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To All Staff, Managers, and Intern Leaders,

Always use the LATEST guides from the company, as well as current event webpages on our websites, as
the training materials and the materials to guide your and your team’s work.
Feel free to make improvements to such documents and webpages, track your changes, double-check with
your peers and immediate managers, and submit to Frank Gao for review and approval.
If you see a need for a new document, please work with your peers and immediate managers to create
one, and submit it to Frank Gao for review and approval.
All guides, rules, regulations, training materials etc. need explicit approval from Frank Gao.

It is absolutely banned to re-create new documents, based on our guides, for training or operations
purposes. Why? 1) Some errors may be introduced by such re-creating; 2) such recreated documents may
not be updated in time or even worse, not updated at all as the guides are updated frequently; 3) Hence,
such re-creating reduces the effectiveness and productivity of our work, and may have disastrous effects
in the long run as the re-created documents may be substantially outdated.

Guide for

GAO Tek Inc

Please note we may not track changes sometimes. In such case, you
need to use WORD’s compare functions to find out the differences
between the current version in your hands and the new version.
In case you do not know how to use such function, you can learn:

Part 1 Legends & General Info

Confidential & Proprietary

This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Texts in “Times New Roman” with a font size of 8 are for specific instructions related to AI, webpages etc.

Texts in “Times New Roman” with a font size of 12 are for the regular parts of this guide.

Texts in “Calibri Body” with a font size of 14 are texts you need to copy and paste
into the web pages.

Texts in “Calibri Body” in Bold and with a font size of 18 are

texts you need to copy and paste into the web pages as titles.

Texts in “Times New Roman” with a font

size of 26 are for the titles of this guide.

Relevant External Info

Google Developers Style Guide for tech writing:
Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) (
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS):
Google SEO Starter Guide:

Relevant internal Info:

Guide for Webpage Visuals
Please note all internal documents contain confidential of GAO and are intended for use for
GAO’s businesses only. They are available only when your tasks require so.

Explanations of analyer, tester, detector, monitor and meter:

Analyzers (most expensive, e.g thousands of dollars or more), Testers (hundreds of dollars or less),
Detectors or Monitors (tens of dollars)
Detectors/Monitor: possibly installed somewhere, detector: detect and trigger an event, and monitor:
continuous monitoring.
Meter: either a tester or a monitor.
Confidential & Proprietary
This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Ask ChatPGT: analyzer vs tester vs meter vs monitor vs detector

ChatGPT’ answer:
"Analyzer," "tester," "meter," "monitor," and "detector" are terms often used in various fields to refer
to different instruments or devices that serve specific purposes. Although these terms can sometimes
be used interchangeably, they generally have distinct meanings and applications. Here's a brief
overview of each term:

Analyzer: An analyzer is an instrument used to examine the components or properties of a substance

or a system. It is often used to perform detailed analysis, measurements, or tests on various
materials, chemicals, gases, or substances. Analyzers can be found in various fields such as chemistry,
physics, engineering, and environmental science. They are used to understand the composition and
characteristics of a given sample or substance.

Tester: A tester is a device used to check, verify, or evaluate the functionality, performance, or quality
of a product, system, or material. Testers are commonly used in quality control processes to ensure
that products meet specific standards and specifications. They can also be used for diagnostic
purposes, to assess the performance of electronic circuits, software, or mechanical components.

Meter: A meter is an instrument used to measure and display specific quantities or parameters, such
as length, volume, voltage, current, or energy. Meters are widely used in various applications,
including electricity, mechanics, fluid dynamics, and more. They come in various types, including
voltmeters, ammeters, flow meters, and energy meters, among others.

Monitor: A monitor is a device used to observe, track, or keep a continuous check on certain
parameters, processes, or activities. Monitors are often used in various settings, including
environmental monitoring, health monitoring, and computer systems monitoring. They provide
ongoing data and feedback to ensure that conditions remain within specific limits or to detect any
changes or anomalies.

Detector: A detector is a device or instrument designed to identify, sense, or detect the presence of
specific substances, objects, or conditions. Detectors are commonly used in security systems,
scientific research, and industrial processes. Examples include smoke detectors, metal detectors, and
radiation detectors.

Part 2 Using AI to Develop Contents for

Product Categories
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Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Level 1 Categories (Top Menu)
The Level 1 categories are Networks, Electrical and Electronics, Environmental, Chemical &
Water, Structural, Drones, and IoT.

