Work Immersion Program

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Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) Strand

School Year 2023-2024

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. Through Work
Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related
environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.
Specifically, the students are able to:
• gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry
experts and workers;
• appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught
in school;
• enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
• enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
• develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work.

These prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher
education after graduation. (Work Immersion Curriculum Guide)

Immersion Program

The immersion program is divided into three phases namely pre-immersion,

immersion proper, and post-immersion. Students are expected to undergo/partake all tasks
in every phase as follows:

Objectives Number of Hours Schedule Expected Output

Pre-Immersion 2 hours January 29, 2024 Attendance in the

Seminar on
Understanding Work
Immersion and
Portfolio Preparation

Discussion of the 6 hours January 30 to Letter of Intent

Immersion Proper February 2, 2024 Approval Sheet

Immersion Proper 64 hours February 5 to April 1. Market Research

1, 2024 and Analysis
Business Enterprise 2. Business Plan
Simulation* 3. Product
and Innovation
4. Marketing and
Promotion Plan

Post-Immersion 8 hours April 12, 2024 School-Based

Presentation of the
Work Immersion

April 19, 2024 Regional

Presentation of the
Work Immersion

May 10, 2024 Presentation in the

4th National
Extension, and
Business Forum

*Activities for Business Enterprise Simulation

1. Market Research and Analysis

• Conduct market research to identify target demographics, consumer
preferences, and market trends.
• Analyze market data to make informed decisions about product
development and marketing strategies.

2. Business Planning and Strategy Development

• Formulate a business plan outlining the company’s mission, vision,
goals, and strategies.
• Develop a comprehensive strategic plan encompassing marketing,
operations, finance, and human resources.

3. Product Development and Innovation

• Engage in product ideation and innovation to meet consumer needs
and differentiate the business from competitors.
• Create prototypes or mock-ups of the products or services to be

4. Marketing and Promotion

• Design marketing campaigns utilizing various channels such as social
media, traditional advertising, and public relations.
• Create promotional materials and sales strategies to attract customers
and drive revenue.
Annex A: Market Research Analysis Template


Leonidas, Jay-R H.; Luzarita, Kaycee B.; Atanacio, Melwin B.; Nares, John Pin C.
Mother Theresa Colegio Group of Schools

• Provide an overview of the market research objectives and the purpose of the analysis.
• Introduce the target market and the specific industry or product/service being studied.

• Detail the research methods employed, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, or
secondary data analysis.
• Explain the sample size, demographics, and any limitations of the research approach.

Demographic Analysis
• Present an analysis of the target demographic, including age, gender, income level,
geographic location, and other relevant characteristics.
• Discuss how these demographics impact consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.

Consumer Preferences
• Summarize the preferences, needs, and desires of the target market regarding the
product or service under consideration.
• Include data on factors influencing purchasing decisions, such as price sensitivity,
brand loyalty, and product features.

Competitor Analysis
• Evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats posed by existing and
potential competitors.
• Identify key competitors, their market share, marketing strategies, and product/service

Market Trends
• Highlight emerging trends, shifts in consumer behavior, and industry developments
that could impact the market.
• Discuss technological advancements, regulatory changes, and sociocultural influences
affecting the industry.

Key Findings
• Synthesize the most significant insights gleaned from the research, emphasizing
pivotal data and trends.
• Clearly articulate the implications of the findings for the business or organization.

• Discuss the practical significance of the research findings for business strategy,
product development, marketing, and overall decision-making.
• Address how the findings can be leveraged to achieve a competitive advantage in the

• Propose actionable recommendations based on the research analysis to guide future
business activities.
• Offer strategic suggestions for product/service development, marketing tactics, and
customer engagement initiatives.

