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Introduction to Internet of
• Application areas of IoT,
• Characteristics of IoT,
• Things in IoT,
• IoT stack,
• Enabling technologies,
• IoT challenges,
• IoT levels,
• IoT and cyber physical system,
• IoT and WSN
Application areas of IOT
Potential Internet of Things application areas,
• Smart Cities (and regions)
• Smart Car and mobility
• Smart Home and assisted living
• Smart Industries
• Public safety
• Energy & environmental protection
• Agriculture and Tourism
• Security, Vigilance & Safety systems
• Embedded & Mobile applications
• Healthcare applications
• Telemedicine applications
Characteristics of IOT
• Dynamic & Self-Adapting
• Self-Configuring
• Interoperable Communication Protocols
• Unique Identity
• Integrated into Information Network
Other Characteristics of IOT
• Connectivity
• Intelligence and Identity
• Scalability
• Architecture
• Safety
Things in IOT
• The "Things" in IoT usually refers to IoT devices which have unique
identities and can perform remote sensing, actuating and monitoring
• IoT devices can:
-> Exchange data with other connected devices and applications
(directly or indirectly), or
-> Collect data from other devices and process the data locally or
-> Send the data to centralized servers or cloud-based application
back-ends for processing the data, or
-> Perform some tasks locally and other tasks within the IoT
infrastructure, based on temporal and space constraints
Things in IOT (cont.)
• Famous things: temperature sensor, pressure sensor, humidity sensor
• The data from these sensors is collected and sent to the cloud
And based on data analysis, control action would be taken.
Eg. Switching off water heater remotely when the water is heated as
per requirement.
• Not just sensors, the following can also be called as things:
Industrial motors, wearables, vehicles, shoes, heart monitoring
implants, biochip transponders, automobiles with built-in sensors,
food/perishables quality measuring
Things in IOT (cont.)
• In smart home, “things” could be the following:
1. lighting control and automation devices
2. ventilation devices
3. air conditioning systems
4. appliances such as washer/dryer
5. air purifiers
6. ovens or refrigerators/freezers that use WiFi for remote monitoring
7. security cameras
8. smart phones
IOT Stack
• IOT Stack (Function layers and capabilities of an IOT solution)
IOT Stack (cont.)
• LAYER 1 : Physical or sensor Layer
Physical components which mainly includes sensors
In Industrial automation, Actuators etc. are core physical components
• LAYER 2 : Processing and control action Layer
- Microcontrollers or processors are core components
- Data is received by the microcontrollers from sensors
- Data collected from the sensors is processed in this layer
- Arduino, NodeMCU, Raspberry Pi etc.
• LAYER 3: Hardware interface Layer
- Hardware components and communication standards are core
- RS232, USB, ROUTERS etc.
IOT Stack (cont.)
• LAYER 4: RF Layer
- Communication and transport protocols are core components.
- Example: Wifi, LiFi, NFC, RFID, Bluetooth, BLE.
• LAYER 5: Session/Message Layer
- Session management, message broadcasting are core component of
this layer.
- Major protocols: MQTT, CoAP, FTP, SSH etc.
• LAYER 6: User Experience Layer
- User experience while using IOT service/system is in main focus.
- OOP languages, scripting languages, analytics tools etc. are included
in this layer.
IOT Stack (cont.)
• LAYER 7 : Application Layer
- It covers the applications that can be build with the support of rest
of the layers.
Examples: Smart Home App, Smart City App, Smart Parking App,
Smart Energy, Smart Retail, Smart Agriculture etc.
Enabling Technologies
• Sensors, Embedded Systems (the boards), data analytics, mobile and
mobile internet, security aspects and protocols involving cloud
storage have all become enabling technologies.
• In general, enabling technologies/devices fall under one of the
following categories:
1. Technologies that help in acquiring/sensing data
2. Technologies that help in analyzing/processing data
3. Technologies that help in taking control action
4. Technologies that help in enhancing security/privacy.
Enabling Technologies (cont.)
• Some enabling technologies:
1. Sensors
2. Cloud Computing
(IaaS : Infrastructure-as-a-Service
PaaS : Platform-as-a-Service
SaaS : Software-as-a-Service)
3. Big Data Analytics
(4Vs: Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity)
4. Embedded Computing Boards
(Raspberry Pi, Arduino, NodeMCU, etc.)
5. Communication Protocols
(Addressing, Message Format, Message Security, Routing, Flow control, Error
monitoring, Sequencing, Segmentation of data packets, Retransmission guidelines)
6. UI
Enabling Technologies (cont.)
IOT Enabling Technologies (KET: Key Enabling Technologies)

