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10 Standard

First Revision 2023

Various District
Question Paper Collection


Standard - X
lime: 00 hr\ . SOCIAL SCIENCE Marks: 100

I. Choose the correct answer: 14 x 1= 14
1 What were the three major empires shattered by the end of First World War?
a ) Germany, Austria - Hungary, and Ottomans
b ) Germany, Austria - Hungary, and Russia
c ) Spain , Portugal and Italy
d ) Germany, Austria - Hungary, Italy
2 . Who was the author of the book Satyarthaprakash?
a ) Dayananda Saraswathi b ) Iyothee Thassar
c ) Annie Besant d) Swami Shradanantha
3 . Who issued the Tiruchirappalli Proclamation of Independence?
a ) Marudhu Brothers b ) Puli Thevar
c ) Veerapandya Kattabomman d) Gopala Nayak
4 . Which among the following was declared as 'Independence Day'?
a ) 26th January 1930 b ) 26th December 1929
c) 16th June 1946 d) 15th January 1947
5. was established by the Justice Party Government for the selection of
Government officials.
a ) Staff Selection Board b ) Public Service Commission
c ) Provincial Staff Recruitment Board d ) Staff Selection Commission
6. Pulicate Lake is located between the states of
a ) West Bengal and Odisha b ) Karnataka and Kerala
c) Odisha and Andra Pradesh d) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
7. Climate of India is labelled as .
a ) Tropical humid b ) Equatorial climate
c) Tropical Monsoon climate d ) Temperate climate
8. Which crop is called as "Golden Fibre" in India ?
a ) Cotton b ) Wheat c) Juta d ) Tobacco
9. Which one of the following rivers flow into the Arabian Sea ’
a ) Periyar b ) Cauvery c) Chittar d ) Bhavam
10. Second staple food of the people of Tamil Nadu ,
a) Pulses b) Millets c) Oil seeds d) Rice
11. Find the odd one out:
a ) Right to Equality b ) Right against exploitation
c) Right to property d ) Cultural and Educational Right
12. Choose the correct statement :
Assertion - ( A ) : India and France lanched International Solar Alliance
Reason - ( R ) : It was done to being together countries between Tropic of r „nr *
and Tropic of capricon for co- operation of Solar energy 1 wtsteam 100@gmail. com

a ) ( A ) is correct and ( R) is the correct explanation of ( A)
b) ( A) is correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of ( A).
c) ( A ) is wrong and ( R) Is correct d) Both are wrong
13. National Income is a measure of
a ) Total value of money b) Total value of producer goods
c) Total value of consumption goods d) Total value of goods and services
14. is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and
a ) Health b) Nutrition c) Somitation d) Security

II. Answer any ten questions. Questions No. 28 compulso
15. Define "Dollar Imperialism" .
16. List the social evils eradicated by Brahmo Samaj.
17. What were the duties of the Palayakkarars?
18. Describe the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
19. Estimate Periyar- as a feminist.
20. Name the four distinct seasons of India.
21 Define Agriculture.
22. Define the resource and state its types .
23. State the boundaries' of Tamil Nadu .
24. Why is Coimbator called the Mancestor of Tamil Nadu?
25 What is a constitution? : .
26. List any four guiding principles of Panchsheel?
27. What is Globalization.
28. Write some name of the nutrition programmes in Tamil Nadu.

HL Fill in the blanks Questions No. 42 is compulsory: 10 x 5 = 50
29 i) The secret state police in Nazi Germany was known as
ii) 'Oru paisa' Tamilan was started by .
iii). River is known as sorrow of Bihar .
iv)_ 5*
is a small Himalayam kingdom,
v) is an innovator of new ideas and Business processes.
30 Discuss the main causes of the first world war .
31. Attempt an essay on the foundation and development of Tamil Renaissance in 19th
32. Distinguish between :
i) North East Monsoon and South West Monsoon
ii) Renuwable resources and Non Renewable resources
Give Reason: Eastern Ghats are not a continuous range.
33. State any five types of soil in India and explain the charateristic and distribution of soil.

2 wtsteam 100@gmail . com

< 4. Explain the salient features of the
constitution of India .
- 5 . What are the powers and functions of the Chief Ministe
J 6: Write a detaile
d# note on Non- Alignment.
37 . What are the methods of calculating Gross
Domestic Product? and explain its.
38 . Elaborate the Public Distribution system.
39 . Explain some direct and indirect taxes.
40. Describe the nature of the plateau regions of Tamil Nadu .
41. Draw a Time- line for the following. Write any five Important events
- 1950.
42. Mark fche following places on the map of India ,
i) Delhi ii) Meerut iii) Jhonsi iv ) Jaallian Wallabage r l ) Vellore
IV. Answer the following questions:
2 x 8 = 16
43. a ) i) Account for the outbreak of Vellore Revolt In 1806.
ii) Evaluate the contribution of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami
Vivekananda to seperate Indian society.
( OR )
b ) Critically examine the evil Disobedience Movement as the typical
example of
Gandhian Movement .
44 . a ) Mark the following places on the given outline map of
i ) Great Britain ( England) ii ) Germany
iii) Italy iv) Morocco
v ) Turkey vi ) Japan
vii ) Suez Canal viii ) Pacific Ocean
( OR )
b ) Mark the following [. ce on the given outline map of India:
i) K 2 ii ) Aravalli range
iii ) River Narmadha iv ) Chilka lake
v ) Malabar cost vi ) Choto nagpur plateau
vii) Gulf of Mannar viii) Direction of South West Monsoon

www.waytosucces 3 wtsteam 100@gmail. com


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^ ' Standard x 2023

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9. Under which Article
a) Article 352
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d) Article 365^ nc. »i