• Summarize the key takeaways from the market research analysis.
• Emphasize the importance of the findings and their potential impact on the business's
Annex B: Business Planning and Strategy Development Template


Leonidas, Jay-R H.; Luzarita, Kaycee B.; Atanacio, Melwin B.; Nares, John Pin C.
Mother Theresa Colegio Group of Schools

Executive Summary
• Provide a concise overview of the business plan, highlighting key objectives, strategies,
and anticipated outcomes.

Company Overview
• Present a comprehensive overview of the business, including its mission, vision,
values, and unique selling proposition.
• Describe the company's history, leadership team, and legal structure.

Market Analysis
• Conduct a thorough analysis of the target market, including demographic data, market
trends, and competitive landscape.
• Identify market opportunities and potential threats to the business.

Product/Service Description
• Detail the products or services offered by the business, emphasizing their unique
features and value proposition.
• Discuss the development process, pricing strategy, and potential for future expansion
or diversification.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

• Outline the marketing and sales tactics to be employed, including digital marketing
initiatives, advertising campaigns, and sales projections.
• Define the target audience and positioning strategy for the products/services.

Operational Plan
• Detail the operational processes, production methods, distribution channels, and
supply chain management.
• Address any logistical and operational challenges and propose solutions.

Human Resources and Organizational Structure

• Define the organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities within the company.
• Discuss the human resources strategy, recruitment plans, and employee development

Financial Projections
• Present financial forecasts, including income statements, balance sheets, cash flow
projections, and break-even analysis.
• Discuss funding requirements, capital expenditure, and financial risk management

Risk Analysis and Mitigation

• Identify potential risks and challenges that could impact the business's success.
• Develop risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans to address potential threats.

Implementation Plan
• Outline the step-by-step implementation plan for executing the business strategies
and achieving the defined objectives.
• Set measurable milestones and timelines for monitoring progress.

• Summarize the key components of the business plan and emphasize the business's
readiness to execute the proposed strategies.
• Express confidence in the plan's ability to drive the business towards success.
Annex C: Product Development and Innovation Template


Leonidas, Jay-R H.; Luzarita, Kaycee B.; Atanacio, Melwin B.; Nares, John Pin C.
Mother Theresa Colegio Group of Schools

Product Conceptualization
• Define the product concept, including its intended purpose, unique selling points, and
target audience.
• Outline the initial vision and goals for the product's development.

Market Research Insights

• Summarize key findings from market research related to consumer preferences, market
trends, and competitive analysis.
• Highlight insights that will guide the product's design and features.

Ideation and Brainstorming

• Document the ideation process, including brainstorming sessions, concept sketches,
and initial design proposals.
• Capture innovative ideas and potential features to enhance the product's appeal.

Design and Prototyping

• Detail the product design phase, from conceptual sketches to digital modeling and
• Describe the iterations and refinements made to the product design based on feedback
and testing.

Technology and Engineering

• Discuss the technological aspects of the product, such as software development,
hardware integration, and engineering requirements.
• Address any technical challenges and solutions encountered during the development

Materials and Manufacturing

• Outline the materials selected for the product and the manufacturing processes
• Consider sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and scalability in material and
manufacturing choices.

Testing and Validation

• Describe the testing protocols used to validate the product's performance, durability,
and user experience.
• Document user feedback, quality assurance results, and any necessary adjustments
based on testing outcomes.

Intellectual Property and Regulatory Compliance

• Address intellectual property considerations, such as patents, trademarks, and
copyrights associated with the product.
• Ensure compliance with industry regulations, safety standards, and product

Launch Strategy
• Develop a comprehensive launch strategy encompassing marketing, distribution, and
sales channels.
• Outline promotional tactics, pricing strategies, and partnerships to generate
awareness and sales.

Post-Launch Evaluation
• Define metrics for evaluating the product's success post-launch, including sales
performance, customer feedback, and market penetration.
• Plan for ongoing product improvements and future iterations based on post-launch

• Summarize the key milestones and achievements in the product development journey.
• Express confidence in the product's potential impact and future innovation
Annex D: Marketing and Promotion Plan Template


Leonidas, Jay-R H.; Luzarita, Kaycee B.; Atanacio, Melwin B.; Nares, John Pin C.
Mother Theresa Colegio Group of Schools

Executive Summary
• Provide a brief overview of the marketing and promotion plan, highlighting key objectives
and strategies.

