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A Review of Blockchain Implementation in Medical

Record Systems: Challenges, Opportunities, and

Future Directions
1StNugraha, Dendy Satria
2ndRizki, Asep
Dept.Electrical Engineering
Dept.Electrical Engineering
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Karawang, Indonesia
Karawang, Indonesia
2210631160079@ student.unsika.ac.id
3years oldRazikin
4years oldAlhuda, Zaky Hanafian
Dept.Electrical Engineering
Dept.Electrical Engineering
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Karawang, Indonesia
Karawang, Indonesia
2210631160106@ student.unsika.ac.id
2210631160110@ student.unsika.ac.id

Abstract-Implementation of blockchainin the system r When the application is asserted as the process of sharing
ecord medical have potency to resolve challenge the ther his medical recordings it takes a long time, especially if sent
e is and open opportunitiesnewin theindustryhealth. Arti by post. because if sent by email with the internet is very unp
clethisreviewthe use ofblockchainin thethe systemrecord opised in the hospital as it causes less risk security of the pati
medical,as well aschallengethefaced,opportunitiesthether ent's medical recording.Manual medical notes are difficult to
e is, anddirectionsthefrontthepossible.Implementationblo divided and communicated effectively betweenvarious health
ckchainin thethe systemrecordmedicalcan beincrease the care providers. This can inhibit the collaboration of medical t
securityandprivacydata,facilitateExchangethe data aresa eams, timely transfer of information, and care coordination.
Lack of coordination may lead to repetition of diagnostic test
febetweena variety ofsidetheinvolved, andgivethe control
s or inefficient treatments, which in turn can increase overall
moretopatientsrelatedthe datapersonalthey.However,the
re issomechallengetheneed toovercome,including thescal
abilityblockchain,obedienceregulation,interoperability,in In theManual medical records require paper use, print
tegrationwiththe systemthethere is, andthe problemtrust. forms, and other related documents. This cost can be
Articlethistooidentifysomeopportunitiestheofferedbyimpl significant especially if the volume of the medical records
ementation ofblockchainin thethe systemrecordmedical. generated is large enough. In addition, there is an additional
For example, Blockchaincan befacilitatecollaborationmu cost for printing, paper replacement, and maintenance of
ltidisciplinarybetweenproviderserviceshealth,researchers, pricing equipment.Manual medical records require sufficient
andpatients. Blockchain alsocan besupport thedevelopm physical storage space to store all medical documents. This
entthe applicationintelligenceartificial,analysis ofData, a may result in a cost of rent or purchase of storage space. In
addition, care and maintenance of storage space can also
ndmodelingpredictivetoincrease thetreatmenthealth.The
cost, such as temperature control and humidity, fire
whole,articlethishighlightsthe importance ofresolvechalle
protection, and physical security.
ngetechnicalrelatedwithimplementation ofblockchainin t
hethe systemrecordmedical.Researchanddevelopmentmo Risk is lost or damage to medical note of the manual is
remorerequiredtooptimizingbenefitsblockchainin theincr always there. Documents may be lost due to human errors,
ease thethe quality oftreatmenthealth,efficiencyoperation fires, floods, or other natural disasters. If medical records are
al, andsatisfactionpatients. damaged or lost, recovery efforts should be involved in
additional costs such as reprints, reproduction, or data
Keywords-blockchain,health,medical,the record,technology recovery.The search process, recovery, and update medical
records are subject to slower and time consuming. The labor
I. INTRODUCTION needed to manage and take care of medical records of the
Mayer may be more, and this can reduce the productivity and
Medical Records are a very important thing for treatment efficiency of the overall health organization. High
in carekEmbedded containing personal information. Currentl operational costs can also arise due to wasted time in
y every hospital keeps the patient's medical record without an searching and processing medical information.
integrated with other hospitals, in addition to the managemen
t of permissions from the patient's medical record is still hand Because ofthe high cost ofReceive cost of meDISU
led by the hospital.Patients with serious illnesses such as can current manual, the purpose of this literature review is to
cer, or human rightmenicification virus (HIV) should conduc explain the comparison of medical recordsmanualwithDigital
t long treatment and rehability and post-care monitoring, if o medical records.From this activity is expected to be known to
ut of town, or other regions and visiting several medical instit the things that have been researched and which can be further
utions for consultations, patients need to share clinical data a developed relatedblockchaimIn the medical record scheme.
nd must apply to related hospitals for access to their medical Based on the above explanation then can be formulated the
records. It is thisit would be difficult to coordinate because th problem of howComparison between the cost of manual
e hospital he visited may not know before.