11 ,With

K which. Ch na
5 Td ' d) India and Sn Lanka
country does India share its longest land border?
a ) Bangladesh b) Myanmar c ) Afghanistan d) China
12. Which one sector is highest employment in the GDP??
a) Agricultural sector b) Industrial sector
c ) Service sector d) None of the above
13 . Revolution was bom in India paving way for self sufficiency in toot grain
a) Blue Revolution b) White Revolution
c ) Green Revolution d) Grey Revolution
14 Income Tax was introduced in India for the first time in the
year •

<) 1 D —«
a ) 1860 b) 1870 c ) 1880
Part - II
) 10 x 2 = 70
II. Answer any 10 queslions. (Q . No.28 is compulsory

6. WW the essence ^ heTiruchkapalli proclamation of 1801.

www.waytosuccess .org 4 wtsteam 100@gmail. com

X Social

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Distinguish between j) Wester Ghats and Eastern Ghats

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Describe the forests of India
53 1601 fealures of the contribution
of India.
L^scnbe the executive and judicial
t >ovvers of the President of India
rr ;v n' al are th methods of calculating Gross Domestic Product and expUan its

at are the factors affecting the purchasing power and explain

,<^T Draw and Vmeline for the following
ifcVVrite any five importer everts Detween 1900 •1930
Mark the following places on the world map .
MR . IJeerniary 2) Turtle, 3 ) Russia 4 ) Australia 5) Greece
ru An& v/er .both questions.
Part - IV
2il= 16
ai Ot cuss ’he circumstances that led to the Reform movements of 19* century
^ ( OR )
tfT Examine tne factors that led to the transformation of Gandhi into a mass leader

** * * 11Virtt
* • the following places on the given outline map of India
Western Ghats 2) Mt K2 3 ) Gangatic plain ) plateau 4 Matwa
SlAndaman and Nicobar 6 ) Nilgins 7 ) Vehakapattinam
8 > Gulf of (OR)
b ) 1 / Mi £ vemsi 2) River Cauvery 3 ) Lakshadeep 4 ) Detii
5 / Mahtfaptetea • r - * i ;. 71 Rice growing area
8) region

www.waytosuccess . org 5 wtsteam 100@gmail. com

Thiru vannam alai
Time : 3.00 Hrs. Marks : 100
Part - I
Choose the correct answer. 14 X 1 = 14
1. Who said "imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism?
a) Lenin b) Marx -
c) Sun yat set d ) MaoTse Tung
2. When was North and South Vietnam united ?
a) 1975 e) 1976 c) 1973 d) 1974
3. Who was the author of the book Satyarthaprakash?
a) Dayananda Saraswathi b) Iyothee Thassar
c) Annie Besant d) Swami shradanatha
4 On 8 January 1933 which day was observed
a) Temple Entry day b) Day of Deliverance c ) Direct Action day d) Independence day
5 Assertion : ( A) The Revolt of 1857 was brutally suppressed by the British army.
Reason : ( R) the failure of the rebellion was due to the absence of central authority.
a) Both A and R are wrong b) A is wrong and R is correct c ) Both
A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A d) Both A and R are correct but ,
R is not the correct explanation of A .
6. The north - south extent of India is .
a ) 2,500 km b) 2933 km c) 3214 km d) 2814 km
7. is a cash crop.
a) Cotton b) Wheat c) Rice d) Maize
8. The major import item of India is
a ) Cement b) Jewels c ) Tea d) Petroleum
9. In which river is called as the " Garden of Southern India"?
a) Amaravathi b) Cauvery c) Godavari d) Periyar
10 . Number of major and minor ports in Tamilnadu are
a ) 3 and 15 b) 4 and 15 c) 3 and 16 •
d ) 4 and 15
11 . How many times has the preamble to the constitution of India amended?
a) once b) twice c) thrice d) never
12 . Find the odd one :
a) Social welfare b) Health care c) Diplomacy d) Domestic affairs
13 . GATT's first round held in
a) Tokyo b) Uruguay c) Torquay d) Geneva
14 . The most common and important tax levied on an individual in India is
a ) Service tax b) Excise duty c) Income tax d) Central sales tax
Part - II
Answer any 10 questions. ( Q.No. 28 is compulsory ) 10 X 2 = 20
15 . .
Define "Dollar Imperialism"
16 . What do you know of Baghdad Pact?

