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Making PowerPoint Slides

Avoiding the Pitfalls

of Bad Slides
Slide Structure - Good
" Use 1-2 slides per minute of your presentation
" Write in point form, not complete
Include 4-5 points per slide
" Avoid wordiness: use key words and phrases
Graphs - Good
" Use graphs rather than just charts and words
- Data in graphs is easier to comprehend & retain
than is raw data
Trends are easier to visualize in graph form

" Always title your graphs

Colour -Bad
siCeondssiounat eoenotconttasih
" Using colour for decoration is distracting and
. Using a different colour for each point is
- Using a different colour for secondary points is also
" Tr ing to b creati e can al obe bad
Slide Structure - Good
Show one point at a time:
Will help audience concentrate on hat you are
- Will prevent audience from reading ahead
- Will help you keep your presentation focused
Fonts - Bad
if you usea small font, your audience won't be able to read what you have writen



" Don't use a complicated font

aetPont pu vanety of themes that apely a a
iately adds a profoseioral toentation, Using athemook t the iert, blete
eate a new presentation and you can chsentation,
ge he You can aetaver and
theme many irnes as
as en you
Te Apply a Theme:
Chck on the Design tab
2) Select one of the
themes in the Themes group
to see more themes,
click on the
dialog box launcher

To Fornat Text:
t Cick within the
2) Select the texd foplaceholder

Qulz Show

3) Clic n tne Home tab

sg buttons in either the Font or
Paragraph group
5) You can also use the Mini Tool Bar that appears when the text is selected
Introduction to
Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
esinga Presentation
workspace cpens in Normal vies
ereate a Blank Presentation in PowerPoint, the
vew is divided into three
Pane-shows the full layout of a side
Slide hows slde thumbnails
n n d to input text relevant to a specifc side
Notes Pan of the entire presentation
which shows thumbnals t
Slide Sorter viewyour
her views ncudewhere presetation as your audience wil see
you preview
sde Show view

S Pane

Cick toadd

Netas Pane

slide layout (how information
Slide Laye
ayout mnay change the the screen and clicking on
step5: the Side Layout. Yougoing to the top of
slide) by the right side of your screen
sented in t
Layout.A box will appear on Layout." You may select
ormat labeled "Slide
"New Presentation" appeared)
ere on it.
design by cicking
Text "Click to Add
Step 6: Adding clicking and then typing in the box titled
Enter your text by
Textor Click to Add Title."
euen T: Adding P box that says "Click to adu coitanc."
You may add pictures
clcking on the icons. Click onn the icon
a smaller box with six
Insde that box, there will be a mountain. A new window will open,
that looks lke a photograph ofpicture on your computer or a CD. Once you
allowing you to browse for a then click "Insert."
find your picture, click on it and

Click to add title

PowerPoint Slide
Creating a
Ce Moeoft Poverfoint

screer and click New. A box that says Nex

te Fle at the too efappear your screen
uld cn the right side of
Step dalog box, click on "From Desion Tempiate.
tn the New Presentation termplates and choose one that you ike
Mthen scan threugh design

Click to add title

Click to add subtitile

Step 4: Slide Design

Select adesign termplate by ciicking on the ternplate you kcee, You may
chocse a different color for your template by chcktng on "Colar
the "New Presentation" dialog box Schemes in
on the picture. The
picture by clicking
bubbles or boxes in the
e8: change the size of your around it with small Holding the
may then have black lines bubbles or boxes and click.
e will mouse over the to the size you want.
ners Place your
down, drag the
LSe pointer

Click to add ue

add cantent

Step 9: You're Done! Wasn't that easy? Now you can do it again t

read-writetharngokink mataran

Avoid backgrounas ateistracting or

difficult to read from
Always be consistent with the ba
print shdestospecific erntRange- er Custom
slde current the print only Slid-e Current Print
sides selected the print -only Selection
presentation entire print Slides- Al PriPrnitnt
print options
to the of
one select and Slides Al Print on ck
ciSettings ider
ainng, PowerPoint T
Click 2)
tab File Pritnhte
PronCicikntingPrint:) To
presentation entiro the effect
totransition the apply toAll Appl
toy on
Clck 4)
apply want
to transtion
you the onCick 3)
au ot
lsting ase group transitons abie
to Slide ThisTeansition
to arfow
be in m e onCio )
Transitions Apply
the enters
or appears
itas slide deternines
howatransitions that effect special Apying
ating a
eatea Ney
Cick on he File tab
HCick on New
t ener
a Deuble-click Blank Presentation, tealured temeor search tor orinn
Presentation to
reate a new
presentatin beis d Pest.

Take a

Entering Toxt on a Slide

you ceate a new prosentation. tho first slide to apper is a Title side itéontans lo
dick ithin the
ocersatitle placeholder and a subtitle placeholder To add fext,
cahclder and type.


Click to add site

Background - Good
" Use backgrounds such as this one that are
attractive but simple

" Use background_ which are light

Use the same background consistently

throughoutyour presentation
31.6 34.6| 38.6 306 Balis Red
20.4 90 27.4 20.4 Balls Blue
April March February January
Bad Graphs-
Colour -Good
Use a colour of font that contrasts sharply with
the background
- Ex: blue font on white background
" Use colour to reinforce the logic of your
Ex: light blue title and dark blue text
" Use colour to emphasize a point
But only use this occasionally
Slide Structure - Bad
" Do not use distracting animation

" Do not go overboard with the animation

" Be consistent with the animation that you use

Fonts - Good

" Use at least an 18-point font

" Use different size fonts for main points and
secondary points
this font is 24-point, the main point font is
and the title font is 36-point
font like Times New Roman or
" Usea standard

Make your 1st or 2nd slide an outline of your

- Ex: previous slide
" Follow the order of your outline for the rest of
the presentation
" Only place main points on the outline slide
- Ex: Use the titles of each slide as main points
Slide Structure - Bad
" This page contains to0 many words for a
slide. It is not
written in point
making it difficult both for your audience
to read and for you to present each point.
Although there are exactly the same number of
points on this slide as the previous slide, it
looks much more complicated. In short, your
audience will spend too much time trying to
read this paragraph instead of listening to you.

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