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Original Article

The myth of too big to fail

Imad Moosa
is currently a professor of Finance at RMIT, Melbourne. Before taking on the present position, he was a
professor of Finance at Monash University and La Trobe University, and a lecturer in Economics and Finance
at the University of Sheffield. Before becoming an academic in 1991, he was a professional economist and
a financial journalist for over 10 years, and he also worked as an economist at the Financial Institutions
Division of the Bureau of Statistics, the International Monetary Fund (Washington DC). Professor Moosa has
published 10 books and over 160 papers in international journals. He has also written for the prestigious
Euromoney magazine. He has served in a number of advisory positions, including his role as an economic
advisor to the US Treasury.
Correspondence: Imad Moosa, School of Economics, Finance and Marketing, RMIT, 239 Bourke Street,
Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia

ABSTRACT Too big to fail (TBTF) is a doctrine stipulating that big firms (particularly financial
institutions) cannot be allowed to fail because of the potential adverse impact the failure may have on the rest
of the sector and the economy at large. When they are in trouble, financial institutions utilise the language of
fear to demand the privilege of TBTF at a significant cost to taxpayers. From the perspective of costs and
benefits, the TBTF doctrine must go the way of the dinosaurs.
Journal of Banking Regulation (2010) 11, 319–333. doi:10.1057/jbr.2010.15
Keywords: too big to fail; bank bailouts; financial regulation; global financial crisis

INTRODUCTION We start with the meaning, origin and history

Too big to fail (TBTF) is a doctrine postulating of the TBTF doctrine.1
that the government cannot allow big firms to
fail for the very reason that they are big (or so it
is claimed). With respect to financial institu- THE MEANING AND ORIGIN
tions, this doctrine is justified on the basis of OF TBTF
the adverse consequences of the failure of one One interpretation of TBTF is that a big firm
institution for the whole financial system (and cannot (or is unlikely to) fail, simply because it
perhaps the economy at large). The objective of is big. This, the argument goes, is because big
this article is to revisit and review the TBTF firms benefit from the economies of scale and
debate, now that the global financial crisis has scope, which make them more efficient than
brought it back to life. It is argued that the small firms. A big firm is typically more
TBTF doctrine is a product of the political diversified than a small firm, which puts the
power of financial institutions, as well as the big firm in a superior competitive position and
unbalanced relation between the financial reduces its exposure to the risk of structural
sector and the rest of the society. Since the changes in the economy. A big firm also enjoys
TBTF doctrine is an American invention, the significant market power and a lower cost of
article deals with the issues under consideration capital. However, the common interpretation
predominantly from an American perspective. of TBTF is that it refers to a firm that is too big

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to be allowed (by the government) to fail. banking supervision, and the separation of
There is no agreement on what makes a commercial and investment banking under
particular firm TBTF and another firm not the Glass–Steagall Act. The regulatory mea-
too big to fail (NTBTF).2 sures resulted in the stability of the US financial
The global financial crisis has brought the system over much of the twentieth century.
TBTF debate back to centre stage. The crisis Significant financial failures re-emerged in
has made it clear that the TBTF doctrine the 1980s, and with that came the notion of
amounts to saving financial institutions from TBTF as the government became a ‘rescuer of
their own mistakes by using taxpayers’ money – last resort’. In 1984 Continental Illinois became
hence, the debate has a moral dimension. the first big bank to be offered the TBTF status.
There is now a widespread belief that govern- Then there was the savings and loan crisis,
ment bailout of failed financial institutions followed by the bank failures in the early 1990s
amounts to funneling funds into ‘parasitic that forced the US government to recapitalise
operations’ at the cost of starving the produc- the FDIC’s Bank Insurance Fund. Long-Term
tive base and infrastructure of financial Capital Management (LTCM), a largely unregu-
resources. The crisis has also given rise to parallel lated hedge fund, collapsed in 1998 but it was
notions, some of which are rather cynical. One saved from bankruptcy by a Fed-initiated plan,
of these notions is that of ‘too politically on the grounds that the fund was posing
connected to fail’, as some would think that the systemic risk. That event marked the perilous
decision whether or not to bail out a financial action of granting the TBTF status to hedge
institution depends on how politically con- funds. In the first decade of the twenty-first
nected it is. Other cynical notions that crop up century we have already witnessed the bursting
in the discussion of the TBTF issue include of the tech bubble in 2001, the accounting
‘too big to survive’, ‘so big that it has to fail’ scandals that destroyed Enron in 2001 and
and ‘too big to succeed’. These notions imply WorldCom in 2002, and the global financial
that size could be detrimental to the survival of crisis (as well as its predecessor, the subprime
a firm (diseconomies of scale and scope may crisis).
materialise). And there is more, including ‘too It is no coincidence that all of these financial
big to fail is too big’, ‘too big to save’ and ‘too crises followed a concerted push (in the name
big for their boots’, implying that a firm that is of efficiency and freedom) by bankers, right-
TBTF must be prevented from becoming so wing economists and laissez faire policymakers
big that it is either difficult or expensive to save. to deregulate financial markets and institutions.
In the United States it was President Reagan
who set the philosophical tone in his
THE HISTORY OF TBTF 1981 inaugural address when he declared that
The history of TBTF is essentially the history ‘government is not the solution to our
of financial regulation in the United States. problem; government is the problem’. There-
Looking at the historical record, the regulation after, regulatory minimalism and a ‘market
of financial markets and institutions has worked knows best’ attitude dominated decision mak-
in the past to reduce risk and maintain financial ing for nearly three decades, irrespective of
stability. Until 1933, the United States experi- whether a Democratic or Republican admin-
enced banking panics roughly every 15–20 istration was in power. Under these conditions,
years. In a reaction to the Great Depression and a huge amount of financial activity migrated
the near collapse of the banking system, the away from regulated and transparent markets
Roosevelt administration introduced sweeping and institutions into the lightly regulated or
regulatory measures, including the creation of unregulated shadow markets encompassing
federal deposit insurance, securities regulation, mortgage brokers, hedge funds, private equity