Level 2 Categories

For each Level 2 Category,

The name of the Level 2 Category (use the plural form) are equipment (note some category is
not testing equipment, and you need to make appropriate changes) used by technical and other
professionals to test (or measure. Add what to test). The name of the Level 2 Category (use the
plural form) are also called
ask AI,

synonyms of “the name of the Level 2 Category


alternative names of “the name of the Level 2 Category.

Choose the better set from the above AI answers.

The name of the Level 2 Category (use the plural form) are
a description of “the name of the Level 2 Category”

Choose one of the following:

GAO offers a wide selection of name of the Level 2 Category (use the plural form). Here is a list
of name of the Level 2 Category (use the plural form) offered by GAO, together with their
alternative names:
GAO offers a diversified choice of name of the Level 2 Category (use the plural form). Below are
name of the Level 2 Category (use the plural form) offered by GAO, and their names used in
different industries:

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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
The name of the first item of the Level 3 Category (use the plural form) (with a hyperlink to its
category), also called (combine the following into one sentence with a comma separating the
names and ending with a period)
ask AI,

synonyms of “The name of the first item of the Level 3 Category”


alternative names of “The name of the first item of the Level 3 Category”

Choose the better set from the above AI answers.

The name of the second item of the Level 3 Category (use the plural form) (with a hyperlink to
its category), also known as (combine the following into one sentence with a comma separating
the names and ending with a period)

ask AI,

synonyms of “The name of the second item of the Level 3 Category”


alternative names of “The name of the second item of the Level 3 Category”

Choose the better set from the above AI answers.

The name of the last item of the Level 3 Category (use the plural form) (with a hyperlink to its
category), with alternative names being (combine the following into one sentence with a
comma separating the names and ending with a period)

ask AI,

synonyms of “The name of the last item of the Level 3 Category”


alternative names of “The name of the last item of the Level 3 Category”

Choose the better set from the above AI answers.

In addition to “also called”, “also known as”, “with alternative names being”,
you can use,

Confidential & Proprietary

This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
“other common names including”, “other common names being”, “their synonyms being”, “also
referred to as”, “also identified as”, “referred by the names of”, “also commonly called”

Level 3 Category
(By Frank Gao on Oct. 2, 2023: publish what has created for Level 3 Categories. Then the team
will work on Level 2 Categories)
(Please note that contents for Level 3 Menu have been completed in August, 2023 (Angelina,
please double check that all have been done and released on The guide and the
contents will be updated around the beginning of 2024)

For a category under “MenuTitle”, please create the following contents:

For the below

- Delete the summary (the last) paragraph of the results from ChatGPT

- Add or replace some words with GAO, GAO Tek, GAO’s, we, us, and our logically and meaningfully.

GAO’s “MenuTitle” testers, analyzers, detectors or meters (you need to choose the right words
for the category: testers, analyzers, detectors or meters) are
Use the AI answer for

What are “MenuTitle” testers (or analyzers, meters, detectors according to the usage of the category concerned)?

Depending on their functions and applications, “MenuTitle” testers, analyzers, detectors or

meters may also be called:
Use the AI answer to the following question:

What are alternative names for “MenuTitle” testers, analyzers, detectors or meters (you need to choose the right words for the category: testers,
analyzers, detectors or meters)?

GAO’s “MenuTitle” testers, analyzers, detectors or meters (you need to choose the right words
for the category: testers, analyzers, dectors or meters) are composed of
Use the AI answer to the following question to create just a list of titles of the components after removing the description of each component:

What are components of “MenuTitle” testers?

For the below

Confidential & Proprietary

This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
- Delete the summary (the last) paragraph of the results from ChatGPT

- Add or replace some words with GAO, GAO Tek, GAO’s, we, us, and our logically and meaningfully.

GAO Tek’s “MenuTitle” testers, analyzers, detectors or meters (you need to choose the right
words for the category: testers, analyzers, detectors or meters) have the following functions
Use the AI answer to the following question:

What are functions of “MenuTitle” testers?

GAO Tek’s “MenuTitle” testers, detectors, analyzers or meters (you need to choose the right
words for the category: testers, detectors, analyzers or meters) are rugged, versatile and
precision measurement instruments. They comply with applicable industry standards such as
Use just the names of the standards after removing their descriptions from the AI answer to the following question:

What are industrial standards that “MenuTitle” testers need to comply with?