• Sensing and Actuation

• Embedded computing
• Ubiquitous connectivity
• Data processing and storage
• Intelligent software
• Virtualization and cloud
• Application development
IOT Challenges
• Security/Personnel safety
• Privacy
• Data extraction with consistency from complex environments
• Connectivity
• Power requirements
• Complexity involved
• Storage
IOT Levels
• IOT can be classified in 5 levels.
IOT and Cyber Physical System
Examples of CPS:
• Robots,
• Intelligent buildings,
• Implantable medical devices,
• Vehicles that drive themselves or planes that automatically fly in a
controlled airspace

• Internet of Things is about connecting "Things" ( Objects and Machines) to

the internet and eventually to each other; while Cyber Physical Systems
(CPS) are integration of computation, networking and physical process.
However we have not come across clear comparison/ distinction so far.
IOT and Cyber Physical System (Cont.)
• Cyber-Physical Systems Definition:
Cyber-Physical Systems are systems that integrate computing elements with
the physical components and processes. The computing elements coordinate
and communicate with sensors, which monitor cyber and physical indicators,
and actuators, which modify the cyber and physical environment. Cyber-
Physical Systems use sensors to connect all distributed intelligence in the
environment to gain a deeper knowledge of the environment, which enables
a more accurate actions and tasks.
• Compact definition:
Cyber-Physical Systems consists of computation, communication and control
components tightly combined with physical processes of different domains
such as mechanical, electrical, and chemical.
IOT and Cyber Physical System (Cont.)
• Internet of Things
IoT is the technology enabling the inter-connection of all types of devices
through the internet to exchange data, optimize processes, monitor devices
in order to generate benefits for the industry, the economy, and the end
user. It is composed of network of sensors, actuators, and devices, forming
new systems and services.
(If IoT is the basic infrastructure, then on top of that comes CPS, CPPS (Cyber
Physical production Systems) and the whole is industry 4.0)

(Naoufel Boulila)
• WSN as a Subset of IoT
• IoT exists at a higher level then WSN. In other words, WSN is often a technology used within an
IoT system. A large collection of sensors, as in a mesh network, can be used to individually gather
data and send data through a router to the internet in an IoT system.
• It's also important to note that the term "wireless sensor network" is not nearly as encompassing
as "the internet of things." WSN consists of a network of only wireless sensors. If the network was
to include a wired sensor, it could no longer be labelled a "wireless sensor network." This is unlike
IoT. Essentially any device that connects to the internet can be considered an IoT device. An "IoT
system" can therefore be interpreted as a group of many IoT devices.
• Examples
• A fridge with the capability of sending temperature reading to the internet is unlikely to use a
wireless sensor network but it IS an IoT device.
• A large collection of sensors used to monitor precipitation on an acre of land is likely to be
considered a "wireless sensor network" if in fact all the sensors are wireless. This system may or
may not be connected to an IoT system.
IOT and WSN (cont.)
• Internet-of-Things - The connection of devices, generally not
including smartphones, laptops, or PCs, to the internet. Additionally,
as Business Insider puts it, "any stand-alone internet-connected
device that can be monitored and/or controlled from a remote
location is considered an IoT device."
• Wireless Sensor Network - A collection of wireless sensors that may
or may not be connected to the internet.
IOT and WSN (cont.)

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