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The myth of too big to fail

funds, off-balance sheet structured investment During the global financial crisis, the US
vehicles and a booming market in opaque (also government adopted a ‘cherry picking’ app-
useless and dangerous) derivatives, particularly roach to granting the TBTF status, and there-
the notorious collateralised debt obligations fore bailout, to failed financial institutions.
and credit default swaps. In September 2008 Henry Paulson, the then
Until the 1980s, it was generally assumed Treasury Secretary, was unapologetic about
that failure, along with losses for shareholders refusing to extend financial assistance to
and bondholders, was an accepted possibility Lehman Brothers as the Bush administration
for financial institutions. The break from signalled strongly that Wall Street should not
normal practice by bailing out Continental expect help from Washington. Mr Paulson said
Illinois in July 1984 divided the administration. that he never once considered it appropriate
Donald Regan, the then Treasury Secretary, to put taxpayers’ money at risk to resolve the
found the intervention outrageous, calling it problems at Lehman Brothers. But it was under
‘bad public policy’ and arguing that ‘it Mr Paulson’s watch that the US government
represents an unauthorized and unlegislated acted to save Bear Stearns, orchestrating the
expansion of federal guarantees in contradic- company’s sale to JP Morgan Chase by
tion of executive branch policy’.3 But the providing up to $30 billion in financing (thus
White House accepted the argument put extending TBTF protection to investment
forward by the Fed and FDIC that the banks).5 In September 2008, we saw the sale
alternative was to risk a systemic crisis in the of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America, the
financial industry. The TBTF principle per- first bailout of American International Group
sisted during the savings and loans crisis of the (AIG), and the takeover and immediate sale of
late 1980s and early 1990s when the US Washington Mutual to JP Morgan, all of which
government saved uninsured lenders to big were brokered (and financed, at least in part) by
banks whenever it saw (or led to believe that the US government. In October 2009, nine
there was) a risk to the broader system. In the large banks were recapitalised on the same day
summer of 1991 Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, behind closed doors in Washington. This was
who was not a fan of deposit insurance, said followed by additional bailouts for Citi-
that ‘there may be some banks, at some group, AIG, Bank of America, Citigroup
particular times, whose collapse and liquidation (again) and AIG (again).
would be excessively disruptive’.3
With time, TBTF protection was extended
beyond commercial banks to other financial THE GROWTH OF FINANCIAL
institutions, including hedge funds. When INSTITUTIONS
LTCM got into trouble in 1998, having To claim TBTF protection, a financial institu-
indulged in risky derivative trading, it was tion must be big. The question that arises here
leveraged 53 to 1 with investments worth is whether obtaining the TBTF status provides
US$125 billion and shareholders’ equity of a good reason for growing big or that there
$2.3 billion. The Fed’s intervention on that are other motives for the drive to big size.
occasion was misguided, unnecessary and Irrespective of the motivation, we will reach
justified in terms of unjustifiable concerns the conclusion that big size is no good.
about the effects of LTCM’s failure on financial The growth of financial institutions may be
markets.4 In the short run, the intervention explained in terms of the same reasons as why
helped the shareholders and managers of other firms want to grow big. An important
LTCM to get a better deal for themselves than reason is to avoid the transaction costs resulting
they would have obtained from a purely from using markets. Transaction costs that
private-sector deal. can be avoided (or reduced) by centralising

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them in one firm include the difficulty of price The global financial crisis has intensified
discovery and the costs of brokering deals bank concentration in the United States,
and raising capital from outsiders. This propo- boosting the market power of the super-banks.
sition is sometimes referred to as the ‘inter- Following the change of status of Goldman
nalisation hypothesis’, which is an extension Sachs and Morgan Stanley from investment
of the original idea put forward by Ronald banks to bank holding companies, to enable
Coase, stipulating that certain marketing costs them to acquire failed institutions, the share
can be saved by forming a firm.6 of commercial banks of the $24 trillion assets of
A more important reason for the growth of the financial system (170 per cent of GDP) rose
firms is the desire to obtain market power. from 37 per cent in June 2008 to 46 per cent in
Financial markets are basically oligopolistic October 2008. This consolidation has estab-
(where few big firms dominate), but oligopoly lished six banks accounting for two-thirds of
has all of the disadvantages and repercussions the assets of the banking system.
of monopoly. Because oligopolists often devel- Achieving the TBTF status is in itself a good
op agreements and avoid price wars (which reason why financial institutions want to grow
would be damaging to all), they end up being to be TBTF. ‘Life is beautiful when you are too
like a collective monopolist. On this issue, big to fail’, as Berman puts it.10 He cites the
J.K. Galbraith pointed out that ‘the power work of Brewer and Jagtiani who estimated
exercised by a few large firms is different only how much a financial institution would be
in degree and precision of its exercise from a prepared to pay for the privilege of being
single-firm monopoly’. He further argued that TBTF. They examined banking merger data
‘in the y oligopoly, the practical barriers to over a period of many years and found that
entry and the convention against price compe- banks were willing to pay a premium on a deal
tition have eliminated the self-generating that would take them over $100 billion in assets
capacity of competition’.7 (deemed by them to be the threshold for
A large body of literature finds empirical TBTF).11 Specifically, they found that nine
support for the hypothesis that banking con- banks that did such deals paid $14–16.5 billion
solidation leads to anti-competitive behaviour. to get what Berman calls the ‘gold-plated
In a review of the issue, Berger et al suggest TBTF status’.
that banks in more concentrated markets There are indeed stronger arguments against
charge higher rates on small business loans than for big financial institutions. The main
and pay lower rates on retail deposits.8 argument for is the efficiency derived from the
Furthermore, they respond more slowly to economies of scale and scope, but it is often the
central bank changes in interest rates, making case that economies turn out to be diseco-
it more difficult to get out of recession. One nomies. Another argument is that diversifica-
conclusion of this study is that banking tion may result in less risk for the institution, as
consolidation could boost systematic risk, the diversification reduces reliance on the demand
risk that cannot be eliminated or reduced via for any single service or product. But branch-
diversification. Simon Johnson goes as far as ing out into new territories may prove fatal,
attributing the global financial crisis to lack of and it is the antithesis of specialisation and the
competition in the financial sector, arguing law of comparative advantage. Some would
that ‘this crisis was in many ways spawned and argue that big and diversified financial institu-
largely perpetuated by the decision of US tions provide convenience to individuals and
citizens and politicians to allow banks to merge firms. But these advantages seem to be rather
into un-competitive juggernauts and to then trivial and pale into insignificance when we
trust them to take tremendous risks with our judge them against the disadvantages of big
nation’s wealth’.9 financial institutions. Simon Johnson argues

