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Learning @ MSHS

Jayden Toh Wei En


Your SIL Journey

01 02 03
Propose Reflect Share
Decide on your focus area Maintain your SIL journal Prepare some additional
for this SIL journey and and reflect on the entire artefacts of your learning to
seek approval for it. process at the end of this share with your
SIL journey. schoolmates.
01 Propose
This is your personal learning goal for the SIL journey.
Transfer the key details from your SIL proposal into the
next two pages.

1) I want to learn....

● I want to learn how to become a youtuber

● Make content more interesting and easier to understand
● Edit the video to make it more attractive and so others will want to watch it

2) I will learn by…

● I will watch other youtubers and tutorials and what they did to make their
videos more attractive
● I will also use good editing apps and edit the video with high quality
● And also learn from my mom because she knows how to do video editing
and photoshop
02 Reflect
Update your SIL Journal here after each learning
session (at least 4 entries), and complete the
post-activity reflections at the end of this SIL journey..
Date: 5 November 2021
SIL Journal: Session 1

Activity (what I did): Learning (what I learnt):

● I did some researches on what ● I learnt that you have to edit

editing apps that are free and videos in a unique way so
easy to use and tried out all of others will be interested in
them seeing something new
20 November
SIL Journal: Session 2 2021

Activity (what I did): Learning (what I learnt):

● This Time I tried to find some ● I learnt that during recording

recording apps you should never speak too
● Most of them costed me money close to the mic
so I chose zoom ● I also learnt that you have to
keep talking or else viewers
will not get interested
Date: 10 December
SIL Journal: Session 3

Activity (what I did): Learning (what I learnt):

● I decided to upload a video and I learnt that in order for others to get
test to see if people will want to to know your channel you have to
watch them. promote your videos to others
● I also make the thumbnail look
nice and wrote alot of Also, the thumbnail have to be
description about the video something that you want to attract
the audiences and also something
Date: 20 december
SIL Journal: Session 4

Activity (what I did): Learning (what I learnt):

● I decided to delete my video I learnt that you should not add

and re-edit it so it will look boring contents that takes up a lot
better of time and have to try to keep the
video short and add songs when not
For reflection after
Post-SIL Reflections completing SIL journey

1) How has the SIL activity benefited you?

This activities taught me how to express myself and how to become a good
Its very important to know how to explain so others will listen to you
Sometimes you must also know how to listen to other’s opinion and work on
the areas they mentioned
For reflection after
Post-SIL Reflections completing SIL journey

2) How has the SIL activity, or the topic you have learnt about, benefited
others around you?

Others can learn from me and the videos might inspire them
They also can remix my videos and improve on them so others can also
learned more from them
For reflection after
Post-SIL Reflections completing SIL journey

3) Consider the personal learning goal you had set before the start of this SIL
journey (i.e. what you have entered in Section 1).
On a scale of 1-5 (5 being fully achieved your goal), where are you now?
Why do you say so, and what can you do to further improve?
I am currently at 4. Even though i managed to learn a lot during the sil I still
have lots of editing mistakes that i still need to work on
03 Share
You may wish to include more details and artefacts of
your learning (e.g. pictures, videos or information) to
share with your schoolmates.
Difficulties and Advantages

I am Using a really old computer so recording takes time to


Staring a long time at the screen is also not good for the eyes

Some advantages are this sil is not dangerous as it does not

require physical activities

It also does not require a lot of set ups and equipments


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Please keep this slide for attribution & images by Freepik and illustrations by Stories

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