Our “MenuTitle” testers, detectors, analyzers or meters (you need to choose the right words for
the category: testers, detectors, analyzers or meters) help our customers comply with relevant
U.S. government regulations such as
Use just the names of the government regulations after removing their descriptions from the AI answer to the following question:

What are U.S. government regulations that “MenuTitle” testers need to follow?

Our “MenuTitle” testers, detectors, analyzers or meters (you need to choose the right words for
the category: testers, detectors, analyzers or meters) help our clients in complying with relevant
Canadian government regulations such as
Use just the names of the government regulations after removing their descriptions from the AI answer to the following question:

What are Canadian government regulations that “MenuTitle” testers need to follow?

For the below

- Delete the summary (the last) paragraph of the results from ChatGPT

- Add or replace some words with GAO, GAO Tek, GAO’s, we, us, and our logically and meaningfully.

Our “MenuTitle” testers, analyzers, detectors or meters (you need to choose the right words for
the category: testers, analyzers, detectors or meters), also called,
Use the AI answer to the following question:

What are alternative names for “MenuTitle” testers, analyzers, detectors or meters (you need to choose the right words for the category: testers,
analyzers, detectors or meters)?

have the following applications:

Use the AI answer to the following question:

What are applications of “MenuTitle” testers?

Confidential & Proprietary

This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
More detailed information on such applications in various industries can be found (linked to the Industry Page of this category).

Our “MenuTitle” testers, analyzers, detectors or meters (you need to choose the right words for the category:
testers, analyzers, detectors or meters) can be shipped overnight within the continental U.S. and Canada, and
can be shipped globally

When writing about testing instruments for gases, chemicals with simple formulas, you need to write their formulas together with their English
words such as Water (H2O), Oxygen (O2), Monoxide (CO).

Always delete the summary (the last) paragraph of the results from ChatGPT.

Level 3: Using AI to Develop Contents for

Applications of “Products” in “Industry”

Level 3 1 Planning and Task Assignments by Team


The following is for the Team Management:

Put here the list of the applications after removing its description from the AI answer to the
questions below:
Give a list of the applications of “Product” ( “Product” is the name of the Level-3
category on )
Combine the above list with ALL of the 20 2-digit industries in

and remove the duplicates. This results in an extended list of “Industries”. The extended list will
have around 30 industries.
You will give assignments, starting with those from the AI results since they are the most
relevant and important.

Confidential & Proprietary

This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Level 3 2 Develop Contents for Applications of
“Products” in “Industry”

Title of this webpage:

Applications of “Products” in “Industry”

Select a banner image that accurately reflects “Industry”. The banner should be a royalty-free one.

Put here the AI answer to the question below:

Give a brief description of “Industry”

Depending on specific features and functions, GAO Tek’s “Products” (under which insert the

URL of “Products”) are sometimes referred to as

Use the AI answer to the following question:

Alternative names for “Products”

GAO Tek’s “Products” (under which insert the URL of “Products”) have the following applications in
For the below

- Delete the summary (the last) paragraph of the results from ChatGPT

- Add or replace some words with GAO, GAO Tek, GAO’s, we, us, and our logically and meaningfully.

Put here the AI answer to the question below:

Applications of “Products” in “Industry”

The answers will be generic. It is important that you need to make the above somewhat unique by adding “Industry”, some keywords specific to
“Industry”, and add GAO, GAO Tek, GAO’s, we, us, our, etc.

More information on “products” and their applications in other industries can be

found on this page. (linking to the category page on the one level higher to this page). This category page lists
related products (linking to the category page that is two levels higher than this page).

GAO Tek’s targeted markets are North America, particularly the U.S., Canada.

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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Complying with Industry Standards
GAO Tek’s “products” comply or help our customers comply with the industry
standards such as
Put here the AI answer to the question below:

Give a list of the industrial standards in “Industry” related to “products”

Complying with Government Regulations

GAO Tek’s “products” comply or help our customers comply with the U.S.
government regulations such as
Put here the AI answer to the question below:

Give a list of the U.S. government regulations in “Industry” related to “products”

GAO Tek’s “products” comply or help our clients comply with the Canadian
regulations such as
Put here the AI answer to the question below:

Give a list of the Canadian government regulations in “Industry” related to “products”

You need to use just the name of a standard or regulation. No need to use its description.