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The myth of too big to fail

that the model of financial supermarkets has the wider community started to realise that
failed as indicated by ‘gargantuan losses, bloated some products of the so-called ‘financial
overhead, enormous inefficiencies, dramatic engineering’ were useless, did not serve any
and outsized risk taken to generate returns meaningful purpose and encouraged risk tak-
large enough to justify the scale of the ing. This is why Philippon is bewildered
organizations, ethical abuses in cross-marketing by the continued growth of the financial
in violation of fiduciary obligations, and now sector after 2001. His explanation of the
the need for major taxpayer-financed capital growth of the financial sector in the period
support for virtually every major financial since 1980 overlooks an important explanatory
institution’.9 factor – that is, financial deregulation.
Simon Johnson suggests some figures that
are more indicative of the size of the US
THE SIZE OF THE FINANCIAL financial sector. From 1973 to 1985, the
SECTOR financial sector never earned more than 16
Since the end of World War II, and particularly per cent of domestic corporate profit. In 1986,
since the beginning of the 1980s, the financial that figure reached 19 per cent. In the 1990s, it
sectors of developed countries have grown at oscillated between 21 per cent and 30 per cent,
a much faster pace than other sectors of the higher than it had ever been in the post-war
economy to grab an ever increasing share of period. In the first decade of the twenty-first
GDP and total corporate profit. Indeed the century it reached 41 per cent. From 1948 to
financial sector has become a world of its own, 1982, average compensation in the financial
an entity that exists for its own sake, not for the sector ranged between 99 per cent and 108 per
purpose of supporting real economic activity cent of the average for all domestic private
(the production of goods and services). industries. From 1983, it shot upwards, reach-
Philippon studied the growth of the US ing 181 per cent in 2007. Commenting on
financial sector over the period 1860–2007 and these figures, Salmon argues that ‘financial
concluded that this growth seemed to reflect services companies are meant to be intermedi-
fundamental economic needs up to 2001, aries, middlemen’ and that ‘any time that the
but that it was not clear why the financial middleman is taking 41 per cent of the total
sector kept growing so quickly after 2002.12 profits in what’s meant to be a highly
His analysis and consequent conclusion are competitive industry, there’s something very
based on the proposition that financial institu- wrong’.13 Very wrong, indeed!
tions provide services to households and com- Consider the growth of the US financial
panies and that the financial sector’s share of sector in the post-war period over two sub-
aggregate income reveals the value that the periods: 1947–1980 and post-1980. Between
rest of the economy attaches to these services. 1947 and 1980, the share of the financial sector
On the basis of a simple model that attri- rose from 2.5 to 4.4 per cent. Rapid growth of
butes changes in the size of the financial sector the financial sector started in 1980 and has
to corporate demand for financial services, been sustained since, which is not a coin-
Philippon found that the US financial sector cidence because 1980 was the year marking
was about one percentage point of GDP the advent of wholesale financial deregulation.
too big. This trend has continued unabated until the
The main defect in Philippon’s work is the present time. Deregulation, coupled with
proposition that the size of the financial sector favouritism by the government, sustained the
reflects the value that the rest of the economy growth of the financial sector, and this is why
attaches to financial services. The expansion of the end of the IT bubble early this century did
the financial sector was sustained even when not change the trend.

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Deregulation has played a more important amount of resources for the benefit of the
role in the growth of the financial sector than financial sector and its bosses. Just as Turner
economic growth. The nexus between the believes that some financial activities and
financial sector and the whole economy is products are useless from a social perspective,
fragile. Economic growth in the 1960s was Simon Johnson wonders whether modern
rather rapid, but seemed to require little finance is more like electricity or junk food.
financial intermediation. Finance grew quickly It is more like junk food, Johnson believes.
in the 1980s while the economy stagnated, He points out that ‘there is growing evidence
and the pattern changed again in the 1990s. that the vast majority of what happens in and
Therefore, it is certainly not valid to suggest around modern financial markets is much more
that a large financial sector is required to sustain like junk food – little nutritional value, bad for
economic growth. And even if casual observa- your health, and a hard habit to kick’.9
tion reveals that finance is positively correlated A legitimate question is whether or not there
with growth, this is simply correlation, not is any social value in the products of financial
causation (rich countries have large financial engineering. The very basic ones, yes, but
sectors relative to GDP, not that more finance financial engineers have taken things too far,
raises GDP). just to boost the size of business for their bosses.
The global financial crisis has intensified We depend on engineers in crucial matters
the belief that the financial sector is far too big such as the maintenance of, among other
and that it should be reduced in size. For things, the planes we use to fly, the power
example, Philippon argues that ‘what the grid, gas pipes, roads, bridges and tunnels. It
current financial crisis tells us is that we might is engineers who design and execute the
not need to spend more than 8 per cent of our production of cars, consumer durables, com-
economic resources to buy these financial puters, ships, buildings and every piece of
services’.12 His estimate is that ‘the financial physical capital that we use or see every day.
sector should be around 7 per cent of GDP if We, therefore, owe our easy life in big part
the US remains an innovative, relatively to engineers. I am talking about mechanical,
finance-intensive economy’. He makes the electrical, chemical, structural, civil, control,
justifiably sarcastic remark about the destiny marine and aeronautical engineers. By contrast,
of financial ‘engineers’, suggesting that ‘they financial engineers invented the collateralised
could always go back to being engineers’. But debt obligations and credit default swaps that
many would argue that even at 7 per cent of blew up the world financial system and bank-
GDP the financial sector is still too big. In an rupted Iceland, a tiny isolated country that is as
interview with Prospect magazine, Adair Turner, far as possible from the epicentre of financial
the head of the Financial Services Authority engineering. Other kinds of derivatives bank-
(the former UK regulator abolished by the new rupted Greece and created a massive crisis in
coalition government) points out that the UK the European Union.
financial sector has grown too big, that some The preceding argument may sound un-
of its activities are worthless from a social necessarily harsh on financial engineers because
perspective, and that it is destabilising the UK they initially came up with good inventions.
economy. He suggests that ‘to stop excessive Financial innovation should have come to a
pay in a swollen financial sector you need to halt once the basic products were invented:
reduce the size of that sector or apply special forward contracts, futures, basic call and put
taxes’.14 options, and basic kinds of interest rate and
It is not only the amounts involved that currency swaps. These tools, and combinations
cause concern, it is also the quality of financial thereof, are more than adequate for the
services and products that command a tremendous purpose of hedging and speculation. Futures

