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Promotion Ads Service Agreement



授权人:YAN XU
Authorizer: YAN XU

鉴于,HUANG HAPPY FEET INC(以下简称“甲方” )因其业务发展需要委托 YAN XU NY INC

(以下简称“乙方” )负责按照其要求为其提供专业的社会化媒体服务;

WHEREAS, HUANG HAPPY FEET INC. (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"),

due to the need for its business development, engages YAN XU NY INC
(hereinafter referred to as "Party B") to provide
Party A with professional social media services according to its requirements;

WHEREAS, Party B has professionals with rich experiences and is willing to provide Party A with
professional social media services as required by Party A.

为此,甲、乙双方经友好协商,就乙方按照本协议规定的条款与条件向甲方提供网 络社会

NOW, THEREFORE, Party A and Party B, through consultation, reach the following agreements
with respect to the matters concerning the provision of professional social media services by
Party B to Party A according to the terms and conditions set forth herein:

1 服务内容

1.1 乙方按照本协议约定并在不违反相关法律法规的情况下, 为甲方提供专业的社会化媒


1.2 乙方所提供的社会化媒体服务内容,由甲方根据乙方提供的服务报价单,确定所需相应
1. Service Contents

1.1 Party B shall provide Party A with professional social media services pursuant hereto and
without prejudice to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations;

1.2 The contents of social media services are provided by Party B. Party A shall determine the
corresponding services required according to the quotation of the services provided by Party B.

2 协议期限

本协议总有效期自 2023 年 10 月 12日至 2023 年 12 月 31 日(以下简称“协议有效期”)。

2. Term of the Agreement

This Agreement shall be effective from October 12, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (hereinafter
referred to as the "Validity of Agreement").

3 服务费用

3.1 作为乙方根据本协议的约定向甲方提供本协议第 1 条所规定的网络社会化媒体服务之


3.2 若甲方要求乙方提供超出本协议中服务内容涵盖服务范围以外的其他服务,双方须根据
项目具体要求另行协商收费标准、方法、范围; 对于此类额外工作项目, 乙方须提前提供

3. Service Fees

3.1 In consideration of the social media services, set forth in Article 1, hereof to be provided by
Party B to Party A, in accordance with the provisions hereof, Party A agrees to pay to Party B
service fees, totaling the service fee generated by the service shall be determined by the
designated contact person of both parties through WeChat or email.

3.2 Should Party A require Party B to provide additional services beyond the social media services
set forth in this Agreement including Attachment I, the Parties shall separately negotiate and
agree on the scope and charges for such additional services; with respect to such additional
services, Party B shall provide written proposal and quotation in advance and may start work only
upon written confirmation by Party A and signature of written quotation by the Parties separately
as attachment hereto.

4 付款


4.1 除本协议明确规定的费用外,就乙方向甲方提供本协议所约定的服务内容,甲方不再向
乙方支付任何费用。乙方应在甲方每次付款前提供正确收款账户信息, 若因乙方错误提供

4.2 乙方账户信息:


银行名称:Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.




Routing Number:121000248

4. Payment.

Party A will pay the service fees to Party B as set out below:

4.1 Except for the expenses or fees expressly set forth herein, Party A has no obligation to pay to
Party B any expense or fee with respect to the provision of service contents as agreed herein by
Party B to Party A. Party B shall provide the correct collection account information before each
payment, if the collection is delayed due to the account information provided by Party B
incorrectly, Party A has the right to delay payment without any liability for default, and Party B
shall provide services and delivery as scheduled.

4.2 Account information of Party B:

Company name: YAN XU NY INC.

Bank name: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.


