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今天是幾年幾月幾號? What date is it today?

今天星期幾? What day is it?

What is your family name? what is your name?

你從哪裡來? Where are you from?

你是哪國人? Which country is yours?
你是女的還是男的? Are your female or male?
你今年幾歲? How old are you?
你結婚了嗎? Are you married?
你來台灣做什麼? What do you do in Taiwan?
你是學生嗎? Are you a student?
你的學校叫什麼名字? What is your school’s name?
你畢業了嗎? Do you graduate?
你幾年級了? What grade are you in?
你家有幾個人? How many people are there in your family?
你爸媽有幾個孩子?幾個兒子?幾個女兒? How many children do
your parents have? How many sons? How many daughters?

你有兄弟姐妹嗎? Do you have siblings?

你有幾個哥哥?幾個姐姐?幾個弟弟?幾個妹妹? How many
older brothers/sisters do you have?

他們都在工作嗎? Do they work?

你爸爸在哪裡工作?媽媽呢? Where does your father work? And how
about your mom?

誰是你的中文老師? Who is your Chinese teacher?

Are there all Chinese students in Asia university?

誰跟誰都是印尼人? Who and who are Indonesian?

你也是印尼人嗎? Are you also Indonesian?
Are you all the students at the Asia university?

你們都住在宿舍嗎? Do you all live in the dormitory?

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