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The myth of too big to fail

were invented to circumvent some problems the situation involving the few financiers and
associated with forward contracts, (such as the the many taxpayers.
lack of liquidity). The versatility of options One reason why TBTF is an almost
provides the means to hedge against any state exclusive privilege of the financial sector is
of the world as well as contingent exposures. that financial institutions can and do flex their
Swaps are adequate for reducing the cost of political muscles, in addition to the image that
borrowing and hedging foreign exchange risk portrays the financial sector as something
exposure. Why on Earth do we need options special in the economy. This image, which is
on futures, futures on options, options on boosted by group think, conveys the (wrong)
options, futures on options on futures, options message that a flourishing financial sector
on futures on options, and so on and so forth? necessarily means a flourishing economy.
And why do we need the so-called exotic Johnson argues that financiers played a central
options? These derivatives serve no meaningful role in creating the global financial crisis,
purpose, apart from allowing gamblers to bet making ever-larger gambles that caused the
on rather complex outcomes. collapse with the implicit backing of the
government.9 More alarming, he argues, is that
‘they [financiers] are now using their influence
THE POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF to prevent precisely the sorts of reforms that are
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS needed and fast, to pull the economy out of its
Financial institutions and their bosses have nosedive’. He also points out that ‘policy
become so influential and politically connected changes that might have forestalled the crisis
that they have been capable of pushing but would have limited the financial sector’s
governments for more and more deregulation profits – such as Brooksley Born’s now-famous
while demanding (and obtaining) taxpayers’ attempts to regulate credit-default swaps at the
money when things go wrong. Johnson calls Commodity Futures Trading Commission, in
this phenomenon a ‘quiet coup’.9 In his speech 1998 – were ignored or swept aside’.
to the G20 finance ministers in November Unfortunately, not even the global financial
2009, the former British Prime Minister, crisis has changed anything. Financiers are still
Gordon Brown, argued forcefully for a ‘better defiant, expecting bailouts and bonuses despite
economic and social contract between financial the damage they inflicted on middle-class
institutions and the public, based on trust and Planet Earth. They claim victimisation by the
a just distribution of risks and rewards’. Brown society and refuse to admit responsibility for
posed the question whether or not the the crisis, blaming it on macroeconomic factors
economic and moral relationship between (such as low interest rates) and global imbal-
financial institutions and taxpayers is symme- ances (blame it on China, like everything else).
trical and fair, the answer to which is an Big financial institutions, it seems, have only
unequivocal ‘no’. He also called for bringing gained political strength since the crisis began,
financial institutions ‘into closer alignment exploiting fear of systemic failure to strike
with the values held by the mainstream favourable deals with the government. Bank of
majority’. In the 1940s, Winston Churchill America obtained its second bailout package
inadvertently articulated the best description (in January 2009) after warning the US
of the contemporary relation between the government that it might not be able to go
financial sector and the society. He said: ‘never through with the acquisition of Merrill Lynch,
in the history of conflict has there been so a prospect that Treasury did not want to
much owed by so many to so few’. Churchill consider.
was then referring to the Royal Airforce pilots The rise of the finance industry to its status
as the few, but this statement is equally valid for of the jewel in the crown of the economy