Account Number: 12740000000100278


Routing Number:121000248

5 双方权利义务

5.1 乙方应安排经验丰富、有资质和能力的雇员来组建专门的服务团队,为甲方提 供本协

议项下的社会化媒体服务,并保证该等服务的质量。乙方陈述、担保并 保证(i)乙方提供的

5.2 甲方提供乙方履行本协议所必需的有关信息、资料。甲方同意,乙方将不对甲方 所提

5.3 甲方将根据第 4 条之规定支付服务费。若甲方未能根据第 4 条规定付款,且延期超过

30 日,则乙方每年可加收 9%的滞纳金,且除有权根据本协议要求甲方付款外,乙方有权

5.4 供服务过程中,甲方须给予必要的协助。

5.5 乙方成述并担保(i)其不承担任何如下性质的先在义务或承诺 (亦不会承担或以其 他方

或将阻碍、限制或禁止该等履行的义务或承诺;(ii)其为正式 成立、合法存续的商业实体;
(iii)乙方有资格履行业务/运营及履行本协议项下 义务;(iv)乙方或签署本协议的人员具有签
署本协议所需的权限;(v)乙方履行服 务不违反亦不会违反任何适用法律、规则或规定;(vi)
服务、交付物和著作成果 不会侵犯任何第三方的专利、版权、商业机密或其他知识产权或
转有权利,以 及(vii)乙方不会将任何会影响、 限制甲方或任何其他人员计算机或财产或对
该等 计算机、财产运营造成损害的病毒、蠕虫病毒、潜在破坏程序、被损文件、特 洛伊木
马或其他有害或恶意的代码、文件、脚本、智能体、程序或任何类似代 码导入(或通过服

5. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

5.1 Party B shall assign its employees who will be professionals with rich and appropriate relevant
experiences, qualifications and capabilities to establish a special service team to provide Party A
with social media services hereunder and guarantee the quality of services. Party B represents,
warrants and guarantees that (i) the services provided by it will be of a professional and
workmanlike standard in accordance with industry best practices, and (ii) it will not bring Party A
or the XXX platform into disrepute or embarrass Party A or the platform.

5.2 Party A shall provide Party B with relevant information and materials necessary for the
performance of this Agreement by Party B in a timely manner. Party A agrees that Party B will not
be responsible for any issues resulting from any inaccuracies in or omissions from such
information and materials.

5.3 Party A shall pay the service fees in accordance with Article 4. In case Party A fails to make
payment in accordance with Article 4, and such failure to pay continues for more than 30 days,
then Party B may charge late payment interest of 9% per annum, and Party B shall have the right
to suspend marketing service or terminate this Agreement in addition to the right to require
Party A to pay as set out in this Agreement.

5.4 During the period of provision of services by Party B, Party A shall provide reasonable
co-operation to Party B.

5.5 Party B represents and warrants that (i) it has no pre-existing obligations or commitments
(and will not assume or otherwise undertake any obligations or commitments) that would be in
conflict or inconsistent with, or that would hinder, restrict or prohibit Party B’s performance of its
obligations under this Agreement, (ii) it is a validly existing business entity, duly licensed; (iii)
Party B is qualified to carry on business/operations and perform the obligations; (iv) Party B, or
the person signing this Agreement has all binding authority to enter this Agreement; (v) Party B’s
performance of the services does not and will not violate any applicable law, rule, or regulation;
(vi) the services and any deliverables and work products will not infringe upon the patent,
copyright, trade secret or other intellectual or proprietary rights of any third party; and (vii) Party
B will not, and will not allow the services to introduce into Party A’s or any other person’s
software or systems any viruses, worms, time bombs, corrupted files, Trojan horses or other
harmful or malicious code, files, scripts, agents, programs, or any other similar code that may
interrupt, limit, damage the operation of Party A’s or such other person’s computers or property.

6 知识产权

6.1 履行本协议项下服务产生的或与之相关的所有著作成果(包括最终未能通过的 草案和

提案)知识产权(包括但不限于版权;包括但不限于乙方根据本协议提 供给甲方的所有方
案和计划)应为甲方独家所有,且乙方特此以不可撤销的方 式将所有创作时未能绝对归属
甲方的、与该等著作成果相关的权利、所有权和 利益转交并转让给甲方。应甲方要求,本
协议期限内及到期后,乙方将在各方 面协助甲方并与甲方合作、签署文件,并将采取甲方
合理要求的后续行动,以 令甲方获取、转让、保留、改善和实施其知识产权或针对著作成
果的其他法律 保护手段,费用由甲方承担。乙方特此任命甲方主管作为乙方实际代理人,
以 乙方名义就上述受限目的签署文件。就乙方不能转让给甲方的著作成果内或相 关的权利、
所有权及利益程度而言,乙方特此放弃该等不可转让的权利、所有 权和利益,并承诺决不
再对甲方、甲方的关联方、其利益继任人或任何客户宣 称该等权利、所有权和利益为乙方

6.2 乙方同意其在本协议项下的所有工作成果应仅依照本协议的约定并为履行本协 议下的

义务而进行使用, 并且乙方不得直接或间接地(a)自行或授权任何第三方 将其用于本协议
约定以外的任何其他用途 (b)在得到甲方书面同意之前透露, 提供或公开给任何第三方。