Business and Product/Service Overview

• Describe the business, its mission, target market, and core products/services.
• Highlight the unique value proposition and competitive advantages of the offerings.

Target Audience and Buyer Personas

• Define the target audience segments and develop detailed buyer personas.
• Outline the demographics, behaviors, and pain points of the target customers.

Branding and Positioning Strategy

• Establish the brand identity, including brand values, messaging, and visual elements.
• Define the brand's positioning in the market and articulate its unique selling

Marketing Goals and Objectives

• Set clear and measurable marketing objectives aligned with the business's overall
• Define KPIs for tracking the effectiveness of marketing and promotional activities.

Marketing Mix (4Ps)

• Detail the product, price, place, and promotion strategies for reaching the target
• Consider product/service features, pricing models, distribution channels, and
promotional tactics.

Digital Marketing Strategy

• Outline the digital marketing channels to be utilized, including social media, content
marketing, email campaigns, and search engine optimization (SEO).
• Define the content calendar, posting schedule, and engagement strategies for each

Traditional Marketing Initiatives

• Identify traditional marketing methods, such as print advertising, direct mail, events,
and sponsorships.
• Coordinate the integration of traditional and digital marketing efforts for a cohesive
promotional approach.

Promotional Campaigns and Initiatives

• Plan and schedule promotional campaigns, special offers, and incentives to drive
customer engagement and sales.
• Incorporate seasonal promotions, sales events, and collaborative marketing efforts with

Budget and Resource Allocation

• Allocate financial resources and marketing budgets to support the planned initiatives.
• Identify the necessary human resources, external partnerships, and tools required for

Implementation Timeline
• Create a detailed timeline for the execution of marketing and promotional activities.
• Set milestones and deadlines for each phase of the marketing plan.

Monitoring and Evaluation

• Define methods for tracking the performance of marketing efforts and collecting
customer feedback.
• Establish regular review periods to assess the effectiveness of promotional strategies
and make adjustments as needed.

• Summarize the key elements of the marketing and promotion plan and emphasize its
potential impact on business growth.
• Express confidence in the plan's ability to achieve the defined marketing objectives.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand
School Year 2023-2024

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. Through Work
Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related
environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.
Specifically, the students are able to:
• gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry
experts and workers;
• appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught
in school;
• enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
• enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
• develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work.

These prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher
education after graduation. (Work Immersion Curriculum Guide)

Immersion Program

The immersion program is divided into three phases namely pre-immersion,

immersion proper, and post-immersion. Students are expected to undergo/partake all tasks
in every phase as follows:

Objectives Number of Hours Schedule Expected Output

Pre-Immersion 2 hours January 29, 2024 Attendance in the

Seminar on
Understanding Work
Immersion and
Portfolio Preparation

Discussion of the 6 hours January 30 to Letter of Intent

Immersion Proper February 2, 2024 Approval Sheet

Immersion Proper 64 hours February 5 to April 1. Extension

1, 2024 Program
Extension Programs* Proposal
2. Memorandum
of Agreement
3. Narrative
Post-Immersion 8 hours April 12, 2024 School-Based
Presentation of the
Work Immersion
April 19, 2024 Regional
Presentation of the
Work Immersion

May 10, 2024 Presentation in the

4th National
Extension, and
Business Forum

*Suggested Extension Programs

1. Community Service and Outreach

• Engage students in community service projects related to social issues,
environmental conservation, or cultural preservation.
• Provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of sociology,
anthropology, and ethics in real-world contexts.

2. Historical Preservation and Heritage Studies

• Facilitate research projects on local history, traditions, and cultural
practices to enhance students' appreciation for the past.