medical records with medical records using the Technochals A. Research question
Blockchain. The list of research questions can be made of
needsResearch on the topic discussed. The following is
A. Blockchain thelistResearch questions in this library review:
BedLockchain is a revolutionary technology development 1) RQ1: What is the object of research in related articles?
that was first introduced along with Bitcoin digital currency i 2) Rq2:In what activities of blockchain technology are often
n 2008 by a person or a group of people using the sambaron used in health field?
name of Satoshi Nakamoto. Blockchain is designed as proof 1) Rq3:Any of the fuckBenefits and Challenges and the
of the concept to address the problem of trust in electronic tra future of blockchain in the medical record scheme?
nsactions without the part of the central authority.
B. Process Search
Basically, Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed di
gital book that records transactions and transported transactio 1) Publish or Perish
ns. It uses a serial data structure consisting of blocks that cont The search process scientific article in literature review
ain information about the transactions performed. Each block This is a database search from Scopus through the Harzing's
has a link to the previous block, forming a chain that can not Publish or Perish software. Publish or Perish is a software
be changed. Information on blockchain is stored across the p program that takes and analyze academic quotes, designed to
articipating computer network (Node), not in one single auth empower individual academics to present their casesto
ority. examine the impact on the best profit. The keyword used in
the related article searches are "Blockchain inhealth"And the
B. Uniqueness Blockchain year selected, ie 2016-2023. From search results,
Blockchain is not controlled by one central authority, but found745Articles analyzingthe articlein the time8year from
is managed by peer-to-peer (P2P) network consisting of man the period of 2016-2023. After that, the search results of
y nodes that work together. Each node has a complete copy o articles are stored in the RIS format so that it can be read by
f the Blockchain book, and any new changes or transactions r Mendeley to be organized as reference manager.
equire the majority agreement of the node in the network.All 2) Mendeley
transactions on blockchain can be seen by all participants in t
he network. Each transaction is recorded permanently in the Mendeley is a software that serves as a reference
block and can be verified by anyone. This provides a high lev manager. Based on the definition quoted from the official
el of transparency and increases trust in the system. site, indicating that Mendeley is a reference management
application as well as social networking, online collaboration
Blockchain uses strong cryptography to protect the integri tools and is able to find the latest / current research. At this
ty and data security. Each block is connected to the previous stage, the authors Import the search results article from
block through the hash link, making it difficult to manipulate Publish or Perish and save the files in BIPTEX and RIS
or change the existing data. In addition, blockchain uses cons format.
ensus among nodes in the network to validate the transaction
and prevent evil attacks.Once the transaction is recorded in th 3) Zotero
e blockchain, it becomes unchangeable and unchanged. This
After collecting data and information, all data that passes
is because each block is connected to the previous block cryp
the selection is combined using ZOTERO. ZOTERO allows
tographically, so if there is a change in one block, all the bloc
to collect, organize, quote, and share research resources and
ks will be affected. It provides a high reliability level and hel
allow download, recruitment, and indexing full text from
ps prevent data counterfeiting.
catalogs, databases, websites, and PDFs. At this stage,ie
In addition to being used in digital currency like Bitcoin, Importing the article file from Mendeley. The function is to
Blockchain also has potential application wide in various ind save the file in the CSV format to be imported to Microsoft
ustries. For example, in finance, supply chains, logistics, heal Excel.
th care, elections, and more. This technology can improve se
4) Microsoft Excel
curity, transparency, efficiency, and trust in various aspects o
f life and business.Thus, the blockchain background is the de The next stage, the determination of inclusion criteria and
velopment of technology that has the potential to change our exclusion criteria (determination) to determine the feasibility
wayinteracting, transfer values, and manage data in a safe, de of scientific articles for review or not, using Microsoft Excel.
centralized, and transaim. The feasibility study of the article selected as follows:
a. Articles are used related to the research topics on the
II. METHOD applicationBCin the fieldhealth
b. All articles published in English or English.
In theIn this study, we use systematic system lifestration s c. All articles are accessible in full (PDF complete).
ystem or systematic literature review (SLR) to learn and unde d. Articles published in 2016-2023
rstand information related to the objectives and research topi
cs. SLR is executed according to prism (File (Formercetic an From745articlethe, The author decides to focus on
d Mets-Analysis). This method involves three main stages, n discussing articles related toChallenges, Opportunities and
amely planning, implementation, and reporting. The planning FutBlockchain in medical record. To know the article
stage includes determining the search context of the article an discussingthe, The author does the filtering by reading each
d formulates the research question. The next stage is to find t title and abstract from496articleby 20th20-2023, so found
he relevant literature source. The last stage is reporting, wher 14articles discussingChallenges, Opportunities and Future
e we conclude the results of research and discussion perform Blockchain in Medical Record.
