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Health Policies

Mandy Coffman and Nessa Behie

SOWK 222

College of Social Work, University of South Carolina

Dr. Melania
Public Learning

For our project we decided to do a Kahoot! Since it is nostalgic for many college students

it will allow for a fun game while still learning. We would like for people to learn more about

healthcare policies through fun questions in a competitive nature. Kahoot allows for a fun game

to review learned topics in class. For this we would like to have a small lecture time then have

the fun game to review the topic. Because there would be a promise of a game, hopefully

students would retain more information.

Kahoot is a fun quiz game for all ages and can have as many people as possible on one

server, so large conferences for CE credits could use this model as well as showing college age

students. I would hope that there would be enough learning done to make it hard to determine a

“winner” for the quiz.

We are hoping to engage college students through their classes to ensure competent social

workers. We would also like to possibly reach small, continued education courses to allow social

workers to review information and receive new information. Because this is a review game for a

lecture type event, college students would do well because of having a familiarity with the game

and practitioners could have a fun game to break up some of the monotonous day to day of their

usual workdays.

This strategy allows for fun that people are more likely to remember due to the

lightheartedness of the game coupled with people’s innate competitiveness. A con for this

strategy would be that people may not take it seriously due to the lightheartedness of the game.
Core Concepts

Health care policies are important due to the racism against certain groups which makes

healthcare both harder to reach and more painful due to outdated false rhetoric. One example of

this is the fact that the ethnicity of people without healthcare was Hispanic people aged 18-44.

Another example of core concepts would be that 16 million people were enrolled under the

Affordable Care Act. This shows that the classist way that insurance worked before caused those

who could not afford healthcare to either accrue more debt or suffer through pain or unknown

illnesses or conditions. The ACA also leads the way to the fact that most who are in poverty are

minority groups showing intersectionality.


Health disparities and their causes are important to understand because it can explain

why certain policies have been put in place. A main reason for health disparities in the United

States is due to the lack of affordability of quality health care. Policies put in place such as

Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act have expanded access to healthcare for those

who could not previously afford it. There were also important policies put in place in the past

that ensured better health outcomes by implementing sanitation reform, which is when public

health policies were gaining importance. These policies are important for everyone because it

decreases healthcare costs for the entire United States when more people are insured.

Other projects that would have presented this project would not have presented it in an

engaging way. A Kahoot ensures that everyone is actively engaged in the questions and is

learning more about the topic.


Throughout this project, we both learned more about health care policies in the United

States. This project was a great review on what we went over in class as well as for the students

in class. For this we also learned new information and knowledge throughout the Kahoot and

helped us to relearn since this was taught at the beginning of the semester.

I think a success we had with this project is that it was engaging for the class and students

enjoyed it. A failure we had was creating questions the whole class would understand because it

was a topic we have not gone over recently.

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