6.3 除上述著作成果外,乙方向甲方提供的任何文件、信息和数据(包括但不限于技 术规
格和测试规格)应继续为乙方所有。尽管存在前述规定,若甲方必需或应 使用该等文件、
信息和数据以充分无碍地享用著作成果,乙方特此授予或拟授 予(或将令相关方授予)甲
方非排他性的、不承担版税的、不可撤销的、永久 的、可转让的全球许可证(包括发出从
属许可证的权利) ,令其可就部分或全 部该等文件、 信息或数据进行制作、使用、向公
众拟出售、出售、进口、复制、 修订、编辑、翻译、改编、创作衍生作品、分配、发布从
属许可证、展示、履 行、传输任何或该等文件、信息或数据,并就其与公众进行沟通。

6.4 在适用法律允许的最大范围内,乙方同时特此不可撤销地向甲方转让、并同意不 可撤
销地向甲方转让、且放弃并同意永不主张乙方在本协议期间及之后就任何 著作成果拥有的
任何和全部著作人格权(定义见下文)。“著作人格权”系指 主张对作品的著作权、反对或
防止对作品进行修改或破坏、停止发行或限制作 品出版发行作品发行的任何权利,以及根
据任何国家司法或成文法或任何条约 存在的任何相似权利,无论该等权利是否称为或通常
提及的名称为“著作人格 权”。

6.5 乙方应保证其提供给甲方的上述工作成果及相关资料不存在侵犯第三方权利和 利益
(包括知识产权与隐私权)的情况,否则,相关的责任和合理费用概由乙 方承担;在紧急
情况下,甲方在先行履行完相关赔偿责任后,有权直接从协议 价款中扣除,不足部分,甲

6.6 下列原因而产生的全部索赔、损害、债务、损失、费用和成本(包括合理的费用 和律
师费及其他专业人员费用),乙方应为甲方辩护,赔偿甲方并使甲方免受 损害:(a)第三方
因乙方提供的任何服务进行索赔而对甲方提起的任何诉讼,或 该等服务的结果(包括任何
著作成果),或甲方对该等成果的使用违反、滥用 或违犯该等的知识产权或其它权利;和/
或(b) 因乙方的作为或不作为导致∶ (i) 人身伤害(或死亡)或有形或无形的财产损失(包
括使用损失);或(ii) 违 反任何法规、法令或条例,而致使第三方对甲方提起任何诉讼

6.7 在任何情况下,对于与本协议有关的任何种类的特殊、偶然、惩罚性、惩戒性或 间接
损害,甲方均不承担责任,即使甲方已经提前知晓该等损害的可能性,且 不承担任何补救
的失败后果。另外,在任何情况下,甲方不负责超过甲方在本 协议项下的支付额的任何损

6. Intellectual Property and Liability.

6.1 The intellectual property (including without limitation to the copyright) of all work products
(including drafts and proposals that are eventually rejected) produced as a result of or in
connection with the performance of the services hereunder (including without limitation to: all
schemes and plans provided to Party A by Party B in accordance with this Agreement) shall vest
in Party A absolutely, and Party B hereby irrevocably transfers and assigns to Party A any and all
right, title and interest in such work products that do not vest in Party A absolutely upon their
creation. At Party A’s request and expense, during and after the term of this Agreement, Party B
will assist and cooperate with Party A in all respects, and will execute documents, and will take
such further acts reasonably requested by Party A to enable Party A to acquire, transfer, maintain,
perfect and enforce its intellectual property rights and other legal protections for the work
products. Party B hereby appoints the officers of Party A as Party B’s attorney-in-fact to execute
documents on behalf of Party B for this limited purpose. To the extent any of the rights, title and
interest in and to the work products cannot be assigned by Party B to Party A, Party B hereby
irrevocably waives and agrees never to assert the non-assignable rights, title and interest against
Party A or its affiliates, any of their successors in interest, or any of their customers.

6.2 Party B may use all the work products only according to the provisions of this Agreement and
for the purpose of performance of the obligations hereunder, and Party B shall not directly or
indirectly (a) use or authorize any third party to use them for any other purposes other than
those set forth herein, or (b) disclose, make available or publish them to any third party without
Party A’s prior written consent.

