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Learn & Talk I

Chapter 1 Shopping
Lesson 1 Buying Clothes

at the bottom of the following pages: TI=teaching instructions; T=teacher; S=student

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A. L e t ’s L e a r n (12 mins)

B. L e t ’s Ta l k (12 mins)
Learning Objectives
✓ 4 words about “buying clothes”

C. Re v i e w
Part ✓ Expressions for “buying clothes”
(1 min) “买衣服”常用表达
✓ How to talk about topics related
to “buying clothes”

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A. Let’s Learn
Vocabulary (4 mins)

on sale /ɑːn seɪl/

reduced in price
e.g. These clothes are on sale now!

try on /traɪ ɑːn/

if you try on a piece of clothing, you put it on to
see if it fits you or if it looks nice.
e.g. May I try on these shoes?

TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words,
then ask S to make sentences with them.
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A. Let’s Learn
Vocabulary (4 mins)

out of stock /aʊt əv stɑːk/

If a store is out of stock of a particular product, it
has sold all of that product.
e.g. I’m sorry. It’s out of stock now.

take in /teɪk ɪn/

If you take in a dress, jacket, or other item of
clothing, you make it smaller and tighter.
e.g. The dress is loose (松垮的). I’ll take it in.
☞ antonym (反义词): let out 加宽

TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words,
then ask S to make sentences with them.
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A. Let’s Learn
Dialog (4 mins)

Role-play the dialog with your teacher twice, and learn the highlighted expressions by heart.
( Mark and Emma are shopping for clothes in a clothing store. )
Emma: These clothes are on sale now.
Mark: Maybe I’ll buy a new shirt.
Emma: What size are you?
Mark: XL, but I should try it on. Where’s the fitting room (试衣间)?
( Mark has finished fitting. )
Emma: It looks a little loose (松垮的) for you. But size L is out of stock
right now.
Mark: Then I’ll take it in.

TI: Take turns to play both characters. Emphasize and repeat the highlighted expressions.
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B. Let’s Talk
Conversation (3 mins)

Suppose you’re shopping for clothes in a store. Use the vocabulary and expressions you’ve learned in
Part A to complete the following conversation. 假设你在商店里买衣服。运用在第一部分学到的

A: Excuse me, can I ________ the jeans, please?

B: Sure. ____________________?
A: L, I think. ____________________?
B: This way, please. • take them in
A: It’s a little loose. I think I need an M. • Where’s the fitting room?
• try on
B: I’m sorry. M is ________. These jeans are ________ • out of stock
and they sell so fast. But we can ________ for you. • What size are you?
• on sale
A: That’s great. Thanks.

TI: Let S practice situational conversation with what he/she has learned in Part A.
Answers are in the upper left corner of next page.
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B. Let’s Talk
• try on Part
• What size are you
• Where’s the fitting room
• out of stock

on sale
take them in Discussion (3 mins)

Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.

1. Where do you usually buy clothes? In a store or on the Internet? Why?

• in a store → try on …
• on the Internet → anytime and anywhere / be on
sale more often …

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

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B. Let’s Talk
Discussion (3 mins)

Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.

2. How often do you usually buy new clothes? What size do you wear? What
clothes do you usually wear?

• how often: when on sale / once a season / once a year …
• size: S (small) / M (medium) / L (large) / XL (extra large)
• clothes: shirt / jeans / dress …

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

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B. Let’s Talk
Discussion (3 mins)

Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.

3. Can you name three clothing brands (服装品牌) ? What brands do you like?
Talk about your reasons.

• brands: Nike / Zara …
• reasons → price / style …

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

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C. Review
(1 min)

In this lesson, you’ve learned

✓ 4 phrases about “buying clothes”

on sale try on out of stock take in

✓ commonly used expressions for buying clothes

• What’s your size?
• Where’s the fitting room?
✓ how to talk about “clothes”

TI: Review the learning objectives in this lesson briefly.

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Learn & Talk I

See you next time!



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Further Study

Listen and learn http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/IES/Aplayer.aspx?code=CDF936BFF92D0F54

sporty style retro style casual style

运动风 复古风 休闲风

mountain parka Hawaiian shirt culottes

冲锋衣 夏威夷衬衫 女裙裤
Click the audio icon or the link next to it for the audio of extra knowledge.
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