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CREATE A POWERPOINT SLIDE * STEP:1 * Create Microsoft Power Point * STEP:2 * Go to file at the too of the screen an d click now, A box that says “New Presentation should appear on the night slide of your screen * STEP:3 * In the “New Presentation” dialog box, click on “From Design Template” you then scan through design templates and choose one that you like STEP:4 SLIDE DESIGN * Select a design template by clicking on the Template you like. You may choose a different color for your template by checking on “Color schemes” in the “New presentation dialog box. STEP:8 RESIZING PICTURES + You may change the size of your picture by clicking on the picture. The picture will then have black lines around it with small bubbles or boxes in the corners place your mouse over the bubbles or boxes and click. Holding the mouse pointer down, drag the picture to the size you want STEP:9 YOU’RE DONE * Wasn’t that easy? Now you can do it again to make more. MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY Introduction To Microsoft Power Point 2016 Drawing a presentation: When you create a blank presentation powerpoint, the workspace opens in normal view. Normal view is divided into three areas. * Slide pane-shows the full layout of a slide * Thumbnails-shows slide thumbnails + Notes pane-used to input text relevant to a specific slide. Spacer views include slide Sorter view which shows thumbnails of the entire presentation and Slide show view a where you preview your presentation as your audience will see it. ENTERING TEXT ON A SLIDE + Entering text on a slide * Enter a new presentation the first slide to appear is a title slide. It contains tab a little placeholder and a subtitle placeholder. To click when the placeholder and type. Click to add title 2 OUTLINE * Make your 15 or 2"¢ slide an outline of your presentation -Ex: Previous slide * Follow the order of your outline for the rest of the presentation * Only place main points on the outline slide -Ex: Use the titles of each slides as main points FONTS-GOOD * Use at least an 18-point font * Use different size fonts main points and secondary points -This font is 24-point the main point is 28-point and the title font is 38-points. * Use standard font like Times new Roman or Arial STEP:7 ADDING PICTURE * You add may picture by clicking on the text that says “click to add content”, inside that box, there will be a smaller box with six icons. Click on the icon that looks like a photograph of a mountain. A new window will open allowing you to browse for a picture on your computer or a CD. Once you find your picture, click on it and them click “insert”. To Format Text: * Click within the placeholder. * Select the text to format. * Click on the home tab. = Click on the formatting buttons in either the font or Paragragh groups. + You can also Mini Tool Bar that appears when the text is selected GRAPHS-GOOD * Use graphs rather than just chart and words -Data in graphs is easier to comprehend & retain than is raw data. -Trends are easier to visualize in graph form * Always title your graph CREATING A NEW PRESENTATION CREATE A NEW PRESENTATION: * Click on the file tab * Click on new * Select other a blank presentation a featured theme or search online and themes * Double-click blank presentation to create a new presentation. Click to add title PRINTING: To Print * Click on the file tab * Click on print APPLYING SLIDE TRANSITIONS * A transitions is a special effect that determines how a slide appears as if enters or leaves the screen. APPLY TRASITIONS * Click on the Transitions tab Click on the drop down arrow in the Transitions to This slides group to see a listing of all available transitions * Click on the transitions you want to apply * Click on Apply to All to apply the transitions effects to the entire presentation SLIDE STRUCTURE-GOOD * Show one point at a time -Will help audience concentrate on what you are saying -Will prevent audience from reading ahead -Will help you keep your presentation focused ADDING NEW SLIDE * Each slide Power Point has a hide layout. Slide layout contains formatting preparing and screen holders all of the content that appears on a slide * Power Point includes wipe built-in-slide layouts FONTS-BAD * If you use a small font, your audience won't be able to read what you have written * CAPITALIZE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY, IT IS DIFFICULT TO READ * Don’t use a complicated font PRINTING: CONTENT SLIDE: * If you choose a slide with content you will have six types of content to choose from * Click on the type of content you want to create and PowerPoint will provide the tools needed to create it. Click to add title Click to add text * Click to add text * Click to add text COLOUR-GOOD * Use a colour of font that contrasts sharply with the background -Ex: blue font on white background * Use colour reinforce the logic of your structure -Ex light blue title and dark blue text * Use colour to emphasize a point -But only use this occasionally Click to add title UNDER SETTING CLICK ON PRINT ALL SLIDES AND SELECT ONE OF THE OPYIONS POINT: Print all slides -print enter presentation Print selection -only print the selected sliders Print current slides- only print the current slides Custom range-enter specific slides to print BACKGROUND * Avoid backgrounds to are distracting or difficult to read from * Always be consistent with the background that you use BACKGROUND-GOOD * Use backgrounds such as this one that are attractive but simple * Use backgrounds which are light * Use the same background consistently throughout your presentation STEP:5 SLIDE LAYOUT * Change the slide layout. You many change the slide layout (how information is presented in the slide) by going to the top of the screen and clicking on format”-slide layout.” A box will appear on the right. slide of your screen ( where “New presentation” appeared) labeled “slide layout”. You may select a design by checking on it. STEP:6 ADDING TEXT * Enter your text by clicking and then typing in the box titled “click to add text” or “Click to add title” SLIDE STRUCTURE-BAD * This page contains too many words for a presentation slide. It is not written in point from making it difficult both for your audience to read and for you to present each point although there are exactly the same number of points on this slide as the previous slide it look much more complicated it short your audience will spend too much time trying to read this paragraph instead of listening to you. TO ADD NEW SLIDES: * Click on the home tab * Click on new slide in the slides group * Choose a slide layout SLIDE STRUCTURE-BAD * Do not use distracting animation * Do not go overboard with the animation * Be consistent with the animation that see you use

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