3. Debate and Public Speaking Workshops/ Competitions

• Conduct workshops to develop students' critical thinking, argumentation,
and presentation skills.
• Organize inter-school or intra-school debate competitions to foster
intellectual discourse and effective communication.

4. Legal Advocacy
• Collaborate with legal professionals to provide insights into the legal
system and ethical considerations in social issues.

5. Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Programs

• Organize events and workshops that celebrate cultural diversity and
promote inclusivity within the school community.
• Engage in intercultural dialogue, cultural exchange, and awareness-raising

6. Psychology and Mental Health Awareness Campaigns

• Raise awareness about mental health issues and well-being through
educational campaigns and peer support programs.
• Provide platforms for discussions on mental health, stress management,
and positive psychology.
Annex A: Extension Program Proposal Template

Program Title: Voices of Change: Empowering Youth Advocacy in Social Justice

Proponents: Leonidas, Jay-R H.; Luzarita, Kaycee B.; Atanacio, Melwin B.; Nares, John Pin C.

Program Overview
• Provide a brief introduction to the extension program, including its purpose and
• Explain the significance of the program in addressing specific community or
organizational needs.

Target Audience and Stakeholders

• Define the target audience for the extension program, including demographics and
• Identify key stakeholders and partners involved in the program's implementation and

Program Objectives and Outcomes

• Clearly state the specific goals and desired outcomes of the extension program.
• Outline the anticipated impact on the target audience and the broader community.

Program Components and Activities

• Detail the various components and activities that constitute the extension program.
• Include workshops, training sessions, outreach events, educational resources, and
other relevant initiatives.

Timeline and Implementation Plan

• Develop a timeline for the execution of program activities, including start and end
dates for each phase.
• Create an implementation plan outlining the steps and responsibilities for seamless

Collaborations and Partnerships

• Identify potential collaborators, community organizations, and local resources to
support the program.
• Detail the roles and contributions of each partner in achieving the program's

Evaluation and Assessment

• Establish methods for assessing the effectiveness and impact of the extension program.
• Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for measuring success and
gathering participant feedback.

Budget and Resource Allocation

• Allocate financial resources and budget for program implementation and necessary
• Identify human resources, volunteers, and external support required for successful

Marketing and Outreach Strategy

• Develop a plan for promoting the extension program to the target audience and
• Utilize various marketing channels, such as social media, local advertising, and
community outreach efforts.
Sustainability and Future Development
• Discuss plans for the sustainability and potential expansion of the extension program
beyond its initial implementation.
• Consider long-term impact, scalability, and opportunities for continued growth.

• Summarize the key components of the extension program template and emphasize its
potential impact on the target audience and community.
• Express confidence in the program's ability to achieve its defined objectives and bring
about positive change.
Annex B: Memorandum of Agreement for Barangay

Parties Involved:
• Mother Theresa Colegio (Hereinafter referred to as "Mother Theresa Colegio")
• Barangay San Roque (Hereinafter referred to as "Barangay San Roque")

Date of Agreement: [Insert Date]

Purpose: Mother Theresa Colegio and Barangay San Roque enter into this agreement to
collaborate on a community extension program aimed at [providing educational and
developmental initiatives] to the residents of Barangay San Roque.

Scope of Work:

Mother Theresa Colegio agrees to:

• Provide academic expertise and educational resources for the extension
• Facilitate workshops, training sessions, and educational activities for the
residents of Barangay San Roque.
• Allocate faculty and student volunteers to support program implementation.

Barangay San Roque agrees to:

• Identify specific community needs and target groups for the extension
• Assist in the logistical coordination of program activities and outreach efforts
within the barangay.
• Mobilize local resources and community volunteers to support the successful
execution of the program.

Resource Allocation: Both parties commit to contributing resources as follows:

• Mother Theresa Colegio will allocate academic resources, faculty time, and
materials for program development and implementation.
• Barangay San Roque will provide access to community spaces, logistical
support, and local volunteer assistance for program activities.