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started when Ronald Reagan and Margaret tradition for Goldman’s employees to go into
Thatcher came to power and pursued extreme public service after they leave the firm, perhaps
measures of financial deregulation. In the to return to better positions when they leave
United States, Democratic and Republican the government.
administrations alike sustained the trend for
more and more deregulation. It is rather
alarming that policymakers who are supposed THE ROLE OF ACADEMIA
to regulate and supervise financial institutions Academia has certainly played a (dirty) role in
have nothing but praise for these institutions. creating the rosy image of the finance industry.
Alan Greenspan’s views in favour of unregu- As mathematical finance gained acceptance
lated financial markets are well known, while by practitioners, finance academics increasingly
his successor, Ben Bernanke, said as recently took positions as consultants or partners
as 2006 that ‘the management of market risk at financial institutions. Two Nobel Prize
and credit risk has become increasingly sophis- winners, Myron Scholes and Robert Merton,
ticated’ and that ‘banking organizations of all took board seats at the hedge fund LTCM in
sizes have made substantial strides over 1994 and contributed to its crash in 1998.
the past two decades in their ability to measure Finance academics gave their seal of approval to
and manage risks’.15 But, as we know now finance practices, and proposed the ideas and
(and at a very high cost), the proposition hypotheses used to justify laissez faire finance
that financial institutions have the ability and/ that has caused the carnage we have witnessed.
or willingness to manage risk properly is In a survey of financial economics, The
ludicrous. Economist made the interesting remark that
One explanation for the love affair between ‘financial economists helped to start the bank-
the US government and the finance industry is ers’ party, and some joined with gusto’.16
the movement of personnel from the financial Financial economists have put forward the
sector to government and vice versa. Robert efficient market hypothesis, stipulating that
Rubin, once the co-chairman of Goldman financial prices reflect all available information
Sachs, was the Treasury Secretary under relevant to values of the underlying assets,
Clinton, and later became the chairman which means that the price of an asset conver-
of Citigroup’s executive committee. Henry ges on its value rather quickly. An Efficient
Paulson, CEO of Goldman Sachs during the Market Hypothesis (EMH) enthusiast, Michael
long boom, became Treasury Secretary under Jensen, went as far as claiming that ‘there is no
George Bush, and in this capacity he initiated other proposition in economics which has
the bailout of AIG (arguably to protect the more solid empirical evidence supporting it
interest of Goldman that had bought a massive than the efficient market hypothesis’.17 To its
amount of credit default swaps from AIG). John benefit, the finance industry interpreted the
Snow, Paulson’s predecessor, left the govern- EMH, with the blessing of academia, to imply
ment to become chairman of Cerberus Capital that the market is capable of pricing financial
Management, a large private-equity firm that assets correctly and that deviations from funda-
also has Dan Quayle as one of its executives. mental values could not persist. The develop-
After leaving the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan ment of financial engineering was propelled by
became a consultant to Pimco, perhaps the the EMH, as it implies that any complex
biggest player in international bond markets. security is priced correctly through the market
These movements strengthen ties between the mechanism of arbitrage. As a result, financial
government and the financial sector. Goldman sector gurus convinced politicians, regulators
Sachs, in particular, has seen frequent move- and investors that what they were doing was in
ments of this kind, and it has become a the interest of the economy as they found

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The myth of too big to fail

alternative investment outlets and means of risk Mathematicians (or mathematical economists)
management. The global financial crisis has provided the abstract models that show every
dealt a severe blow, not only to the EMH but to good thing about the financial sector and
the whole discipline of financial economics. proved that the worst thing for the economy
Academics from other disciplines have con- is for regulation to hamper the working of the
tributed to the glorification of the financial financial sector.
sector. Macroeconomists developed the now
defunct rational expectations hypothesis and
the related ideas and models guiding the kind ARGUMENTS AGAINST TBTF
of macroeconomic policy that favours the It is interesting to note that those who support
financial sector (for example, money supply and oppose regulation argue against TBTF –
targeting and easy monetary policy). It is the that is, against the taxpayers’ money-supported
principles of modern macroeconomics that led bailout of faltering financial institutions. Those
central bankers to worry about goods price supporting regulation say that financial institu-
inflation but not financial asset price inflation. tions should be regulated in any way to avoid
The so-called ‘financial econometricians’ have having to pay to save a TBTF institution.
been engaged in the kind of work that is Those who oppose regulation, including belie-
irrelevant at best and dangerous at worst. It is vers in laissez faire finance, argue that the TBTF
these people who have been telling the finance problem is caused by regulation and that if
profession that they (econometricians) can the government steps aside there is always a
construct models that can forecast financial private-sector solution to the failure of financial
prices and their volatility. The Nobel Prize institutions (that at the right price those
was awarded to Robert Engle for inventing institutions will find a buyer). It is intervention
Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity to bailout financial institutions that creates
(ARCH) models, which can allegedly explain moral hazard of monstrous dimensions. Both
and predict financial volatility. The problem parties, I think, are right.
is that there have been more sequels to There is only one argument for TBTF, the
ARCH than to Jaws, Rocky, Rambo and Die argument of systemic risk and failure. But there
Hard put together. These sequels include is no support in history for the proposition that
Generalised Autoregressive conditional Hetero- the failure of one institution could bring about
scedasticity, Exponential Autoregressive condi- havoc on the financial system and the economy
tional Heteroscedasticity and other XARCH, at large. There are numerous cases of financial
XYARCH where X and Y can be replaced by institutions that were allowed to fail without
any letter of the alphabet. significant systemic problems. The resulting
Then came the statisticians and mathemati- losses were shared by a large number of
cians who devised some risk models that did investors and creditors, who would have been
nothing but instilling complacency. It is nice to making good returns in previous years. Then
have a model that a financial institution can use some managers who had been accumulating
to measure its maximum loss with a confidence huge personal fortunes through parasitic activ-
level of 99.9 per cent, a degree of precision ities would lose their jobs and most likely
unheard of in physical sciences that are based find others. A failed institution would then
on controlled lab experiments. Regulators disappear because of serious errors of judge-
bought this idea to the extent that Basel II, ments, so what? Is not this a feature of
the international accord on capital adequacy, capitalism? Is not this the corporate version
allows banks to determine their regulatory of the survival of the fittest? Is this not what
capital on the basis of their own models (thus, Adam Smith believed in? Failure is necessary
putting the inmates in charge of the asylum).18 in a free market as it improves economic

