Rangers Guide DW

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Creating a Ranger in Dungeon World: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Ranger is a master of the wilderness, a skilled tracker, and a deadly hunter. With
their bond to the natural world and their trusty animal companion by their side, Rangers
excel at navigating the wilds and protecting their allies from the dangers that lurk within.

Step 1: Choose Your Race

Select a race for your Ranger character, keeping in mind the various racial traits and
abilities that each race offers. Elves, with their af nity for nature and keen senses, make
excellent Rangers, as do Hal ings, who are nimble and stealthy in the wilderness.

Step 2: Determine Ability Scores

Assign ability scores to your Ranger character using the standard array or by rolling
dice. Focus on abilities that complement your character's strengths and playstyle, such
as Dexterity for ranged combat, Wisdom for tracking and survival skills, and Constitution
for endurance and resilience.

Step 3: Choose a Look

De ne your Ranger's appearance and demeanor by choosing options from the Look
section of the Ranger playbook. Consider aspects such as clothing, equipment,
demeanor, and background, and use them to bring your character to life in the game

Step 4: Select Starting Moves

Choose starting moves for your Ranger character from the list provided in the Ranger
playbook. These moves represent your character's skills, abilities, and special talents.
Consider your character concept and playstyle when making your selections, and
choose moves that align with your vision for your Ranger.

Some recommended starting moves for a Ranger include:

• Hunt and Track: Use your keen senses and tracking skills to hunt down prey or
follow the trail of your enemies.

• Command Animal: Issue commands to your loyal animal companion, directing

them in battle or aiding you in your travels.

• Called Shot: Take careful aim and make a precise attack against a vulnerable
spot on your target, dealing extra damage.

• Camou age: Blend into your surroundings and become virtually invisible to
enemies, allowing you to move unseen through the wilderness.

• Volley: Unleash a volley of arrows or thrown weapons at your enemies from a

distance, dealing damage to multiple targets.

Step 5: Choose an Animal Companion

Select an animal companion for your Ranger character, choosing from options such as
a wolf, hawk, or bear. Your animal companion will accompany you on your adventures,
providing support in combat and assisting you with various tasks such as tracking,
scouting, and hunting.

Step 6: De ne Bonds

Establish bonds with other player characters and NPCs to de ne your Ranger's
relationships and connections within the game world. Bonds represent the ties that bind
your character to others and can be used to drive role-playing interactions and
character development throughout the campaign.

Creating a Ranger character in Dungeon World allows you to embody the archetype of
the skilled wilderness explorer and protector of the natural world. By following these
steps and making thoughtful choices during character creation, you can create a
Ranger character that is unique, dynamic, and ready to embark on epic adventures in
the untamed wilderness. Whether you're tracking down elusive prey, exploring hidden
ruins, or defending the innocent from marauding monsters, your Ranger character will
be a valuable asset to any adventuring party.

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