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Follow the Leader! (8 mins.

Recognize posted objects (as many as you can) in your room where something
related to a place. The group that has the most marked locations will be the

1. First, fall in line and the leader will be the guide. Just follow the leader and do not
break the line. If the line is broken, go again to the starting place.
2. Second, recognize and mark posted objects related to a place. Write a
description in bond paper and put the time when you have identified. This is the
Identified place:
The time you identified:
3. Post/ paste every answer in number 2 in the nearer chair to the posted object
related to a place/ location.
4. Give a group’s clap before going to the next location.
5. Identify as many as you can.

Follow the Leader! (8 mins.)

Recognize posted objects (as many as you can) in your room where something
related to a place. The group that has the most marked locations will be the

1. First, fall in line and the leader will be the guide. Just follow the leader and do not
break the line. If the line is broken, go again to the starting place.
2. Second, recognize and mark posted objects related to a place. Write a
description in bond paper and put the time when you have identified. This is the
Identified place:
The time you identified:
3. Post/ paste every answer in number 2 in the nearer chair to the posted object
related to a place/ location.
4. Give a group’s clap before going to the next location.
5. Identify as many as you can.

Follow the Leader! (8 mins.)

Recognize posted objects (as many as you can) in your room where something
related to a place. The group that has the most marked locations will be the

1. First, fall in line and the leader will be the guide. Just follow the leader and do
not break the line. If the line is broken, go again to the starting place.
2. Second, recognize and mark posted objects related to a place. Write a
description in bond paper and put the time when you have identified. This is
the format:
Identified place:
The time you identified:
3. Post/ paste every answer in number 2 in the nearer chair to the posted object
related to a place/ location.
Give a group’s clap before going to

You set me up & played me too! (21 mins.)

Directions: You have three characters below complete with their names, physical attributes as well as backstories and
character motivations. Your work is to place them in a single setting.. You shall be given scores based on the rubrics
provided below. (

In addition, each group will be prepared to have your presentation of setting by your task.

Performance Task with/without ICT integration:

Group 1- Through skit via selling/ broker related to the written setting
Group 2- Through Music involvement related to the written setting
Group 3- Through News reporting of the written setting
Group 4- Through Dance interpretation of the written setting

Rubric for Written Output of Setting

Character 1:

Jerry Dulay is an ex-soldier. He quit the service after suffering hearing impairment caused by landmines
in one of their raids during the Operation Desert Storm in Iraq. He was left by his wife who went with a
wealthy business tycoon. He now lives with his son who is severely sick with leukemia. Jerry believes that
the Ruby of Amedala, believed to possess mystical powers to heal any ailment or disease, is the only key
to save his son.

Character 2:

Tanya Dela Cruz used to be a triathlon athlete. She has won many triathlon competitions before but cut
short her sports career after her marriage to a business tycoon. Unfortunately, her relationship with the
man bitterly ended in a divorce. She is now battling a case for child custody but is up to fail for reasons
that she does not have the financial capability. Amassing a big fortune is her only ticket to win. The Ruby
of Amedala will give her that ticket.

Character 3:

Lherman Picaso is an archeologist. He has travelled far and wide making discoveries here and there one
after the other. But there is one thing that he is obssess of and that is the Ruby of Amedala. Lherman is
fascinated by folkloric beliefs that the ruby has the power to transport anyone through time in past or in
the future. Lherman is bent to possess the Ruby at all cost.

1. As the sunset in the evening sky, Malcolm slowly turned and walked toward his home. All was
silent and still. Through the window, he could see his older brother James watching a football game on
the TV. James was home from his first year of college in the city. It was lonely at times, but Malcolm felt
it was rather nice to not be in James' shadow during his senior year of high school.

Time: Evening, senior year of high school, and modern times (they have a TV).
Place: Malcolm’s home, and possibly the suburbs or country (his brother has gone to the city for

Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School (Comehi), formerly known as Barcenaga Barangay
High School is a 10, 000 sq. meter milieu located at the western part of the municipality of Naujan
which serves the students of the Barangay Barcenaga who mostly live through farming and multi-scale
business. Adjacent to the elementary School, the site for the Barcenaga High School has an area of
10,000 square meters, it was donated by the late Naujan Municipal Mayor Porfirio G. Comia and titled
in the name of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports.
(Source: Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School’ School Improvement Plan, 2018)

Set the Stage, Please? (10 mins.)

Directions: Figure out the setting of the stage based on the dialogues and stage directions. Choose the letter of the
correct answer. Place your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Tatay : (pulls the blinds to let sunshine in and opens the windows for fresh air) How are you feeling now,
baby? (checks her forehead for temperature) No more fever, eh? I guess you’ll be up and running in no time!