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efficiency. When a company fails, a more as it leads others to think that they, too,
successful company can buy its good assets, will be rescued if they get into difficulties.
releasing them from incompetent management. K TBTF makes institutions even bigger (hence
The same applies to the labour force. It is a a vicious circle is unleashed). Government
hoax to believe that catastrophic systemic losses action to protect TBTF institutions is
can result from the failure of a badly managed nothing short of the desire to consolidate
financial institution. and prop up massive institutions.
Numerous arguments can be put forward K TBTF boosts the financial sector even
against government bailout and the TBTF further. The TBTF problem has been
doctrine. The following is a list of these central to the degeneration and corruption
arguments: of the financial system over the past three
decades. For one thing, TBTF enhances
K There is no objective way of determining the ability of financial institutions to impose
which financial institution is worthy of the brain drain on the productive sectors of the
TBTF status and therefore government economy.
bailout, both pre- and post-failure. The
outcome is subjective judgement and the
eventual triumph of institutions that have DEALING WITH THE MENACE
political power. OF TBTF
K The money spent on bailouts can be To start with, forget about the possibility that
otherwise spent on the creation of jobs in financial institutions will change their bad habits
the productive sectors of the economy. or indulge in socially responsible self-regulation.
K TBTF protection boosts rent-seeking To put an end to the TBTF doctrine, we must
unproductive activities and lobbying of be brave enough to take measures regarded
government officials. unorthodox by the prevailing ideology. While
K TBTF creates moral hazard of a significant the Dodd–Frank Bill of July 2010 goes a long
magnitude. When the government pours way in the direction of putting an end to the
billions of dollars into failed financial TBTF problem, it does not go far enough.19
institutions deemed TBTF, it implicitly According to many, ‘the standard shortcoming
guarantees large financial institutions against of the package of reform is its failure to address
failure in the future. the problem of TBTF institutions’.20
K Bailouts financed by taxpayers’ money The unorthodox measures that I am advo-
impose financial burden on future generations. cating here have been suggested by some
Financing bailouts by printing money may politicians, some regulators, some journalists
bring about the menace of hyperinflation. and observers, some economists, and the
K Bailouts amount to saving a reckless minor- majority of ordinary people writing in blogs
ity at the expense of the prudent majority. and commenting on current affairs. To rid the
The minority and majority in this argument world of the TBTF menace, I would summar-
are financiers and the rest of the society, ise these measures as follows:
K Bailouts hamper market discipline. The 1. Preventing financial institutions from grow-
doctrine of TBTF has serious consequences ing too big. If that does not work, or if it
for long-term stability. If the financial system only works to a certain extent, then mea-
is to be stable, individual institutions must be sures should be taken to make it expensive
given incentives to make themselves finan- for them to grow.
cially strong. Rescuing an institution in diffi- 2. Imposing the kind of tough regulation that
culties sends out the worst possible signal, reduces the incidence of failure.

328 r 2010 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 4, 319–333
The myth of too big to fail

3. If a financial institution is on the verge of from investment banking ensures that existing
failing and the situation is desperate, then it institutions combining the two functions will
should be allowed to fail. Even better, this be split up and that no merger takes place
institution should be assisted to fail by between a commercial bank and an investment
means of financial euthanasia. bank.
A related measure involves changing the laws
These points are discussed in turn in the
governing the operations of bank holding
following three sections. At the end of the
companies and universal banking. Legislation
discussion, it is hoped that a conclusion can
must be put in place to separate commercial
be reached that TBTF is not God’s word that
banking from other financial services such as
we cannot challenge. The TBTF menace can
insurance, fund management and brokerage.
be dealt with effectively and fairly without
Regulating mergers and acquisitions is also
favouring the reckless minority over the
necessary for this purpose. Lanchester argues
prudent majority for fear of an imaginary
that mergers destroy value, as was made vivi-
apocalyptic outcome.
dly evident by the Royal Bank of Scotland,
which was once hailed as the king of mergers
CURBING BIG SIZE and acquisitions.21 According to Lanchester, a
The way forward is to create a financial sector major reason for the destruction of the Royal
consisting of small- to medium-size institu- Bank of Scotland was its acquisition of ABN
tions, which was the model prevailing before Amro, which had invested heavily in toxic
the advent of big firms. This idea boils down assets. A merger or acquisition should not
to enforcing competition policy in financial violate the Glass–Steagall Act, anti-monopoly
services. To that end, legislation should be in laws and any law preventing the marriage of
place to (i) split up existing financial institu- commercial banking and other financial ser-
tions, and (ii) prevent small ones from becom- vices. A proposed merger or acquisition should
ing excessively big. be approved by regulators only if it does not
Splitting up existing oversize financial in- violate these laws and only after a demonstra-
stitutions can be done in a number of ways, tion by the applicant that the merger/acquisi-
starting with the re-privatisation of the finan- tion will produce synergy gains.
cial institutions that are owned in whole or Reducing the size of financial institutions
in part by the government as a consequence has other advantages, as we have seen that big
of bailouts. Ideally, big financial institutions size is not always good. If, for some reason, it
should be sold in medium-size pieces, divided is not possible to curb big size, regulators
regionally or by type of business. Big financial can make it expensive for financial institutions
institutions can be split vertically, by activities to grow big. We use taxes to regulate
or products, and horizontally by a given externalities, so why not do that to regulate
activity among several independent entities. this kind of externality? Taxation in this
Anti-monopoly laws can be used to break up case could be either actual payment or in terms
big financial institutions that are still owned of capital requirements – that is, making the
by the private sector. Johnson suggests that regulatory capital ratio a function of size.
what is needed is to overhaul anti-monopoly
legislation that was put in place more than a
100 years ago to combat industrial monopo- APPROPRIATE AND EFFECTIVE
lies.9 Then, of course, we can reinstate the REGULATION
Glass–Steagall Act or a modified version there- The regulation of capital through capital
of. A retrospective implementation of legisla- adequacy standards is inadequate, as failure
tion whereby commercial banking is separated during the global financial crisis came from