Case Studies of “Products” in “Industry”

“Products” are sometimes called as
Use the AI answer to the following question:

Alternative names for “Products”.

Here are some practical examples of using “products” in “Industry”:

Confidential & Proprietary
This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
For the below

- Delete the summary (the last) paragraph of the results from ChatGPT

Put here the AI answer to the questions below:

Give a list of case studies for “products” used in “Industry” in the Northeast Region of the U.S.

Give a list of case studies for “products” used in “Industry” in the Midwest Region of the U.S.

Give a list of case studies for “products” used in “Industry” in the South Region of the U.S.

Give a list of case studies for “products” used in “Industry” in the West Region of the U.S.

Give a list of case studies for “products” used in “Industry” in Canada.

GAO RFID Inc., a sister company of GAO Tek Inc., is ranked as a
top 10 RFID supplier in the world. Its RFID, BLE, and IoT products have also been
widely used in “Industry”. (Put here 2 or more ulrs on relevant to this

Use of “Products” with Leading Software and Cloud Services in

GAO Tek has used or has facilitated its customers to use GAO’s “products” with
some of the leading software and cloud services in their applications. Examples of
such leading software and cloud services include
Combine the AI answers to the 4 questions below:

Comprehensive list of application software from the U.S. for “products” for “Industry”

Comprehensive list of analysis software from the U.S. for “products” for “Industry”

Comprehensive list of application cloud services from the U.S. for “products” for “Industry”

Comprehensive list of analysis cloud services from the U.S. for “products” for “Industry”

You need to keep the names of software or cloud services and remove their descriptions.

GAO Tek’s “products” and their applications in other industries are listed on this
page. (linking to the category page on the one level higher to this page) . Other related products can be found
at this category page (linking to the category page that is two levels higher than this page).

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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Meeting Customers’ Demands

Large Choice of Products

In order to satisfy the diversified needs of their corporate customers, GAO Tek Inc.
and its sister company GAO RFID Inc. together offer a wide choice of testing and
measurement devices, network products, RFID, BLE, IoT, and drones.

Fast Delivery
To shorten the delivery to our customers, GAO has maintained a large stock of its
products and is able to ship overnight within the continental U.S. and Canada
from the nearest warehouse.

Local to Our Customers

We are located in both the U.S. and Canada. We travel to customers’ premises if
necessary. Hence, we provide a very strong local support to our customers in
North America, particularly the U.S., Canada . Furthermore, we have built
partnerships with some integrators, consulting firms and other service providers
in different cities to further strengthen our services. Here are some of the service
providers in “Industry” we have worked with to serve our joint customers:
Put here AI answers to the following questions (you just need to use names of the companies only and remove any description):

Give a list of information technology integrators in sub-industry industry in the U.S.

Give a list of information technology consulting companies in sub-industry industry in the U.S.

Give a list of information technology integrators in sub-industry industry in Canada

You need to combine the above lists and remove duplicates.

GAO Has Many Customers in “Industry”

Confidential & Proprietary
This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
The products from both GAO Tek Inc. and GAO RFID Inc. have been widely used in
“Industry” by many customers, including some leading companies. Here is more
information on applications of GAO RFID Inc.’s products in “Industry”. (you need to select 2
or 3 urls of relevant to “Industry”)

Here are some of GAO’s customers in “Industry”:

Put here, from the AI answer to the questions below, list names of all of the companies from the AI and remove their descriptions, and select a list
of the logos and names of the top 18 leading US companies (a single line has 6 logos and 3 lines have 18 logos) and 6 leading Canadian
companies (1 line of 6 logos) in “Industry”.

Give a list of the leading companies in “Industry” in the Northeast Region of the U.S.

Give a list of the leading companies in “Industry” in the Midwest Region of the U.S.

Give a list of the leading companies in “Industry” in the South Region of the U.S.

Give a list of the leading companies in “Industry” in the West Region of the U.S.

Give a list of the leading companies in “Industry” in Canada.

When writing about testing instruments for gases, chemicals with simple formulas, you need to write their formulas together with their English
words such as Water (H2O), Oxygen (O2), Monoxide (CO).

