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Creating a Paladin in Dungeon World: A Step-by-Step Guide

Paladins are holy warriors, champions of righteousness, and

defenders of the faith. Bound by oaths of honor and duty,
Paladins wield divine power to smite evil, heal the wounded, and
protect the innocent from harm. With their unwavering faith and
indomitable will, Paladins stand as beacons of hope in a world
besieged by darkness

Step 1: Choose Your Race

Select a race for your Paladin character, considering the various

racial traits and abilities that each race offers. Paladins can come
from diverse backgrounds, with races like Humans, Dwarves, and
Half-Elves all providing unique advantages that can complement
your character's abilities

Step 2: Determine Ability Scores

Assign ability scores to your Paladin character using the standard

array or by rolling dice. Focus on abilities that align with your
character's martial prowess, divine magic, and unwavering faith,
such as Strength for combat, Charisma for spellcasting, and
Wisdom for divine insight

Step 3: Choose a Look

De ne your Paladin's appearance and demeanor by selecting

options from the Look section of the Paladin playbook. Consider
aspects such as armor, holy symbols, scars, and demeanor, and
use them to convey your character's divine calling and noble

Step 4: Select Starting Moves

Choose starting moves for your Paladin character from the list
provided in the Paladin playbook. These moves represent your
character's divine powers, martial abilities, and sacred oaths.
Consider your character concept and playstyle when making your
selections, and choose moves that re ect your vision for your

Some recommended starting moves for a Paladin include

• Lay on Hands: Channel divine energy to heal wounds and

cure diseases, restoring vitality to yourself or your allies with
a touch of your hands.

• Divine Favor: Call upon the power of your deity to bless

your attacks and smite your enemies with righteous fury,
dealing extra damage to foes who oppose your cause.

• I Am the Law: Invoke your authority as a Paladin to compel

obedience and respect from others, commanding their
attention and enforcing order in chaotic situations.

• Holy Protection: Shield yourself and your allies from harm

with a divine aura of protection, granting bonuses to their
defenses and resisting magical attacks.

• Divine Guidance: Seek guidance from your deity in times of

need, gaining insight and inspiration to overcome challenges
and make dif cult decisions.

Step 5: De ne Bonds


Establish bonds with other player characters and NPCs to de ne

your Paladin's relationships and connections within the game
world. Bonds represent the ties that bind your character to others
and can be used to drive role-playing interactions and character
development throughout the campaign


Creating a Paladin character in Dungeon World allows you to

embody the archetype of the holy warrior and righteous
champion. By following these steps and making thoughtful
choices during character creation, you can create a Paladin
character that is unique, dynamic, and ready to uphold the tenets
of justice, honor, and righteousness. Whether you're smiting evil,
healing the wounded, or inspiring others with your faith and
courage, your Paladin character will be a shining beacon of hope
in a world darkened by sin and corruption


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