RMI 10 - iftip ® ( EM) uffifiib -1 t 6 *
wtsteaml 00@gmail . com

17. High light the work done by Jyotiba Phule for the welfare of the poor and the marginalized?
18. Summarize the essence of Lucknow Pact .
19. What is the contribution of Annie Besant to India's freedom struggle?
20. Name the neighbouring countries of India .
21. What is meant by normal lapse rate?
22. Define the resource and state its types .
23. How is coastal plain formed?
.24. What is a writ?
25. What do you know about Kaladan multi agencies in Tamilnadu and their route?
26. What is per capita income?
27. Mention any three industrial development agencies in Tamilnadu and their rote .
28. Name the important multipurpose projects of Tgmilnadu .
Part - III
Answer any 10 questions. ( Q .No. 42 is compulsory ) 10 X 5 = 50
29. Fill in the blanks :
i) formed the first Congress ministry in Madras .
ii) National Jute board is headquarter at
iii) The Plateau which lies between the Nilgiris and Dharmapuri districts is
iv) acts as the chancellor of universities in the state .
v) In the year National Food Security Act was passed by the Indian Parliament .
30. Trace the circumstances the led to the rise of Hitler in Germany .
31. th
Discuss the circumstances that led to the reform movements of 19 century .
32. Describe the role of Tamilnadu in the Civil disobedience movement .
33 . Write about South West monsoon .
34 .’ Describe the major challenges of Indian industries .
35 . Write about the plantation farming of tamilnadu .
36 . Distinguish between : i) In undation canal and Perennial canal
ii) Food Crops and Non - Food crops .
Give reason : i) Western coastal plain is narrow .
37 . What are the powers and functions of the Chief Minister?
38 . Mention OPEC missidhs and how does it help other countries .
39 . Briefly explain various terms associated with measuring of national income .
40. What are the important characteristics of successful industrial clusters?
41 . Write any five important historical events between 1930 - 1950 .
42. On the outline map of India, mark the following places .
1) Dandi 2) Chauri chaura 3) Vedaranyam 4) Meerut 5) Jhansl
Part - IV
Answer the following questions in detail. 2X8 = 16
43 . Discuss the main causes of the first world war ( OR ) .
Examine the factors that led to the transformation of Gandhi into a mass leader .
44. On the outline map of India, mark the following places .
1) Krakoram range 2) Chilka lake 3 ) Palk strait 4 ) Most densely populated
state in India 5) Black soil region 6 ) Thar desert 7 ) Cochin 8 ) Rann.of Kutch
( OR ) On the outline map of Tamilnadu, mark the following places.
1) Coromandel coast 2) Papanasam 3 ) Doddabetta 4) Poondi Sathiyamoorthy
Reservoir 5) Eastern Ghats 6 ) Vaigam dam 7) Chennai 8) Road route
connecting Madurai to Kanyakumari .
RMI 10 - i9t05sffai6u ( EM ) U£ AU> - 2

www . waytosuccess . org wtsteam 100@gmail . com

Mayiladuthurai MAI II AmU MliHAl DISTKIll
Revision llutut Sorint Science
Gp M . 702 J — ^
Itf’ Standard
V - -|
Date 25 Jan 23
Reg No. M j 1 1 |
OpAl Cvjib (VMV ir«rT G JU OlCWtfij& ICaJuCLKMULtn . 100
Cutm Time: 03 011 Mrs - ^ Minimum Marks : 100

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Who said "imperialism is ( he highest*stage orcnpil «llsm
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pguiotH unit ?
.Olenin hi Mail cl Sun Yut sen dlMuo Inching
p,« W ( jpp,ri> fioi©caunL nniGa tiTrfluigj?
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uxt a »nas £ ( «&) S<> # C«iirf'mn ( © t juIGiueifun t » ) [MauiutL ^
Where did the US drop its first atomic bomh?
at Kasoslnki hllnnoshima c ) Hiroshima d ) Nagasaki t
3 141114*3,5, ftsoOvugTuucb ifijjiemjOuJiu aionQjhp?
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Wlinl was the name oftlie Snmnj that was fonnrleil by Onyannnd Snrnsivnti?
Omuk urgjl
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' by his phty AY/ r/nr »« / »
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O ) ' iripupuiio ©anbOijhi lcu GuAjinh irvQn unfsbaKO. . .
tii ) (ipssbc& b oJiwwta , Gal p, UISOMJ
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d { iijjjnujl Q]Uiyta, io« «, u uuohuin[op$!ziaii .

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( ) ( i ). ( iii ) irnjjji ( ivj -ia>OKu ii 3 - -^
ii ) Uajaji worked closely with Viiknb Hasan of the Muslim League . \
iii ) Wor kers dill not participate in the Non Cooperation Movement.
iv ) Toddy shops were not picketed in Tamil Nadu
- .
a ) il and iii are correct b ) i| and iii ) are correct e ) ii ) is correct d ) i ). iii ) nod iv ) are correct
. , XBiip<l,a uu(5ib AlW .
0 ila niTo gpuijie ociyji !
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River is known as “Sorrow oflliliar'
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tClioose the inappropriate answer ) Tidal forests are found in and nroiiud

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tat Desert ( h ) I he dclliiv nlTi mCii and llralunaputra .
( cl lire delta uf Godavaris; id ) lire delta iil' Malumadht :
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The lungest dam in the world is
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•it 5Kiu t\( ( AR| 5W7 «f 1/ ( © l 5*1 <C if (» ) 5800 £ .\rI .
I he length of Golden Quadrilateral superhighways in India is I
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W ho nmnng the following tlrcidrs silirthcr 11 Hill Is a Mmte> Hill or mil?
/ .11 I he I’fC'idrni Ii ) Allomey Cieticnil cl I’ttrliaiiiciihtrs Allinrs Minister .
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- -^ . - ——
www.waytosuccess .org 8 wtsteamlOO@gmail. com

