CMPS 320

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Unix Systems for Geoscientists

CMPS 320
Credits: 1.5
Total Modules: 8
COMP 252: Computer Fundamentals for Geology II


Learners will gain UNIX skills related to managing and processing data as found in the
oil and gas industry. While using the bash shell, learners will create and use a variety of
scripts. Emphasis is placed on developing skills that students will find valuable working
in the UNIX environment.

Effective Fall 2014/2015

redefine yourself
Course Evaluation:
Labs 15%
Quizzes 15%
Mid Term Exam 30%
Final Exam 35%
Professionalism 5%
Total 100%

In order to write the mid term and final exam, learners must satisfactorily complete all of the
lab exercises as prescribed by the instructor.

Attendance Policy for EXPT Courses

Attendance at all classes and labs is mandatory. Students are expected to attend and to be on time
for all classes and labs. A student who accumulates three unexcused absences in any course will be
suspended from that course and his or her grade will be reduced to zero. Students must notify the
instructor when they cannot attend classes. Students will be required to justify non-attendance (for
example, with a doctor’s note).

The chair and instructor will decide whether the student may be readmitted to the course. If
re-admitted the student will sign an attendance agreement committing to full attendance for the
remainder of the course. This agreement, must subsequently, be signed by the program chair.

Classes or labs will not be re-taught. The student is responsible for making up the missed work.

If the student is again absent without being excused, she or he will be expelled from the course and
receive a grade of “F”.

SAIT Grading Scale

Percentage Letter Grade
Grade Grade Points
90-100 A+ 4.0
85-89 A 4.0
80-84 A- 3.7
77-79 B+ 3.3
73-76 B 3.0
70-72 B- 2.7
67-69 C+ 2.3
63-66 C 2.0
60-62 C- 1.7
55-59 D+ 1.3
50-54 D Minimal
0-49 F 0.0

Effort and involvement are as essential for learning as they are for success in your career. To help
assure your success, participation in all activities of this course is expected. Your program will
identify any specific requirements applicable to this class and delivery method. Reference: Procedure
AC.3.8.1 Attendance Requirements (available on

Student Code of Conduct

Academic dishonesty is considered to be an extremely serious academic offence. Reference:
Procedure AC. 3.4.1 - Student Code of Conduct (available on

Ownership of Student Produced Work

According to Policy AC.3.10, SAIT will normally return students' work to the students. However, in
certain courses, SAIT retains the right to keep physical possession of the students' work. Your
instructor will discuss this with you at the start of the course. Reference: Procedure AC. 3.10 -
Ownership of Student Produced Work (available on

Field Trips
Field trips may be scheduled if a local or provincial activity is deemed to be a valuable learning
experience for this course. Students will be provided with timely information to facilitate preparation
for the field trip. Students are expected to participate and to follow directives to minimize safety and
health risks. Reference: Procedure A.C.2.13.1 Field Trips (available on

Time Guidelines:
The instructional time for this course is...
60.00 Hours

Course Text(s):
Reference Text(s):
Recommended SAIT 24x7 E-Books

1. van Vugt, S. (2009). Beginning the Linux Command Line. Apress. ISBN: 9781430218890.

2. Parker, S. (2011). Shell Scripting: Expert Recipes for Linux, Bash and More. Wrox Press,
Inc. ISBN: 9781118024485.

3. Membrey, P., Verhoeven, T. & Angenendt, R. (2009). The Definitive Guide to CentOS.
Apress. ISBN: 9781430219309.

4. Negus, C. & Caen, F. (2008). Fedora Linux Toolbox: 1000 + Commands for Fedora,
CentOS and Red Hat Power Users. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 9780470082911.

5. Foster-Johnson, E., Welch, J.C., & Anderson, M. (2005). Beginning Shell Scripting. Wrox
Press, Inc. ISBN: 9780764583209.

6. Negus, C. & Foster-Johnson, E. (2011). Fedora Bible 2011 Edition: Featuring Fedora
Linux 14. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 9780470944967.

