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Technical Bulletin: Welding-TB-0...

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Technical Bulletins

Document Number: TB-000015

Category: Welding
Created: 21/10/2003
Modified: 31/10/2003
Subject: Writing and Qualifying Welding Procedures

A Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) is a written procedure, prepared to inform and

instruct the welder with the detailed information needed to deposit welds in specific
construction applications. A WPS qualified to the requirements of ASME Section IX is required
to meet most ASME construction Codes. The WPS and other fabrication documents should be
available for review by the welder during welding operations to be most effective. "Other
fabrication documents" may include production drawings, detail sketches, or other information
to facilitate the welding process.

A qualified WPS must have a supporting Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) to be

considered qualified for use in Code construction. The PQR is simply a document that records
various technical details involved in making a test weldment, and the results of the various
required tests to demonstrate the suitability of the weld. These technical details are referred
to as Variables in Section IX. The PQR is not required to be available to the welder, as it has
no unique information which is necessary to complete the weld.

Variables are often common to many welding processes, but may be associated with a single
welding process. There are four main types of variables addressed within Section IX. They

a. Essential variables are variables in which a change beyond the specified limits given
within the variable description will affect the mechanical properties of the weldment.
Consequently, changes in essential variables require requalification of the WPS.
[See QW-200.1(c) and QW-251.2] Essential variables must be addressed on the WPS
and the PQR [See QW-200.1(b) & QW-200.2(b)]

b. Nonessential variables are variables in which a change has no appreciable affect on

the properties of the final weldment. Changes in nonessential variables do not
require requalification of the WPS. [See QW-200.1(c) and QW-251.3] Nonessential
variables are required to be addressed on the WPS [See QW-200.1(b)], but are not
required to be listed on the PQR.

c. Supplementary Essential variables are variables in which a change beyond the

specified limits given within the variable description will affect the toughness properties
of the weldment. Supplementary essential variables are only applicable when a
construction Code requires WPS qualification with toughness testing (Charpy
Impact tests). Changes in supplementary essential variables (beyond the
specified range), require qualification of the WPS. [See QW-200.1(c) & QW-
251.2]. Supplementary essential variables become essential variables when impact
testing is a qualification requirement for the WPS, and are required to be addressed on
both the WPS and PQR . [See QW-200.1(b) and QW-200.2(b)]

d. Special Process variables are variables which are associated with the special
processes of corrosion resistant or hardfacing weld overlays. They may be essential or
nonessential in nature. Changes beyond the specified range in the definition of
special process variables which are considered to be essential require
requalification of the WPS. [See QW-251.4(a)] Special process variables are
required to be listed on the WPS and PQR, depending upon whether they are essential
or nonessential, following the guidelines given above.

When writing the WPS, the welding engineer must consider all the variables which apply for
the intended production application. Consideration of the welding process, material type,
service environment, and others factors are involved in the decision making. When it comes
time to prepare the WPS, all variables associated with the intended welding process
are required to be addressed on the WPS, including the essential, supplementary
essential, and nonessential variables. [See QW-200.1(b)]

A test weldment is then made to prove the ability of the WPS to deposit a weld and to 21/12/2005 18:19:44

Technical Bulletin: Welding-TB-0... Page 2

document the properties of the weld. While the weldment is being fabricated, careful attention
is given to accurate recording of the welding parameters that are observed. The voltage and
amperage meters on the welding machine are not considered very accurate, so
supplementary instruments such as a clamp-on ammeter or a voltmeter may be required.
When used for such measurements to qualify a welding procedure, these instruments shall be
qualified as addressed by the Manufacturer's Quality Program. Any required PWHT is applied
to the weldment after completion, in the same fashion as intended for production welds.