6.3 Except for the above work products, any document, information and data provided to Party A
by Party B (including without limitation to technical specifications and test specifications) shall
remain owned by Party B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event and to the extent that any
use of such document, information or data is necessary or desirable for the full and unfettered
use and enjoyment by Party A of the work products, Party B hereby grants or will cause to be
granted to Party A a non-exclusive, royalty- free, irrevocable, perpetual, transferable, worldwide
license (with the right to sublicense) to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, copy,
modify, edit, translate, adapt, create derivative works based upon, distribute, sublicense, display,
perform, transmit and communicate to the public any part or all of such document, information
or data.

6.4 To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Party B also hereby irrevocably transfers and
assigns to Party A, and agrees to irrevocably transfer and assign to Party A, and waives and agrees
never to assert, any and all Moral Rights (as defined below) that Party B may have in or with
respect to any work products, during and after the term of this Agreement. “Moral Rights” mean
any rights to claim authorship of a work, to object to or prevent the modification or destruction
of a work, to withdraw from circulation or control the publication or distribution of a work, and
any similar right, existing under judicial or statutory law of any country in the world, or under any
treaty, regardless of whether or not such right as called or generally referred to as a “moral right.”

6.5 Party B shall guarantee that the above work products and relevant materials provided to
Party A by it are free from a violation of any third-party rights and benefits (including intellectual
property rights and privacy rights).

6.6 Party B will defend, indemnify and hold Party A harmless from and against all claims,
damages, liabilities, losses, expenses and costs (including reasonable fees and expenses of
attorneys and other professionals) arising out of or resulting from: (a) any action by a third party
against Party A that is based on a claim that any services provided by Party B, or the results of
such services (including any work product), or Party A’s use thereof, infringe, misappropriate or
violate such third party’s intellectual property rights or other rights; and/or (b) any action by a
third party against Party A that is based on any act or omission of Party B that results in: (i)
personal injury (or death) or tangible or intangible property damage (including loss of use); or (ii)
the violation of any statute, ordinance, or regulation.

6.7 In no event will Party A be liable for any special, incidental, punitive, exemplary or
consequential damages of any kind in connection with this agreement, even if Party A has been
informed in advance of the possibility of such damages and not withstanding failure of essential
purpose of any remedy. In addition, in no event will Party A be liable for any damages or losses in
excess of the amounts paid by Party A under this agreement.

7 保密责任

7.1 在本协议中,“保密信息”系指,且包括但不限于:(i)向乙方披露的、或乙方因 提供服务

而可获得的与甲方及其业务、财务状况、产品、程序技术、客户、供 应商、技术或研究与
开发相关的任何信息、材料或知识,无论该等信息、文件 或有形对象是否标记为“机密”、“专
有”或有类似命名,且包括特此情况下 合理的接收方看起来为机密或专有的、 和/或甲方计
划在本协议项下为保密信息 的所有文件或信息;(ii) 乙方服务提供的著作成果;以及(iii) 本
协议的条款。保 密信息不包含任何乙方可出示的信息, 即(a)不因乙方的过失而成为公共
领域一部分的信息;(b) 在披露时已合法归乙方所有、无任何保密义务的信息,其使 用或
披露已无任何限制;或(c) 乙方从有权披露的、以及使用或披露不受限制 的第三方合法收到
信息。乙方响应(1)法院或其它政府机构的有效命令或(2)法 律以其他方式强制披露的任何保
密信息,不视为违反本协议或为其它目的放弃 机密性,然而,乙方须及时就该等披露向甲
方发出事先书面通知,以让甲方寻 求保护令或其它救济(甲方自付费用)防止或限制该等
披露,且乙方同意遵守 法院或行政或管理机构发出的任何该等命令。乙方同意对所有保密
信息进行严 格保密, 除按本协议提供服务外, 不以任何商业形式或其它形式使用该等信
息, 且不向任何其他人披露该等信息。乙方进一步同意采取所有必要的合理措施保 证所有