Always delete the summary (the last) paragraph of the results from ChatGPT

(Once we have a service page with info on both services and metros, we will add a section linking to this service page.)s

Contact Us
If you are interested in our products, or in becoming an integrator or reseller,
please feel free to contact us by filling out this form:
or email us at

(please ignore: For planning purposes:

GAO Tek “Products”(Lowest level of category): about 100

“Products” => an extended list of industries, 10 from AI + 20 -digit from NAICS = 30

100 “Products” x 30 industries = 3000 industry pages for GAOTek

(RFID => 3 digits (20 2-digit industries with each with 10 3-digit industries, totaling 200 3-digit industries, namely 200 industry pages on This number
will increase if we create pages for 4-digit industries) )

All categories of have been updated. We will generate a new version of such categories after Sept 1, 2023 using the updated guide)

Confidential & Proprietary

This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Leve 4 -
By Feature of Level 3 Menu

Use the AI answer for

What are “featured” testers (you need to choose the right words for the category: testers,
analyzers, detectors or meters)?
Use the AI answer for

What are the applications of the “featured” testers (you need to choose the right words
for the category: testers, analyzers, detectors or meters)?

If AI does not produce results that make sense to you, you can change the questions until you get
the desired results.

- Delete the summary (the last) paragraph of the results from ChatGPT

- Add or replace some words with GAO, GAO Tek, GAO’s, we, us, and our logically and meaningfully.

Part 3 Sourcing
We will source from this website only:

Do not source products:

From a reseller, distributor, trading company, or procurement company. We want products
from manufacturers.
With a logo or the company name. We want to work with manufacturers willing to white
label their products so that we can brand their products. A product with a logo or a
company name indicates that the potential supplier wants to have its own brand.

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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
With Chinese characters
Manufactured outside of China. Right now, we focus on products from China, which tend
to be of high quality and reasonable prices.
Directly related to killing such as hunting gear, fishing gear, slaughtering equipment,
weapons, and weapon accessories.
Of low value compared with their sizes and/or weights. Examples include cables,
enclosures, and shelves.
That is not stand-alone but needs to be a part of a system. Transceivers are exceptions to
this rule.

3.1 Sourcing Handheld and Benchtop/Desktop Testers

(Including analyzers, detectors, monitors, test
instruments, meters, etc)
Sourcing Website

Search on Alibaba

Keyword + one of (tester, analyzer, detector, monitor, test instrument, meter) + one
of the two (handheld, benchtop or desktop)

Supplier’s Information

No top brands.

High priority: a product does not have its manufacturer’s name or logo.

The supplier is a manufacturer located in China, not a reseller or distributor.

Price Criteria

Price ranges from a supplier:

Higher than US$200 for a handheld product, and

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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Higher than US$400 for a benchtop or desktop product.

Size/Weight/Other Criteria:

The unit needs to be handheld or benchtop (desktop), and it should be a standalone unit, not a part of a

3.2 Sourcing Optical Transceivers

For optical transceivers, no restriction on the selling prices from the suppliers.
In addition to using the ProductName on to search on, you can also use
the following alternative names for ProductName, given by asking ChatGPT:
What are alternative names of ProductName?

3.3 Sourcing Drones

Supplier’s selling prices, equal to or greater than US$50.00 and equal to or less than US$5,000
(5k). You need to put higher priority on those lower end ones, namely cheaper ones. You start
with searching for products with a price within US$50 to $1,000 (1k). Once you have sourced
such products, you will search for products with selling prices within US$1,000 and $2,500,
Finally, you will search for products within US$2,500, and US$5,000.

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Unpiloted Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)
Aerial Robots
Aerial Droids
Aerial Quadcopters
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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Aerial Multicopters
Flying Cameras
Aerial Platforms
Aerial Vehicles
Aerial Drones
Miniature Aircraft
Remote-Controlled Aircraft

3.4 Sourcing IoT Products

There are no upper or lower limits on prices for IoT products.