The completed test weldment is then divided into test specimens for evaluation. These tests

a. Tension tests to determine the tensile strength of the finished weldment. The
specimen is prepared and pulled under increasing load until the specimen ruptures. the
required load to rupture the piece if the ultimate tensile strength. (See QW-150)
Two tensile tests are required for groove procedure qualification, with both meeting the
acceptance criteria. (See QW-153)

The ultimate tensile strength of the specimen shall be not less than:

1. the minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal, if ruptured within the weld
metal [QW-153.1(a)], or
2. the minimum specified tensile strength of the weaker of the two base metals, when
dissimilar base metals are welded together [QW-153.1(b)], or
3. 95% of minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal, if ruptured in the base
metal outside the weld [QW-153.1(d)]

b. Bend tests to determine the ductility of the finished weldment. The specimen is bent
in a mandrel to elongate both the face and the root surfaces of the weld. The weld and
base metal are not intended to rupture, but are inspected to see if a defect has been
caused or enlarged by the bending. Generally, a bend with no open defects greater
than 1/8" on the convex surface is considered acceptable. (See QW-160)

There are two main types of bend tests:

1. Transverse- specimen is bent transverse to the axis of the weld joint

2. Longitudinal- specimen is bent parallel to the axis of the weld joint.

Longitudinal bends are generally used when dissimilar base metals (or base and weld
metal combinations) with significantly different bending properties are to be tested.
Both types of bends have 3 possible orientations:

1. Face- the bend places the face of the test weld in greatest tension
2. Root- the bend places the root of the test weld in greatest tension
3. Side- a thick coupon is sectioned vertically and bent transverse to the weld, placing
the side of the section in tension (stresses the weld face and root equally)

Two face and two root bends, or four side bends are required to qualify groove butt
welding procedure. (see QW-451) Four side bends are required for corrosion-resistant
weld overlay. (see QW-453)
c. Fracture Tests are fillet weld bend tests. Fillet welded test coupons are bent, placing
the root of the fillet in tension until it has fractured, or the specimen elements have
achieved full contact. (See QW-182) The test is acceptable if there is no evidence of
cracks or incomplete fusion, and the sum of the lengths of inclusions and porosity are
less than:

1. 3/8 inch for T joint fillets [See QW-462.4(b)], or

2. 10% of quarter section thickness for pipe to plate fillets [See QW-462.4(c)]

d. Impact Tests to determine the toughness of the finished weldment at the

desired metal temperature. (See QW-171) The specimen has a machined "vee"
groove notch. The specimen is brought to the required test temperature, and placed in
a pendulum device. The pendulum head has a knife like edge, and is allowed to swing
from a prescribed angle.When it breaks the specimen, it continues its travel in the
prescribed arc. The distance beyond the point where the specimen breaks is
proportional to the energy required to break it. A calculation is performed to determine
the impact energy required to break the specimen. The acceptability of the test
depends upon the temperature and the metals involved.

A "mushroom" deformation occurs where the pendulum edge strikes the specimen to
break it, on the face opposite the machined notch. This mushrooming is called lateral
expansion, and is measured to determine the amount of ductility in the specimen at 21/12/2005 18:19:44

Technical Bulletin: Welding-TB-0... Page 3

the breaking temperature. Lateral expansion acceptance criteria is again dependent

upon the materials being used.

Drop weight tests are sometimes used to determine nil ductility temperature
(NDT) of the materials after welding (see QW-172). A heavy weight is dropped from a
specified height onto the specimen, which has been prepared with a pre-existing flaw.
The test is repeated at successively lower temperatures until a break is observed. That
temperature test point if the NDT.

e. Macro-Etch testing is used with fillet, stud, and hard-facing weld overlay processes.
(See QW-183 and QW-192) This test examines the metallic microstructure of the weld
area. A cross-section of the weld is cut, and then polished to a smooth finish. The
polished section is acid etched to reveal the microstructure, and is examined using
magnification. Various reagent acids may be used. (See QW-470) The examination is
looking for good fusion of the weld metal to the base metal.

f. Weld Deposit Chemistry tests are used to verify the actual chemistry of the
deposited weld metal. (see QW-453) This test is normally applied to corrosion-resistant
weld metal overlay procedures, and is only required when deposit chemistry is specified
on the WPS. No particular methodology for analysis is specified by Section IX. The test
is acceptable when the specified chemistry has been verified in the final weldment.

