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I. Objectives:

1. Develop basic science processes involved in scientific investigation.

2. Identify the factors affecting the growth of mongo seeds at a given time.
3. Explain how each factor affects the growth of mongo seeds.

II. Materials:
Set Up A
Effect of Presence of Sunlight on the Growth of Mongo Seeds
Mongo seeds
Plastic Glass/Cup
Tissue Paper
Set Up B
Effect of the Type of Soil on the Growth of Mongo Seeds
Mongo seeds
Plastic Glass/Cup
Soil (Loam, Sandy, Clay)
Tissue Paper
Set Up C
Effect of the Amount of Water on the Growth of Mongo Seeds
Mongo seeds
Plastic Glass/Cup
Tissue paper
Set Up D
Effect of the Type of Water on the Growth of Mongo Seeds
Mongo seeds
Plastic Glass/Cup
Water (Tap water, mineral/distilled water, salty water)
Tissue Paper
Set Up E
Effect of Soaking Time of Mongo Seeds on the Growth of Mongo Seeds
Mongo seeds
Plastic Glass/Cup
Tissue Paper
PROBLEM: Why did the mongo plants die?


Set Up A

1. Soak the mung beans for at least 12 hours.

2. Remove the water and pour fresh water. Rinse and drain.

3. Put the tissue paper on the bottom of disposable glasses then, put ten drops of water on the tissues on the first
and third glasses.

4. Spread the beans around the tissue.

5. Label each disposable glass. Glass 1 to 3

6. Place the following glass on the following area.

Glass 1- receives enough sunlight

Glass 2- receives too much sunlight

Glass 3- receives no sunlight

7. Write the experiment in my science journal and record the observation for five days using the format below.

Data and Results:

Set Up A- Effects of Sunlight

(Number of Spouts, leaves & height in cm)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Glass 1
Glass 2
Glass 3

Set Up B- Effects of Type of Soil

Set Up B

1. Soak the mung beans for at least 12 hours.

2. Remove the water and pour fresh water. Rinse and drain.

3. Put the following soil equal on the bottom of disposable glasses ( sandy, loam, and clay then, put ten drops of
water on the first and third glasses.

4. Spread the mongo seeds in each glass

5. Label each disposable glass. Glass 1 to 3

Glass 1- loam

Glass 2- clay

Glass 3- sandy

6. Place the glasses in the area where they receive enough sunlight.

7. Write the experiment in my science journal and record the observation for five days using the format below.

(Number of Spouts & Height in cm)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Glass 1
Glass 2
Glass 3


Set Up C Amount of Water

1. Soak the mung beans for at least 12 hours.

2. Remove the water and pour fresh water. Rinse and drain.

3. Label each disposable glass. Glass 1 to 3

4. Spread the beans around the tissue.

5. Pour water into each glass using the following amounts

Glass 1- 10 drops

Glass 2- 20 drops

Glass 3- 30 drops

6. Place the glasses in the area where they receive enough sunlight.

7. Write the experiment in my science journal and record the observation for five days using the format below.

Set Up C- Effects of Amount of Water

(Number of Spouts & Height in cm)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Glass 1
Glass 2
Glass 3


Set Up D Type of Water

1. Soak the mung beans for at least 12 hours.

2. Remove the water and pour fresh water. Rinse and drain.

3. Label each disposable glass. Glass 1 to 3

4. Spread the beans around the tissue.

5. Pour ten drops of the following types of water into each glass

Glass 1- tap water

Glass 2- mineral/distilled water

Glass 3- salt water

6. Place the glasses in the area where they receive enough sunlight.

7. Write the experiment in my science journal and record the observation for five days using the format below.

Set Up D- Types of Water

(Number of Spouts & Height in cm)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Glass 1
Glass 2
Glass 3


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