Nadia : (raises herself and sits down on her bed) When will mama be home, Tay? I miss her so much. (starts to

Tatay : (Hugs Nadia) The embassy said they are already coordinating with the Saudi government for the
release of your mother. Hush now baby, don’t cry. Your mom will be safe. God will protect her.

1. Based on the dialogues between the father and child Nadia, where do you think is the setting of
the scene?
A. Bedroom C. Kitchen
B. Living Room D. Terrace

Mrs Marquez : (points at Mark) You are a filthy liar! You deliberately pushed my son into the pit !

Mrs Lim : (stands up and raises her voice) Don’t you dare point fingers at my son like that! It was your son who
provoked my son in the first place! (faces Madam Cardinez) Madam, if there is someone here who deserves
punishment I believe it is Liam (looks at Liam with contempt)

Mrs Marquez : I strongly disagree, madam! Mrs Lim’s son is the reason why Mark suffered the injuries. Mark should
be expelled from this school for gross misconduct!

2. Based on the dialogues between the Mrs. Lim and Mrs. Marquez, where do you think is the
setting of the scene?
A. Principal’s Office C. School Clinic
B. Guardhouse D. School Gym

Kyle : (sits down on the sofa then grabs a magazine to read from the coffee table) There’s nothing here worth
reading. (checks his watch) What’s taking her so long. We are late already. (stands up)

Shane : (enters from left) I’m here now, honey.

Kyle : What took you so long to dress up, darling? I’ve been waiting here for almost an hour now. I told you to dress
up two hours ago.

Shane : As if you don’t know your wife’s morning routine? I still have my morning yoga, then water my plants and
then check my…

Kyle : Cut it off! Come on, let’s go. We’re late already!

3. The dialogue between Kyle and Shane is typical between husband and wife. Where do you think
is the setting of the scene?
A. Bedroom C. Kitchen
B. Living Room D. Terrace
Think-pair-share (5 mins.)
Directions: Identify the setting (time and place) of the following passages. Write your answer on the blank. The
first one is done for you.
1. As the night ended, the sun-splashed across Casey's bed. He opened his eyes slowly. The first thing he saw was
the beautiful blue ribbon on his bookshelf.
Time: __morning___
Place: ____Casey’s bed___
2. Oscar thought it was time to get a breath of air, so he began to make his way to the surface. Before he reached it,
a large shadow came toward him. Was it a shark? He thought of his parents on the beach. Would this be the end of
the vacation?
Time: ______________________________________________
Place: ______________________________________________
3. Dirk adjusted his space suit. He wasn’t used to fighting aliens in zero gravity. He was more of a terrain fighter. He
looked around the spaceship. Three Zorlak warriors were splattered against the wall. He pressed the communi-
button. A second later a voice spoke into the
cabin, “Commander Dirk, how may I support you?” Dirked smirked and replied, “We need someone to clean up an
awful mess in here. I’m in the control chamber by the engine room.”
Time: ______________________________________________
Place: ______________________________________________
4. Orlak pulled Gorth near the fire. He wrapped his arm around him and spoke from his heart, “Orlak need
mammoth fur. Orlak too cold in cave.” Gorth remembered what it was like sleeping in a cave before he had a
mammoth fur. He spoke to Orlak, “Ok, Orlak. We get you fur.” A
cold wind blew through the cave.
Time: ______________________________________________
Place: ______________________________________________

Think-pair-share (5 mins.)
Directions: Identify the setting (time and place) of the following passages. Write your answer on the blank. The
first one is done for you.
1. As the night ended, the sun-splashed across Casey's bed. He opened his eyes slowly. The first thing he saw was
the beautiful blue ribbon on his bookshelf.
Time: __morning___
Place: ____Casey’s bed___
2. Oscar thought it was time to get a breath of air, so he began to make his way to the surface. Before he reached it,
a large shadow came toward him. Was it a shark? He thought of his parents on the beach. Would this be the end of
the vacation?
Time: ______________________________________________
Place: ______________________________________________
3. Dirk adjusted his space suit. He wasn’t used to fighting aliens in zero gravity. He was more of a terrain fighter. He
looked around the spaceship. Three Zorlak warriors were splattered against the wall. He pressed the communi-
button. A second later a voice spoke into the
cabin, “Commander Dirk, how may I support you?” Dirked smirked and replied, “We need someone to clean up an
awful mess in here. I’m in the control chamber by the engine room.”
Time: ______________________________________________
Place: ______________________________________________
4. Orlak pulled Gorth near the fire. He wrapped his arm around him and spoke from his heart, “Orlak need
mammoth fur. Orlak too cold in cave.” Gorth remembered what it was like sleeping in a cave before he had a
mammoth fur. He spoke to Orlak, “Ok, Orlak. We get you fur.” A
cold wind blew through the cave.
Time: ______________________________________________
Place: ______________________________________________

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