Confidentiality and Data Sharing: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of
sensitive information and data obtained during the program and to seek mutual consent
for any data sharing beyond the scope of the agreement.

Intellectual Property Rights: Any intellectual property, materials, or curriculum

developed during the collaboration will be jointly owned, with usage rights agreed upon
by both parties.

Evaluation and Reporting: An evaluation framework will be established to assess the

impact of the program on the residents of Barangay San Roque. Regular reporting on
program activities and outcomes will be shared between Mother Theresa Colegio and
Barangay San Roque.

Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute, both parties agree to engage in good-faith
negotiations and mediation to resolve any issues that may arise during the collaboration.
Duration and Termination: This agreement will commence on the date of signing and
will remain in effect for a period of [Insert Duration], unless terminated earlier by mutual
agreement or due to unforeseen circumstances.

Amendments and Modifications: Any changes or modifications to this agreement must

be made in writing and require the consent of both parties.


National Academic Director, Mother Theresa Colegio

Barangay Captain, Barangay San Roque
Annex C: Memorandum of Agreement for a School

Parties Involved:
• Mother Theresa Colegio (Hereinafter referred to as "Mother Theresa Colegio")
• San Juan Integrated School (Hereinafter referred to as "San Juan Integrated

Date of Agreement: [Insert Date]

Purpose: Mother Theresa Colegio and San Juan Integrated School enter into this
agreement to collaborate on an extension program focused on [enhancing literacy and
numeracy skills among students and community members].

Scope of Work:

Mother Theresa Colegio agrees to:

• Provide expertise in literacy and numeracy instruction, including the
development of educational materials and resources.
• Conduct workshops, training sessions, and educational activities aimed at
improving literacy and numeracy skills among students and community

San Juan Integrated School agrees to:

• Identify specific needs and target groups for the extension program related to
literacy and numeracy within the school and surrounding community.
• Facilitate access to school facilities and coordination of program activities
within the school and local community.
• Allocate staff members to support program implementation and engage
students in the program activities.

Resource Allocation: Both parties commit to contributing resources as follows:

• Mother Theresa Colegio will allocate academic resources, faculty expertise,
and educational materials for program development and implementation.
• San Juan Integrated School will provide access to school facilities,
administrative support, and staff time for program activities.

Confidentiality and Data Sharing: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of
sensitive information and data obtained during the program and to seek mutual consent
for any data sharing beyond the scope of the agreement.

Intellectual Property Rights: Any intellectual property, materials, or curriculum

developed during the collaboration will be jointly owned, with usage rights agreed upon
by both parties.

Evaluation and Reporting: An evaluation framework will be established to assess the

impact of the program on the literacy and numeracy skills of the participants. Regular
reporting on program activities and outcomes will be shared between Mother Theresa
Colegio and San Juan Integrated School.

Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute, both parties agree to engage in good-faith
negotiations and mediation to resolve any issues that may arise during the collaboration.
Duration and Termination: This agreement will commence on the date of signing and
will remain in effect for a period of [Insert Duration], unless terminated earlier by mutual
agreement or due to unforeseen circumstances.

Amendments and Modifications: Any changes or modifications to this agreement must

be made in writing and require the consent of both parties.


National Academic Director, Mother Theresa Colegio


School Principal, San Juan Integrated School
Annex D: Narrative Report of the Extension Program

Executive Summary
• Provide a brief overview of the extension program, its objectives, key activities, and the
impact on the target audience.

• Introduce the extension program, its background, and the rationale for its
implementation. Describe the community or target audience for the program.

Program Objectives
• Outline the specific objectives and goals of the extension program, including the intended
outcomes and impact.

Program Components
• Describe the key components of the program, including any workshops, seminars,
training sessions, or other activities conducted as part of the program.

Implementation Process
• Detail how the program was implemented, including the timeline, resources utilized, and
the roles and responsibilities of the team members involved.