C. Quality Assessment No The author Year
Q Q Q Q Resu
1 2 3 1 lts
In this study, data from the literature study found will be David, S M
evaluated based on the quality of the value assessment Nature, S
criteria and each question will be given the following answer: 7. Megha, S
1. QA1: Is the selected article published in 2020-2023? (Yes Salem, H
2021 1 1 1 1 4
Ayan, E
(1) / No (0)) Mazzara, M
2. QA2: What the selected articles discuss aboutChallenges, 8. Hussien,H m
Opportunities, and Future?(Yes (1) / No (0)) Yasin, S M
2021 1 1 1 1 4
3. QA3: whether the selected article writes the research Udzir, n i
development method inBlockchain in the field of health? Left, m i h
9. Akram, S V
(Yes (1) / No (0)) Malik, P K
4. QA4: Does the article specifically mentionImployment of 2021 1 1 1 1 4
Singh, R
blockchainin theMedical Record Scheme? (Yes (1) / No Anita, G
(0)) 10. Ramzan, S
2022 1 1 1 1 4
Then, all QA are summed up to get the value of the Ravi, V
article. The article to be eliminated is an article that obtains a Koundal, D
total value of less than 4. 11. Rahman, M S
Islam, M A
2022 1 1 1 1 4
Uddin, M A
D. Data analysis Stea, G
12. Pilares, I C A
At this stage, data analysis will be made to data collected Azam, S 2022 1 1 1 1 4
at the previous stage to answer any specified research Jonkman, M
questions. 13. Atalarn, M 2022 1 1 1 1 4
14. Share, R
III. RESULTS 2023 1 1 1 1 4
Murugan, a

A. Results of search process

The search process is done in the early stages C. Data analysis results
produce745Literature that has not entered the inclusion
criteria. Next, from745The literature is done several stages of After doing data selection, we found 14articles that
filtering to determine the literature relevant to the research meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria and have been
topic, so it is obtained by the end result of 14the literature. through quality assessment. At this stage, we will analyze
Election 14The literature refers to the prescribed criteria. The 14The data or articles to get answers from any pre-defined
results of the search process can be seen in Table 1. research questions. Of the articles we get, we arefind some
ideas or topics that become in-dealersBlockchainIn the field
of health, including:
 Impact of Blockchain in the field of health
No Description Results
 Challengewith and without blockchain
1. Initial Search Articles (2016-2023) 745
2. Filtering Articles based on Year (2020-2023) 496  Opportunities and future
2. Articles that meet the quality assessment 14 Here is an explanation of each of these topics along
B. Quality Assessment Results 1) The impact ofBlockchain infield ofHealth
Technologyblockchainhas beeninterestingattention
Quality assessment is done by reading the title of the
manyBACHELOR,organization, andthe company,espec
fundacestraction from496articles are selected based
iallyin thethe use ofeyedigital moneylikebitcoin. Blockc
onresultsFiltering Year (2020-2023), soobtained 14articles
that meet the quality assessmentandthere are482article is hainisthe bookbigdecentralizedthecan besavetransaction
eliminated because it does not meetQuality assessment (has a thesafein thenetworkpeer-to-peer,ensuretransparencyan
total value of less than 4). BerikUTIt's 14selected articles are dverification.Purposethe mainfromtechnologyblockchai
evaluated based onassessmentQuality is served in Table 2. nisallowstransactionthesafebetweenthe partieswithoutne
ed tomixhandsideintermediate.Industriesliketechniques,
nse, andhealthhas beenexperiencethe impact oftransfor
No The author Year
Q Q Q Q Resu mationalwithadopttechnologysmartlikeblockchain,as we
1 2 3 1 lts
ll aslearningmachine, Internet of Things (IOT),realityVi
1. Capece, G
Lorenzi, F
2020 1 1 1 1 4 rtual, andintelligenceartificial(AI).
