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Tibia bone

Dr.Priyanka Poonia
Assistant Professor
NAMC, Agra

 Upper end is much larger than

lower end.
 The medial side of lower end have  Medial & larger bone of leg.
a downward projection, medial  It is a long bone
malleolus.  Also known as shin bone
 The anterior border of shaft is  Homologous with radius bone
of forearm.  Tibia is held
sharpest border of the bone. vertically.
Upper end

Parts of tibia Shaft

1.Upper end
Lower end
1.Medial condyle
2.Lateral condyle 2.Shaft
area Borders Surfaces
4.Tibial tuberosity 1.Anterior 1.Medial
5.Fibular facet 2.Medial 2.Lateral
3.Lateral 3. Posterior 3.Lower end

5 surfaces
1. Medial
2. Lateral
3. Anterior
4. Posterior
5. Inferior
1.Medial condyle 2. Lateral condyle

 larger than lateral condyle.  Fibular facet oval, lies

 Articulate with medial posteroinferior aspect.
condyle of femur to form  Forms sup. TBJ with head of
knee joint. fibula.
 4 surfaces, anterior, medial,  Articulate with lateral condyle
posterior & superior. of femur to form knee joint.

 Superior articular, oval shape,  4 surfaces, anterior, medial,

has central & peripheral parts. posterior & superior.
 Central direct contact with  Posterior- groove.
 Anterior - Gerdy’s tubercle.
femoral condyle.
 Superior articular, circular shape
 Peripheral is separated by
has central & peripheral parts.
medial meniscus.
 Central direct contact with
femoral condyle.
 Anterior & Medial -
 Peripheral is separated by lateral
vascular foramina
 Posterior- groove
3. Inter condylar

 B/W superior surface  Elevated part

of 2 condyle. intercondylar eminence.
 Narrowest in its  Formed by M&L
middle. intercondylar tubercle

4. Tibial tuberosity

 Prominence located on
anterior aspect of upper  Forms anterior limits
end. of intercondylar area.
 Upper smooth & lower  Continuous with
rough part. anterior border of shaft.
 Epiphyseal line of upper
end passes b/w two.

Medial border
 Round
 Extends b/w medial condyle
to posterior border of medial

Lateral border
 Interosseous
 Extends b/w lateral condyle
to anterior border of fibular

Anterior border
 Sharp & ‘S’ shape
 Subcutaneous, forms shin
 Extends b/w tibial tuberosity to anterior
border of medial malleolus.

Medial surface
 b/w medial to anterior border.
 Broad & subcutaneous.

Lateral surface
 b/w lateral to anterior border.
 In lower 1/3 it is directed

Posterior surface
 b/w medial to lateral border.
 Upper part has rough oblique ridge, soleal
 Above soleal line triangular upper area,
below elongated lower area.
 Lower area divides into medial & lateral part,
by a vertical ridge.
 Nutrient foramen lies in this surface.
Lower end

Lateral surface
Anterior surface
 Triangular fibular notch,
 Larger, upper smooth &
articulates with lower end of
lower rough grooved
fibula to form inferior TFJ.

Posterior surface Inferior surface

 Smaller than anterior.  Articular, articulates with
superior trochlear surface of
talus to form ankle joint.

Medial surface
 Subcutaneous, prolonged
downward as medial
Tibial tuberosity
 Ligamentum
patellae- upper
Attachments Intercondylar area
smooth part
 Infrapatellar bursa-  Anterior horn of
lower rough part. medial meniscus
 Anterior horn of
lateral meniscus
Medial condyle  Anterior cruciate
 Capsular ligament of Upper ligament
knee joint  Posterior horn of
 Medial patellar end medial meniscus
ligament- ant. surface  Posterior horn of
 Semimembranosus – lateral meniscus
groove on post surface  Posterior cruciate

Lateral condyle
 Capsular ligament of
Sup TFJ.
 Iliotibial tract-ant.
 Tendon of popliteus-
groove on post
Medial border
 Tibial collateral

Lateral surface-
 Tibialis anterior-
upper 2/3

Popliteus Soleous Tibialis ant. Tibialis post.

Anterior border
 Deep fascia of leg Posterior surface
 Superior extensor  Soleus- soleal line
retinaculum Shaft  Popliteus – above the
soleal line
 Flexor digitorum longus-
Medial surface below the soleal line
 Sartorious (medially)
 Gracilis  Tibialis posterior-below
 Semitendinosus the soleal line (laterally)


Inferior surface
 Capsule of ankle

Medial malleolus
 Deltiod ligament
of ankle joint

Fibular notch
 Interosseous
tibiofibular ligament
Relations of lower end of Tibia
Medial to Lateral

Anterior aspect Posterior aspect

6 structures 5 structures
(2+1+1+2) (MAN MUSCLES) (2+1+1+1)

1. Tibialis anterior 1.Tibialis posterior

2. Extensor hallucis longus 2. Flexor Digitorum longus
3. Ant. Tibial artery 3.Post. Tibial artery
4. Deep peroneal nerve 4.Tibial nerve
5. Ext. digitorum longus 5.Flexor Hallucis longus
6. Peroneus longus
Applied aspect

 Nutrient artery of tibia is largest

 Commonest site of & branch of posterior tibial
osteomyelitis is upper artery may tears in fracture of
end (knee remain safe). shaft caused necrosis.

 Commonest site of
 It has 1 primary (appears at 7th
fracture is junction b/w
week of IUL)in shaft & 2
upper 2/3 & lower 1/3.
secondary (at 16-18th year) in
both ends Ossification Centre.

 Commonest site of
dislocation is ankle joint
in which talus produce
prominence of heel.
Applied aspect


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