Wlurli »f ilir following slntemnit k correct nhmii CST?
(i) ( ’SI is Hie •tine point ln \ " .
( iil 1|ik nims to replace nil tllrcci ( HSCS Icsirtl on goods mid tersleej It) the Onlr1l mul Stoic gosernmrnts
. .
tiiil It will be implemented from I Ink 2017 throughout Hie eonnlr) . .
I1 11 ill unified the tin structure in ImlIn
' *" . til All tin.* corrcci . .
nilKami ( iil arc correct hi ( iil. (ml mul|i\ I arc corral- Cl til. Iml mil|n| ire correct

.. fl0 s 02 = 2 »)
II. ciasoiCc rgcnb to ofinnAa ipjX Gi «?<*»-« infd * npbr
yc»s «»C® |t,i® xs-ifn OujiH enenf ryifuii®!,
Vnmc the cinmtiics lie Triple Tfllctilc.
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. -
Op,cif <niui. wJenl yr . . /

1.1* cj'r ijTujji'iinir
Define " Dollar "
)' _ . •/ (! inort '*
tifMi p <'ijii iIlrnj/11 s oa.i/ '••» i/*»» (jr 4 <m « «sjCxsf ' . . * .
! . ..
\V ho were the three pimomeni dielnlois of the poet World War I ”
. . .
. y •iKTSsnuUt ijli sifsii 1,1 •sxf v'Jl ml at '*'’
W'liai were the duties ol a Pains alkaiar
" \.nMtnrsv«11»ijg
I . i.pvM.'.stf «ts.uusli_ ju q-.v’
the Simon Commisvinn boycotted-’

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Ciiqi' i , ixitipl a jpi ir.miu
ujtjff ID
" Stole the west following rivers of Indio^
' *
3i ij .ijUi .
*0ii;u ty$ 9‘U 9® <f(U diTViit nxtcwi
" .
rite 0 short note on Monsoon wind'
5s>*vo> OJ H.LU uiT4iiay il4 ,t iTuu(t,v
... ,
Mention the plim it ion crops of Indin
' -WiLuCnuisii .
' *11511« o-nifli?
1 .
SMI» VI 3KII 4 , utfuJQ '
hnt is migration'* Slate its i pes.
iofngj/iCgsl |
tpi 4iiu uwfljia jij
> / . jfLt - .oT. C
i4iJ ai.
of Inmil Nadu.
'uiAa owu vitp&ij .
Name the imponnnt imdnpurpose projects
3> -»IM3J1» X 'Ci TroLuuSoij iaii
' ^ ' },?) £*«1 xiiiTvm?
Describe die tarums powers mul liiiieimns cf the (iosernor. ^..
f _ - _
uftos- (I1KICS) n BOcr j/i. j xeifoi Cusnli '3vm <t (ilfutf ®'l - . .
. -
Mention tin member countries of HIt 1C S
i.janr inni a,in1 eoi.uieo imti

What is mean by globalization.

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Write some name of the nutrition programmes in Tamil Nitdti.

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Discuss the circumstances that led 10 die Kclivm movements of IO1I1 century
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in ) Distinguish between:
Weatbef and Climate
Renewable -
und Non renew’ ihle nsnmeev . -
( h) (ii» e Reasons: Mountains are cooler than the plains
. .
u mifii^ jiiijJiai fyuiid x ;ur s«sii acni.yi
I spljin the salient lealores of the Constitution of India
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I s iniin the l ietms that led lo
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the transformation of inmlhi intiin mass leader
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Describe Ihe forests ol India

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VVI1.1t are the Duties and lunctiuns Prime Minister ol India'' '
- . .
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What arc die powers and functions of the ( lucf Mini«ler "
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" sc Cji ipX u
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. f splaiusomr direct and indirect Ul e>

www. waytosuccess . org


9 wtsteamlOO@gmail. coju



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Mark thr following plates on llit given outline mnp
IXvcan I’l itc iti . -.
Cuir»1' Kamhav
Soutliwcsi monsoon direct!

Inkshadwcep :
Desert soil I
Cornmnnial conn
l’aJd \ crowing ar I
Muoniain forest
(OR )
Mark the following plares on the piven outline mnp of Tamil Nadu

iii Dmldahciui v
Selain I
Cauien delln region I
' .
I Jay of llencnl \
Mettur Dam
% <
Sfilgiri Hills
International Air I’ort
\ - m

