Business Communicaton 1

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Business Communication

Lecturer: Fera Damayanti , SE, M.Ak

Compiled by:

Syalqia Syifa Sajida Arief






Test Your Knowledge

1. What are the three major steps in the writing process?

2. What two types of purposes do all business messages have?
3. What do you need to know in order to develop an audience profile?
4. What is the value of free writing and other discovery techniques?
5. What three factors determine media richness?
6. What are the main advantages of oral media? Of written media? Of visual media?
Of electronic media?
7. How does the topic of a message differ from its main idea?
8. What is the process for organizing messages?
9. Why is it important to limit the scope of a message?
10. What three elements do you need to consider when choosing between the direct
and indirect approaches?


1. The three major steps in the writing process includes,

1) Planning
The 1st step is to plan the message by analyzing the situation, determining your
goals, developing your audience profile, gathering information, choosing the best
combination of media and channels, defining your main idea, limiting the scope,
choosing a direct or indirect approach, and creating an outline of your content.
2) Composing
The 2nd step is to compose the message as you already planned, but also adapting
to your audience by using sensitivity, relationship-building skills, and an
appropriate writing style.
3) Completing the message
The 3rd step is to complete the message. After finishing the draft, Revise your
message, evaluate the content, review readability, edit and rewrite until your
message is delivered concisely and clearly, with correct grammar, proper
punctuation, and effective formatting. Next, produce your message, put it into a
form that your audience will accept, review all design and layout decisions for a
professional and attractive appearance, correct the final product to ensure high
quality, and lastly distribute your message.

2. A business message is an act of communication and the two types of business

message are general or common and specific purposes. General or common
purposes involve the overall goal of the communication interaction such as to inform,
persuade, entertain, facilitate interaction, or motivate a reader. Every piece of writing
also has at least one specific purpose, which identifies what you want to achieve with
the message. Each communication attempt happens in a specific situation, which
means you have a specific message to send to a specific audience in that particular

3. You need to know to develop your audience profile is to know more abour your
audience members..
 Identify your primary audience
 Determine audience size and
 geographic distribution.
 Determine audience composition
 Audience level understanding
 Understand audience expectations and preferences.
 Forecast probable audience reaction

4. Free writing and other discovery techniques like doing an analysis or brainstorming
can be really valuable in the planning step of the writing process. Free writing can
help create ideas for research with the advantage of expressing the ideas that come to
your mind, while other discovery technique for example brainstroming can help you
generate ideas and organize your thoughts.

5. Media richness is defined as the amount of information that one can transfer using a
certain medium. The three factors that determine media richness are:

1) Speed of Feedback, refers to how quick and easy feedbacks can be exchanged
between the sender and receiver of a message.
2) Ability to Transmit Multiple Cues, can convey various cues such as tone of
voice, facial expressions, and body language in addition to words that help
interpreting the message.
3) Personalization, Rich media enable personalized communication tailored to the
specific needs and preferences of the audience, leading to more effective and
engaging interactions.

6. One of the main advantages of oral media is to convey nonverbal cues like voice
tone for example, that can help the receiver to a better understanding of the message.
The main advantages of written media is to provide a permanent record of the
message and the written medaa also allows the writer to craft the message carefully,
which can enhance clarity and precision. The main advantage of visual media is that it
can be an engaging, memorable, and it is also a good way to way to convey emotional
message. One of the main advantage of electronic media is that it can reach a large

7. The topic of your message is the entire subject, the broad general theme of the
message, and your main idea is a specific statement or key concept about that topic.

8. 1) Defening Your Main Idea

Brainstorming, Journalistic approach, Question-and-answer chain, Storyteller’s

tour, Mind mapping

2) Limiting Your Scope

The scope of your message is the range of information you present, the overall
length, and the level of detail—everything should fit your main idea.

3) Choosing Between Direct and Inderict Approaches

4) Outlining Your Content

9. It is important to limit the scope of your message to ensure the message is clear,
efficient, and easy for the audience to understand. Whatever the length of your
message, limit the number of key supporting points to the most interesting and
important ideas. By limiting the scope of a message, the writer can avoid
overwhelming the audience.

10. There are three elements that needs to be considered when choosing between the
direct and indirect approach, and that is

1) Audience reaction

- Direct : Suitable when the audience is receptive or neutral towards the main idea.

- Indirect : when your audience tends to have a skeptical or hostile reaction to your
main idea

2) Message content

- Direct : the main idea can be clearly understood without needing extensive
background information

- Indirect : when you need to convey very negative information

3) Emotional impact

- Direct : immediate emotional response from the audience.

- Indirect : when you want to persuade people to take action or make a decision.

Message Composition: Writing Paragraphs In the following paragraph, identify the

topic sentence and the related sentences (those that support the idea of the topic
Sync is a snap with Auto-Sync. By default, iTunes automatically copies your entire
music library to iPod and deletes songs on iPod that are not listed in iTunes. Or you
can use Playlist Sync and select the playlists you want to sync with your iPod. If you
have more songs in your iTunes library than you can fit on your iPod, let iTunes
create a playlist to fill your iPod, or just update your iPod by dragging over individual
songs. 22

Topic Sentence : Sync is a snap with Auto-Sync.

Related Sentences:

1. iTunes automatically copies your entire music library to iPod and deletes songs on
iPod that are not listed in iTunes.

2. Or you can use Playlist Sync and select the playlists you want to sync with your

3. If you have more songs in your iTunes library than you can fit on your iPod, let
iTunes create a playlist to fill your iPod, or just update your iPod by dragging over
individual songs.

Now add a topic sentence to this paragraph:

Our analysis of the customer experience should start before golfers even drive through
the front gate here at Glencoe Meadows; it should start when they phone in or log
onto our website to reserve tee times. When they do arrive, the first few stages in the
process are also vital: the condition of the grounds leading up to the club house, the
reception they receive when they drop off their clubs, and the ease of parking. From
that point, how well are we doing with check-in at the pro shop, openings at the
driving range, and timely scheduling at the first tee? Then there's everything
associated with playing the course itself and returning to the club house at the end of
the round

Topic Sentence: "Ensuring a spectacular customer experience at Glencoe Meadows

involves a comprehensive analysis that begins even before golfers arrive at the club."
Ensuring a spectacular customer experience at Glencoe Meadows involves a
comprehensive analysis that begins even before golfers arrive at the club. Our
analysis of the customer experience should start before golfers even drive through the
front gate here at Glencoe Meadows; it should start when they phone in or log onto
our website to reserve tee times. When they do arrive, the first few stages in the
process are also vital: the condition of the grounds leading up to the club house, the
reception they receive when they drop off their clubs, and the ease of parking. From
that point, how well are we doing with check-in at the pro shop, openings at the
driving range, and timely scheduling at the first tee? Then there's everything
associated with playing the course itself and returning to the club house at the end of
the round

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