2. Bazel, M A 2020 In thesectorhealth, Blockchainhas beenincrease thet
1 1 1 1 4
Mohammed, F ransparencyandcommunicationbetweenpatientsandprovi
3. Haleem, A.
derserviceshealth.However,stillthere arechallenge,likegr
Javaid, M.,
Singh, R. P., 2021 1 1 1 1 4 owthsizeandthe complexity ofnotehealth,the problemdu
Suman, R., plicationdata andthe use ofidentificationthedifferentina
RAB, S variety ofnetwork,as well asneedsan importantwill bese
4. Dewanto, A 2021 1 1 1 1 4 curitydata andprivacypatients.Technologyblockchain,su
5. Telari, T A
2021 1 1 1 1 4
pportedbyIndustry4.0,can beresolvechallengethiswithen
Masoodi, F sureintegritydata andpreventmanipulationon theeachthe
6. Reegu, F 2021 1 1 1 1 4
point of.Someresearchhas beenreviewthe impact ofthe u ata transfercan becarried outwithsmoothlyandeffect
se ofblockchainin thehealth,highlightsbenefitsin thesecu ive.However,Ironically,the systemhealthfragmented
rity,privacy,shareData, andfacilitatetransactionbetweent andeveninin theonethe state,notthere isthe standard
he parties.However,somethe applicationhealthpossiblere universalthe general.In thethe case ofthis,researcher
quireconsiderationadditionallikeauthentication,interoper sat leastthe currentthisassumestandardizationalltype
ability, andrequirementsthe lawtosharenote.[6] s ofnotemedicalinlevelthe globalnotpractical.[3][7]
2) Challengewith andwithoutblockchain [11] [12][14]
Manyresearchersconcludedthatthere issomebarriers However,ifnotusing thetechnologyBlockchain,somechal
thepreventintroductiontechnologyBlockchaintoin thethe lengethepossibleariseisas anext:
systemhealth. Thethisanalyzeworksresearchthehavethe 1. SecurityandPrivacyData:WithouttechnologyBlockc
viewsnegativetointroductionBlockchaintoin thethe syste hain,transactionandExchangethe datastillwill beinv
mhealth.Someresearchersbelievethatinteroperability,sca olvingsidethe third,likeinstitutionsorproviderservice
lability,storage,acceptancesocial, andstandardizationisc s.Thiscan beleadthe problemsecurityandprivacyDat
hallengesthepreventintroductionBlockchaintoin thethe s a, wherethe risk ofcompromiseorviolationthe dataca
ystemhealth. n beoccur.The controlandprotectionthe datacan bem
1. SecurityandPrivacyData:Architecturethe applicatio oredifficult tocarried outwithoutmechanismtranspar
nbasedBlockchainwill beeliminateneedssidethe thir encyandsecuritythegivenbytechnologyBlockchain.
din thedotransaction.The entirethe communitywill b 2. ScalabilityandStorage:The systemhealthproducea n
etakeanswertopverificationtransaction,notsidethe th umber ofbigthe dataeachthe day, andwithgrowthtec
irdin thearchitectureBlockchain.Thismeansallnodec hnologyandof digitizing, data volumekeep onincrea
an beaccessthe data aretransmittedbywhoevenin the sed.WithouttechnologyBlockchain,scalabilityandst
node onarchitecturebasedBlockchain,theincrease th oragethe datato bechallenge.Management,storage, a
ethe risk ofcompromisetosecurityandprivacydata.A ndprocessingthe datain thescalebigcan berequireinfr
s aexample,because ofnotthere issidethe third,apatie astructurewhich is expensive andcomplex.
ntsneed togiveaccesstothe datatheytousersotherin th 3. Interoperability:The systemhealthoftenfragmenteda
echaintothe case ofemergency.Contactemergencyth ndusing thea variety ofplatform andthe system.Wit
isin thechainthencan begiveaccesstothe datatheytoa houttechnologyBlockchain,to achieveinteroperabilit
group ofusersotherin thechain, which iscreatethe ris ybetweenthe systemand the platformdifferentcan be
k ofsecurityandprivacythebig. Which solutioncleari to bedifficult to.Exchangethe data areefficientandco
nhereisincrease thesecuritytolimitsharethe datasuch ordinationbetweena variety ofentityin theecosystem
that.However,improvementsecuritycan beinhibitDat healthpossibleto bemorecomplicatedandhampered.
a transferbetween theblock, which ismeansreceiver 4. Standardization:Standardizationdata andprotocolco
onlyhaveaccesslimitedornotcompletetodata, which i mmunicationan importantin thethe systemhealthtoe
snotmeet thepurposeease ofsharedata.Attacksecurit nsureconsistency,uniformity, andinteroperability.W
ythethe generalin thenetworkBlockchainisattack51 ithouttechnologyBlockchain,to achievestandardizati
%.Attackthisoccurwhen theminersorthe teamminers onthe globalconsistentandreceivedthewidein thethe
have51%blockin thenetwork.Theyhaveauthoritytop systemhealthcan beto bedifficult to.Thiscan beinflu
reventtransactionwithnotgiveapprovaltherequired, enceintegrationandExchangethe databetweenentityh
which isrisk ofespeciallyin thethe case ofnotemedic ealththedifferent.