f ^

y .
I * \
v 1

www.waytosuccess .org 10
— wtsteamlOO@gmail. com
^ ESifivaganga


Reg No : h1<3[MmF
Standard X
Marks: 100
Time: 3.00 hrs. Part - I
I Choose the correct answer: 14 x 1 = 14
1 Which President of the USA pursued Good Neighbour policy towards Latin America
" " ?
a) Roosvelt b) Truman c) Woodrow Wilson d Eisenhower
2 . The UN Charter was the signed on ?
a) June 26 , 1942 b) June 26, 1945
c) January 1, 1942 d ) January 1, 1945
3 . What was the name of the Samaj founded by Dayanand Sarasw
a) Arya Samaj b) Brahmo Samaj
c) Prathana Samaj d) Adi Brhmo Samaj
4. What was the context in which the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act wai
a) Kol Revolt b) Indigo Revolt c) Munda Rebellion
5 . Assertion: The Congress Ministries resigned in 1939.
Reason: The Colonial government of India entered the war without consulting
the elected Congress ministries.
a) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation
b) Ais correct but R is wrong
c) Both A and R are wrong
d) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation
6. River is known as Sorrow of Bihar ’.
a ) Narmada b) Godavari c) Kosf d) Damodar
7. dam is the highest gravity in India.
a) Hirakud dam b) Bhakra Nangal dam
c ) Mettur dam d ) Nagarjuna Sagar dam
8 The first jute mill in India was established at
a) kolkatta b) Mumbai c) Ahmedabad d) Baroda
9. Mangroves Protects
3 ) Coastal area from erosion b) Coral reefs
c) Sea grass Meadows d) Allthese
10 Where crop is called as Golden Fibre in India?
3 ) Cotton b) Wheat c) Jute d) Tobacco
11 Which one of the following rights was described by Dr . B . R . Ambedkar as the
‘Heart and Soul of the Constitution'?
3 ) Right to freedom of religion b) Right to equality
c ) Right to constitutional remedies d) Right to property
12 Who drew up ^ the borders for newly independent Pakistan?
lord Mountbatten b) Sir Cyril Radcliffe
b }' Clement Atlee d) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
13 TANSf was formed to look after
3 ) Small Scale -industries b) Heavy Industries
c j Cottage Industries d) Light industries
14 Assertion ( A ) Purchasing power increases, price decreases and vice
Reason (R , The production of goods decline , the price of goods
increases anc*
then the purchasing power is affected .
a ) A is correct R is false Both A and R are false
^ ^
d) A is .
correct R is the correct explanation of A
Part - II
. .
II. Answer any 10 questions. ( Q No 28 is compulsory )
15 Name the countries in the Triple Entente 10
* 2 = 20 11 wtsteam 100@gmail. com
(2 ) X Social Science
16 Write a note on Mao ’s Long March.
17. What were the duties of a Palayakkarar ? :
18 How are the peasant uprisings in British India classified
19 Estimate Periyar as a feminist.
20. Write a short note on Deccan Plateau.
21. What is ‘burst of monsoon’ ?
22 What is Communication ? What are its types ?
23. Explain the cropping seasons of Tamil Nadu.
24. What is the qualification of judges of the Supreme Court ?
25 . Mention the member countries of BRICS.
26. Why is Chennai called the Detroit of Asia?
27. Why we pay tax to the government ?
28. Write role of Mangroves in Coastal Zone Management.
Part - III
III. Answer any 10 questions. (Q.No.42 is compulsory )
29 . Fill in the blanks.
was declared the new Sultan there be Is in Vellore Fort

is the largest drainage system of India,

iii) soil is suitable for the cultivation of tea and coffee plants.
iv) India conducted its first nuclear test at .
v) The term globalization was invented by .
30. Highlight the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles relating to Germany.
31. Assess the structure and the activities of the U.N.
32 . Describe the role of Tamil nadu in the Civil Disobedience Movement.
33 . a ) Distinguish: (i) Agro based Industries and mineral based industries
(ii) Roadways and Railways
b ) Give Reason: » The Eastern Ghats is discontinuous.
34. Write about South West Monsoon.
35. What is Multipurpose projects and write about any Multipurpose projects of India.
36. Write an account on river Cauvery.
37. Point out the Fundamental Rights.
38. Write a detailed note on Non- alignment.
39. What are methods of calculating Gross Domestic Product? Explain them.
40. What are the important characteristics of successful industrial cluster?
41 Draw a timeline for the following.
Write any important world historical events between 1900 -1930
42. Mark the following places on the world map.
1. Pearl Horbour 2. France 3. Russia 4. China 5. Nagasahi
Part - IV
IV. Answer all the questions. 2 x 8 = 16
43. a ) Discuss the circumstances that led to the Reform movements of 19" century
( OR )
b) Attempt an essay of the heroic fight Veerapandiya Kattabomman conducted
against the East india company.
44 Mark the following places on the India / Tamil nadu map.
1 Himalaya 1. Chennai ~
2 . Thar Desert 2. Doddabetta
3 Chotta Nagpur Plate 3 . Kanyakumari '
4 Sundarhan
5 Konkan Coastal
( OR) -
4 . Salem /

5 River Cauvery -
6 Silka Lake 6 Gulf of Mannar ,
7 Gulf of Mannar 7 Agasthiyar malai
8 Electronic city 8 Bay of Bengal ^

www.waytosucces 12 wtsteam 100@gmail. com

TsIOSS Tenkasi District Common Examinations
Common First Revision Examination - January 2023 cmiD
standard 10
Time : 3.00 Hours SOCIAL SCIENCE Marks: 100
PART - 1
Note : 1. Answer all the questions. 14 x 1 = 14
2. Choose the correct answer .
1) Which country was expelled from the League of Nations for attacking finland7
a) Germany b) Russia c ) Italy d) France
2) When was North and south Vietnam united?
a) 1975 b) 1976 c) 1973 d) 19
3) Who issued the Tiruchirappali proclamation of Independence?
a ) Marudhu brothers b) Pulithevar
c ) Veerapandya kattabomman d) Gopala Nayak
4) Where was the third session of the India National congress held?
a) Marina b) Mylapore
c) Fort St. George d) Thousand Lights.
5) Assertion : Jyothiba Phule opened orphanages and homes for widows.
Reason : Jyothiba Phule opposed child marriage and supported widow remarriage.
a) Assertion is correct but reason is not apt to the assertion
b ) Assertion is correct and the reason is apt to the assertion
c) Both are wrong.
d) Reasion is correct but assertion is irrelevent.
6) A line joining the places of equal rainfall,
a) Isohyets b) Isobar c ) Isotherm d ) Latitudes.
7) The district with largest mangrove forest cover in Tamil Nadu is
a ) Ramanathapuram b) Nagapattinam
c ) Cuddalore d) Theni
8) Second staple food of the people of TamilNadu is