Electronic hardware for:

LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network)
Geolocation Technologies: GPS (Global Positioning System) and other geolocation
technologies are used for tracking and managing the location of IoT devices.
Cellular (3G, 4G, 5G)
IoT Platforms:
Edge Computing platform
Wireless Power Transfer Devices
IoT Development Kits: Hardware and software development kits (e.g., Arduino,
Raspberry Pi) simplify IoT device development.
Industrial IoT (IIoT) Technologies
Healthcare IoT

Part 4
Product Information
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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Our Targeted Countries: U.S. & Canada

Our customers are global, however, US and Canadian customers are our top priority. So, the
American spelling of a word should be used, for example, fiber, not fibre. The dual
measurements shall be used to accommodate US customers as well as international customers
(units in brackets)

For Length/Distance: Inches (Millimeters), Inches (Centimeters), Feet (Meters), Yards (Meters),
Miles (Kilometers)

For Temperature: Fahrenheit °F (Celsius °C)

For Weight/Mass: Ounces (Grams), Pounds (Kilograms), and Tons (Kilograms).

For liquid Volume: Ounces, Cups, Pints, Quarts, or Gallons (Milliliters or Liters).

Based on the preliminary research, PSI and BAR are commonly used in the U.S., however PSI is
more common. So, we will use PSI only. Please do more research to confirm.


 GAOTek or should always be used in product pages.

 GAOTek shall be a prefix of a product name and product ID.

The logo to be used in all correspondence with customers shall be obtained from this link:

4.1 Product SKU or ID

A product SKU or ID consists of three parts: Brand-ShortenedCategoryName-ProductNo.


 Prefix “GAOTek” serves the purpose of branding.

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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.

 For an existing category, if it has ShortenedCategoryName, you should use its


 For a new category, create ShortenedCategoryName that should 3 to 6 letter acronym that
best describes the product category. Try to use industry accepted acronyms (eg: DSO for
digital oscilloscope, DMM for digital multimeters and so on) wherever possible.

Product No:

 A 3-digit number from 101 to 999 shall be given to the product as a product number.
Each product number should be consecutive and unique to its product category and in its
category only. Digits from 000 to 100 are reserved for future.

 Example: 101, 102, 103… (Start from 101 for each unique category).

 An example of product SKU or ID : GAOTek-UWLD-101

Product Name:

 A product name always starts with GAOTek, and does not include the product SKU or

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4.2 Product Page
You need to use Grammarly to avoid obvious errors. You shall make minimal changes to a product page
to satisfy the requirements below.

For product pages of each product, you need to

Use the product name, product ID, and our branding as discussed above

Use American ways of spelling

Use dual units: U.S. (International).

Remove any indication of the supplier, explicit or implied, such as original product name,
number, serial number, company name, urls, address, etc.

Use a tool such as Grammarly to check any errors.

If the product has an overview and/or feature list, use them on our product page. If the product
does not have, just ignore it, namely do not create an overview or feature list.

Technical Specifications

The technical specifications are in the form of table which includes the following information in
an organized way:

 Technical specifications such as the protocols, standards, working range, precision,

memory configuration and security features.
 Mechanical specifications such as the housing material used to construct a product;
dimensions and weight of product. The dimensions comprise the length, breadth and
thickness of the product with both millimeter and inches units. Weight of product also
appears in Pound and gram units.
 Environmental specifications such as the working temperature, operating temperature, IP
rating, resistance against the shock and chemicals, certification etc. to make it easy for
clients to choose a product according to their working environment.
 The spacing and abbreviations for writing SI units is as per the NIST guides.

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 The left-side column should have everything beginning with “Title Case” in the table for
writing specifications.

Create a product short description between 140 and 150 characters, including spaces, for each
product. The short description should be a sentence describing the basic functionality and
features of this product. You need to follow Google’s guide to write a meta description or a
product short description since in our case, a meta description is a product short description:

Each short description should be different as much as possible from other short descriptions in
this category.

You need to use AI such as ChatGPT to improve and double check your results.

“Best practices for creating quality meta descriptions

Google will sometimes use the <meta name="description"> tag from a page to generate a
snippet in search results, if we think it gives users a more accurate description than would be
possible purely from the on-page content. A meta description tag generally informs and interests
users with a short, relevant summary of what a particular page is about. They are like a pitch
that convince the user that the page is exactly what they're looking for. There's no limit on how
long a meta description can be, but the snippet is truncated in Google Search results as needed,
typically to fit the device width.

If you use a CMS, such as Wix, WordPress, or Blogger, you might not be able to edit your HTML
directly, or you might prefer not to. Instead, your CMS might have a search engine settings page
or some other mechanism to tell search engines about meta tags.

If you want to add a meta tag to your website, search for instructions about modifying the
<head> of your page on your CMS (for example, search for "wix add meta tags").