7.2 本保密条款不因本协议的变更、解除、终止而失效。

7. Confidentiality

7.1 For purposes of this Agreement, “Confidential Information” means and will include without
limitation: (i) any information, materials or knowledge regarding Party A and its business,
financial condition, products, programming techniques, customers, suppliers, technology or
research and development that is disclosed to Party B or to which Party B has access in
connection with performing services regardless of whether such information, documents or
tangible objects are labeled “confidential,” “proprietary, ” or some similar designation, and
includes all documents or information that would under the circumstances appear to a
reasonable receiving party to be confidential or proprietary and/or intended by Party A to be
Confidential Information under this Agreement; (ii) the work products from Party B’s services;
and (iii) the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Confidential Information will not include any
information that Party B can demonstrate: (a) is or becomes part of the public domain through
no fault of Party B; (b) was rightfully in Party B’s possession free of any obligation of confidence at
the time of disclosure, without restriction as to use or disclosure; or (c) Party B rightfully receives
from a third party who has the right to disclose it and who provides it without restriction as to
use or disclosure. A disclosure of any Confidential Information by Party B (1) in response to a valid
order by a court or other governmental body or (2) as otherwise required by compulsion of law,
will not be considered to be a breach of this Agreement or a waiver of confidentiality for other
purposes, provided, however, that Party B provides prompt prior written notice thereof to Party
A to enable Party A to seek a protective order or other relief (at its sole expense) to prevent or
restrict the disclosure and Party B agrees to comply with any such order issued by a court or
administrative or regulatory agency. Party B agrees to hold all Confidential Information in strict
confidence, not to use it in any way, commercially or otherwise, except in performing the services
in accordance with this

Agreement, and not to disclose it to others. Party B further agrees to take all actions reasonably
necessary to protect the confidentiality of all Confidential Information.

7.2 Any modification, rescission, or termination hereof shall not affect the validity of this

8 协议的转让、变更和解除

8.1 未经另一方事先书面同意, 本协议项下的任何权利和义务均不得转让或委托给任 何第

三方。尽管存在前述规定,但甲方仍可书面通知乙方,在未经乙方事先同 意的情况下,将

8.2 在本协议有效期内,因乙方上市、被收购、与第三方合并、名称变更等事由,甲 方有
权选择同意乙方将其在本协议中的权益(或义务)转让给相应的乙方/义务 的承受者或者向
乙方发出通知而终止本协议。在甲方同意乙方义务的承受者继 续履行本协议的情况下,乙
方应保证甲方在本协议中的权益不会因此而受到不 利影响。如甲方不同意乙方进行上述转
让行为,可单方终止本协议,乙方应按 照乙方未完成的服务内容比例向甲方退还相应费用。

8.3 一方变更通讯地址或通讯方式,应自变更之日起 10 个工作日内,将变更后的地 址及


8.4 除本协议另有约定外,在本协议有效期内,甲乙任何一方单方要求变更或解除协 议的
需提前 30 日通知对方,双方经协商一致后达成书面协议。

8. Transfer, Modification and Termination of the Agreement

8.1 Any rights and obligations hereunder shall not be transferred or delegated to any third party
without the other party’s prior written consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Party A may
assign or transfer this Agreement in full to any of its affiliated entities by written notice to Party B,
without Party B’s prior consent.

8.2 During the term of this Agreement, in the case of merger with any third party or name
modification because of Party B’s listing or being acquired, Party A shall have the right to agree to
Party B’s transfer of rights and interests (or obligations) hereunder to Party B’s corresponding
successor or to terminate this Agreement by giving notice to Party B.In the case that Party A
agrees to Party B’s obligations being transferred to Party B’s successor to perform this Agreement
continually, Party B shall guarantee that all of Party A’s rights and interests hereunder will not be
adversely affected.If Party A disagrees with the above transfers, Party A may terminate this
Agreement unilaterally and Party A’s payment obligations under this Agreement shall be reduced
proportionately based on the uncompleted term of the Agreement.

8.3 In the case that eitherparty changes its mailing address or communication mode, the
changed address and contact information shall be informed to the other party within ten (10)
working days upon change date, otherwise, it shall be responsible for any consequences arising

8.4 Unless otherwise provided herein, during the term of this Agreement, in case that either
party requires to modify or terminate this Agreement unilaterally, suchparty shall notify the other
party 30 days in advance and a written agreement shall be otherwise executed by both Parties
based on mutual negotiation.