a) Pulses b) Millets c ) Oilseeds d ) Rice

9) The most important constituents of petroleum are hydrogen and
a ) Oxygen b) Water c ) Carbon d) Nitrogen
10) Pick the odd one out .
a) Inundational canals b) Perennial canals c) Tanks d) Canals
11) How many times has the preamble to the constitution of India amended?
a) Once b) Twice c ) Thrice d) Never
12) Which of the following country is not the founder member of NAM?
a) Yugoslavia b) Indonesia c) Egypt d ) Pakistan
13 ) India is larger producer in a agricultural product.
1* b) 3rd c) 4th d) 2nd
L 4) GATT' s first round held in
a) Tokya b) Uruguay c ) Torquay d) Geneva
PART - n
swer any 10 questions. Question No . 28 is compulsory. 10 x 2 = 2 C
15) Name fhe countries in the Triple Entente.
16) Describe the pear! Harbour incident.
17) What was the significance of the Kalakadu?
18) Desqribe the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
19) Name the neighbouring countries of India .
20) Define Agriculture.
21) Name the different types of Coal with their Carbon content.
22) Name the major islands of TamilNadu.
23 ) What are the qualification for the appointment of Governor ?
24 ) List out the member countries of SAARC.
25 ) What is the role of Japan India Institute of Manufacturing ( JIM ) ?
www.waytosuccess .org 13 wtsteam 100@gmail. com
' ~ 2

26 What is per capita income?
27) What are the effects of Green Revolution ? i
28) Define 'tax ’
Note : Answer any 10 of the following Q.No. 42 is compulsory . 10 x 5 = 50
29) Fill in the blanks:
i) Japan entered into an alliance with England in the year
il) Government of India Act 1919 introduced .
in the provinces
iii) The soil which is rich in iron oxides is
iv) The scientific study of different aspects of population is called
v ) The constitution of India was adopted on
30) Highlight the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles relating to Germa
31) Account for the outbreak of vellore Revolt in 1806 .
32) Describe the role of Tamil Nadu in the civil Disobedience Movement .
33) a) Distinguish between
i) Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats.
ii) Renewable and non-renewable resources
b) Give reason : Eastern Ghats are not a continuous
34 ) Write about south west Monsoon.
35) Describe the major challenges of Indian industries.
36) Explain the salient features of the constitution of India .
37) Write a detailed note on Non - alignment.
38) Trace the reason for the formation of BRICS and write its objectives.
39) Write any five differences between the growth and development.
40) What is Black money ? Write the causes of black money.
Note : visually challenged canditates have to write only notes for the
questions related to Timeline chart and map.
41) Draw a time line for following: Write any five important events between 1920 - 1950.
42) Mark the following places on the world map .
i ) France ii) Great Britain iii) Turkey
i v) China v ) Italy
Note : Answer all the questions. 2 x 8 = 16
43 ) a) i) Trace the circumstances that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany.
ii) Highlight the tragic fall of sivagangai and its outcome.
(OR )
b) i> What is urbanization
ii) Write an account on
? Explain
its problems?
cauvery .
Note : Blind canditates have to write only notes for the questions related to Map.
44) a) Mark the following places on the given outline map of India,
i) Karakoram
If) Chotanagpur Plateau.
iii) Direction of south west Monsoon wind.
tVfYKUrvi PrR . M,
iv ) Tea growing area (1)
v ) Any one major seaport ^
vi) Panna biosphere reserve.
vii) Any one Iron industry,
viil ) Mountain forests.
( OR )
b) Mark the following places on the given outline map of Tamil Nadu.
i) Coramandal Coast ii ) Nilglri hills
iii) Mudumalai wildlife sanctuary iv ) Manlmutharu Dam
v ) Chennai Airport
vli) River Kaveri

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vl ) Any one paddy growing area ,
vill ) Ramanathapuram

14 wtsteam 100@gmail. com



www. waytosuccess .org 16 wtsteamlOO@gmail. com

^ Q Tlrunelvell District Common Examinations
First Revision Test - January 2023 cmxD
Standard 10
Time: 3.00 Hrs. SOCIAL SCIENCE Maximum Marks: 100
I- Choose the correct answer: r 14 X 1= 14
1) Which country was expelled from the League of Nations for attacki Finland? ng
a) Germany b) Russia c) Italy d) France
2) When was the Warsaw pact dissolved?
a) 1979 b) 1989 c) 1990 d) 1991
3) Whpre were the sons of Tipu Sultan sent after the Vellore Revol t?
c) Delhi d) Mysore
a) Calcutta b) Mumbai
4) When was the first Forest Act enacted?
b) 1911 c) 1865 d) 1936
a) 1858 by the British
5) Assertion ( A ) : The Revolt of 1857 was brutally suppr essed
the absence of
Reason ( R ) : The failure of the rebellion was due to
central authority .
a) Both ( A ) and ( R) are wrong .
b) ( A ) is wrong and ( R ) is correct .
explanation of ( A ). !
c ) Both (A) and ( R) are correct and ( R) is the correct .
t explanation of (A) |
d) Both ( A) and (R) are correct but (R ) is not the correc
6) The highest peak in South India is
d) Jindhagada
' a) Ooty b) Kodaikanal >
c Anaimudi
7) Block soils are also called as d) Mountain soils
a) Arid soils b) Saline soils c) Regular soils
ter service?
8) Which of the following is associated with helicop

