÞ ¼ ð2Þ
ð1 þ a′Þrω
In the last expression, as shown in Fig. 17, γ i varies from 01 α ¼ ϕ−θ ð3Þ
(tip of the blade) to 1521 (15% of the blade inboard where it
connects to its shaft) in steps of 4 deg, R is the total length of the In Eq. (2), a and a' are axial and tangential induction factors that
blade and ri is the distance of each section from the root of are considered equal to zero at first. V0 is the free stream wind
the blade. velocity and ω is the rotational speed of the blade. Also in Eq. (3)
The geometric information at each section including pitch θ is the twist angle of the corresponding section of the blade.
angle, twist, chord length and … are known or interpolated from Then the normal and tangential force coefficients (normalized
the data presented in Refs. Shepers et al. (1997) and Duque et al. with respect to 12 ρV 2rel c) are found by projecting the lift and drag
(2000). into the normal and parallel directions to the rotor plane
According to the BEM theory the angle between the plane of C N ¼ C l cos ϕ þ C d sin ϕ ð4Þ
rotation and the relative velocity (the ϕ angle in Fig. 18) at each
section is computed in order to find the local effective angle of C T ¼ C l sin ϕ−C d cos ϕ ð5Þ
V. Esfahanian et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 120 (2013) 29–36 35

Fig. 17. Distribution of 2D sections along the span via a cosine function.

Fig. 18. Velocity components at the rotor plane (Hansen, 2008).

Fig. 19. Simple procedure of the non-modified BEM method.

By use of the computed coefficients, the axial and tangential

induction factors can be found as follows:
a¼ 2
4 sin ϕ=ðsC N Þ þ 1 Eqs. (6) and (7) as follows:

1 1
a′ ¼ ð7Þ a¼ 2
4 sin ϕ cos ϕ=ðsC T Þ−1 4F sin ϕ=ðsC N Þ þ 1

where, s is the solidity which is defined as the fraction of the 1

a′ ¼ ð10Þ
annular area in the control volume that is covered by blades in the 4F sin ϕ cos ϕ=ðsC T Þ−1
following equation:
where, F is defined in the following form:
cðrÞN 2
s¼ ð8Þ F¼ arc cosðef Þ ð11Þ
2πr π
In Eq. (8), r is the distance between each section to the root of
N R−r
the blade, c(r) is the chord length at each section and N is the f¼ : ð12Þ
2 r sin ϕ
number of blades.
Again the effective angle of attack can be computed by these
induction factors using Eqs. (2) and (3), then the induction 2 The second modification is the Spera's correction for large
factors are corrected again via Eqs. (4)–(7) and the procedure values of axial induction factors (Spera, 1994), where the
follows this iterative trend until reaching a certain limit of simple momentum theory breaks down. Spera presented
numerical error. This procedure is illustrated in a flow chart the following formulation for calculating the thrust coeffi-
given in Fig. 19. cient:
4að1−aÞF a≤ac
CT ¼ ð13Þ
4.2. Modifications to BEM method 4Fða2c þ að1−2ac ÞÞ a 4 ac

The BEM method that is used here is subjected to three

In the above expression, ac is approximately 0.2.
different corrections including
By equating the theoretical thrust coefficient with the
Spera's empirical formula, the axial induction factor for
1 Prandtl's tip loss factor that corrects the assumption of infinite
a 4 ac will be corrected as follows:
number of blades in a permeable disk and considers the
influence of the vortices shed from the blade tips into the K 1
a ¼ 1 þ ð1−2ac Þ− ½Kð1−2ac Þ þ 22 þ 4ðKa2c −1Þ ð14Þ
wake (Hansen, 2008). Prandtl introduced a correction factor to 2 2
36 V. Esfahanian et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 120 (2013) 29–36

5. Conclusion

In this paper a new approach is introduced for aerodynamic

simulation of a wind turbine rotor by mixing the usual CFD
approaches with a modified Blade Element Momentum (BEM)
method. The new approach consists of two parts: 1—constructing
a table of aerodynamic coefficients of several spanwise sections
of the blades as a function of angle of attack by CFD methods.
2—Converting the tabulated 2D coefficients to 3D flow field
around the rotor blades using the BEM technique.
The hybrid CFD/BEM method requires reasonably less compu-
tational resources and time in comparison with full three-
dimensional CFD modeling while presents great accuracy that is
far better than that of the inviscid BEM method. Because of the
sensitivity of the results at high angles of attack, the implementa-
tion of Du-Selig stall delay modification greatly enhances the BEM
The accuracy of this method is highly dependent on the
accuracy of the constructed data bank of two-dimensional simula-
tions. According to the flow regime around a typical wind turbine's
rotor, transition from laminar to turbulent state, plays an impor-
tant role in the aerodynamic forces that are imposed on the blade.
Fig. 20. Numerical power curve in comparison with experimental data.

4F sin ϕ
K ¼ :
sC N The authors would like to thank Vehicle, Fuel and Environment
Research Institute (VFERI) of university of Tehran and Iranian
3 When the flow begins to separate on a rotating wing; the Organization of Renewable Energy (SUNA) for the support of the
Coriolis force in the spanwise direction becomes significant present work.
and tends to postpone the stall occurrence. To take into account
the blade stall behavior, the numerical BEM code utilized the
Du-Selig stall delay model. Du and Selig (1998) developed References
a stall delay model based on the 3D integral boundary-layer
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