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Create unique descriptions for each page on your site
Identical or similar descriptions on every page of a site aren't helpful when individual pages
appear in search results. Wherever possible, create descriptions that accurately describe the
specific page. Use site-level descriptions on the main home page or other aggregation pages,
and use page-level descriptions everywhere else. If you don't have time to create a description
for every single page, try to prioritize your content; at the very least, create a description for the
critical URLs like your home page and popular pages.

Include relevant information about the content in the description

The meta description doesn't just have to be in sentence format; it's also a great place to include
information about the page. For example, news or blog postings can list the author, date of
publication, or byline information. This can give potential visitors very relevant information that
might not be displayed in the snippet otherwise. Similarly, product pages might have the key bits
of information—price, age, manufacturer—scattered throughout a page. A good meta
description can bring all this data together.

For example, the following meta description provides detailed information about a book, and
information is clearly tagged and separated:

<meta name="description" content="Written by A.N. Author, Illustrated by V. Gogh, Price:

$17.99, Length: 784 pages">”

Here are more references:

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Here are examples of a good short description:

This Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera has a resolution of 320x240, a temperature range of -
20°C to 400°C, and a thermal sensitivity of 0.1°C

This Thermal Camera Infrared Module has a 5MP USB digital microscope camera, 384 x 288
resolution, and low-power consumption.

This Brushless GPS Drone Quadcopter switches between normal and GPS modes with brushless
motors and long-distance flight.

Part 5 Product Page Improvements

For products on existing as of August 9, 2023, do the following

- Tidy up an image if it is awfully wrong
- Create a product short description if it does not have

For each lowest category such as
please categorize, namely group, them further by a feature.
A feature can be anything that a customer may be used to search for this kind of
products, for example, special functions, sizes, ruggedness, etc.

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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
Here are some examples:

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Part 6 Sanitization of Supplier
 Remove any URLs mentioned in the supplier’s document.

 Remove any indication of the supplier, explicit or implied, such as original product name,
number, serial number, company name, address, etc.

 Insert a footnote for every page:

 Example cover page for a user’s manual:

User’s Manual

GAOTek Product Name

Product SKU or ID

Copyright GAO Tek Inc.

Part 7 Purchasing & Logistics

7.1 First Email When We Have a Specific Customer


Dear Sir/Madam, (if you know the name of the contact person, you need to address him/her directly),

We would like to purchase

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copy and paste the name of the product on
copy and paste the url of the product on

Please give us ASAP:

- Prices for 1 unit and 3 units (Aurora, you need to modify the number of units according to the customer inquiry. For example, if the
customer wants 1 unit, you ask for prices for 1 unit and 3 units. If the customer wants 2 units, you ask for prices for 2 units and 6 units).
- When you can ship.
- The user manual for this product

So, no need to quote us for the shipping costs for now.

Please feel free to contact Anna, our purchasing manager of ChangZhou GAOTe, China.

Looking forward to your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,

Aurora H.O., Purchasing

GAO RFID Inc & GAO Tek Inc.
New York City & Toronto

GAO RFID Inc. is ranked as one of the top 10 RFID & BLE suppliers in the world.
GAO Tek Inc. is a global leader in test & measurement, networks, drones.
We ship overnight to anywhere within continental U.S. and Canada.

7.2 After Receiving Prices and Users’ Manual

Ask for photos and videos that have not been published anywhere.

7.3 After Receiving Product Documents, Photo and Videos

After receiving the information on prices and the user’s manuals, the Supply Chain Team shall save the information at

The Supply Chain Team shall assign the intern team to sanitize the User’s manual, review the sanitized User’s manual, and save it at
e=LdkGtO, and

Assign the intern team to remove the cover page, index page, any words indicating that this document is a user’s manual of the
sanitized User’s manual and send the remaining document to the Website Uploading Team to add below the current product
information as “Additional Information”.

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This document and all documents, marked as confidential & proprietary or similar wordings, contain highly confidential & sensitive info of GAO
Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.
The Supply Chain team shall ask the supplier for high-quality and unpublish photos and videos of the product, and after receiving
such visuals shall ask the intern visual team to improve them according to our standards, review the finished visuals, and ask the
Website Uploading Team to replace the current visuals of the product.

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Group of Companies, & can be used only for the exclusive benefit of GAO Group of Companies & are strictly prohibited for any other purposes.

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