a) Air India b) Indian Airlines c ) Vayudoot /

d pavan Hans
9) Second staple food of the people of Tamil Nadu d) Rice
Millets c) Oil seeds
a ) Pulses
10) The Governor does not appoint .
a ) Chief Minister
b) Chairman of the State Public Service Commission ;
py Advocate General of the State
d) Judges of the High Court
are true?
11) Which of the following statements
Tagore chair in University of Dhaka.
Statement 1 : ICCR has initiated a
y to western countries.
Statement 2 : Myanmar is India ' s gatewa
Statement 3 : Nepal and Bhutan are
land locked nations.
the partner in Nalanda University
Statement 4 : Sri Lanka is one of
project of India .
b) 2, 3 and 4 c) 1, 3 and 4 d) 1, 2 and 4
a) 1, 2 and 3
12) _ __ .
__ is the only state in India to adopt universal PDS d) Karnataka
a) Kerala . b) Andhra Pradesh c) Tamil Nadu
m tax is ensured,
13) Under which tax one nation, one unifor
a ) Value added tax (VAT) b) Income tax
c) Goods and Service tax d) Sales tax
a industrial developing agency ?
14) Which One of the following is not d) SIPCOT
10 x 2= 20
ILAnswer any 10 questions. Q.No.
28 is compulsory:
of nationalism in Europe ?
15) What were the three militant forms
impact on the Indian agriculture?
16) How did Great Depression

linga Adigal.
17) Write a note on reforms of Rama .
18) Identify the Palayams based on the division of east and west

www. waytosuccess .org 17 wtsteam 100@gmail. com
VV 1at is the contribution of Annie Besant to India s freedom struggle ?
0) Write a note on
Deccan plateau , i
- '
Name the areas which receive heavy rainfall .
22 ) Define Agriculture.
23) What is Ten' ?
24) What is the national emer entf ? 1

^ /
25 ) What are the qualifications for the appointment of Governor ?
26 ) What is per capita income ?
27) What is meant by black money ?
28) Write a brief note on the categories of fisheries in India .
m. Answer any 10 questions . Q.No . 42 is compulsory: 10 X 5 = 50
29) Fill in the blanks:
i) The secret state police in Nazi Germany was known as
H) is considered the father of linguistic Purism',
iii) The plateau which lies between the Nilgiris and Dharmopuri districts is

iv ) is the Guardian of the constitution.

v) The burden of the
30) Distinguish between:
tax cannot be shifted to others .
a) Alluvial soils and Black soils
b) Food crops and non-food crops
Give reasons:
Mountains are cooler than the pjains .
31) Discuss the main causes of the First World War.
32) Account for the outbreak of Vellore Revolt in 1806.
33) Discuss the circumstances that led to the Reform movements of 19th century.
34) Write about South west monsoon . .
35) Explain the importances of satellite communication in India.
•36) Bring
out the mineral distribution in Tamil Nadu.
37) Explain the salient features of the constitution of India.
- • •

38) Write a detailed note on Non-alignment .

39) Write the challenges of Globalization .
4Q}'/Write about the Textile industry cluster in Tamil Nadu.
Note: Visually challenged candidates have to write only notes for the
questions related to Time- line chart and map.
41) Draw a Time - line for the following:
Write any five important world events between 1920 - 1950
42) Mark the following places on the India Map:
(i) Lucknow (ii) Jhansi (iii) Sabarmati Ashram (iv) Champaran ( v ) Delhi
IV. Answer both questions: 2 x 8= 16
43) Assess the structure and the activities of the UN.
Describe the background for the formation of the Justice pary and point out
its contribution to the cause of Social Justice i.
44) Mark the following places on the given outline map of India:
(I) Aravali range
(iii) An area of Jute cultivation
, (ii) Kavery
(iv) Malwa plateau
( v) An area of heavy rainfall (vl) Tropicaf evergreen forest
(vii) Gulf of Khambhat (viii) Malabar coast
(OR) v:,
Mark the following places on the given outline map of TamilNadu: I
(i) Doddabetta , (ii) Agasthiyamalaj ' r
(iii) Coromandel coast (iv) Bavanlsagardam „ w ,
( v) Gulfofmannar (vi) Pulicatlake :H.
( vii) Point calimere wildlife sanctuary ( viii) Mettur dam
1. 1:1
s I i I
’ f

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W .‘ j f!
.. . - ' .* i



www.waytosuccess .org 20 wtsteam 100@gmail. com
WAYT )|$gapESS Virudhun»gar Dutrict Common Etamtnaf »on»
^ Viruthunagar
F»r t Revision Test January 2023
Standard 10
Time 3 00 Hr« SOCIAL SCIENCE .
Mar - m jm Ma'VS
Note: i) Answer all the questions. 14 * 1 = 14
) Choose the most appropriate ansv/ er from the given four alternatives
and write the option code and the corresponding answer
1 Who made Peru as part cf their domina' ions 7
a =ngi sH t Spaniards C ; Russians C , Pre".
2 Where was the Japanese Navy defeated by the US ho /
a ) Battle of Guada cana
c ) Battle of Leningrad ' D; Bare 0f M d / a
, .- .
a Battle of E Aiame'ij
3 Pui ' Thevar ruled th s place -
a . Madura . b; Nerkattumseval c , Wamar gai .
4 In vh»cn session of the Indian Naoona Congress was * »
a Bombay b ) Madras
5 ) Choose the correct statement:
c , UJCKHCW ' l A
* 30ur