Participant Engagement
• Discuss the level of engagement and participation from the target audience or community
members, including any challenges or successes encountered during the program.

Impact Assessment
• Present the findings of the impact assessment, including any measurable outcomes,
testimonials, or feedback from participants and stakeholders.

Lessons Learned
• Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the program, as well as any unexpected
challenges or successes. Discuss key takeaways and insights gained from the
implementation process.

Sustainability and Future Plans

• Address the sustainability of the program, including plans for continued engagement,
future iterations, or potential expansion.

• Summarize the key findings and outcomes of the extension program, emphasizing its
significance and impact on the community.

• Express gratitude to individuals, organizations, or partners who contributed to the
success of the program.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
School Year 2023-2024

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. Through Work
Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related
environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.
Specifically, the students are able to:
• gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry
experts and workers;
• appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught
in school;
• enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
• enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
• develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work.

These prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher
education after graduation. (Work Immersion Curriculum Guide)

Immersion Program

The immersion program is divided into three phases namely pre-immersion,

immersion proper, and post-immersion. Students are expected to undergo/partake all tasks
in every phase as follows:

Objectives Number of Hours Schedule Expected Output

Pre-Immersion 2 hours January 29, 2024 Attendance in the

Seminar on
Understanding Work
Immersion and
Portfolio Preparation

Discussion of the 6 hours January 30 to Letter of Intent

Immersion Proper February 2, 2024 Approval Sheet

Immersion Proper 64 hours February 5 to April IMRAD Capstone

1, 2024 Project
Capstone Projects*

Post-Immersion 8 hours April 12, 2024 School-Based

Presentation of the
Work Immersion

April 19, 2024 Regional

Presentation of the
Work Immersion

May 10, 2024 Presentation in the

4th National
Extension, and
Business Forum

*Suggested Capstone Projects

1. Design and Build a Sustainable Energy Solution

• Task students with designing and constructing a renewable energy system,
such as a solar-powered device or a wind turbine, to address energy
challenges in their community.

2. Innovative Solutions for Environmental Conservation

• Challenge students to develop innovative technologies or methods to
address environmental issues, such as pollution remediation, waste
management, or conservation of natural resources.

3. Engineering Design Challenge

• Present students with an engineering design challenge, such as building a
bridge, constructing a water filtration system, or designing a sustainable
infrastructure project.

4. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research Project

• Encourage students to explore biotechnological applications, such as
genetic engineering, biofuels production, or biomedical research, and
propose innovative solutions to real-world problems.

5. Data Analysis and Predictive Modeling

• Task students with collecting and analyzing data to create predictive
models for phenomena such as climate change, disease spread, or economic

6. Robotics and Automation Project

• Challenge students to design and build a functional robot or automated
system that serves a specific purpose, such as assisting individuals with
disabilities or enhancing manufacturing processes.

7. Invention and Prototyping

• Encourage students to invent and prototype a new product or device that
addresses a specific need or improves an existing process, leveraging their
knowledge of engineering and technology.

8. STEM Outreach and Education Initiative

• Task students with developing and implementing STEM education
programs for local schools or community organizations, promoting interest
and engagement in STEM fields.

9. Scientific Research and Inquiry

• Support students in conducting original scientific research projects in areas
such as biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental science, culminating
in a comprehensive research report and presentation.
Annex A: IMRAD Template for the Capstone Project

• Provides background information on the topic of study and the research
question or hypothesis.
• Outlines the significance and relevance of the research.
• States the purpose, objectives, and scope of the study.
• Often ends with a clear statement of the research hypothesis or research

• Describes the research design, methodology, and materials used in the study.
• Includes detailed information on data collection methods, experimental
procedures, or analytical techniques.
• Addresses how the research was conducted and provides enough detail for
the study to be replicable.
• Involves the ethical considerations, sampling methods, and data analysis

• Presents the findings of the study, often using tables, figures, and statistical
• Focuses on the objective presentation of data and outcomes without
• Describes the key observations, trends, and significant results derived from
the research.

