Comaparison of Affidavit

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Galvez, Mark Christian R.

CDI 3 MWF 6:30- 7:30 Pm


1.PURPOSE a) As a means of presenting the a) A written statement made
testimony of a witness or a voluntarily by an individual to
party in a court case confirm the truth of certain facts
b) Primarily used in lieu of or events.
traditional in-court b) Can be used for various purposes,
testimonies to streamline the including notarization of
legal process. documents, providing evidence in
legal matters, or supporting
applications for official

2.LEGAL a) It is subject to specific legal a) It is more flexible and can be

REQUIREMENTS requirements and formats customized to suit the specific
defined by the relevant needs of the situation.
jurisdiction. b) There may be fewer strict legal
b) Failure to comply with these requirements compared to a
requirements may result in judicial affidavit.
the affidavit not being
admitted as evidence in court.
3.USAGE IN a) It can replace the need for a a) Affidavit can be used as evidence
COURT witness to testify in person in court, but it is usually
during trial. submitted as a written statement
b) Typically used in pre-trial by a party or witness and may not
proceedings or as part of the be a primary means of presenting
presentation of evidence testimony during a trial.
during a trial.
4.SIGNATORY a) The person providing a a) Affidavit is typically signed and
OATH judicial affidavit is usually sworn under oath by the affiant,
required to swear an oath or confirming the accuracy of the
affirmation before a notary information contained within it.
public or authorized officer,
attesting to the truth of the
contents of the document.
5.NOTARIZATIO a) In some jurisdictions, judicial a) Affidavits often require
N affidavits may require notarization for various purposes,
notarization or certification such as making documents legally
by a qualified officer to valid or providing evidence in
ensure their authenticity and non-judicial matters.
admissibility in court.

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