Assertion ( A ) : The Justice oary con * nued o ema - . : rr*
from 192 G - 1937 in Madras Presided .
Reason ( R ) : The Congress party bgycotilfed th - Magra ? .c s at - 'e
dunng this penoo of Dyarcny ^
a ) Both A and R are correct
b ) A is correct , but R is not the correct ex,pianatur .
c ) Both A and R are wrong ,
6 The North - South extent of India is
'a , 2,500 km b 2 ,933 km
d; R s correct , but it has no rejfevance o A .

c) 3, 214 «m d) 2.814 <r *

7) is the highest gravity dam in India ,
a ) H rakud dam b ) Bhakra
Nangai dam
c) Mettur dam d ) Nagarjuna Sagardam
8 ) The scientific study of different aspects of population s called
bjl mography
a ) Cartography
9) Leather Tanneries are idcatea
a > Saiem bj Erode
; n
c ) Anthropology
c) V3niyambadi
d) Ep graph »

a , Thoothuk _
10; Find the odd one oiit
a; Inundations! ^anais b ) Perennial canals
c) Tanks d ) Canals
11) Which of the following states have a common highcourt 7
a , Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh b ) Delhi and Calcutta
c ) Punjab and Haryana d ) Maharastra and Gujarat
Th e agreement signed by India and China in 1954 is related to
a , Tade and Commerce b ) Restoration of normal relations
c ) Cultural exchange programmes d ) The five principles of co- existence
What are identified as causes of black money 7
a Shortage of goods b ) High tax rate
c) Smuggling d ) All the above
Choose the correct statement:
Assertion ( A ) : Purchasing power increases , price decreases and vice
versa .
Reason ( R ) : The production of goods decline , the price of goods
increases and then the purchasing power is affected
a ) A is correct , R is false b ) Both A and R are false statements.
c ) A is correct but R is not a correct explanation
d ) A is correct , R is the correct explanation of A
Note: Answer any 10 questions. Question No . 28 is compulsory . 10 x 2= 20
What do 7
15 ) you know of the white Terror in Indo - Chma
16) What do you know of Baghdad Pact ? "

17) List the social evils eradicated by Brahmosamaj.

www.waytosuccess . org 21 wtsteam 100@gmail. com
IS' ane the peasant uprisings m Bntish India classified '
19 List Put t e personai ’t es who contributed to the revival of Tam ' terature

' *
through their wntmgs
2v State the p aces of Mangrove forest in India
21' Define resource and state its types
22' Explain the crocp "g season* of Tam i Nadu
23' Before DunngCvc ' one how does the meterological department warn the

2*»' Wnte a note on pipeline network transport in India

25 Evp am . Inga's nue ear policy
26i ' * ’
V\ nat 3 T? the classical anguages m India
' ’
2'' What an? the t\ pes of globa iration 7
wnte a 'ote o" Goods and Service Tax
Note: Answer any 10 questions. Question No. 42 is compulsory. 10 x 5
29 ' Fill in the blanks :
featy of provided for mandates
' TheA .v Banneqee was elected the President of Indian National Congress in
the vear
The p ateau which lies between the Nilgiris and Dharmap
' district is

v' was elected as the temporary president of the constituent

. % ' A better economy mtroudee rapid development of the
circumstances that led to the rise of HitlerTn Germany.
31' Descnbe the ' ole of Tamil Nadu in the Civil Disobedience movement .
32' a ] Distinguish between:
Jute Industry and Sugar Industry
) Surface water and Ground water
b] Give reasons:
Ta ~ Nadu receives low rainfall during south west monsoon.
33 ' Explain the divisions of Northern mountains and its importance to India .
3i' What is Urbanization? Explain the problem.
35 ' Explain the salient features of the constitution of India.
36' Mention OPEC missions and how does it help other countries.
3’ What are the powers and functions of the Chief Minister ?
38 W hat are the methods of calculating Gross Domestic Product? - Explain
39 Elucidate why Green Revolution was bom ?
40) Write about the Textile Industry Cluster in Tamil Nadu ,
lote: Blind candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to
Time-line chart and map.
41 Draw a Time - line for the following:
Wnte any five important events between 1920 to 1940.
42' Mark the following places on the World Map:
(r France (ii) England (iii) Japan (iv ) Morocco (v) Turkey
ote : Answer the following questions. 2 x 8=16
431 Write an essay on the role played by the 19th century reformers towards
the cause of women. (OR)
Discuss the causes of the Revolt of 1857 .
ote Blind candidates have to write only notes for the questions related to map.
44 Mark the following places on the given outline map of India:

(i) Mt. Everest (ii) Chotanagpur plateau

(iii) Rann of Kachchh (iv ) Coramandal coast
( v ) River Ganga ( vi) Chilika lake
( vii) Jute growing area ( viii) Mangrove forest
( OR )
Mark the following places on the given outline map of TamilNadu:
(i) Cauvery Delta Region (ii) Mudumalai wild life sanctuary
(iii) Gulf of mannar ( jv) vaigai (River)
( v ) Kothaiyar Tank ( vi) Sugar cane growing area ( 1)
( vii) Any one Birds Sanctuary (viii) Information technology (1)

www.waytosuccess .org 22 wtsteam100@gmai.l. com

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