7. Blum, R. & Bresnahan, C. (2011). Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible (2nd ed.).
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 9781118004425.
Course Content
Below is presented a list of the learning modules used to achieve the learning outcome(s) for this

1. UNIX Introduction – System Initialization

Learning Outcome:

Initialize UNIX/LINUX systems using different techniques.


1.1 Compare UNIX/LINUX architectures.

1.2 Differentiate POSIX standards.
1.3 Configure LINUX operating systems.
1.4 Perform UNIX/LINUX booting and shutdown procedures using different run
1.5 Differentiate shells supported by Linux.
1.6 Navigate systems resources using the GUI (Graphical User Interface) and CLI
(Command Line Interface).
1.7 Modify system's variables using different Linux shells.

2. UNIX Files/Directories Management

Learning Outcome:

Manage UNIX/LINUX files/directories structure.


2.1 Navigate UNIX/LINUX files/directories structure using GUI and Command Line.
2.2 Differentiate relative and absolute path names.
2.3 Use Linux commands and GUI to manage files/directories structure.
2.4 Use wildcard to search files/directories structure.
2.5 Differentiate Linux File types.
2.6 Protect file/directories structures using Linux utilities.
2.7 Connect processes using unnamed pipes.
2.8 Redirect input/output to standard I/O devices.
2.9 Use CUT and TR commands to extract and convert geoscience data.
3. Working with Text Editors

Learning Outcome:

Manipulate geoscience data using Linux text editors.


3.1 Differentiate Linux editors to manipulate geosciences data.

3.2 Manipulate geoscience data with vi editor.
3.3 Use FIND and GREP commands to manipulate geoscience data.
3.4 Use Linux commands to search files and directories.
3.5 Apply regular expressions in different text editors to search for specific patterns
within geoscience files.
3.6 Extract characters and fields from files using CUT command.

4. File System and I/O Devices Management

Learning Outcome:

Manage UNIX/LINUX file systems and I/O devices.


4.1 Describe the purpose and structure of a file system.

4.2 Compare Linux file systems.
4.3 Use Linux utilities to identify I/O devices.
4.4 Use LINUX utilities to access storage devices.
4.5 Use fsck utility to audit and repair file system inconsistencies.

5. Process Management

Learning Outcome:

Analyze UNIX/LINUX processes behaviour by using operating system utilities.


5.1 Differentiate Linux processes.

5.2 Identify process’ attributes.
5.3 Use commands to manage Linux processes.
5.4 Use PS and TOP commands to trace processes.
5.5 Create processes with high and low priority.
5.6 Differentiate Time Sharing and Real Time processes.
5.7 Analyze processes execution and effects on system performance.
5.8 Analyze process behaviour after sending a specific signal.
5.9 Manage process priorities using PRI and NI attributes.
5.10 Automate processes using CRONTAB and AT utilities.

6. UNIX SED Streamline Editor

Learning Outcome:

Use SED Editor to manipulate geoscience data.


6.1 Describe SED functions.

6.2 Identify SED Editor commands.
6.3 Compare different pattern matching regular expressions.
6.4 Use SED commands and Regular Expressions to manipulate geoscience data.
6.5 Use READ, WRITE, INSERT and APPEND SED commands to manage
geoscience data.
6.6 Debug SED Syntax errors.

7. Interactive Bourne (SH) and C Shell (CSH)

Learning Outcome:

Manipulate Bourne and C shell environment.


7.1 Differentiate Bourne and C shells environment.

7.2 Create aliases in Bourne and C shells.
7.3 Set variables in Bourne and C shells.
7.4 Customize user-specific initialization files.
7.5 Create and run scripts using SET command and special built-in shell variables.

8. Bash Shell Programming

Learning Outcome:

Write basic level Bash scripts.


8.1 Create aliases and variables using Bash shell.

8.2 Write Bash scripts to convert data within files.
8.3 Write Bash scripts to extract data from files.
8.4 Use logical operators in Bash scripts.
8.5 Debug shell programs.

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