althecan beimpacton thelifeanddeath. 5. ReliabilityandReliability:WithouttechnologyBlockc
2. ManageCapacityStorage,Scalability, and load IOT: hain,reliabilityandreliabilityin theExchangeandstora
Architecturethe basicBlockchaindesignedin order to gethe datapossibleto bethe problem. Audit andverifi
notrequirestoragethebig.However,industryhealthpro cationtransactionandnotemedicalcan beto bemoredi
ducetotalthe data arebigeachthe dayandneedprocess fficult to, andthe risk ofcheatingormanipulationthe
ingand data transferwhen thenetworkBlockchainde datacan beincreased.
velopingin thethe systemhealth.Thiscreatethe probl In thewhole,articlethehighlightsthattechnologyBlockcha
emin theitstoragedata.As aexample,apatientsa singl inhavepotencytoresolvesomechallengein thethe systemh
ecan behavea variety ofthe datalikereportthe test,sc ealth,likesecuritydata,scalability,interoperability, andsta
anninglikeRay-X, CT scan, MRI scan,historydrug,t ndardization.However,withouttechnologyBlockchain,ch
he test,results,operation, andnoteotherthewill beava allengethestillneed toovercomethrough thethe solutiona
ilabletoeachnodein theenvironmentBlockchain. The ndapproachanotherrelevantwiththe systemhealththethere
datathisfromallpatientstheavailableinallnodewill be is.[9] [10][13]
needspacestoragethe verybig.In addition tothat,each 3) Opportunitiesas well asdirectionsthe future
transactionin theenvironmentBlockchainrecorded, In thefield
which isonlywill beadd togrowthdata andreduce the ofhealth,needstodevelopmentincreasedwithfast.
speedsearchandaccesstonote. Bybecause ofthat,net Currently,requiredfacilitieshealthqualitythesupportedbyt
workBlockchainin thescenariohealthneedstoragethe echnologythe moreadvanced. Inthis is where thethe role
bigandnotsuitabletopurposetheaccording tosomeres ofblockchain becomescrucialin
earchers. thechangesectorhealth.Focusthe systemhealthcurrently
3. ChallengeStandardization:Requiredstandardizationi is onapproachthecenteredon thepatientswith
nternationaltoauthenticationandcertificationin theen twoaspectthe main,that isservicesThe easy
vironmentBlockchain.Standardizationtooan importa oneaccessedandsource ofpowerhealththecorresponding.
nttosupervisionandsecuritynotein thenetworkBlock Withtheblockchain,organizationhealthcan
chain.Standardizationthe datarequiredIn order for d begivetreatmenttheadequateandfacilitieshealthqualitythe
high.ExchangeHealth information is the initialthesignificant.However, inperiodlength of,the use
processtaketimeandrepeated, which isimpacton oftechnologythe blockchainefficientandeffectivecan
thecostthe highin theindustryhealth,Howeveritthis can behelpreduce thecostoperationaland
beresolvedwithfastthrough thetechnologythis. improveefficiencyin theindustryhealth.[2] [14][5] [6]
Blockchain alsoallowsthe communitytoparticipateIn the
programresearchhealthand improveresearchas well
asExchangedata aboutwelfarethe general, which is III. Conclusion
onfinallywill beincrease thetreatmenttoa variety
ofgroupthe community.The problemthe mainin Conclusionaboutwhich one is one smor ewellbetwe
themanagementhealthisprotectiondata,shareData, enusing thetechnologyblockchainornotin theitcostwill bedep
andinteroperability,Howeveritthis can endingon thea variety offactors,including theenvironmentSp
beovercomethrough ecificandimplementation oftechnologythe.
theimplementationblockchain.TechnologyIt In thein conclusion,the use oftechnologyblockchain
improvessecurity,Exchangedata,interoperability,integrit in theindustryhealthcan behavepotencytoreduce thecostin the
y,as well asupdatesandaccessdata in real- someaspect,likeadministration,securityData, andefficiencyop
timeifimplementedwell. There is erational.However,evaluationthemoredepthandanalysis oftoc
alsoconcernsaboutprotectiondata,especiallyin thethe use asesSpecificrequiredtocomparetheaccuratecostwithandwitho
ofmedicinepersonal anddevicewearable. Bybecause uttechnologyblockchain.
ofThat, blockchainusedtosolvethe problemsecurityin
therecord,send, andaccessdata withhow tothesafeand
easy forpatientsandpowermedical.[1][4] [8][13] REFERENCES
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