TC All Phases

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Voices -
Indoor Voice: Correct grammar (Accurate puncuation, capitalization, etc.)
Outdoor Voice: Some grammar (All caps, inaccurate punctuation, etc.)

Permissions (Can only be used if they're activated, and they can be denied.) -
Permission to fall in, ma'am/sir/rank? (Ask to join a training)
Permssion to speak, ma'am/sir/rank? (Ask if you have a question)

Faces -
Right/Left face: 90 degree turn in the given direction from your current face.
Right/Left incline: 45 degree turn in the given direction from your current face.
About face: 180 degree turn from your current face. (Just face backwards)
Center face: Turn toward your host's general direction. (Not the exact direction,
just the general direction like North, East, South, West, etc.)
Control face: Constantly follow your host. (If they move, you follow with your
camera. This can only be broken with Center face.)

Positions -
STS/Shoulder to Shoulder: Stand side by side with the people next to you.
SFL/Single File Line: Stand in a line behind the player in front of you.
Wedge/Reverse Wedge: Line up with the shoulder of the player in front (if in wedge)
or behind (if in reverse) you.
Must say "on me" after saying a formation (for tc)

Metagaming -
Talking about something that is not yet in lore or something that your current in-
lore character is unaware of. (You can look it up. It has the same definition for
any lore-heavy game.)

Wedge- (WE)- Where the guards are on the player chosen shoulders and stacks on each


Two collums (2C)- Form 2 collums around the player chosen

(SFL)- Single File Line.

Trap (T)- Trap is where to trap the player in a box/ circle.

Defend (D)- Defend a player of Choice.



Phase I Training
Permanent death these events involve a activity where ur death or disconnection
will result in a wipe. They have to restart.
PD is to create a lore emotion of how the actual characters would feel as a true
if a PD even occurs you have to move into the bunker and you’re not allowed to
leave. Bunkers next to TI CAMP it’s the white building)
when ur inside the bunks you have to follow orders or you might die.
you have to spell the number and then jump.
one: jump
two: jump
Grammar jacks is grammar jacks with grammar. (inside voice) You have to use
you spell out each number and say the full number and then jump.
Cadets have certain restrictions are only allowed into trainee camp for certain
events like graduation. They are stricly prohibited for going to diffirent places
like wall rose, its punishable.
Cadets are stricly prohibited from using muskets and gear if caught stealing you
can get punished like rank lock or disciplinary training(S) demotions in extreme

PHASE I Training
1: Do not point your musket at anyone.
2: Do not fire without your host permission.
3: Do not use any of the commands without a order.
4: No misbehavior with the musket.
1: You will go into shoulder arms.
K: Trail arms.
H: Ground arms.
L: Support arms.
N: Slope arms.
J: Port arms.
G: Advanced arms.
C: Crouch.
V: Salute.
T: Eyes right.
Left click: Make ready.
F: Aim.
Y: Third person aim.
Q: Iron sight. (First person aim)
R: Reload.
B: Equip. (Bayonet)
X: Toggled melee. (right click to block)
How to shoot:
There is bullet travel
The further you are the longer it takes the bullet to reach the target.
There is no bullet drop for now
aim directly where you want ur bullet to hit
make sure ur mouse cursor isnt on any of the players in first person or you’ll hit

Phase II Notes:
PD stands for "Permanent Death"

Titan Biology

Titan Types- Titans can range anywhere from II-XV meters. There are multiple titans
classifications such as Mindless, Abnormals, and Crawlers.
Titan Subjugation- To kill a titan, you must strike the I meter long, and 10
centimeter wide, nape section on the back of their neck.


Walls- The walls are century old structures built by humanity that can be anywhere
up to 50/L meters high.
On top of the walls there are hundreds of canons and catapults that can shoot
titans that are at close range and supplies that are used to defend the that they
reside on.
Extra- Do to the vast amount of walls, four towns were built on the periphery of
each wall (also known as districts like Trost, Shiganshina, Utopia, etc.).


Description- Every branch, apart from the Trainee Instructors, use signal flares as
a method of long distance communication.
They originated from the Garrison (SG) and the Survey Corps (SL).
Relay- Meaning when you see the flare of the specific type, you return it by
shooting a flare of your own with the same color.

Survey Corp Flare Types-

Red flare: Mindless spotted. (Relayed)
Green flare: Change direction (Commander ONLY, do not relay)
Black flare: Abnormal/Crawler/Assassin/ spotted. (Relayed)
Yellow Flare: Position Check (Commander FIRST and then Relayed)
Blue flare: Retreat. (Relayed)
Purple flare: Emergency (MIA/Medkit/Stuck in PD) (Not Relayed)
Signal flare (Sound flare): Used to navigate through fog, only HRS+. (Not Relayed)

Garrison Flare Types-

Green flare: Change Direction. (Commander ONLY).
Red flare: Mindless spotted. (Titan Spotted)
Black flare Abnormal/Crawler/Assassin/Horde spotted.
Yellow flare: Mission halted/terminated
Purple flare: Emergency (MIA/Medkit/Stuck in PD)
Blue flare: Retreat.


Every month in real life is a year in lore. The current year in lore is 853.

The current monarch is no one

CIC: Lama W. Ackerman
Prime Minister: Amari Ou'bre

Standing Walls" Wall Rxse, Wall Sina, Wall Maria

4 Districts per wall.

SL - Scoutiong Legion: Scouting Legion is a branch that ventures outside the walls
to find information about the outside world
and engage titans if necessary their equipment is limited to 3DMG and Flares but
the SOS squad have access to other weaponry.

SG - The Stationary Guard are the shield of humanity, their job is to protect our
walls from any approaching titan. They sometimes assist MP inside the walls for any
human threat.

MP - The Military police us a branch that deals with any human threat inside our
walls, they are specialsed in muskets and other weaponry.

TI - Trainee Instructors are the buidling blocks of the military they train the
next generation of cadets to become full fledged soilders,.

Phase IV Notes:


Gear Rules-
1. Top Cadets can use gear with permission from an STI+.

2. Graduate Cadets can use gear with supervision of a STI+.

3. Make sure to ask an STI+ to use gear, and not a branch member.

4. Do not take out blades without a TI's permission.

5. Do not steal gear / use without permission. The result of doing so is a ban.

6. Do not hook on to people. The result of doing so is a ban.

7. It's illegal to use ODM gear and muskets at the same time, Only ES, MP PFC+ and

8. Do not steal gear or kill anyone with gear at all as that can get you BANNED.

9. Due to recent events, weapon rights changed.

Gear Keybinds-
Q and E = Hook

A and D = Orbit

Space = Gas

H = Flares

R = Sheathe Blades

My handwork has helped me through training and that's why the Scouting Legion is
the best for me.
I'm quick on my feet, adapt to changes quickly, independent, hardworking and I can
assist back up quickly, and I don't back down from a challenge.
I believe I have what it takes to become a reliable soldier for the Scouting

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