g. Hardness tests are performed to qualify hard-face weld overlay procedures, or when
specified by the WPS (see QW-453) Normal hardness measuring techniques (Brinell,
Vickers) are applied. The test is acceptable when the specified hardness has been
verified in the final weldment.

h. Torque testing is applied to stud weld test coupons. (see QW-192.3) The studs much
be capable of withstanding a specified torque load, based upon the material and its

i. Liquid Penetrant testing (PT) is applied to corrosion resistant and hardfacing weld
metal overlay procedures. (see QW-195) I may also be specified by the construction
Code, which will also specify the acceptance criteria.

j. Radiography is sometimes applied to a welding procedure qualification, simply for

information. (see QW-191) It is not a specified test for procedure qualification in
Section IX, but if performed, results may be recorded on the PQR.

Preparation of the PQR

When the required tests are completed, the PQR may be prepared. The essential variables
(and supplementary essential variables, when applicable) are required to be listed on the PQR.
The nonessential variables may be listed at the option of the Manufacturer. The results of the
required tests are reported on the back side of the PQR. The PQR must be certified (signed)
by a representative of the Manufacturer. Generally, the Manufacturer's QC program will
designate the individual responsible for certification. It is recommended that any reports
documenting the test results obtained by subcontractors should be maintained with the PQR
for future reference.

Writing the WPS, using the PQR as a Guide

A WPS usually remains in a "draft" form until the PQR has been certified. Once the PQR is
certified, the WPS may be refined into a final document. The WPS must be prepared,
addressing all the variables for the welding process; including the essential, supplementary
essential (when required), and nonessential variables. As the variables are listed on the WPS,
the values recorded on the PQR are used. The values recorded for the variable serve as a
basis for determining a reasonable control range of values within which the WPS may be used.
When the variable does not have a Code mandated control band, a reasonable allowance for
welder control may be applied. A range of 10% is a good starting point, but careful judgement
must be applied.

The welding engineer must also verify the qualification limitations of the WPS against the
provisions of Section IX. Some of these qualification limits are:

1. Minimum and maximum base metal thickness (See QW-451)

2. Minimum and maximum deposited weld metal thickness (See QW-453)
3. Other conditions, as limited by the variables (i.e.; PWHT, Shielding Gas, etc)

When the limitations of a variable are insufficient to permit the WPS to be used for the desired
range of production applications, additional weld tests and associated PQRs may be applied to 21/12/2005 18:19:44

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expand the WPS qualification ranges. A single PQR may support multiple WPSs, and a
single WPS may be supported by multiple PQRs. [See QW-200.2(f)] In some cases, a
reduced testing regimen may be permitted for PQRs that are solely intended for expanding
the range of an existing WPS.

It is also recommended that the table section on back of the WPS be used, to provide
detailed and specific guidance to the welder. This is very helpful when using multiple welding
processes within a single WPS. On this table, the welding engineer may specify voltage,
polarity, and amperage values for various material thicknesses, electrode diameters, weld
passes, and welding processes.

Welding Process Combinations

Using a combination of qualified welding processes in a single weldment (within their
respective ranges of qualification) is acceptable. Using individual welding processes from a
combined process WPS (within their respective ranges of qualification) is also acceptable. [see
QW-200.4(a)] It is important that the qualification limits for thickness and other essential
variables be followed when working in this manner. It is much easier to have separately
qualified welding process procedures and then use them in combination with one another,
than to try and separate the associated variables from a combination welding procedure.

Revisions and Re-qualification

Editorial revisions to the WPS may be made without requalification. An editorial revision would
be a correction of a typographical error, or an erroneous entry. Revisions to nonessential
variables may also be made without requalification of the WPS. Revisions (other than
editorial) to the Essential and/or Supplementary Essential variables in the WPS require
requalification of the WPS. [see QW-200.1(c)] When requalification is required, the weldment
is prepared and tested in the same manner as the original qualification.

Minor editorial or Addenda based revisions to the PQR are acceptable without requalification,
but require recertification of the PQR by the Manufacturer. [see QW-200.2(c)] It is
recommended that the Manufacturer retain supporting documentation for the revisions to
clear up any questions that may ensue.

References: ASME Section IX (as cited in the text)


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