9 适用法律与争议解决

9.1 本协议的解释、效力、订立、履行、终止及其他事宜,均适用中华人民共和国法律、法

9.2 双方特此服从位于香港的非专属性管辖权的法院的管辖。

9. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

9.1 The interpretation, validity, execution, performance, termination and other matters of this
Agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

9.2 The parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Hong

10 其他

10.1 本协议项下进行的所有通知、要求或其他通讯均应以书面方式进行。该等通 知可用手

递、挂号信、传真或邮政专递等方式送达至各方在本协议首页中所 列明的地址或各方不时

10.2 对于本协议所进行的任何补充或修改均应由双方协商一致, 且仅在双方以书 面形式


10.3 如果现在或未来颁布的任何法律使得本协议的任何条款受到限制或不能强 制执行,则

该条款无效,但本协议其他条款还应继续有效。双方将在商业上 尽合理努力讨论替代或修

10.4 任一方不行使或延迟行使其在本协议项下任何权利、 补救措施、 酌情决定权、 授权

或其它权利并不表示该方放弃该权利或任何其它权利, 亦不损害该方的 任何其它权利。对
该权利的单一或部分行使并不剥夺其再次或日后的行使。 本协议项下所有弃权或同意均须

10.5 本协议构成各方当事人之间完整、唯一的协议和约定,并取代所有以前有关 的口头或

书面建议、陈述、保证、协议或承诺等。本协议附件系本协议不可 分割的组成部分。

10.6 本协议自甲乙双方授权代表签署并加盖公章之日起生效。本协议正本一式两 份, 所有
正本均被视为同一份文件, 双方各执一份, 每份具有同等法律效力。

10.7 乙方为甲方的独立承包商,本协议中无任何内容将使双方构成合伙、合资、 代理、雇


10.8 乙方陈述、保证并担保其将遵守所有适用的反腐败法,且其任何时候均不会 以任何直

接或间接原因以任何目的(无论是为获利还是其它)向任何人(包 括但不限于任何政府或
类政府机构或国营企业或国有企业或国家控制的企业 内的官员或员工)支付、提供任何有
价值的事物或以其它方式提供任何非法 的贿赂,或批准任何其他人进行任何前述事项。

10.9 本协议官方语言为中文。英文条款仅作为参考目的。

10 Miscellaneous

10.1 All notices, requirements or other communications hereunder shall be made in writing. Such
notices shall be sent to the addresses set out in the first page hereof or other addresses notified
by either party from time to time to the other party in ways of personal delivery, registered letter,
fax or postal courier.

10.2 Any supplement or modification to this Agreement shall be settled on the basis of mutual
negotiation and shall become effective only upon the execution of written Supplementary
Agreement or Modification Agreement by both Parties.

10.3 If any provisions hereof are restricted or unenforceable under any existing or future laws,
such provisions shall be invalid, provided that other provisions hereof shall remain in full force
and effect. Both Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to discuss the replacement or
modification of any such restricted or unenforceable provisions.

10.4 Any failure or delay on the part of eitherparty to exercise any right, remedy, discretion,
authorization or other rights under this Agreement shall not be deemed as a waiver thereof, nor
shall damage any other rights of such party. Any single or partial exercise of such rights shall not
deprive the right of exercise once more or in future. All waiver or consent under this Agreement
shall be made in writing.
10.5 This Agreement shall be final and binding upon both Parties as the entire and sole
agreement and appointment and shall supersede any and all previous oral or written suggestions,
represents, warrant, agreements or covenants and so on.All the Attachments to this Agreement
shall be an integral part of this Agreement.

10.6 The Agreement shall come into effect upon signatures and official seals by authorized
representatives of Party A and Party B. This Agreement is made in duplicate and both are deemed
as the same one with the same legal force and effect held by Party A and Party B respectively.

10.7 Party B is an independent contractor of Party A and nothing in this Agreement will be
construed as establishing a partnership, joint venture, agency, employment or similar relationship
between the parties. Party B has no authority to bind Party A by contract or otherwise.

10.8 Party B represents, warrants and guarantees that it will comply with all applicable
anti-corruption laws, and that it will not at any time and for any reason, whether directly or
indirectly, offer to pay or provide anything of value or otherwise provide any unlawful
inducement to any person (including but not limited to any official in or employee of any
government or quasi-government agency or state-owned enterprise or government-owned or
–controlled enterprise) for any purpose whatsoever (whether to gain a benefit or otherwise), or
authorize any other person to do any of the foregoing.

10.9The official language of this Agreement is Chinese. The English translations of the clauses are
included for reference purposes only



授 权 代 表 签 字 ( Authorized Representative 代 表 签 字 ( Authorized Representative

Signature): Signature):

联系人(Contact person):CHENG CHENG HUANG 联系人(Contact person):YAN XU

日期(Date):October 12, 2023 日期(Date):October 12, 2023

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