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excessive leverage and liquidity shortage. In of White, among others, suggests that in a free
addition to the regulatory measures implicit in banking system, banks are highly stable and
the preceding discussion of how to combat may be less prone to runs that can bring
size, regulation should cover leverage, liquidity, about their failure.24 The proponents of free
derivatives trading, executive pay and taxation. banking suggest that the relatively unregulated
To start with, we should forget about Basel II, banking industries of Scotland, Sweden and
as the global financial crisis has exposed its Switzerland (before the advent of central banks)
several loopholes. Moosa explains these loop- provide some historical support for this posi-
holes in detail and argues that early implemen- tion. Carmassi et al argue that if banks, in the
tation of the Accord would not have prevented context of such a system, are less prone to
the crisis or reduced its severity.18 failure than they are in the current system, it
Free marketeers tend to rule out financial may be worth investigating free banking as a
deregulation as a cause of the global financial means of limiting the cost of TBTF protec-
crisis, putting most of the blame on monetary tion.22 While there are some merits in the
policy. In a study of the causes of the global arguments for free banking, such as the market
financial crisis, Carmassi et al argue that lax discipline argument, contemporary bankers
monetary policy is to blame and argue that typically demand the kind of deregulation that
many ‘alleged’ causes are simply symptoms of would take them as close as possible to free
these policy errors.22 They put the blame on banking and yet seek TBTF protection when
the abundance of liquidity in world capital they are in trouble. This is simply double
markets, fed by large payment imbalances, dipping. The fact of the matter is that banks are
notably a large and persistent current account too important to be left to bankers and that
deficit in the United States financed by ample proper regulation, rather than the dismantling
flows of capital from emerging and oil-export- of regulation altogether, is more conducive to
ing countries. If this is the case, they argue, financial stability.
then the recommended corrective action is Tough regulatory measures should cover not
remarkably simple: ‘there is no need for intru- only capital requirements but also leverage and
sive regulatory measures constraining non-bank liquidity. There are already some encouraging
intermediaries and innovative financial instru- signs from Basel that the Basel II Accord is
ments’. While I agree with the proposition that being revised by introducing provisions to deal
lax monetary policy played a big role in with leverage and liquidity. However, there are
igniting the global financial crisis, over-em- also disturbing signs that ‘bank lobbyists have
phasising this role is nothing short of travesty. won their battle to limit the new [liquidity]
David Moss argues that ‘by focusing attention rules’.25 Financial ‘innovation’ should be regu-
almost exclusively on government error, it lated because many of the financial instruments
gives the impression that government can’t allegedly used to avoid risk are merely forms of
solve any problems’.23 To allow non-bank gambling and a means for concealing excessive
financial intermediaries to do what they want leverage (the Greek government is one expert
while concentrating on commercial banks is a on this matter). It would be a good idea to
step backwards that should not be envisaged restrict the trading of derivatives to organised
in view of the damage inflicted on all of us by exchanges as opposed to over-the-counter
investment banks and hedge funds. markets. Opaque financial products should be
One option suggested for limiting the moral outlawed (no more options on options on
hazard problem created by TBTF protection is futures on swaps). Perhaps it is a good idea to
that of free banking, a system under which create a law enforcement agency that is the
banks are unregulated, and there is no central financial equivalent of the Drug Enforcement
bank in charge of issuing currency. The work Agency.

330 r 2010 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 4, 319–333
The myth of too big to fail

As far as executive pay is concerned, Johnson is put forward that allowing a big institution to
argues that ‘caps on executive compensation, fail brings about havoc on the financial sector
while redolent of populism, might help restore and the economy as a whole. A doomsday
the political balance of power and deter the scenario would be used by the management of
emergence of a new oligarchy’.9 One advan- a failed institution and regulators alike to ‘bail
tage of this measure is to curtail the power of out or else’. Some would argue that finance
the financial sector to inflict brain drain on the is deeply interconnected, so that even a
rest of the economy. As Johnson puts it, ‘Wall moderately large player can take down the
Street’s main attraction – to the people who system if it implodes. Those who argue along
work there and to the government officials these lines would say that it was the failure
who were only too happy to bask in its of Lehman Brothers (not Citi or Bank of
reflected glory – has been the astounding America) that ‘brought the world to the brink’.
amount of money that could be made’. This This claim is far-fetched because the world
is one way to deprive the financial sector of its came to the brink as a result of the collective
undeserved status as the jewel in the crown of malpractice of financiers. Saving Lehman in
the economy. any shape or form could not have changed the
Last, but not the least, a financial transaction course of the global financial crisis.
tax should be considered. In a speech to the Take, for example, AIG whose management
G20 finance ministers in St Andrews (Scotland) claimed that any failure by the government to
on 8 November 2009, Gordon Brown defen- bail it (or them) out would have ‘catastrophic’
ded the idea of imposing tax on financial consequences. I do not believe that it would
transactions, a contemporary version of the have been catastrophic (a really big word) to let
Tobin tax. Part of the proceeds, he suggested, AIG’s partners in derivative transactions (which
could be diverted to a fund run by the IMF to are mainly buyers of the credit default swaps
support bank bailout in the future, or diverted offered by AIG) to take substantial losses – this
to assist growth in developing countries, and is business, is it not? They took a gamble, and it
part could be used to help the budget deficit. did not work. The alternative to bailout would
Lord Turner, the head of the abolished FSA, have been to put AIG into Chapter 11, in
has been arguing on similar lines and for that which case the creditors (including derivative
he was criticised by Boris Johnson, mayor of counterparties) would obtain the company’s
London, who described Turner as ‘crackers’ for assets. They would end up with a certain
suggesting taxing the City. But, as Turner and recovery ratio on their claims (say 20 per cent),
others have repeatedly stressed, the only bearing the losses themselves. They can afford
condition for introducing a financial transac- it, and if they cannot then bad luck. Govern-
tion tax is that everyone does it, so there would ments do not compensate people for losses
be no loss of competitiveness. This again was incurred in the stock market, so why compen-
stressed by Brown: ‘Britain would move only if sate rich companies (and the rich people
the rest of the world moved too’, he said. Even who mismanage them) for their gambles?
the free marketeers of the IMF are calling for This is like opening loss compensation offices
the imposition of special taxes on banks. in the casinos of Las Vegas.
Consider now the case of LTCM, which is
analysed brilliantly by Dowd.4 He wonders
ALLOWING MISMANAGED what might have happened if LTCM had failed,
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS and whether or not the Federal Reserve’s fears
TO FAIL were plausible. The underlying arguments for
Finally, if they have to fail, let it be. In every bailouts were that (i) financial markets were in
case of government bailout, a typical argument a particularly fragile state in September 1998;