• Interprets the results and relates them to the research questions or hypotheses.
• Analyzes the implications of the findings and their significance in the broader
context of the field.
• Compares the results with existing literature and discusses any discrepancies
or agreements.
• Considers the limitations of the study and suggests potential areas for future
Arts and Design Track
School Year 2023-2024

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. Through Work
Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related
environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.
Specifically, the students are able to:
• gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry
experts and workers;
• appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught
in school;
• enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
• enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
• develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work.

These prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher
education after graduation. (Work Immersion Curriculum Guide)

Immersion Program

The immersion program is divided into three phases namely pre-immersion,

immersion proper, and post-immersion. Students are expected to undergo/partake all tasks
in every phase as follows:

Objectives Number of Hours Schedule Expected Output

Pre-Immersion 2 hours January 29, 2024 Attendance in the

Seminar on
Understanding Work
Immersion and
Portfolio Preparation

Discussion of the 6 hours January 30 to Letter of Intent

Immersion Proper February 2, 2024 Approval Sheet

Immersion Proper 64 hours February 5 to April Output based on

1, 2024 specialization
Activities based on

Post-Immersion 8 hours April 12, 2024 School-Based

Exhibit and Film

April 19, 2024 Regional Exhibit

and Film Showing
May 10, 2024 Exhibit and Film
Showing in the 4th
National Research,
Extension, and
Business Forum

*Activities Based on Specialization

For Visual Arts

1. Dish Gardening
• Students will conceptualize and create their individual dish gardens,
fostering creativity and horticultural skills.

2. Painting
• Students are encouraged to select their own subject matter for their
canvas paintings, allowing for artistic expression. Paintings should
be done on canvas of any size.

3. Terrarium Making
• Students will craft their own terrariums using recycled wine bottles
or other presentable glass containers. A terrarium is an enclosed
indoor gardening container, typically made of glass, allowing
students to explore plant arrangements and environmental design.

For Performing Arts

1. Dance
• Students will prepare and record a 3-minute dance performance of
any genre, emphasizing creativity and skill. Safety precautions
prohibit the use of fire, dangerous materials, or nudity.

2. Singing
• Students will record a vocal performance of a song, with a duration
of approximately 3 minutes, showcasing their musical talents and
expressive abilities across various genres.

3. Musical Play
• Students will collaborate in groups to perform and record a musical
play, encouraging teamwork and theatrical expression. The use of
costumes is encouraged to enhance the performance, with strict
adherence to guidelines prohibiting nudity.
For Media Arts
1. Photography
• Students will engage in individual photography projects, capturing
subjects of their choice. Photographs will be framed, allowing
students to explore visual storytelling and artistic composition.

2. Short Film Production

• Students will collaborate in groups to produce a short film
addressing societal issues within local communities. The short film
should have a duration of 20 to 30 minutes, providing an opportunity
for creative expression and social awareness.
TVL Track
School Year 2023-2024

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. Through Work
Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related
environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.
Specifically, the students are able to:
• gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry
experts and workers;
• appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught
in school;
• enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
• enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
• develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work.

These prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher
education after graduation. (Work Immersion Curriculum Guide)

Immersion Program

The immersion program is divided into three phases namely pre-immersion,

immersion proper, and post-immersion. Students are expected to undergo/partake all tasks
in every phase as follows:

Objectives Number of Hours Schedule Expected Output

Pre-Immersion 2 hours January 29, 2024 Attendance in the

Seminar on
Understanding Work
Immersion and
Portfolio Preparation

Discussion of the 6 hours January 30 to Letter of Intent

Immersion Proper February 2, 2024 Approval Sheet

Immersion Proper 136 hours February 5 to April Output based on

1, 2024 specialization

NC Training

Post-Immersion 16 hours April 12, 2024 Return Skill-


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