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BMW initially targeted the market segmentation of the baby boomer generation who wanted a

luxury car to satisfy their desires and show their success by giving them high-performance sedan
model sports cars such as the BMW E30. So that in 1980-1990 their brand soared. Due to
modernization that occurred, consumer behavior changed making them less concerned with the
luxury of a brand and this made the BMW company innovate by making several series of cars
from their product series to attract more consumers.

BMW issued various series such as the 1 Series, 3 Series, 5 Series, 6 Series, 7 Series, X Series,
Z4 Roadster, M Series, Hybrid Series, and BMWi. The lower-priced 1 Series and X1 SUV to
target the "modern mainstream" segment, a group of consumers who are family-focused and
active but previously did not want to buy BMW products because of the high price. Furthermore,
they target the "upper conservatives" consumer group, which is a group of wealthy consumers
who prefer classic cars such as BMW's old 7 series cars. To target them, BMW remakes the 7
series car model by adding some of the latest electronic features to their cars while still
maintaining the old model of the 7 series. BMW also produces larger cars such as the X series to
target families who like more active activities and lifestyles.

In short, BMW identifies their customers and then divides their customers into various group
categories based on various criteria such as lifestyle, interests, purchasing behavior and various
other criteria. They understand that success in an automotive company depends not only on high-
quality products, but also on the ability to communicate with consumers, and meet the needs of
various consumer segments. BMW was able to successfully segment consumers due to a
combination of a deep understanding of customers, a wide range of products, targeted marketing,
innovation, and a reputation that was already strong from the start so that their products had
already gained the trust of consumers. This allows them to meet the needs and wants of various
consumer segments well and remain competitive in the global automotive market.

Bibliography :

Papasolomou, I., & Kitchen, P. (2011). Cause Related Marketing: Developing a Tripartite
Approach with BMW. Corporate Reputation Review, 14, 63-75.

Fleischmann, B., Ferber, S., & Henrich, P. (2006). Strategic Planning of BMW's Global
Production Network. Interfaces, 36, 194-208.

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