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(ii) LTCM was a big player that was heavily In short, history does not provide even
involved in derivatives trading; and (iii) it circumstantial evidence indicating that the
had significant exposures to many different failure of one institution can cause the failure
counterparties, and many of its positions were of the whole system. Such a proposition cannot
difficult and costly to unwind. These were the be substantiated by intuition or theoretical
justifications for why the Fed was nervous reasoning, neither can it be supported by
about the prospect of LTCM’s failing. Dowd, empirical evidence. Good economics tells us
however, argues that financial markets could that if a firm must fail, we should let it fail.
have absorbed the shock of LTCM’s failing
without going into the financial meltdown that CONCLUSION
Federal Reserve officials feared. He supports
To curtail the influence of financiers and the
his argument as follows:
disproportionate size of the financial sector,
TBTF must go. To stop the diversion of scarce
K Although many firms would have taken
resources from productive to parasitic activities,
large hits, the amount of capital in the
TBTF must go. To curtail rent-seeking un-
markets is in the trillions of dollars. It is
productive activities, TBTF must go. To
therefore difficult to see how the markets as
minimise the incidence of moral hazard, TBTF
a whole could not have absorbed the shock,
must go. To reduce the financial burden on
given their huge size relative to LTCM.
future generations imposed by the malpractices
K When firms are forced to liquidate positions
of a small subset of the current generation,
in response to a major shock, there are
TBTF must go. To stop the reverse-Robin
usually other firms willing to buy at the right
Hood transfer of wealth from the hard working
price. Sellers may have to take a loss to
majority to the minority of financial elites,
liquidate, but buyers can usually be found
TBTF must go. To stop rewarding recklessness,
(ask Warren Buffet who was willing to buy
TBTF must go. And to impose market
LTCM at a fair price). Competition for
discipline on financial institutions, TBTF
good buys usually puts a floor under sellers’
must go.
Financial institutions, it seems, are too
K Market experience suggests that the failure
important to be left to financiers, and this
of even a big derivatives player usually has an
is why regulation should be intensified and
impact only on the markets in which that
deregulation reversed. Governments regulate
player is very active. Worldwide market
aspects of our lives all the time. Law enforce-
liquidity has never been threatened by any
ment is regulation, and so are traffic lights.
such failure.
Contrary to what we have been led to believe,
K Even in those rather extreme and unusual
regulation is not a dirty word, particularly
markets where liquidity might be paralysed
when it is used to the disadvantage of
in the immediate aftermath of a major
financiers. Anything should be done to get
shock, participants have every reason to
rid of the TBTF doctrine and free people of
resume trading as soon as possible. There is
the politics of fear practiced by financial
no reason to suppose that the market
institutions and the tyranny of financial mar-
response would have been much different
kets. TBTF is a myth that must go.
if LTCM had failed.
K There have been major developments in
derivatives risk management over the last few REFERENCES AND NOTES
years, which means that most firms’ ‘true’ 1 This article is a preview of a book by the same title that will
be published by Palgrave in November 2010. All of the
exposures are now only a small fraction of issues discussed in this article are elaborated on extensively
what they might otherwise appear to be. in the book.

332 r 2010 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 4, 319–333
The myth of too big to fail

2 Interpretation of TBTF is not only about whether a firm is felix-salmon/2009/04/13/lets-hurt-the-American-financial-

so big that it cannot fail or that it cannot be allowed to fail. It services-industry/.
is also about the meaning of ‘too big’ and ‘to fail’. 14 Turner, A. (2009) How to tame global finance. Prospect,
3 Gelinas, N. (2009) Too big to die must fail. City Journal 19(3) 27 August. 15 Bernanke, B. (2006) Modern risk management and banking
.html. supervision. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
4 Dowd, K. (1999) Too Big to Fail? Long-Term Capital System,
Management and the Federal Reserve. Cato Institute Briefing Bernanke20060612a.htm.
Papers, No 52, September. 16 The Economist. (2009) Efficiency and beyond. 18 July.
5 One must not forget that Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan’s CEO, 17 Jensen, M. (1978) Some anomalous evidence regarding
sits on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of market efficiency. Journal of Financial Economics 6: 95–101.
New York, which, along with the Treasury Department, 18 Moosa, I.A. (2010) Basel II as a casualty of the
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7 Galbraith, J.K. (1952) American Capitalism: The Concept of 19 Department of the Treasury. (2010) Financial regulatory
Countervailing Power. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. reform: Rebuilding financial supervision and regulation,
8 Berger, A.N., Strahan, P.E. and Demsetz, R.S. (1998) The
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Consequences, and Implications for the Future. FRB of 20 See ‘US Financial Reform Enters Homestretch’, http://
New York Staff Report No. 55. Available at SSRN: http:// or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.139456. enters-homestretch/.
9 Johnson, S. (2009) The quite coup. The Atlantic May, http:// 21 Lanchester, J. (2009) It’s finished. London Review of Books, 28 May,
10 Berman, D.K. (2007) Life is beautiful when you are too big its-finished.
to fail, 22 Carmassi, J., Gros, D. and Micossi, S. (2009) The global
11 Brewer, E. and Jagtiani, J. (2007) How Much Would Banks financial crisis: Causes and cures. Journal of Common Market
Be Willing to Pay to Become ‘Too-big-to-fail’ and to Studies 47(5): 977–996.
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12 Philippon, T. (2008) The future of financial industry, http:// Harvard Business School. Working Papers, No 09-087. 24 Whilte, L.H. (1999) The Theory of Monetary Institutions.
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13 Salmon, F. (2009) Let us hurt the American financial 25 Clark, J. (2010) Basel committee: No decision yet to scrap
services industry. 13 April, Basel III liquidity rules. Risk 25 June.

r 2010 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 4, 319–333 333
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